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The Bristol Post & the annoying pop-up ads!

The Exiled Robin

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I've eventually got so fed up I decided to try and do something about it. So I wrote a letter. Quaint, I know, but I had a pair of responses so maybe it's a tactic that still works!

I've reprinted it word for word in the blog, along with the gist of the responses I have received. I know this is a topic that many people get irate about, so interested to hear your views.



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Not sure I even want to post this in case the lurking journalists find out and change it, but do yourself a favour and download the Bristol Post app. I cant quite believe it, but I dont see a single ad and stories are well formatted and in mobile friendly reader view.

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That publication and those that work for it are a disgrace in my opinion, in particular that jumped up drink driving moron of the highest order (Hi Andy :thumbsup: ) 

they clearly have no interest in local news, that is obvious by the amount of crap they post about 'celebrities' who once took a piss in the horn & trumpet so they suddenly become a) local and b) newsworthy. 

I think a lot of them truly believe they are working for a redtop, however the standard of their articles wouldn't see them get a work experience job on a young enterprise project. 

What really disgusts me is how they make their ad revenue with these obtrusive pop-ups on stories that involve loss of life and true heartache to people. 

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That publication and those that work for it are a disgrace in my opinion, in particular that jumped up drink driving moron of the highest order (Hi Andy :thumbsup: ) 

they clearly have no interest in local news, that is obvious by the amount of crap they post about 'celebrities' who once took a piss in the horn & trumpet so they suddenly become a) local and b) newsworthy. 

I think a lot of them truly believe they are working for a redtop, however the standard of their articles wouldn't see them get a work experience job on a young enterprise project. 

What really disgusts me is how they make their ad revenue with these obtrusive pop-ups on stories that involve loss of life and true heartache to people. 

its a local paper not the "times" you fat****

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I've eventually got so fed up I decided to try and do something about it. So I wrote a letter. Quaint, I know, but I had a pair of responses so maybe it's a tactic that still works!

I've reprinted it word for word in the blog, along with the gist of the responses I have received. I know this is a topic that many people get irate about, so interested to hear your views.



Fair play. It's such a terrible website now and virtually impossible to read the local news anymore without the interuptions. Hopefully now they'll make improvements and get rid of the constant pop up adverts everytime you click on a story. 

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The effort you've made is much appreciated by many on here. I, like so many others don't bother with the Post online site for exactly the problem of pop-up adds. Call me cynical but I thought the purpose of these adds was two fold - firstly to increase the revenue stream and secondly to make the site so frustrating to use that it would encourage readers to go out and buy the paper. Fact is if I want to read a City related story then I simply do so at the point of purchase but I don't ever buy the paper.

Only time will tell if the actions offered by those at the Post will actually happen.

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I rarely go on there because of the adverts so they lose traffic/money, and I bet I'm not the only one.


its a local paper not the "times" you fat****

I'm not even sure it's local anymore. I'm sure I read somewhere that they have a couple of locally based reporters (and rely on freelancers) and the operation is based elsewhere.

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I rarely go on there because of the adverts so they lose traffic/money, and I bet I'm not the only one.


I'm not even sure it's local anymore. I'm sure I read somewhere that they have a couple of locally based reporters (and rely on freelancers) and the operation is based elsewhere.

It's owned by Daily Mail. :shutup: . They don't really have reporters anymore. I went for a job there as a graphic designer and was told that where they used to occupy the whole building, they now only have one floor, and a lot of that is for advertising agents, editorial etc for other papers and magazines. 

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It's owned by Daily Mail. :shutup: . They don't really have reporters anymore. I went for a job there as a graphic designer and was told that where they used to occupy the whole building, they now only have one floor, and a lot of that is for advertising agents, editorial etc for other papers and magazines. 

Not since 2012 exAtyeoMax, when the Daily Fail Group sold Northcliffe Media.

Hard to imagine but it could have been even worse - in 1990 David Sullivan tried to buy a controlling interest!


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The Evil Post is a shambles of a publication, and the pop ups make it unreadable on an iPhone.  However, there really is no alternative, unless you include Bristol 24-7 which seems little more than a mouth piece of the Green Party.


Bristol 24-7 had a total rework and they got rid of the editor. Since then it's been bland and shite. However it was a biased anti any development left wing stokes croft living nonsense before then.

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