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Man U sack Mourinho


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None of the elite clubs will go anywhere near him now imo. 

Pogba doesn't have an excuse to hide behind anymore either, so be interesting to see how that goes. 

For me, Conte would be the best manager they could bring in now, but if they do go down the route of Carrick till summer, then Poch would be a great shout. 

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1 minute ago, Lew-T said:


That’ll be my bet anyway.

You may be right.

Not that I remotely care but Zidane has the potential to make their situation even worse.

It does seem strange to got outside of the club to appoint a manager until May - unless he is told that if he does well he gets a longer contract.

My guess is that they want Poch but that is not going to be straightforward as I suspect Real will be looking closely at him too.

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3 minutes ago, Red_Wizard said:

Never knew Wenger was at Chelsea! 

Hence the use of punctuation and new paragraphs. I didn’t want to insult the intelligence of people on here by stating the obvious, I thought everyone would have known. Obviously not.


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6 minutes ago, Taz said:

Car crash waiting to happen since he was appointed. It was clear to see what was going to happen eventually just going by his 2nd spell at Chelsea.

Totally agree. Surprised he lasted this long if I’m honest

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All this talk of Poch, why would he leave Tottenham right now for United?

I get money is tight at TH because of the stadium, but United are a ******* mess, too many ego's. I'd stay where I was and wait for Real Madrid to come knocking, because they will

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Statement issued today by Bristol Sport

Following intense media speculation  Head Coach Lee Johnson is set to reject Red Devils approach.
Speaking to Bristol Sport Media Team he confirms his allegiance to BCFC.:
"I 'm sure I'll get a call, Man U have been tracking me for some time, ever since I beat them in the cup with my tactics, my coaching skills, and my superior game management it was inevitable that they would naturally see me as someone with the skills and leadership to manage their club. However I am committed to BCFC for the time being, Man City are also tracking me and regard me as the one coach who could succeed Pep and deliver substantial improvements on the foundations he's laid ( naturally since our game last season he 's constantly on my mobile begging for tips and ideas ). I see Man City as my next destination rather than Man Utd as that role would enable me to further develop my coaching philosophy, win the Champions League and prepare myself in readiness for the Real Madrid job...probably after taking the summer 2022 off to lead England to win the World Cup .



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His tactics, selections and man management seemed to be getting worse by the week- others say he was trying to get sacked. Perhaps something in that?

Looking in from the outside, would have for a max of one more year stuck with Van Gaal. Reason I say that is there actually was some decent youth coming through there (plus Martial who was brought) and if there is one thing Mourinho is truly averse to, it's giving youth a proper run- his track record is ample proof of that down the years.

The youth probably would have developed more there with one more year of Van Gaal (Ajax, Barcelona, Bayern, Holland national team- worked very well with younger players). Anyway it's Man Utd struggling so I don't care and if Mourinho has stalled varied youth prospects then all the better (unless they're English of course, which some are)!

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Hilarious....it's all fallen apart massively  after Sir Alex.

At least we won't have to put up with Jose's miserable tone in interviews now, wingeing about this, that and the other. How you can say the side 'isn't in my style' after spending £360m, is beyond me. The Blue side of Manchester must be laughing their socks off (again..).

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The thing is now for Jose, are any big clubs going to take a chance on him? Failed miserably 2nd time around at Chelsea, before being sacked - player power helped this. Now the same thing has happened at Utd, I can't see any sane owner wanting to take him on.

He doesnt get the players he wants - blames the board. Results dont go his way and/or performances are crap - he blames the players. Nothing is ever Jose's fault.

The one good thing you can say about the way he treats his players in public, is the turnaround of Luke Shaw. Publically criticized and dropped because he was unfit, crap and not interested. He came back a different player, before getting injured again. Other than that.....

Read somewhere earlier that Carrick or Butt will not be named caretaker manager, but another former player(s) have been mentioned. Personally I think that if Bruce or Hughes turn up, then they may as well have stuck with Moaniniho for the rest of the season. Giggs? Has done it before, could possibly take it on alongside the Wales job. At least he may start getting them to start playing decent football again.

If it wasn't for Ferguson's recent health scare, I'd say there would be a good chance of him taking it on until the summer. Wenger? Think the supporters would start throwing themselves under the buses after JM. 

Personally I'm not buying the whole "taking a while to recruit the right person" line. JM has been on his way out for a while, and the only way a permanent manager would be left until the summer is because discussions have already taken place and the new man has said he won't take it until then. Let's be fair, if there's one club that could say to someone, sign now, heres £150m, go out and get the players you want in January, it's Man Utd.

They want Poch apparently, but would he leave Spurs, who are arguably currently a better side? Zidane did well at Real, but let's be honest, most managers would do with the players he had.

This next appointment they have to get right, otherwise I think there could be big problems at that club.

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Sick of this story already, looking on my FB page It feels I’m now living in the north west, armchair football fans in Somerset who have never even visited Manchester are all over it. 

“We” need so and so, “we” will get so and so asour new manager?

FFS, when you actually watch a live football match rather than watching the game in the pub, when you actually find out where Old  Trafford is, and when you actually go to watch your team play, then you can say you support them. 

Sorry, I needed a rant ?

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25 minutes ago, Portland Bill said:


FFS, when you actually watch a live football match rather than watching the game in the pub, when you actually find out where Old  Trafford is, and when you actually go to watch your team play, then you can say you support them. 

Not to white-knight or anything but i'd imagine more people win five figures on the lottery than win tickets in their ballots. As pants as they're doing that waiting list has some life on it.

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Isn’t there a list of 6 or so managers who have had a go at most of the Prem manager jobs at one time or another. Out out of that lot whose turn is it to go to ManU, Pardew hasn’t been mentioned on here so far, I think he is one of that group. :laugh:

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1 hour ago, CodeRed said:




Statement issued today by Bristol Sport

Following intense media speculation  Head Coach Lee Johnson is set to reject Red Devils approach.
Speaking to Bristol Sport Media Team he confirms his allegiance to BCFC.:
"I 'm sure I'll get a call, Man U have been tracking me for some time, ever since I beat them in the cup with my tactics, my coaching skills, and my superior game management it was inevitable that they would naturally see me as someone with the skills and leadership to manage their club. However I am committed to BCFC for the time being, Man City are also tracking me and regard me as the one coach who could succeed Pep and deliver substantial improvements on the foundations he's laid ( naturally since our game last season he 's constantly on my mobile begging for tips and ideas ). I see Man City as my next destination rather than Man Utd as that role would enable me to further develop my coaching philosophy, win the Champions League and prepare myself in readiness for the Real Madrid job...probably after taking the summer 2022 off to lead England to win the World Cup .



Well that’s obviously bollocks. The World Cup in 2022 is in the winter.

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I'm surprised that the fans there tolerated him as long as they did. I've never particularly liked them, but during my lifetime Man Utd have almost always played attacking football and mostly been great to watch. I didn't think that Mourinho kicking his puke football, egotistical interviews and excuse bingo can up the road would last five minutes there. He's spent a bajillion quid and left a fairly average squad with a few stars. Without the goalkeeper they'd be out of the Champions League and really up shit creek.

Goes to show how far they've fallen that if Pochettino has any sense he'll run as fast as he can in the opposite direction.

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2 hours ago, RedDave said:

People quote win percentages a lot 

Mourinho win percentage the same as Sir Alex so assume those people think Jose was as good!

Would be interested in ppg average, did Jose or Sir Alex draw more? 

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5 hours ago, Super said:

I said when he signed he would spend a lot of money, win a few trophies, fall out with players, fail to improve any then leave bank a lot of money.

Corrected for financial accuracy.

The normal disclaimer does not apply to Mourinho, as past performance absolutely guarantees  his future returns!

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