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Embarrassing Minority Of Supporters.


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I rarely post here but after reading some of the views from a small minority of our so called fans it makes me feel embarrassed to have these morons supporting the same club that I love and support. I wonder how many of these idiots just jumped on the band wagon last season? Did they think we were never going to lose again?..it's a massive step up in quality, we have a really good manager who has assembled a really good,entertaining young team,probably the best I have seen at Ashton gate in my 45+ years of supporting City. We have gone down the road of buying overpriced and over the hill journeymen and look where that got us, we are now in safe hands with a rosy future. We need to be sticking together and backing the club fully as most do, the small minority who continually moan and slag off the club should crawl back under there rocks and let the rest of us continue to support the club as they deserve....CTID.

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Well said, this year may be tough but we need to get behind the boys and support them to consolidate our championship status this year. With the new stadium and young team its an exciting time to be a city fan, I don't get the negativity after just one loss in a close game!


Because no matter what SC does or achieves in some posters eyes he will never be good enough. They never wanted him and never will accept him regardless of what happens. With every defeat the sharper the knives become and the happier they become.


We are not allowed to single out posters... but you all know they are!

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On Saturday we had a person moaning from start to finish salgging of players for missing shots on goal in the warm up.

And when a certain first city was subbed he said he was shit and a waste of space.

After trying to have a sensible conversation the so called city fan then told me I new nothing and very kindly offered to give me and my 70yr old father a good kicking. So called supporter I don't think so...

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I hate posts like this much more the moaning ones. If you want to carry on thinking everything is rosey then that's fine.  But as supporters/customers of the club everyone has the right to kick up a fuss and actually a responsibility to do so in order that we remain competitive.


Remember, a fan base that is complacent and doesn't question the board/manger decisions = Bristol Rovers FC.

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Agreed. I'm going to enjoy this season and I'm also going to unashamedly celebrate that we aren't going down the 'tried and failed with' route again, even if that ultimately means we may struggle or worse.

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I hate posts like this much more the moaning ones. If you want to carry on thinking everything is rosey then that's fine.  But as supporters/customers of the club everyone has the right to kick up a fuss and actually a responsibility to do so in order that we remain competitive.


Remember, a fan base that is complacent and doesn't question the board/manger decisions = Bristol Rovers FC.


Remain? We have to prove competitive in the Championship first.


Remember, a fan base that has delusions of grandeur and too high, unreasonable and unrealistic expectations = Bristol City of 2008 - and we did far more damage to our club than we would have with apathy then.

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I must admit, I've not been on here much over the weekend as a brief look at Twitter showed the belters were out in force. ( I don't mind criticism as long as I constructive and without agenda.)

Twitter, radio Bristol & otib are easy to give a wide berth too, however I have the misfortune to sit in front of some very vocal belters ( who actually come to games with a some very sensible and level headed supporters). Already it's taken a little of the shine off my excitement of the 1st home game of the new season.

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Because no matter what SC does or achieves in some posters eyes he will never be good enough. They never wanted him and never will accept him regardless of what happens. With every defeat the sharper the knives become and the happier they become

I was one of the fans that didn't want him as manager when he was named but I am more than willing to put my hands up and say I was wrong, he has totally transformed our team and the way we play and during the close season i was worried that we would lose him and still am.He is a winner and I'm sure he will continue to progress and build our club, it's a work in progress,he was tasked to get us out of league one in two years which he did in one so we are already a year in front of where we should be.We are in good hands and I am well happy where we are...CTID.

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Our football club is much more about our long term future rather than just this season. We're not just recruiting for this season but for the years to come as when you sign a player you are committed to them for however long their contract is! Signing players hasn't worked out this summer so I'd much prefer we got loans in than signed the wrong players and were stuck with them for years.

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I rarely post here but after reading some of the views from a small minority of our so called fans it makes me feel embarrassed to have these morons supporting the same club that I love and support. I wonder how many of these idiots just jumped on the band wagon last season? Did they think we were never going to lose again?..it's a massive step up in quality, we have a really good manager who has assembled a really good,entertaining young team,probably the best I have seen at Ashton gate in my 45+ years of supporting City. We have gone down the road of buying overpriced and over the hill journeymen and look where that got us, we are now in safe hands with a rosy future. We need to be sticking together and backing the club fully as most do, the small minority who continually moan and slag off the club should crawl back under there rocks and let the rest of us continue to support the club as they deserve....CTID.


What annoys me, is the fact the club and its owners seem to be completely exempt of any type of criticism now after last season. Its bulls*t. We should always strive to be better


This is a forum.  Its a place to debate, and a great place for fans to air their opinions, whether its good or bad. 


The most important thing is the club is supported from the terraces without any question.  Judging by what I heard on the radio Saturday...they were.  Our fans sounded superb at times.  I have no doubt they will be backed superbly at home v Brentford this weekend to.


My opinion.....and my opinion alone, is we need to seriously look at our transfer policy as without adding some real experience to the ranks....I think we will struggle this season. I thought this before the game at the weekend, and with the way the game played out...I believe it even more now.  These players are fantastic young players...with lots of ability.  However they need help!


In a way I admire Lansdown for his stance....but as others have rightly mentioned, the agents fees are nothing new, and every club in the Championship is suffering the same. 


I will however, back the players and manager to the absolute hilt...and continue to do so


Sorry if this embarresses you

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A forum with only positive views would be pretty dull.  Don't put people down just because they have different opinions to you - it doesn't make them any the less fans of the club.  I've been supporting this club for more years than I remember, and I admit I have a couple of concerns about the situation at the moment, but that doesn't make me any the less a supporter.  I completely agree with Andy082005 that the present climate where anyone who doesn't end with 'In Cotts we trust' is regarded as some kind of traitor, is pretty unhealthy.  My view is that Cotts isn't doing his job as manager very well at the moment, and needs to get his act together.  But I understand that some people won't agree with me.


And no, I wouldn't 'wither' if challenged on my views.  I've been right occasionally in the past, and I might be right now.  Or I might be wrong.  Hey, that's football.

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Im not a customer, I am a supporter. I support my team. I understand that they are young lads who might actually have an off day. If it continues into September then I will get worried. Im sure Steve will sort it out by then. The team probably hasn't had the best pre season with injuries etc but Im not going to write them off just yet.

The over reaction on here by some is more concerning.

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Im sure there are more threads complaining about the 2 or 3 that have seemingly lost it already than the 2 or 3 that have lost it already.


All you do with this type of post is highlight the people that have lost it - I know the aim is positive but I think it ends up as negative.


Rallying calls after 1 game are as silly as the doom and gloom IMO.

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Remain? We have to prove competitive in the Championship first.


Remember, a fan base that has delusions of grandeur and too high, unreasonable and unrealistic expectations = Bristol City of 2008 - and we did far more damage to our club than we would have with apathy then.


Or even Bristol City of 1982 as well?

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I hate posts like this much more the moaning ones. If you want to carry on thinking everything is rosey then that's fine.  But as supporters/customers of the club everyone has the right to kick up a fuss and actually a responsibility to do so in order that we remain competitive.


Remember, a fan base that is complacent and doesn't question the board/manger decisions = Bristol Rovers FC.

We lost one game of football. It happens. Yes, we could have played better by all accounts (wasn't there personally) but that's the game. Kicking up a fuss is a little OTT don't you think?


The modern football fan seems to think teams just have to turn up and win. Doesn't work like that.


We will win some matches, lose some matches...heck maybe draw one or two but that's the game. We've gone up a level.


Yes I know we could do with one or two more through the door and you can be sure the club know that too.


I have got a season ticket this year for the first time since I was kid now that I have stopped playing locally, I really hope I am sat near reason minded supporters instead of some of the new found "I want it now" culture.

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On Saturday we had a person moaning from start to finish salgging of players for missing shots on goal in the warm up.

And when a certain first city was subbed he said he was shit and a waste of space.

After trying to have a sensible conversation the so called city fan then told me I new nothing and very kindly offered to give me and my 70yr old father a good kicking. So called supporter I don't think so...

Well, you were asking for trouble by trying to talk to Steve Cotterill during the match............he does get very wound up!

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We lost one game of football. It happens. Yes, we could have played better by all accounts (wasn't there personally) but that's the game. Kicking up a fuss is a little OTT don't you think?


The modern football fan seems to think teams just have to turn up and win. Doesn't work like that.


We will win some matches, lose some matches...heck maybe draw one or two but that's the game. We've gone up a level.


Yes I know we could do with one or two more through the door and you can be sure the club know that too.


I have got a season ticket this year for the first time since I was kid now that I have stopped playing locally, I really hope I am sat near reason minded supporters instead of some of the new found "I want it now" culture.


I think that a lot of the arguments raised regarding transfers, SL and SC have been perfectly valid points to raise.  I also think that paying supporters have the right to moan about a poor performance.  I'd rather they do it on here then at the game.


What is this group of fans you are referring to which "want it now" ? Of course I want to win now and I can't understand any fan which would be different, what would be the point in supporting a team otherwise?!


We have been languishing in the bottom tiers of English football for my entire life now. F*cking right I want us to progress now. We have got all the facilities and financial backing for it, what are we waiting for?!

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As a ST holder I saw my Fair share of games last season and also made the trip up on Saturday. I have to say I saw us play much worse last season and win, crawley at home is one that comes straight to mind.

The reaction on here has been a bit OTT, the players probably needed that reality check and I feel the likes of Smith, Freeman and flint to name a few will only get better as they adapt to demands of this league.

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As a ST holder I saw my Fair share of games last season and also made the trip up on Saturday. I have to say I saw us play much worse last season and win, crawley at home is one that comes straight to mind.

The reaction on here has been a bit OTT, the players probably needed that reality check and I feel the likes of Smith, Freeman and flint to name a few will only get better as they adapt to demands of this league.



Agree on the reality check thing.  There was a certain poster who was convinced that Smith was better than Joey Barton.


Still think there is nothing wrong with a moan though.  I swear some CIty fans have got so used to us being shit over the years they have just got used to it and don't have any ambition!

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I think that a lot of the arguments raised regarding transfers, SL and SC have been perfectly valid points to raise.  I also think that paying supporters have the right to moan about a poor performance.  I'd rather they do it on here then at the game.


Of course, reaction is one thing but overreaction is what some (me included) are accusing others of. Some posters are treating it as impending doomsday. We've dropped 3 points, 135 others to play for across the rest of this transfer window, one more and two emergency loan windows.


Time is on our side even if it may feel like a disappointing summer.


What is this group of fans you are referring to which "want it now" ? Of course I want to win now and I can't understand any fan which would be different, what would be the point in supporting a team otherwise?!


Nothing wrong with wanting it, you're no different from anyone else. But what some posters are picking others up on right now is letting the want creep, even slightly, into an expectation. Sheff Weds away is a jolly tough opening game, particularly with a new chairman promising the world, new manager effect, money being splashed and a fair bit of pace acquired over the summer. I wanted us to win that game, I expected we'd probably return with 0 points though.


We have been languishing in the bottom tiers of English football for my entire life now. F*cking right I want us to progress now. We have got all the facilities and financial backing for it, what are we waiting for?!


If we've been languishing in the bottom tiers your entire life what's wrong with giving it another 3 years +, whatever the strategy is, to make sure we progress organically without gambling with our future?


We haven't got the facilities - they are being developed and the way I see it, we haven't got the backing no matter what personal wealth SL has amassed. I think first and foremost we have the backing which will allow us to stay in this division. Then the purse strings will be loosened to fund a midtable finish, then a little more to break the top 10, and then eventually yes to win promotion.


But I see zero evidence of us having the financial backing now. If anything to think otherwise imo misses the point of the past 3 seasons and ignores exactly what the club has been telling us.

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I too wonder about some of our supporters, a squad that is currently short on both numbers and Championship experience, few options, and a worrying defeat, but "stick together" and "back the lads" and we can pretend all is rosy. Just because we raise perfectly reasonable concerns hardly justifies this post, I have never blamed SC or the Board, as an old git who remembers 82, financial stability is necessary. We all hope there will be additions, but if anyone thinks our squad is currently good enough at Championship level, they are seriously deluded.

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There is no doubt the Club did well last year.


But do you feel comfortable that you are relying on the success of this Club to come from one man?


A football club should be stable, and regardless of manager in charge, you should still be able to function properly.


Managers come and go quiet frequently, as we have seen over the years.


Success, shouldn't be down to one man. Managers should be able to come and go quiet seamlessly....without big changes to structure and the way we play.


If you keep changing, then it becomes a merry go round.


Like any business....managers come and go....but if it is stable, it shouldn't have a massive effect regardless to who is manager. Higher success can be achieved....but spiralling failures shouldn't occur.


Get that right at the Club and we should be ok.

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Couldn't agree more with this. Don't think its not being ambitious, more realistic of where we are, in fact a decent model on how to run a club to be honest.


It's clear SL's approach isn't to just throw money at it like we did last time at this level, the club needs to finance itself, which it hopefully will further when the stadium is fully up and running.


One thing that would be interesting is if we are down amongst it in come January transfer window. He may be tempted to step in rather than risk going back down.

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Get all forum users in a room, face-to-face, and the discussion would be entirely different.  People would wither when challenged on their views.


Spouting unsubstantiated nonsense is easy behind a screen, as we all know.

One things for sure I doubt the OP would be going around calling people morons

At that word I stopped reading as it says everything about the author

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