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for those interested in Flying to the Newcastle match

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37 minutes ago, BigTone said:

The bus is being prepared also. Just need to finish the sign writing.


Have you finished your stock take yet?.... it looks like you still have a few kids to flog, will you have completed an end of line clearance sale in time or you ain't gonna have enough vacant seats for everyone... surprised to discover your business was inspired so early in life while watching the movie classic Pretty Shifty Wham Bam, btw how is the child catching business like nowadays?, still making a decent living out of it?

I can't make the trip sadly but I'm hoping you can possibly pop a pork pie in an envelope and post one to me, looks positively mouthwatering ... hope it doesn't contain anything unpalatable and is guaranteed pig free?


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12 minutes ago, WhistleHappy said:

Have you finished your stock take yet?.... it looks like you still have a few kids to flog, will you have completed an end of line clearance sale in time or you ain't gonna have enough vacant seats for everyone... surprised to discover your business was inspired so early in life while watching the movie classic Pretty Shifty Wham Bam, btw how is the child catching business like nowadays?, still making a decent living out of it?

I can't make the trip sadly but I'm hoping you can possibly pop a pork pie in an envelope and post one to me, looks positively mouthwatering ... hope it doesn't contain anything unpalatable and is guaranteed pig free?


How dare you !!  They are not children but a team of highly skilled tradesmen fitting out the bus with its luxurious interior. Children indeed :disapointed2se:

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Trying to put things into perspective, back in the day,in our Promotion season to the top flight.

This was the cost of the flight in the Blackburn Rovers home programme on January 17th 1976

The journey had to be cancelled not sure why.

FA Cup round or maybe bad weather.

Re scheduled forTuesday 23rd March.

Any one know any one who was on the trip



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