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Fickle otib - again.


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Maybe there are a variety of opinions and it wasn't the same people.  Just a thought.

For the record I thought Vyner had a shocker on Saturday (if we're cutting him no slack for being new to the first team and saying "if you are in the first team you have to be good enough for the first team").

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15 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Against MK Dona LJ got plenty of plaudits for playing academy graduate Zac Vyner. Then after last nights thumping he's getting criticised for doing the same thing.......talk about fickle.....:facepalm:

I suppose you are seeing what you want to see, I am seeing people questioning the decision, not much else.


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2 hours ago, Robbored said:

Against MK Dona LJ got plenty of plaudits for playing academy graduate Zac Vyner. Then after last nights thumping he's getting criticised for doing the same thing.......talk about fickle.....:facepalm:

Would you say there is a clear difference between a game at MK (17 defeats in 33 games, fifth bottom) and a game against Brighton (5 defeats in 33, 4th from top)?

I'd say many on here are deliberating over that difference and the attention to detail and judgement that goes into the fine art of team selection and football management.

Or perhaps you're just happy to go along with the old maxim "never change a winning team" regardless?

I think the higher up the football pyramid we go, the finer and more skilled and more subtle these judgements and decisions get.

People on here might be using the benefit of hindsight but Lee is paid to make these difficult decisions and people are offering their views on his judgement. Not inappropriate on a football chat forum, I would say

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58 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Was it 10 years ago? Ffs.....how time flies. :dunno:

Btw - I was criticising LJs father back then. I'm not criticising his son for selecting a young player - fair play to LJ I say.

His parentage is irrelevant, you were having a dig, anonymously, against someone with whom you had a personal agenda against.

putting it mildly, you are a ******* hypocrite 

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1 hour ago, Robbored said:

Was it 10 years ago? Ffs.....how time flies. :dunno:

Btw - I was criticising LJs father back then. I'm not criticising his son for selecting a young player - fair play to LJ I say.

It was a light hearted dig and for what it's worth I agree with you. Some posters who've been very quiet for the last few weeks are seemingly acting like a dog with two d**ks after last night. However it's not exclusive to otib and social media etc has a level fickleness as well! 

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2 hours ago, Iron Man said:

The anti LJ brigade are creeping out again as well..

I'll support the bloke until he's moved on for one reason or another, to do anything else would be ludicrous, unless situations become so dire that my vocal cords call for his head, for now though like every manager he gets my support.

Do I think he was a good appointment and what we needed, NO.

I have nothing against the bloke but I think the "choice" made by the "board" was completely and utterly incorrect, I hope I'm proved wrong, but my worries aren't without thought, I'm really struggling to see how he's going to attract the players we need next season IF we stay up.

Good luck to him, of course I want him to be the biggest success story in our managerial history, unfortunately I think I may be disappointed.

Fickle nope, shocked.......hell yeah.

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2 hours ago, CotswoldRed said:

Maybe there are a variety of opinions and it wasn't the same people.  Just a thought.

For the record I thought Vyner had a shocker on Saturday (if we're cutting him no slack for being new to the first team and saying "if you are in the first team you have to be good enough for the first team").

This. I said elsewhere everyone was getting carried away with him. He was an obvious weak link. 

Having said that ive got no issue trying academy players, at the right times. 

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