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Ched Evans , Gasheads And Acceptance

The Humble Realist

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Where do I start with that little lot.

The key is your 1 and 2. To the extent I understand the law, the first one is not rape. The second is.

Ched does not deserve to be punished by the law for being unfaithful. That is the law taking a moral standpoint, however sordid we think the circumstances.

You seem to give the two options, then move on to it was all about her humiliation. You have however touched on what the case would have turned on. The ability to give consent. The 'bike' is a person. The law has defined her as a victum.

Men find rape a difficult crime to have real empathy for, or understanding of. It is, to be blunt, difficult to understand from a male perspective the concept of sex without at least a physical response. Somebody getting you drunk and then taking advantage of you may go down as 'a regret' but most would accept at the time you had to be willing at one level, and drunken consent is still consent.

The best way I have had rape explained to me from a female perspective is like this. Imagine you, as a lad, go out one night with some mates. You get drunk. You crash over at one of their flats. Whilst drunk you have a vague recollection of them getting on top of you. They roll you over so that you are facing the floor. You are pinned down whilst they have anal sex with you.

How do you feel in the morning? Humiliated? Ashamed? Angry? Violated? Are you expected to laugh it off as you had drunk to much? You were drunk when you went back to their place, so its ok? Would you be prepared to go to the police station, to be examined, to go to court? Are you really that brave? What if you found he then had mates taking videos of it all?

Does the current law, that says you have to give consent, or be able to give consent, make more sense now?

And how would you feel, if after having been through all that, others still suggested it was your fault. After all, you are known as a bit of a 'bike'.

To be honest, I would never get so inebriated that I only had a vague collection of someone trying to mount me.

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To be honest, I would never get so inebriated that I only had a vague collection of someone trying to mount me.

Not now, I wouldn't. But I certainly did get that drunk when I was 18 :( Theoretically speaking, I mean. Fortunately, it didn't happen to me.

It's worth pointing out that it does happen to blokes and they're even more reluctant to report it than women.

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Not now, I wouldn't. But I certainly did when I was 18 :(

I understand that people do, and I probably did when I was 18. But there's a lesson to be learned from these cases. There ARE sickos out there who will take advantage, which is why people need to make sure they don't put themselves in a vulnerable position.

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I understand that people do, and I probably did when I was 18. But there's a lesson to be learned from these cases. There ARE sickos out there who will take advantage, which is why people need to make sure they don't put themselves in a vulnerable position.


Sadly this was premeditated they were looking for a very drunk female and sadly found one.

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I understand that people do, and I probably did when I was 18. But there's a lesson to be learned from these cases. There ARE sickos out there who will take advantage, which is why people need to make sure they don't put themselves in a vulnerable position.

Excellent advice, but try saying that in public. Then listen to the shit you'll get from feminists. "You should be able to be safe everywhere whatever you drink whatever you wear".

True. You should be able to walk around {insert area here} pissed as a fart with 50-quid notes spilling out of your pockets. I don't recommend it, though.

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Excellent advice, but try saying that in public. Then listen to the shit you'll get from feminists. "You should be able to be safe everywhere whatever you drink whatever you wear".

True. You should be able to walk around {insert area here} pissed as a fart with 50-quid notes spilling out of your pockets. I don't recommend it, though.

Very true, my friend. I think some people live in La-La Land

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