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Notts Co


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Just (6.45pm) been announced on BBC East Midlands news that Notts County have raised the necessary money to survive. It has been handed over to the administrator. He will contact the league tomorrow to confirm the club met their deadline and responsibilites and they expect the admin order to be lifted tomorrow as a result.

Well done Notts, eat your heart out Leeds!

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Good luck to them.

Whatever your personal feelings about the team are, they are a well run company that has gone a long way in promoting our national game throughout the world.

Notts Co are another club who have escaped by the skin of their teeth and been saved from extinction at the 11th hour.

They over spent and tried to live beyond their means. The sooner points are docked from these clubs the better.

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Notts Co are another club who have escaped by the skin of their teeth and been saved from extinction at the 11th hour.

They over spent and tried to live beyond their means. The sooner points are docked from these clubs the better.

Bit harsh there Potbelly!!

Its not entirely down to fiscal mismanagement that most (all?)lower league clubs don't manage to break even season after season.City are the same and its considered progress when we make a £1.6m loss!.

Debts accrued year after year eventually catch up - hence administration.

The financial gulf between the Premiership and the rest is huge and getting bigger.

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Its not entirely down to fiscal mismanagement that most (all?)lower league clubs don't manage to break even season after season.

What other reasons are there?

Two years ago when they signed that tubby fellow, many people in the game questioned the sense of the Notts board.

1.6m is seen as progress for us, good job we had the LDV/Sky money.

500k LDV+approx 300k from sky last season. Sorry but i dont see much progress.

The only light for us is the fact that out wage bill is now reported to be much lower.

These days you just have to cut your cloth. Fans wont like it but it has to happen.

We will only start to save real money when we s#### the Academy and off load some of the other fringe benefits that we have aquired.

Never understood why ANY second div club needs a Chief Executive.

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Never understood why ANY second div club needs a Chief Executive.

Apparently you see this as a long term issue then? Because I for one would rather have an experienced chief executive that knows the fans, and that the fans know, when we are playing at a higher level, then to offload someone now whose been with the club for years and then bring in someone off the streets in 6 months time?

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What other reasons are there?

Overheads. Notts County are not that well supported 5000 at most home games.They have a decent enough stadium which like AG must cost close on a million per annun to run.

I'm not saying thats its not all the boards fault - but like all lower league clubs income fails to meet outgoings.

With Caskey - hindsight is a wonderfull gift - they tried to buy there way out of trouble but like many before them it didn't work.

As for a 1.6m loss being progress for City - remember the annual debt was over £3m just two years ago.So City are losing money but not as much.Given time City may get back on an even keel.

As for the academy - I can't be arsed to debate that now! another time maybe...

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Thats excellent news for two reasons...

1/ they are are club with a lot of history and the game would lose out if the club went out of business

2/ we got three points off them back in August and they've done wonders for our goal-difference - wouldn't want them taking off us.

Anyway, well done Notts County, I expect they'll be very sensible with their spending now. I would be very surprised if they went straight out and started buying players again. Surely they couldnt be THAT stupid...

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