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Ched Evans , Gasheads And Acceptance

The Humble Realist

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I'd rather Ched Evans came out of prison and played football, thus paying tax and contributing something back to society, rather than being on the dole and my taxes supporting him. I'm no bleedin' heart liberal, but I'm not sure that it would be right to pick and choose careers that ex prisoners can do, unless it is a specific issue, such as kiddy fiddlers becoming teachers.

And as for the suggestion that Hollowhead could manage City..... No, just no, I cannot believe that anyone would consider it acceptable.

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I shall read through the thread in my own time but am too egotistic and confident in my own views to wait to express them ;) given what I read thus far..

Tony Pulis and his sag head mate Lindsay Parsons, was the last time gas heads infiltrated this club. With them, they brought the worse football I have ever known to Ashton Gate, along with the shittest bunch of signings inc. Paul Holland, Keith Millan, Paul Mortimer, Gerard Lavin, Steve Jones, Peter Beadle etc - basically gas take II of the 80's or Stoke City under Pulis in the Premier League (only we didn't have the success to go with).

^^ is that relevant? shall go check

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The Ched Evans case is actually really interesting. Not saying I support him but I don't think his long term girlfriend's father (whom he cheated on) would spend the kind of money he has looking into the case and trying to get him off. Would I go if he was playing for us? Yes I would. Love my club too much to care about 1 of our 11 lads on the pitch's past. Not to mention he has served his time.

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It's a tough question, but no, I'd not want to ever see a rapist in a Bristol City shirt. No matter how talented the guy was.

I'd feel it would bring shame onto the club I love.

He's served his sentence and I accept Evans's right to work within football or sport generally, but better to be something very low key. Don't pull on anyonre's colours and play a role that kids look up to. That's a privilege he's lost forever.

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I didn't mean to make that sound like you don't care about what he's done but I would rather we gained promotion without paying someone who has been convicted of what he did.

Of course, I'm not saying I necessarily want us to sign him because of the mass controversy it would cause. But, if we did it wouldn't really bother me too much either way. He would strengthen the squad, and at the end of the day what we all want is for Bristol City to be successful.

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Of course, I'm not saying I necessarily want us to sign him because of the mass controversy it would cause. But, if we did it wouldn't really bother me too much either way. He would strengthen the squad, and at the end of the day what we all want is for Bristol City to be successful.


He would not strengthen the squad. It would lead to division in the squad and amongst the supporters. The thought of young child having the name Evans on the back of a Bristol City shirt is enough to make any decent human being sick.

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Holloway wouldn't stop me going.


Hating City (at one time) isn't enough for me.  Hating other clubs is part of the game, even though he took it  little too far.


Now, if we were to employ Pol Pot, Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair or Glenn Hoddle, that would be different.

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I don't think Holloway would take the City job, let alone us offer it to him. If he did manage city, I would be extremely disappointed (I'm an exile to I only get to The Gate once or twice a season so can't really 'stay away') but let's face it: if he was wildly succesful the fans would pack the stadium every week, principals or no principals

As for Evans, I wouldn't personally want to see him in a City shirt. But he's served the sentence handed down by our judicial system and has the right to earn a living. Because his chosen profession is well paid and privileged it's extra galling, but if he was a bricky, people wouldn't be kicking off so we probably just have to accept the fact he's going to play professional football again

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I don't think Holloway would take the City job, let alone us offer it to him. If he did manage city, I would be extremely disappointed (I'm an exile to I only get to The Gate once or twice a season so can't really 'stay away') but let's face it: if he was wildly succesful the fans would pack the stadium every week, principals or no principals

As for Evans, I wouldn't personally want to see him in a City shirt. But he's served the sentence handed down by our judicial system and has the right to earn a living. Because his chosen profession is well paid and privileged it's extra galling, but if he was a bricky, people wouldn't be kicking off so we probably just have to accept the fact he's going to play professional football again

IF Holloway were appointed here, there'd be such an exodus he'd be doomed from the off ala Clough at Leeds.

As for Ched Evans, the only way I could accept him playing for us is if I saw a truly remorseful and reformed character. I.e. to demonstrate it, working in the community, helping youngsters back onto the right side of the track, member of anti-sexual abuse campaigns etc.

I know people can change and negative experiences can be capitalised on for greater good.

However, that's a very big IF.

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IF Holloway were appointed here, there'd be such an exodus he'd be doomed from the off ala Clough at Leeds.

As for Ched Evans, the only way I could accept him playing for us is if I saw a truly remorseful and reformed character. I.e. to demonstrate it, working in the community, helping youngsters back onto the right side of the track, member of anti-sexual abuse campaigns etc.

I know people can change and negative experiences can be capitalised on for greater good.

However, that's a very big IF.

It is indeed a very big if.

I suspect it won't be long before we hear the wrongly convicted bleetings.

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As for Evans, I wouldn't personally want to see him in a City shirt. But he's served the sentence handed down by our judicial system and has the right to earn a living. Because his chosen profession is well paid and privileged it's extra galling, but if he was a bricky, people wouldn't be kicking off so we probably just have to accept the fact he's going to play professional football again


Your point is well made, but I think we all have to accept he will face abuse, and I won't shed a tear for the ****.


Serving your sentence can never realistically be the end of such a crime, whatever the justice system says.  Else we'd welcome rapists and child abusers back into public office and senior roles.

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Your point is well made, but I think we all have to accept he will face abuse, and I won't shed a tear for the ****.

Serving your sentence can never realistically be the end of such a crime, whatever the justice system says. Else we'd welcome rapists and child abusers back into public office and senior roles.

Absolutely; if he wants to resume his career he'll have to take the abuse that'll go with it. I certainly wouldn't be sticking up for him from the terraces

That is a reasonable point, but public officials are elected, footballers are employed. I just think that while we can complain about the length of a sentence, once that sentence is served you can't stop that person rejoining society; though of course you can show your objection in any (legal) way you choose. In this case it would be through non-attendance of football matches I guess

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That is a reasonable point, but public officials are elected, footballers are employed. I just think that while we can complain about the length of a sentence, once that sentence is served you can't stop that person rejoining society; though of course you can show your objection in any (legal) way you choose. In this case it would be through non-attendance of football matches I guess


Yep, of course we have elections to determine those in public office.  But plenty in and around government aren't elected.  Aside from those committing fraud (plenty of them have returned) I can't imagine a prime minister employing someone with a similar criminal record to Mr Evans.


So those at the top aren't prepared to give second chances either.

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Yep, of course we have elections to determine those in public office. But plenty in and around government aren't elected. Aside from those committing fraud (plenty of them have returned) I can't imagine a prime minister employing someone with a similar criminal record to Mr Evans.

So those at the top aren't prepared to give second chances either.

Yep, and I'm not suggesting they should be given second chances just that there is no way to stop them being given

It's an interesting parallel actually; if David Cameron employed a bloke as a special advisor who made massive improvements in the economic performance of the country but it turns out had served 2 years in prison for rape, would you demand the removal of that man from his position? I'm not saying I would or wouldn't, just that's it's an interesting philosophical debate. Obviously we would all benefit from the enhanced economy in the same way we as fans would benefit if Evans signed for us and scored a load of goals

I should add though that I don't think Lansdown would sanction the signing of Evans- especially straight out of prison- in a million years

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The great thing about the Lansdown ownership is that throughout their time they have never ever compromised our club. There's never been a public story of their behaviour unlike to many modern day Chairman/owners. They've made mistakes in appointments and/or sanctioning transfer budgets but SL in particular has never put success at any price and never will.


Football fans who yearn for success at their chosen club no matter what the cost or however poison the chalice will usually get what they deserve.


Bristol City Football Club is becoming a more successful and bigger club with so many things going in the right direction and I'm really "prowed" to wear my colours after several years in the desert of no direction.


The OP has probably whooshed us all but isn't it great to see the majority of fans on here stand firm in what is right for BCFC and what their club means to them?

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Let's just clear something up....(which by the way I have done so in other posts before)......


For those of you who appear blinded by some "banter" he had with City fans whilst managing Crystal Palace......Holloway is a Sheed'ead hating, blue blooded, Banjo Island PURE Gashead. He despises Bristol City...MAKE NO MISTAKE.....Have heard it from the horses(punchers) mouth on more than one occassion. He only does the "banter" to protect his image. He is as Neanderthal as the rest of those inbred Tote End thugs in his utter jealousy and contempt of Bristol City Football Club.


For those of you with short memories I suggest you take another look at the YouTube video of Rovers 1990 promotion open top bus tour.....


He should never, and thankfully will never manage Bristol City. So that's that one put to bed.


Footballers are (whether they like it or not) role models for young children. It's like letting a convicted Paedo become a school lollipop man once he has done his time. We can't have this in football because their influence as role models is far reaching. My opinion is the same for killers like Lee Hughes and Luke McCormick. These players with all their fortunes suddenly believe they have some form of "immunity" and this cannot continue to happen, because with it comes acceptance as the "norm" for the next generation.


I'm not saying they should never work again...just not in the privileged sport of football.


Didn't Holloway manage the "Paedo" at Rovers? Been there done it?

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Yep, and I'm not suggesting they should be given second chances just that there is no way to stop them being given

It's an interesting parallel actually; if David Cameron employed a bloke as a special advisor who made massive improvements in the economic performance of the country but it turns out had served 2 years in prison for rape, would you demand the removal of that man from his position? I'm not saying I would or wouldn't, just that's it's an interesting philosophical debate. Obviously we would all benefit from the enhanced economy in the same way we as fans would benefit if Evans signed for us and scored a load of goals

I should add though that I don't think Lansdown would sanction the signing of Evans- especially straight out of prison- in a million years

That is interesting but thankfully, wholly hypothetical. I think there's a significant chasm between sorting out the economy and scoring 30 goals for City to secure promotion to the top flight. Although I sometimes wonder what my choice would be ;)


The great thing about the Lansdown ownership is that throughout their time they have never ever compromised our club. There's never been a public story of their behaviour unlike to many modern day Chairman/owners. They've made mistakes in appointments and/or sanctioning transfer budgets but SL in particular has never put success at any price and never will.


Football fans who yearn for success at their chosen club no matter what the cost or however poison the chalice will usually get what they deserve.


Bristol City Football Club is becoming a more successful and bigger club with so many things going in the right direction and I'm really "prowed" to wear my colours after several years in the desert of no direction.


The OP has probably whooshed us all but isn't it great to see the majority of fans on here stand firm in what is right for BCFC and what their club means to them?

As I've said somewhere and many times, to be a chairman of the people (as affable as Steve Lansdown is) is to embrace them, listen to them an accommodate their desires for their club.
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He would not strengthen the squad. It would lead to division in the squad and amongst the supporters. The thought of young child having the name Evans on the back of a Bristol City shirt is enough to make any decent human being sick.

This is a good point. Ability wise he would certainly improve the squad there's no denying that, but it could well upset the balance/spirit that we have at the moment, and based on comments on here would certainly split the fan base.

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SC divided based upon style and his quality; both misguided, but those were the reasons. Holloway is different. It doesn't matter that he's ex-gas only, it matters because he's gas through and through and you could never really trust him here.

It doesn't make us stubborn. Ask a Taff or Gas hypothetically if Scott Murray had managed Newport to the CL would they welcome him?

Besides some of Holloway's dealings and contractual demands re transfers make Harry Redknapp look like Robin Hood.

As for Ched Evans I have no comment because I still do not know how I feel on it.


Interesting. I have heard this mentioned numerous times, but have never read details.


Do you have any that you can post - alternatively by PM?

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Holloway - never happen and will never unite the fans - would we ever be that desperate!? (Didn't he say the only good bristol city fan is a dead one! Is that ever forgivable?) Pulis springs to mind, so much animosity between the fans during his tenure, and had snipes after he left saying it was good to be back at Ashton gate with blue etc

As for Ched Evans, lack of digested facts...... http://www.chedevans.com

Would I want him here tho? No, if he was originally part of us then that's a difficult one - probably

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Holloway - never happen and will never unite the fans - would we ever be that desperate!? (Didn't he say the only good bristol city fan is a dead one! Is that ever forgivable?) Pulis springs to mind, so much animosity between the fans during his tenure, and had snipes after he left saying it was good to be back at Ashton gate with blue etc

As for Ched Evans, lack of digested facts...... http://www.chedevans.com

Would I want him here tho? No, if he was originally part of us then that's a difficult one - probably


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I believe that Evans has the right to earn a living BUT I also believe he gave up the rights to a highly paid, priviliaged position when he raped a young woman. He should not be allowed to reap the rewards of modern day football again. He had his chance and threw it away in the worst possible fashion.

Holloway...?! The only person that would stop me going to support my club.

My love would remain there, but I would not enter Ashton Gate again until the day the left, no matter how well we were doing.

It makes me feel sick just thinking about it.

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