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LJ talked the the talk, he better walk the walk


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As a season ticket holder, first off I think this is wrong appointment for many reasons but what's done is done. 

I watched the full interview with Lee and I thought he spoke well, a man who knows what he wants and is a clever guy. Talk is cheap and everything he says I expected, as it's what the fans want to hear.

Results are factual and I hope he can deliver otherwise him and the board will be held accountable for sure. Good Luck Lee. Your not the right man in my eyes but if you do what you say then, hands up and fair bloody play to you.

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14 minutes ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

Really?? What a shockingly new and original thread. 


I say to you and all the other increasingly tedious LJ threads:


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and more Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




Yes 100% agree.

All these negative comments ultimately 'could' be detrimental to the club as no doubt he reads it or at least is told about it and then he may not achieve his potential. We see it all the time in football - managers need to be given time. He should be able to walk out to at least his first game in charge knowing he has full support. Fans views are important but he needs to be given at least one game or two

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2 hours ago, coxyboy said:

As a season ticket holder, first off I think this is wrong appointment for many reasons but what's done is done. 

I watched the full interview with Lee and I thought he spoke well, a man who knows what he wants and is a clever guy. Talk is cheap and everything he says I expected, as it's what the fans want to hear.

Results are factual and I hope he can deliver otherwise him and the board will be held accountable for sure. Good Luck Lee. Your not the right man in my eyes but if you do what you say then, hands up and fair bloody play to you.

Correct, we should have appointed an ex Chelsea, PSG and Real Madrid coach. That would have guaranteed success, right.....?

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2 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

Really?? What a shockingly new and original thread. 


I say to you and all the other increasingly tedious LJ threads:


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and more Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




LJ rogered my hamster ? 

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4 hours ago, coxyboy said:

As a season ticket holder, first off I think this is wrong appointment for many reasons but what's done is done. 

I watched the full interview with Lee and I thought he spoke well, a man who knows what he wants and is a clever guy. Talk is cheap and everything he says I expected, as it's what the fans want to hear.

Results are factual and I hope he can deliver otherwise him and the board will be held accountable for sure. Good Luck Lee. Your not the right man in my eyes but if you do what you say then, hands up and fair bloody play to you.

'As a season ticket holder'

My opinion is valid...:shifty:

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4 hours ago, Marina's Rolls Royce said:

Really?? What a shockingly new and original thread. 


I say to you and all the other increasingly tedious LJ threads:


Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and more Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz




Possably zzzzzzzzzz to your very pathetic reply. Best go back to class the bells just rung for lessons boy 

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16 minutes ago, coxyboy said:

Possably zzzzzzzzzz to your very pathetic reply. Best go back to class the bells just rung for lessons boy 

I wouldn't take it to heart mate. I think the issue some posters are taking is that there are a number of threads, and a number of posts within a number of threads, which say the same thing. Had this been posted within one of those discussions I doubt you'd have received stick. I think your thread is copping it as the straw that broke the camel's back, not necessarily against your views; just the repetition across the forum.

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2 hours ago, coxyboy said:

Yeh , what's ur point knob ?


2 hours ago, RumRed said:

Well this is going well...

I thought it was commendable that coxyboy took the trouble to put the apostrophe in "what's" whilst calling @Libertine1 a "knob." I wouldn't want to see that go unrecognised

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You are all right.

I've been told time and time again that ever City manager since WWII has always logged on to OTIB at 0700 every morning and reads every post.

I'm surprised LJ accepted the offer of loads of money and a 3 1/2 year contract considering some of the 'nasty posts' on here.

Some say that Ashton asked the OTIB Moderators to block Lee's access to the forum for just long enough to trick him into joining the Club as Head Coach.

Perhaps one of the more forth-coming moderators might care to comment .............















Uncle TFR



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1 hour ago, Jack Dawe said:


I thought it was commendable that coxyboy took the trouble to put the apostrophe in "what's" whilst calling @Libertine1 a "knob." I wouldn't want to see that go unrecognised

You have given me an idea for a new thread about grammar but i fear the excitement and interest of it will last all of 30 seconds and then the Lee feasting will resume.

And so, regrettably, I will not bother.

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19 minutes ago, Taxi for Rennie said:

You are all right.

I've been told time and time again that ever City manager since WWII has always logged on to OTIB at 0700 every morning and reads every post.

I'm surprised LJ accepted the offer of loads of money and a 3 1/2 year contract considering some of the 'nasty posts' on here.

Some say that Ashton asked the OTIB Moderators to block Lee's access to the forum for just long enough to trick him into joining the Club as Head Coach.

Perhaps one of the more forth-coming moderators might care to comment .............















Uncle TFR



...... see?

A conspiracy of silence.

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2 hours ago, Jack Dawe said:


I thought it was commendable that coxyboy took the trouble to put the apostrophe in "what's" whilst calling @Libertine1 a "knob." I wouldn't want to see that go unrecognised

But he did use the textspeak "ur" which surely negates that commendation. 

Unless he was talking about Ur - the ancient civilisation on the Euphrates. The point of it being that it marked the midway phase between Summerian and Mesopotamian cultures.

But I expect he knew that.

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4 hours ago, coxyboy said:

Possably zzzzzzzzzz to your very pathetic reply. Best go back to class the bells just rung for lessons boy 

At my school, Possably was spelt possibly.

We also used grammar so " Best go back to class the bells just rung for lessons boy" becomes " Best go back to the class, the bell has just been rung for lessons, boy."

So, in two short sentences, you have managed to make enough mistakes to earn Detention. Sadly, the sentiment behind  your post would not win any awards either.

However, I do appreciate being referred to as "boy". Regrettably I am neither boy  nor young man but many thanks for the compliment.

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51 minutes ago, havanatopia said:

You have given me an idea for a new thread about grammar but i fear the excitement and interest of it will last all of 30 seconds and then the Lee feasting will resume.

And so, regrettably, I will not bother.

Now that's just too rude!

Should have been one of the captions in the other thread.

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