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Child Abuse In Football

Bristol Rob

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5 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

Andy Woodward: ‘It was the softer, weaker boys he targeted’


Hopefully this link will work; a worrying, harrowing story that I hope was isolated and wasn't common in football at the time.

Horrific.  Sadly I fear that, with any working environment that gives people the opportunity to be alone with children or any other vulnerable people, there will be evil, evil people who exploit that for their own ends.  If nothing else, I hope that clubs are more vigilant these days.  I'm sure all coaches have to have DBS checks though that only helps if someone has already been caught before. 

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5 minutes ago, LondonBristolian said:

Horrific.  Sadly I fear that, with any working environment that gives people the opportunity to be alone with children or any other vulnerable people, there will be evil, evil people who exploit that for their own ends.  If nothing else, I hope that clubs are more vigilant these days.  I'm sure all coaches have to have DBS checks though that only helps if someone has already been caught before. 

Quite right.

There are paedophiles in all walks of life and they seek out situations where they have access to young kids. It's a desperately sad part of humanity.

The good news is that in these modern times the profile of paedophelia has become seriously raised in profile and that no doubt discourages some of the perpetrators and encourages those victims to report it and seek the proper help.



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The other side to this argument of course is that everyone has to be careful with regard to how we behave around children and vulnerable people for fear that they may be wrongly accused.  Same goes for the way we behave with women - e.g. now even a wolf whistle is classed as sexual harassment even though many women find it flattering (and flattering is what it is meant to be).

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In my professional career I worked with both victims and perpetrators of paedophelia and learnt over time to see what damage such acts do both parties.

One man I worked with had almost uncontrollable sexual urges towards schoolboys. He'd loiter around schools and such like. He knew that these urges would be seen as disgustingly revolting to Joe public and felt truly guilty about his urges. 

I began to understand that to him the sexual urges he had were the same as the urges most men get towards the fairer sex. I felt for him.it was a real eye opener.

I will say that this guy never acted out these urges thankfully but turned to alcohol to suppress these urges. Eventually alcohol took over his life and during one episode of intoxication went into to his local police station to "own up" despite not ever committed such a crime. The police were pretty good and that prompted his referral to our service.

He got sober over time and then urges began to return but....again over time he learnt to apply similar psychological approaches to sobriety to his paedophilic urges. A 12 Step programme for those that know anything about recovery.

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23 minutes ago, Robbored said:

In my professional career I worked with both victims and perpetrators of paedophelia and learnt over time to see what damage such acts do both parties.

One man I worked with had almost uncontrollable sexual urges towards schoolboys. He'd loiter around schools and such like. He knew that these urges would be seen as disgustingly revolting to Joe public and felt truly quilty about his urges. 

I began to understand that to him the sexual urges he had were the same as the urges most men get towards the fairer sex. I felt for him.it was a real eye opener.

I will say that this guy never acted out these urges thankfully but turned to alcohol to suppress these urges. Eventually alcohol took over his life and during one episode of intoxication went into to his local police station to "own up" despite not ever committed such a crime. The police were pretty good and that prompted his referral to our service.

He got sober over time and then urges began to return but....again over time he learnt to apply similar psychological approaches to sobriety to his pedophilic urges. A 12 Step programme for those that know anything about recovery.

Having watched the Louis Theroux documentary about sex offenders, i understand where you are coming from.

Certainly worth a watch for those who haven't seen it.



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1 hour ago, Robbored said:

In my professional career I worked with both victims and perpetrators of paedophelia and learnt over time to see what damage such acts do both parties.

One man I worked with had almost uncontrollable sexual urges towards schoolboys. He'd loiter around schools and such like. He knew that these urges would be seen as disgustingly revolting to Joe public and felt truly quilty about his urges. 

I began to understand that to him the sexual urges he had were the same as the urges most men get towards the fairer sex. I felt for him.it was a real eye opener.

I will say that this guy never acted out these urges thankfully but turned to alcohol to suppress these urges. Eventually alcohol took over his life and during one episode of intoxication went into to his local police station to "own up" despite not ever committed such a crime. The police were pretty good and that prompted his referral to our service.

He got sober over time and then urges began to return but....again over time he learnt to apply similar psychological approaches to sobriety to his pedophilic urges. A 12 Step programme for those that know anything about recovery.

Thanks for putting that up... Nice to see something other than a knee jerk reaction to what is a pretty complex situation, your 'rep' is pretty much because you speak the truth, something that is not always appreciated on social media sites.

That I understand.

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4 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

Andy Woodward: ‘It was the softer, weaker boys he targeted’


Hopefully this link will work; a worrying, harrowing story that I hope was isolated and wasn't common in football at the time.

Appalling situation. As said above, it happens in all walks of life.

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2 hours ago, DANWRENBCFC4LIFE said:

Why is my comment deleted?


1 hour ago, Dollymarie said:

Because you are making comments on a forum that could lead to either you or the forum having legal action taken. 

Can EVERYONE replying to this thread please avoid naming people etc, otherwise comments will be removed 

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Right then I'm going to waive my right for annomnity and tell you first hand what happened with he who's name you shall not speak. He was my first football manager at 9. This happened after he came to our house to take away a old washing machine to take to his shop in Barton Hill. I went to training, then had my first match on the Saturday. Coming on at half time, being very ill with a cold and still being so good I nearly won motm, (disqualified for not playing the whole game.) A friend of mine mine joined soon after. There were definite whispers amongst the parents about our boss. I was told in no certain terms to be left alone with him. Mum and dad would come to all the games. Sometimes after an away game he would take the kids swimming. And if you're a child who's seen an elderly man in speedos, you know what fear is. I would never understand how the other kids would go anywhere near him in the pool, what were they thinking? Didn't their parents smarten them up? Only 2 times did my parents not go. A home game and an away game, my last. At the home games he would get 1 of the kids to "help" in the clubhouse. If you're guessing at this point if I was chosen to help when my parents weren't there, you're right. Just asking creepy questions about whether I was a good boy or not. I got my ass out of there asap. The other time, the away game. After the game he insintant on me having a shower. I never liked the creepy bastard anywhere near me with clothes off. It's my decision whether I want a shower or not. His reasoning being we were stopping for food on the way back. No mate you get your jollies looking at youngsters. I just got my clothes on and ran to the minibus and jumped in the front ( he didn't drive it.) I basically cried all the way home. I didn't get out when they stopped for food. When they pulled up outside my house I ran in as quick as I could. Told my mum all about it. I was very lucky really, in that he never actually touched me, but he certainly could have. Others weren't so lucky. My mum and dad and my mates parents went up to confront him the next week, he just squirmed and denied everything. I know my dad had a terrible temper, I was always surprised he didn't punch him just once. Let me tell you something. I have a death sentence hanging over me ( I have Huntingtons,) if anyone ever went anywhere near my children, I would commit murder. Put that in your pipe and smoke it 

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Yes I will cough up as well what I knew about some senior official way back in the 1960's , his name will remain anonymous because I then was too young to know how to officially deal with this matter, I told my parents but alas they chose to do nothing, I guess because of the possible fall out from the fact it was a very senior official of the then Church of England Football League.

I was a reluctantly appointed to attend the AGM of this outfit I was a player for a newly formed club,(under 12 if I remember correctly) from the Brislington area, my memories of what that night is shrouded in the mists of the past, except for when the meeting ended I was offered a lift home from this man, I got in his car and he proceeded to show my pictures of young boys and men, in certain situations, I guess you will be able to fill in the dots.I was shaken to the core, and jumped out of the car... I was only 11, but old enough to understand what was going on....

To this day this event haunts me, I wonder just how many boy's he preyed on, on reflection I believe he was part of a Paedo ring, but any news of such a ring I cannot find, this sort of thing was swept under the carpets all those years ago, and it is only recent past that folk feel able to come forward.

It was rife them, and these perverts infiltrated the Scouts, Church, and Schools, vile men who hid behind the respectable 'facade' of these institutions.      


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