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One Thing That Pisses Me Off


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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!


Seems to be a distinct lack of punctuation here :)

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!

Why have you started each word in the title  with capital letters....tut tut.. :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :nono:  :P  :P  :thumbsup:

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!

This is irony right?  

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!

I'll tell you what annoys me more; when people get unnecessarily angry on a public forum, on a matter which is so insignificant it shouldn't matter. Calm down chivers. 

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!


I would give this about D- for grammar.  Rather amusingly the lack of grammar in your English only highlights its very urgent necessity.  I'd say this is a classic paradox.

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I'll tell you what annoys me more; when people get unnecessarily angry on a public forum, on a matter which is so insignificant it shouldn't matter. Calm down chivers.

I take your point it just frustrates me when some one comes out with a very reasonable post only to get shot down on how they wrote it! Surely the the content of the post is much more important then the spelling or the full stops.
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I take your point it just frustrates me when some one comes out with a very reasonable post only to get shot down on how they wrote it! Surely the the content of the post is much more important then the spelling or the full stops.


I believe there should be a comma between post and it whilst "some one" should be someone. Just a thought.

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Poor standards shouldn't be tolerated in my opinion. 'Txt speak' has destroyed the literacy of a generation. It's just lazy as well.

There are no real excuses either. Spell checks, the internet and 'auto-correct' make it that much easier to get it right. Often I feel people must go to considerable lengths to spell badly.

Let's not forget that grammar is the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.

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I agree that the content is more important than the grammar but poor grammar and spelling often makes the post difficult to read. The use of paragraphs is often ignored which, with a long post, can make it almost unintelligible.

Minor mistakes should definitely be overlooked but if someone can't be bothered to make an effort with a post, why should others make an effort to read it?

(Remember, if there are mistakes in the above, I did say that minor mistakes should be overlooked. Plus, I'm about to go to the pub and I'm in a hurry)

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!


Their opinion. Your welcome. :thumbsup:

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Life's too short to be correcting someones grammar on the internet, or worrying about it if someone does. Or replying on a thread about it (oops).


It's worse to someones face. My better half only speaks basic English, and insists on me correcting her every time she gets something wrong (every other sentence!) in order for her to get better. Forget the Grammar Police, I'm the Grammar SAS at home!

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On this forum is the constant picking up on spelling and bad grammar even if the post is a very good post people still have a pick and moan at the spelling and grammar why are u all ******* English teachers or what let people have there opinion and if they don't spell it wright or have no punctuation like I haven't through this whole post so what!


It's actually hard to understand posts that don't use at least some basic punctuation and it's not difficult to do.  If your opinion is important enough to you to write down why don't you take ten seconds extra to make it possible to read easily?  Nobody really picks at typos or the odd spelling mistake.  

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