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Anyone feeling ultra confident we'll win today?


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I've been mulling over the fact that defeat today would be far too depressing to consider, and I've come to the conclusion that we'll win this one by a couple of goals.

The more I think about it, the more confident I am that we'll beat Fulham, and then go on another decent run of picking up a few wins.

This will see us banish any fears of being relegated.

Win our 2 next games and we'll be home and dry.

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9 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

I've been mulling over the fact that defeat today would be far too depressing to consider, and I've come to the conclusion that we'll win this one by a couple of goals.

The more I think about it, the more confident I am that we'll beat Fulham, and then go on another decent run of picking up a few wins.

This will see us banish any fears of being relegated.

Win our 2 next games and we'll be home and dry.

Fulham will be coming at us for this and will be after all the points, LJ left it late to find what we all knew we wanted months back a proven striker; whether its to late or not only time will tell;

 It could all come down to us beating Bolton and Rotherham our new loanee could help in this if he stays fit and available.

We will do well to come back with anything today, but we will give it a go backed by the red Army. :fingerscrossed:

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3 minutes ago, glos old boy said:

Fulham will be coming at us for this and will be after all the points, LJ left it late to find what we all knew we wanted months back a proven striker; whether its to late or not only time will tell;

 It could all come down to us beating Bolton and Rotherham our new loanee could help in this if he stays fit and available.

We will do well to come back with anything today, but we will give it a go backed by the red Army. :fingerscrossed:

I'm quite amazed you really think LJ has just realised we needed a striker.

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20 minutes ago, City169 said:

I'm quite amazed you really think LJ has just realised we needed a striker.

To be fair he doesn't say that does he? We have all known we have needed another striker (really since the summer or at least since Christmas when Cox went back) and I'm sure LJ has been trying but in that context it is late - it's not LJ fault and I don't he is blaming LJ.

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13 minutes ago, Pezo said:

To be fair he doesn't say that does he? We have all known we have needed another striker (really since the summer or at least since Christmas when Cox went back) and I'm sure LJ has been trying but in that context it is late - it's not LJ fault and I don't he is blaming LJ.

In context of his other posts it's heavily implied that he is blaming LJ, in fact he does in another post.

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In a word, no. It's a tale of two contests:

We have their firepower against our sturdy defence. 

And our flaccid attack against their leaky back line. 

Its poised nicely. Whoever bosses midfield will prevail. What a game to be without Korey!

Heres hoping Odemwingie can be the difference and tip the balance.

If you offered me a point now, I'd give you a high five and a pint.


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7 minutes ago, deadredfred said:

In a word, no. It's a tale of two contests:

We have their firepower against our sturdy defence. 

And our flaccid attack against their leaky back line. 

Its poised nicely. Whoever bosses midfield will prevail. What a game to be without Korey!

Heres hoping Odemwingie can be the difference and tip the balance.

If you offered me a point now, I'd give you a high five and a pint.


Would you like a point?

I await the pint, you can keep the high five.

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Ultra confident? No but all this doom and gloom seems too far the other way as well. This'll be tight. 4000 of us there will help. Both teams will be up for it. I've got it all 2-2. We could easily win or lose but I doubt it'll be this thrashing many are on about. 

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1 hour ago, reddogkev said:

I've been mulling over the fact that defeat today would be far too depressing to consider, and I've come to the conclusion that we'll win this one by a couple of goals.

The more I think about it, the more confident I am that we'll beat Fulham, and then go on another decent run of picking up a few wins.

This will see us banish any fears of being relegated.

Win our 2 next games and we'll be home and dry.

No,sorry...think we will get pulled around..3-1 Fulham.not sure where you see us safe in three games??..we are very much in a dogfight and will go to the wire.

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