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Player that surprised you the most live

Port Said Red

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As an extension of @MC RISK77's thread, which players that people raved about, but you didn't rate until you saw them play live. 

Top 5 for me in order of when I saw them:

Steve Kember - playing for England U23 at Ashton Gate, people were calling for him to play at full England level, but I had never been impressed on tv.

Trevor Brooking - I thought he was a lazy luxury player then I saw him when West Ham went down to ten men (in the days of one sub) and Brooking ran the game against a midfield that included Gerry Gow. 

Norman Hunter - "If I wanted to see animals, I'd go to the zoo" (my dads quote when we signed him) "I never realised what a good footballer he is" (my dads quote after watching him play for us) Sums it up really.

Peter Osgood - towards the end of his career against Southampton, a class act playing in what we would probably call the number 10 position now

Gary Speed - I could never understand why clubs had spent so much on him until I saw him play at the Gate, just the complete British midfield player

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Mark viduka. If he hadn't come on for Middlesborough in the FA cup replay we would have won it. Up until that point id never really understood all the fuss about him (odd great game here or there)... But his first touch was outstanding.

Also yakubu surprised me by how crap he was that game.

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From a surprise point of view, Beckham. Saw him play for England at Old Trafford and had previously considered him a one (free) kick Pony, but he covered the whole pitch for ninety minUtes, side to side and up & down. Developed an enormous respect for him at that point.

2 players who just totally dominated us at the gate were 1) Bobby Zamora for Brighton, we absolutely battered them yet the SOB still scored and 2) Lua-Lua for Colchester. Holy mother that game sticks in the memory because I don't recall an opposition player being applauded of the pitch like that.

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The one that springs to mind is probably Peter Crouch. He was a far better footballer than I'd ever given him credit for. 

I also remember Clayton Blackmore oozing class when on loan for us, and David Howells I think. At the time, both of those loans highlighted just how far away we were from having decent players. 

Robert Fleck, Wade Elliott and Gary O'neil all added far more quality than I was expecting. 

I think the most dissapointing player was probably Stern John. 

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34 minutes ago, Robert the bruce said:

Darren Anderton at the end of his career at Bournmouth..touch of class.

A much underrated player and a 'modern' one in the sense that you couldn't say he played in a fixed position. It is, or has been, a very English thing to pigeonhole players at a very young age but I get the sense that LJ likes adaptable players, which is good to see.

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Joe Jordan, did n't really rate  him when he played for Leeds or Man Utd , I thought he was just a bully boy with not too much in the way of goal return .

When he signed for us even in his late thirties he was class. His movement , set up play and finishing was impeccable.

That man also ' owned ' the stadium whenever  he played .

Top man , Jaws .

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2 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

Joe Jordan, did n't really rate  him when he played for Leeds or Man Utd , I thought he was just a bully boy with not too much in the way of goal return .

When he signed for us even in his late thirties he was class. His movement , set up play and finishing was impeccable.

That man also ' owned ' the stadium whenever  he played .

Top man , Jaws .

Because of the unnecessary cynicism Revie brought to the Leeds side players like Joe and Norman Hunter didn't get the credit for their quality. Paul Madeley and Billy Bremner were 2 more whose reputation as fine players suffered.

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Remember Glenn Hoddle putting on a masterclass one Christmas at the Gate in a Swindon shirt (unfortunately). Wasn't surprised how good he was, but as a massive fan I have to say I enjoyed watching him rip us a new one. Only time I saw him live

Agree with @Bar BS3, Blackmore & Howells were both superb in their short time here. Just oozed class

Last season I remember Livermore & Huddlestone from Hull having so much time. Huddlestone didn't seem to move much, just sat in space and always seemed to have plenty of it. And the whole Brighton team from last season, they put on a hell of a show

From the past, Nicky Morgan was a much better footballer than he was given credit for

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25 minutes ago, cidercity1987 said:

Downing I thought was much better for Middlesbrough in the FA Cup game than I ever imagined.

His movement off the ball was superb, I think it was Bradley Orr "marking" him and it seemed everytime he turned around Downing was in 3 metres of space!

I am going to mention one now that will make me very unpopular...........

Devon White - so much more than a lumbering centre forward, he had a very good football brain. :death:

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1 hour ago, Port Said Red said:

His movement off the ball was superb, I think it was Bradley Orr "marking" him and it seemed everytime he turned around Downing was in 3 metres of space!

I am going to mention one now that will make me very unpopular...........

Devon White - so much more than a lumbering centre forward, he had a very good football brain. :death:

Wasn't he chibbed by his neighbour or something? Or did I imagine that?

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2 hours ago, redsontour said:

From a surprise point of view, Beckham. Saw him play for England at Old Trafford and had previously considered him a one (free) kick Pony, but he covered the whole pitch for ninety minUtes, side to side and up & down. Developed an enormous respect for him at that point.

2 players who just totally dominated us at the gate were 1) Bobby Zamora for Brighton, we absolutely battered them yet the SOB still scored and 2) Lua-Lua for Colchester. Holy mother that game sticks in the memory because I don't recall an opposition player being applauded of the pitch like that.

Saw him play for the Galaxy in a "quarter back role" basically league one standard football but his range and accuracy of passing was like nothing I had seen before.

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