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Harry Redknapp?


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Who does that?


And what's happening after 5 years?


Harry will 73 years old for a start.


Spud, come back and gloat in 2, 3 or 4 years, we all know and expect that he will almost certainly one day get sacked and then you can claim you were right all along (even though it took 4 years or so to come to fruition) and then you can claim sage like status just like Robbored.

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Harry will 73 years old for a start.


Spud, come back and gloat in 2, 3 or 4 years, we all know and expect that he will almost certainly one day get sacked and then you can claim you were right all along (even though it took 4 years or so to come to fruition) and then you can claim sage like status just like Robbored.

Kinnel mate...no more comment.


No agenda here...some people just don't like to talk about football without wanting to cause a them and us attitude.


I'd love SC to do well. But unfortunately, some including yourself, just want to find reason to say there is an agenda.


Can't be arsed anymore.

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Harry Redknapp isn't someone we should be looking at to help this club move forwards, even in some sort of advisory role.


Not sure his approach over the last ten years really fits with how we look to be approaching recruitment or development anyway, and he's a bit of a lightning rod for the sort of attention (rightly or wrongly) I'd rather not have associated with the club.


We've an exciting team, assembled by an ambitious and experienced for his age manager, and have positive developments off-field with the redevelopment; not sure why we'd have any need for someone like Redknapp being parachuted in under those circumstances to be quite honest.

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His "talents" are certainly on offer, but it would have to suit the clubs financial model. After all, there is a reason why he's looking for an "ambitious" club, rather than a humble role at the FA. If it could work out, who are we to sneer at a man who could very likely take a team like ours to the top division

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Kinnel mate...no more comment.


No agenda here...some people just don't like to talk about football without wanting to cause a them and us attitude.


I'd love SC to do well. But unfortunately, some including yourself, just want to find reason to say there is an agenda.


Can't be arsed anymore.


OK no agenda?,


A post about the future, involving a dodgy pensioner and a player whose been a manager for 5 minutes, who just happens to be one of the most disliked players in our history and all about a job that isn't even available.


You infer that you want to talk about football, but ignore any talk of football/coaching ability put forward by anybody in this thread.

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Just watched an interview with Harry.


He said he would be interested in working with a young manager at a Club that had a chance of making it to the Prem.


For some reason, Lee Johnson and Harry, at City, flashed through my mind.


Wants to look for young hungry players apparently....plus pass his knowledge on.


Really don't know what i'm saying tbh...as we're not in that position yet, and we have a manager doing well now.


But you always have to keep and eye on the future and have options

Interesting idea?

Wants to go to Bournmouth one thinks
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I'd love to see Cotts get us into the Prem however i think Gary Johnson is a better manager. and to date more successful- one game from the Premier League.

Redknapp has history not all good it appears but on the football front he certainly has great knowledge and success should Cotts not deliver

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I'd love to see Cotts get us into the Prem however i think Gary Johnson is a better manager. and to date more successful- one game from the Premier League.

Redknapp has history not all good it appears but on the football front he certainly has great knowledge and success should Cotts not deliver

Really? I don't think Gary could have put this squad together and managed it through the season in the way SC has. There'd have been god knows how many loans and a huge squad.

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A few people mocked SC when he said he was a winner but he really is and detests losing.  I could see he was an exceptionally good man manager and I was pleased by the appointment but I didn't appreciate what a good coach he is.  He has got a burning desire to manage in the premiership and hopefully he will achieve that with us over time.   Clearly he is comfortable with the owner and the set-up here.   It might be a year of consolidation next year and it will be interesting to see how SC handles the inevitable poorer results next season.  That said, momentum under GJ after promotion nearly took us up to the Premier League so, who knows, we might be challenging for the the play-offs with a bit of strengthening to a young and talented squad with a fair few that look like they can kick on at a higher level.. 


One thing's for sure is that SC will not settle for consolidation next year just as he never plays for a draw.  He might suggest it to manage expectations (he's already raised the financial challenge of competing for players in the Championship) but he will be pushing to win every game and I pity the post-match interviewer next season when we lose.  Inevitably there will be a few more losses next season.


It's clear that some including the OP didn't want SC as manager and expected hoofball football.  Most are delighted to have been proved wrong but perhaps not all !   SC has, even to those who advocated him, surprised with his skill as a coach and his obsessive attention to tactical detail. Much better to celebrate that and appreciate how fortunate the Club are to have SC rather than remain sour and put up ludicrous names as future managers just when we are close to securing promotion as champions and maybe with an astonishing 100 points.  


I saw a rare interview with Keith Dawe in the Bristol Post where he explained how he convinced Steve Landsdown that Steve Cotterill was the man for the job. I've always thought KD was a little too reclusive to be Chairman but he deserves enormous praise for his role in bringing SC to the Club.

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Interesting thoughts...many thought SC would be awful, but he's flying.


Tbh...Keith Burt seems to be the fella finding the players here.


Not sure you could accommodate all three.


Time, circumstance and the right fit at the right time.


We all die, pay tax's and football managers get sacked...so it's no point denying SC will go one day.


You have to think about the future.

'You see, the main problem is that 'arry doesn't pay tax.  Allegedly.

He also doesn't know how to use a computer or a mobile phone.  Or how to lie effectively.

He has left financial ruin at almost all the clubs he's managed.  Including the very first one.


He's from an era when backhanders, brown envelopes and other tax evading devices were routine.  Not that 'arry (or Alex or Sam) were filmed being involved with any of that.


I'll tell you how attractive 'arry is: I'd rather have Sean O'Driscoll in charge of our club!

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Harry Redknapp plus SL's bank balance has the potential to put us back 30 years. Him, anywhere near this club would be as popular with me as if it were Holloway or Pulis.

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'Arrys interview was a master class in how to deliver a "come and get me" hint to Bournemouth.


Loadsamoney for old 'arry there.


Nice little earner and just down the road.


The big problem for 'Arry is Russian justice doesn't work like the pussy British tax authorities attempting to win a case using our overly liberal believe any old shit excuses system, they would just make him disappear, I can see the appeal now, go for it 'Arry you got my vote.

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