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Cold callers

Septic Peg

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Not had one for a while as I have caller id but with all the articles written lately about cold calling etc, I wondered what are everyone else's top tips to get them to stop?

1. If you don't answer it, chances are they won't ring again. Why? Because the bots that randomly dial can't tell if it's a real number until it connects with you answering. 

2. A rousing chorus of any song that pops into your head. Favourites include Barbie Girl and any S Club 7 song. Anything with a fast tempo and generally annoying.

3. A simple F**** OFF with a slamming of the phone. 

Anyone got anymore?

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I use the app "should I answer". Icon is a confused octopus. It stops 95% of the nuisance calls and texts, occasionally some do get past the filter, but then you have an option to block particular numbers anyway.

At one point I was getting 4-5 calls a day on my mobile, and working in a school as a site manager, you could guarantee it's usually when I'm at the top of a ladder, painting, or in the middle of a conversation  with someone. 

It works on Android, not sure if you can get it on Apple. I'd definitely recommend it though.

If they ever do get through though, I have been known to play along until they get annoyed with me for "wasting their time".

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3 hours ago, Septic Peg said:

Not had one for a while as I have caller id but with all the articles written lately about cold calling etc, I wondered what are everyone else's top tips to get them to stop?

1. If you don't answer it, chances are they won't ring again. Why? Because the bots that randomly dial can't tell if it's a real number until it connects with you answering. 

2. A rousing chorus of any song that pops into your head. Favourites include Barbie Girl and any S Club 7 song. Anything with a fast tempo and generally annoying.

3. A simple F**** OFF with a slamming of the phone. 

Anyone got anymore?

Since my accident etc, I have had to move back in with my mum, she answers the phone regardless of what the number is & even though we've done the ex-directory etc, so normally she'll ask where they've got the number from & they hang up on her!!

But 2 weeks ago we started getting calls from a 001 number she answered it & they said they were from TalkTalk (our phone & broadband supplier), they said there was an issue with our broadband, we'll all that sort of stuff gets left to me, so the phone was handed over to me & it was an Asian accent (already got me wary), he explains that our broadband router had been hacked (My broadband was working fine) & he wanted me to switch my computer on!!

I said that would take a few minutes, can't I check via my iPhone as the broadband is wireless but he then got very insistent that I had to switch my computer on, I then told him he was a lying arsehole & there was nothing wrong with my broadband & I told him he was trying to scam me!!

To that he tried denying it & then I told him he was a ******* manual manipulator & that he should go & **** himself!! I called him a few more things & by then he had given up with his story & slammed the phone down!!

I called TalkTalk & enquired, no one from them had called, I gave them the number & I don't know how it works for other suppliers but any numbers they have reported to them will instantly be blocked from calling any other TalkTalk numbers.

I kind of enjoyed being able to go mental at someone!!


Edit: loving the swear filter, manual manipulator for a five knuckle shuffle!! Quality.

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Usually I don't play, tell 'em, not interested, got no time etc.. BYE!

However on one occasion a call went something like this...

PPI caller (some time ago) ... starts fishing patter about the 'loan' I had .. (thankfully I hadn't had one) ....

Ring Ring .. I pick up, a voice says....  '' Good morning, am I speaking to Mr ******* ? "   ...

Who's speaking? says I...

''Hi my names blah blah blah I'm calling to tell you how you we can help you get a refund on the loan you had a while ago, you paid too much in repayments and we want to make sure you get it back'' ..

"Oh right'' says I, ''sounds good, you mean you can get me some cash b for real?'' , ''that's great!'' .....

'You were wrongly charged too much and we can claim it back for you Mr *******. You are entitled to PPI compensation''

"I just need to take a few details from you......  '' 

"Hang on'' I  interrupt him... ''which loan are we talking about? cos I've had a couple in the last few years, there's the small holiday one from the bank for about two and a half grand, or the other big one for £9000 I took out for the house..? Which one was I ripped off on ? ''  ''how much are we talking about?'' I sounded keen...  ''Oh, shit... ''just a minute, I gotta sort the stove out before my spuds boil over and burn.. and I'll get a pen and paper...''  (I leave the handset on the side for a couple of minutes, run the tap, knock some pans about a bit etc... ) ...'' sorry about that, says I, I'm back now, where were we?''

"if I can take a few details Mr *******   ( He was VERY excited by now,) and we can proceed)

"so youre from the loan company yeah? Your not the bank? " ... what's your name again?  ... what's the company name? ... ''according to our records Mr ***** you are entitled to a return of the PPI you paid too mu...''

" Wait,'' says I, 'youre not the bank or loan company are you?, who do you work for... ? " ...

  'We're blah blah blah, we are here to make sure you get what you're entitled to from the loan you had, can you confirm the date you... ?  I interrupt again

"Hey, hang on, who gave you my name and number? who told you about me and my loans,? "  I'm raising my voice now... '' How did you get on to me in the first place cos you ain't the company or bank that I've dealt with... did they give you my details... the bastards ain't allowed to do that, where did you get it from?...''

" Mr ******** ,  we're just here to help you get what's your's we just here to help.... you want your money don't you? Let us help..''

"Course I want my money mate'', says I, ''but I want to know how you know about me and my loans anyway in the first place, is that company selling my details? That's against the law if they are, the data protection act or something...

'' Mr *******, I can assure you.... (he doesn't  want to let go yet, still got ££signs in his eyes on the other end..)...

''NO, NO!! cut out the bullshit mate, youre on a fishing trip, you know eff all about me and any loans, you just got a phone number and name from some list haven't ya... cos I tell ya, I HAVENT HAD ANY FCU KING LOANS FRIM ANYONE ... so F OFF!!!!!  ....

Phone goes dead..... I feel pretty pleased with myself ... I pissed  'them' off for a change and wasted 'their'  bullshit time for a change....

  For a while after I received a few 'silent' calls from phones that 'don't transmit numbers' at odd times of the day and night, presumed it was 'them' trying to get their own back, .... but I didn't give a shit, it was worth it, I had him hook line and sinker, kept him hanging on the line for a good amount of time thinking he 'had me' and imagining the non existent commission that was gonna be coming his way...

**** 'em ! and their bullshit fishing trips assuming that most people would have had a loan of some sort in recent times.. and talking as if they know all about it..



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4 hours ago, Septic Peg said:

Not had one for a while as I have caller id but with all the articles written lately about cold calling etc, I wondered what are everyone else's top tips to get them to stop?

1. If you don't answer it, chances are they won't ring again. Why? Because the bots that randomly dial can't tell if it's a real number until it connects with you answering. 

2. A rousing chorus of any song that pops into your head. Favourites include Barbie Girl and any S Club 7 song. Anything with a fast tempo and generally annoying.

3. A simple F**** OFF with a slamming of the phone. 

Anyone got anymore?

Think that last one is a bit unfair really. For lots of 'cold callers', if UK based, it's their first job after leaving school/college/uni. It's miserable and boring and they inadvertently hate it but would rather do that than claim job seekers allowance. I know many many people who've done it and it's dreadful work. 

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Kinda agree with @Phileas Fogg

Most of it is poor work indeed, drudgery- some can be quite interesting but most is grim. But also there's different sorts...B2B, B2C and so on.

Also it's an increasing part of the UK economy- so like it or lump it telesales or phone based work isn't going away. Increasing part of economy in Bristol also.

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9 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Kinda agree with @Phileas Fogg

Most of it is poor work indeed, drudgery- some can be quite interesting but most is grim. But also there's different sorts...B2B, B2C and so on.

Also it's an increasing part of the UK economy- so like it or lump it telesales or phone based work isn't going away. Increasing part of economy in Bristol also.

True, I am just speaking about people I know. Some will always be more interesting than others but most of my friends were trying to cold sell insurance.. or double glazing.. something like a 0.2% success rate and got sworn at daily by people on the other end. I know it's annoying, but since talking to people who actually do the job i'm a bit more patient about it.

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3 minutes ago, Phileas Fogg said:

True, I am just speaking about people I know. Some will always be more interesting than others but most of my friends were trying to cold sell insurance.. or double glazing.. something like a 0.2% success rate and got sworn at daily by people on the other end. I know it's annoying, but since talking to people who actually do the job i'm a bit more patient about it.

I think you're right,- I've done political polling in past on phone, that was quite interesting but agreed yeah most is just drudgery isn't it. B2B is a bit different I guess, or can be.

0.2% success rate? Interesting- depends what you define as cold calling, that was definitely well below what was expected of us when I did it a few years back (not the political polling but the outbound stuff).Terrible job anyway most of it, but a growing sector in the UK today.

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9 hours ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Think that last one is a bit unfair really. For lots of 'cold callers', if UK based, it's their first job after leaving school/college/uni. It's miserable and boring and they inadvertently hate it but would rather do that than claim job seekers allowance. I know many many people who've done it and it's dreadful work. 


1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Kinda agree with @Phileas Fogg

Most of it is poor work indeed, drudgery- some can be quite interesting but most is grim. But also there's different sorts...B2B, B2C and so on.

Also it's an increasing part of the UK economy- so like it or lump it telesales or phone based work isn't going away. Increasing part of economy in Bristol also.



I imagine they are talking about the spam calls mainly. If your unlucky and your number gets out there (due to something you signed upto) you can receives waves of nuisance / cold calls sometimes a few a day. You may get a respite for a for a few days or even weeks and then it starts again. They have automated systems that dial 1000's of numbers from contact lists they have bought, and if you answer the system put you through to a operator. Worst a lot of these are scams, seemingly Pakistan and India the worst culprits atm. These people are just out to con you, and they deserve no sympathy as they know what they are doing.


As for UK cold callers - they should not be calling you if your on the TPS, however we get calls sometimes even though we are ex-directory and on TPS - we remind them of this and even then they sometimes continue to try to flog you something. It's an invasion of your time and space.

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1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

I think you're right,- I've done political polling in past on phone, that was quite interesting but agreed yeah most is just drudgery isn't it. B2B is a bit different I guess, or can be.

0.2% success rate? Interesting- depends what you define as cold calling, that was definitely well below what was expected of us when I did it a few years back (not the political polling but the outbound stuff).Terrible job anyway most of it, but a growing sector in the UK today.

Ironically I currently work in East Asia BPO/Call Center work is seen as aspirational to many people here. A huge employer out here.

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1 minute ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Ironically I currently work in East Asia BPO/Call Center work is seen as aspirational to many people here. A huge employer out here.

It can be very financially rewarding- depending on the types of calls and so on. In this country and I guess relatively speaking out there.

Hard work but some bonuses can be very good- but again it depends on the nature of calls, business type and so on.

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16 minutes ago, Fiale said:




I imagine they are talking about the spam calls mainly. If your unlucky and your number gets out there (due to something you signed upto) you can receives waves of nuisance / cold calls sometimes a few a day. You may get a respite for a fore days or even weeks and then it starts again. They have automated systems that dial 1000's of numbers from contact lists they have bought, and if you answer the system put you through to a operator. Worst a lot of these are scams, seemingly Pakistan and India the worst culprits atm. These people are just out to con you, and they deserve nu sympathy as they know what they are doing.


As for UK cold callers - they should not be calling you if your on the TPS, however we get calls sometimes even though we are ex-directory and on TPS - we remind them of this and even then they sometimes continue to try to flog you something. It's an invasion of your time and space.

Nuisance calls- spam, scam and all that crap. Hate them. PPI, accident based, and especially the overseas.

TPS I do tend to agree, but they are usually working on a high pressure target based system with a manual manipulator for a manager with a moderate at best basic- but topped up with big commission potential so IK can't blame them on a human level, anyone would.

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5 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

It can be very financially rewarding- depending on the types of calls and so on. In this country and I guess relatively speaking out there.

Hard work but some bonuses can be very good- but again it depends on the nature of calls, business type and so on.

That's right, out here it's usually slightly above usual salary and it allows flexibility (often night shifts at a premium or guaranteed weekends off with no shift rotation). 

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1 minute ago, Phileas Fogg said:

That's right, out here it's usually slightly above usual salary and it allows flexibility (often night shifts at a premium or guaranteed weekends off with no shift rotation). 

Guaranteed weekends off- nice! And slightly above usual salary would be great out there as I assume cost of living is really low. I know someone who did English teaching in South Korea- one of the more prosperous Asian nations- and he was eating out every other night.

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27 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Guaranteed weekends off- nice! And slightly above usual salary would be great out there as I assume cost of living is really low. I know someone who did English teaching in South Korea- one of the more prosperous Asian nations- and he was eating out every other night.

Yeah I think the way they pattern the shifts here is slightly different so sometimes shifts fall on weekends, especially night ones - having weekends guaranteed off is a big draw here!

 I'm out in the Philippines so cost of living is considerably lower - especially services like taxis! 

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10 hours ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Think that last one is a bit unfair really. For lots of 'cold callers', if UK based, it's their first job after leaving school/college/uni. It's miserable and boring and they inadvertently hate it but would rather do that than claim job seekers allowance. I know many many people who've done it and it's dreadful work. 

Cold calling sales people are just annoying, but nobody needs to take a job as a scammer.  

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I never answer any call from numbers I don`t recognise, numbers withheld or, the worst of all `out of area` as they are always scams. When I get a chance I search the number if there`s one displayed on whocalledme.com and almost always there are loads of posts saying it was a scam call.

I work on the basis that if it`s important they`ll leave a message and, if once I`ve looked the number up and it`s not been commented on adversely, I`ll call them back.

I just wish I could get Mrs RRH to do the same, she`ll answer anything saying `it might be important`.:grr:

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40 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

I never answer any call from numbers I don`t recognise, numbers withheld or, the worst of all `out of area` as they are always scams. When I get a chance I search the number if there`s one displayed on whocalledme.com and almost always there are loads of posts saying it was a scam call.

I work on the basis that if it`s important they`ll leave a message and, if once I`ve looked the number up and it`s not been commented on adversely, I`ll call them back.

I just wish I could get Mrs RRH to do the same, she`ll answer anything saying `it might be important`.:grr:

Yes, why do women do this? They can't all have secret lovers - can they?

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These are desperate  people trying to earn a living , do you really imagine that they would be doing the job otherwise ? 

They often have unsociable hours and horrible bosses who make their lives a misery .

Be kind .

 I just say " No thank you " and " good luck " .

Although I once recruited a person who tried to sell me a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

( those things sucked )

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27 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

These are desperate  people trying to earn a living , do you really imagine that they would be doing the job otherwise ? 

They often have unsociable hours and horrible bosses who make their lives a misery .

Be kind .

 I just say " No thank you " and " good luck " .

Although I once recruited a person who tried to sell me a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

( those things sucked )

Don't forget the targets- the hard targets.

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2 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

Yeah it's a bastard of a job .

I've done it a few times- the only one which was halfway passable was political polling cold calling. That was different- and interesting. Bosses were okay and targets weren't mad...but that's very much an exception!

Recruitment- and I maybe wrong, but recruitment always strikes me as a cushyish number looking in from outside but again maybe wrong.- people want jobs after all! (talking the high street agencies etc).

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3 hours ago, Major Isewater said:


Although I once recruited a person who tried to sell me a Kirby vacuum cleaner.

( those things sucked )

That has just brought back an unpleasant memory of being young(ish) and naive, not long bought first house up the Chessels and for some reason, we decided to let the Kirby salesman in.  The Kirby sales process is some sort of torture, thought up by the most extreme of Eastern bloc regimes.  The bloke was so persistent, I had to threaten him physically to get him to leave the house after about 2 and a half hours.........

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