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The Coronavirus and its impact on sport/Fans Return (Merged)


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Fair play on this stimulus- and I hope the self-employed, the zero hours/self-employed will get a boost too.

If only the Government had done this a couple of days ago though, I wonder how many who were let go as a result of this may still be in work. Say it had been announced Friday.

Fair play, they've stepped up but do wonder how many have slipped through the cracks between say last Friday and 5.30pm today.

The gig economy as well, just mentioned on the news- like self employed, they are more vulnerable than most.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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So more 'advice' but no action from the govt, still putting the onus on the public despite the fact they say follow what has been put out to help suppress the curve as much as possible, if its reached that level of importance shouldn't it now be a govt decision rather than advice? 

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1 minute ago, Bristol Rob said:

Not really, they said in the Conference that this was agreed with insurers today.

It’s an unprecedented situation, anyone expecting everything to be neatly organised and announced on day one is jumping the gun, things will change day by day, so there is no point in getting all excited or upset until something you want is definitively ruled out.

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33 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

I would’ve felt much better about this had it been mentioned yesterday, when first advice given re “not going out”....but at least they’ve now reacted.

Indeed. Even if it was just something like "we recognise that those establishments affected will be concerned, but we are finalising details of how we will support them and will announce this in the coming days", that would have been a start.

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7 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Fair play on this stimulus- and I hope the self-employed, the zero hours/self-employed will get a boost too.

If only the Government had done this a couple of days ago though, I wonder how many who were let go as a result of this may still be in work. Say it had been announced Friday.

Fair play, they've stepped up but do wonder how many have slipped through the cracks between say last Friday and 5.30pm today.

The gig economy as well, just mentioned on the news- like self employed, they are more vulnerable than most.

I would imagine its taken quite a few meetings and hours with many people over different sectors to get agreements.

Doesn't seem to me to be the sort of package that could be knocked up much quicker than it has done.

This is a fast moving and changing crisis and, as I see it, it is reasonable to assume we will always be reactive to most aspects of it.

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So, big question for businesses:

- do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller 

- bail out now

This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates.  It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going.

Thats my knee jerk reaction. 

Happy to be educated.

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3 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

I would imagine its taken quite a few meetings and hours with many people over different sectors to get agreements.

Doesn't seem to me to be the sort of package that could be knocked up much quicker than it has done.

This is a fast moving and changing crisis and, as I see it, it is reasonable to assume we will always be reactive to most aspects of it.

Well there is that of course, and yes reactive but they could have announced as Dave said, about significant support packages on the way, in progress- bear with us, etc.

That would have enabled businesses not so shed 30% of staff and maybe more in a week, as I know of at least one that did that last week!

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2 hours ago, Harry said:

If you have the ability to work from home then you should do so. 
That’s the advice. That’ll keep the salary coming for those people. 
Of course there are HUGE challenges to come for many people who won’t be able to work and whose employers have to close. I know all about that, as my wife works in a restaurant who’ve had 500 cancellations yesterday and is likely to be let go. 
Yes, the government have a massive role to play in ensuring there is as little impact to people and businesses as possible. Big big challenge. 

But that’s a totally different argument to “I can work from home but I’ve decided not to because my employer isn’t following the advice”. 

It's not a digatyou but how many people on the menial, low paid, zero contract hours can work from home? 

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11 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

So, big question for businesses:

- do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller 

- bail out now

This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates.  It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going.

Thats my knee jerk reaction. 

Happy to be educated.

As a contractor, you are a business.

Have a look at the grant options - might be wrong, but a grant sounds quite different to a loan.

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16 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Another indicator that we are living in remarkale times.

Clearly full sympathies with those affected on job front.

Well they got rid of contractors with immediate effect.. unfortunately that is the life of a contractor.  Make hay while the sun is shining

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1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Contractors temp staff, much the same?

Depends what temp staff are I guess. Like seasonal staff. Its shit but with those type of roles you a very vulnerable. Hell if you haven't been in a permy role for more than 2 years you really have no rights.. unless you there is a bullying case involved. It's the world we live now.


Bad times

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2 minutes ago, !james said:

Sensible move. Hopefully some can benefit from this 

Well that is good news for not only restaurants but gig economy employees for the likes of just eat uber eats etc.. 

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5 minutes ago, TRL said:

Depends what temp staff are I guess. Like seasonal staff. Its shit but with those type of roles you a very vulnerable. Hell if you haven't been in a permy role for more than 2 years you really have no rights.. unless you there is a bullying case involved. It's the world we live now.


Bad times

There's different types tbh, wouldn't you say?

Contractors. White collar, non white collar. Some of these can make hay and yes, but not all- world we live in as you say.

Self-employed. The traditional traders, labourers- builders, whatever. Again some of these, but by no means all can be 

'Self-employed'. The most vulnerable. These are self-employed, but not really- better known as zero hours, but self- employed or via agencies partially, tax reasons or whatever. Or I don't know, door knocking on commission only- loads of these types of jobs around, some better than others but these fall through the cracks and some especially so.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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5 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

As a contractor, you are a business.

Have a look at the grant options - might be wrong, but a grant sounds quite different to a loan.

Generally, as I understand it, you are obviously obliged to repay a loan.

Not so with a grant.

At least, I hope that is how it works.

3 minutes ago, !james said:

Sensible move. Hopefully some can benefit from this 

Some have been doing this for some time.

Seen the Trooper delivery van around East Bristol loads of times.

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3 minutes ago, bcfc01 said:

Not so with a grant.

At least, I hope that is how it works.

As I understand it the grants are available to businesses that are getting Small Business Rate Relief, as a contractor I don't have business premises other than my home office so don't think I'm eligible for any grants.

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24 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

So, big question for businesses:

- do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller 

- bail out now

This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates.  It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going.

Thats my knee jerk reaction. 

Happy to be educated.

One Pretty big retailer is going BOGOF on everything in store tomorrow for probably a few weeks. Cash is king!

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24 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

So, big question for businesses:

- do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller 

- bail out now

This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates.  It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going.

Thats my knee jerk reaction. 

Happy to be educated.

Hi Dave, I'd suggest following Richard Murphy's twitter or blog. He's currently tweeting about Sunak's useless announcements. Educational and informative.


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29 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

So, big question for businesses:

- do I carry on in a very difficult economy and have a loan to try to service afterwards in a difficult economy (vicious circle!!), making profit margins smaller 

- bail out now

This will be a huge decision, and terms of loan not yet known, but ‘attractive’ rates.  It’s a step in the right direction, £330bn sounds great....but it ain’t free money to keep the economy going.

Thats my knee jerk reaction. 

Happy to be educated.

I think if your business is limited liability now is the time to borrow to the hilt and delay any payments to HMRC, worry about it if you get through this intact.  It's about survival not profits at this point. 

Investors I deal with are basically advising hunker down hard now and string it out for as long as you can.

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14 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

There's different types tbh, wouldn't you say?

Contractors. White collar, non white collar. Some of these can make hay and yes, but not all- world we live in as you say.

Self-employed. The traditional traders, labourers- builders, whatever. Again some of these, but by no means all can be 

'Self-employed'. The most vulnerable. These are self-employed, but not really- better known as zero hours, but self- employed or via agencies partially, tax reasons or whatever. Or I don't know, door knocking on commission only- loads of these types of jobs around, some better than others but these fall through the cracks and some especially so.

Oh without doubt. Many types and all can be under the heading contractors. Each one very much open to market conditions. Some people may not have any other choice but to work in this type of role, a lot do, be it for more money or working for yourself. Something to think about if the choice is in your remote.


That said if you are not under an umbrella company some of these contractors will be seen as a business in their own right so will hopefully be getting some help

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Just popped on here to see how things are going. Glad to see everyone taking things seriously. 

At the current rate it will take 71 days for the whole population of the world to contract that disease!

Strain in hospitals is expected to peak as soon as schools close. 

Look after your olds. Some of them aren’t going to make it. 

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23 minutes ago, TRL said:

Oh without doubt. Many types and all can be under the heading contractors. Each one very much open to market conditions. Some people may not have any other choice but to work in this type of role, a lot do, be it for more money or working for yourself. Something to think about if the choice is in your remote.


That said if you are not under an umbrella company some of these contractors will be seen as a business in their own right so will hopefully be getting some help

Good point by the BBC economics editor.

Point is, think Government need to do something- tailored- but do something for all groups in these troubled times. Great many do, and will need help.


An unprecedented package with glaring omissions

Dharshini David

Economics Correspondent

This is an unprecedented package for unprecedented times.

We shouldn't dismiss this and it is just a first step.

But there are glaring omissions - most notably the help for the self employed, the freelancers and people working in the gig economy. The big question is - what is going to be done for those people.

And what about benefits and sick pay? We hear about some businesses who are saying to workers that if they isolate they have to do it on unpaid leave.

It will also take time for these measures to be put into action.


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51 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

As a contractor, you are a business.

Have a look at the grant options - might be wrong, but a grant sounds quite different to a loan.

Wasn’t thinking about me per se!!! ?

47 minutes ago, !james said:

Sensible move. Hopefully some can benefit from this 


Heres Darragh from Peterborough. Lots of good concepts.


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9 hours ago, downendcity said:

Had BJ announced  a total lockdown - schools shut, travel stopped etc - 2 weeks ago, to avoid greater infection, I strongly suspect that any of those now criticising his actions would have been equally vocal in criticising him for overreacting and jeopardising business, when the majority of other countries had not taken such steps.

What like suspending football last Thursday only 5 days ago 

The way I see it (lucky enough to have a wife who is a director of an insurance company to tell me, very little businesses have BI insurance and if they do COVID-19 certainly is not named on notify-able deceases) is the government are  asking us the general public to take control and stay away,  rather than imposing a ban. But we all know that will be coming within days rather than weeks. 

My wife sent me this link regarding insurance cover against this pandemic.



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While a lot of employers are hanging on, insisting staff try to attend at the moment, I'll give you some news about an employer positive.

I work for a world wide company and was, sadly, badly ill in late 2017 with sepsis and pneumonia. I'm absolutely fine now and have been for over 2 years.

My employer has gone back through each employees employment records, looking for elevated risk and informed me I'm not allowed to go to a company site or enter a customer's premises for 12 weeks as I'm at an 'elevated risk' and to work from home where I can. 

Totally shocked me and i was a bit gutted but, in support of their decision, they are looking out for me as well as themselves. Roll on June 14th when I can do some 'proper' work.

Edited by Ska Junkie
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2 hours ago, Galway Red said:

It's not a digatyou but how many people on the menial, low paid, zero contract hours can work from home? 

None. And that’s exactly the point. The clear advice at present is that those who can work from home should. Because there are many that can’t. So it’s a slowly slowly process. 
If employers are refusing those that can, then they are dicks, simple as. 

My wife’s job requires her to be there in person. She can’t serve a table if she’s not there. So, if her restaurant is open this weekend then she’ll have to be there. Likelihood is that they won’t be open as they’ve had 500 cancellations yesterday. 

As I said to rumred earlier, I don’t see where the ambiguity is. If you can work from home, you should. 
This reduces the movement of people significantly enough to reduce the risk of spread, slowing it enough for the NHS to be able to cope. It’s all about stemming the flow and gradually introducing harsher and harsher actions, whilst relying on the public to abide by the advice in the meantime. 

Give it a few more days and everything will be shut. No one will be earning any money and the government will need to have an income protection plan in place for ALL workers. 

For now, and prior to the BIG shutdown, people should abide by the advice to try to reduce the case count. 
Loads of people are going to die, whichever way this is handled. And everyone is going to suffer loss of earnings, whichever way this is handled. We are quite literally in a no-win situation. Everyone. 


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42 minutes ago, And Its Smith said:

Entertainer  - Fair to say its panic stations! 

Cheers for that! Checked online and they had some backlash for it being in store only so they are doing limited online sales too with the code BOGOF just bought some birthday presents for my daughter! 

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41 minutes ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:

in travel insurance as it happens (as you can imagine, this is causing that industry a lot of stress!)

Oh I bet, best of luck pal. Hope people understand your just doing your job 

41 minutes ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:
41 minutes ago, Ronnie Sinclair said:
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2 hours ago, Fordy62 said:

Just popped on here to see how things are going. Glad to see everyone taking things seriously. 

At the current rate it will take 71 days for the whole population of the world to contract that disease!

Strain in hospitals is expected to peak as soon as schools close. 

Look after your olds. Some of them aren’t going to make it. 

I guess you are busy, my mate in Glos Elderly William is on 12 hour days, 7 days with alternative sat or Sun off.  All leave cancelled until review in June....

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8 minutes ago, Maesknoll Red said:

Nice simple explanation of the plan.



That is last weeks plan though isn't it. As I understand we are now moving to the Italian model described in the thread, judging by the paper from Imperial College.

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I'm self employed and have been told by an organisation that I do a lot of maintenance and upgrade work for that its emergency work only at the moment and yet BCFC still wanted me to commit several hundred pounds yesterday for a season ticket which I didn't do due to the uncertainty and my seat has gone, I've mentioned it before and sorry for mentioning it again but surely they could have extended the seat renewal deadline for a couple of months, very disappointed by the clubs attitude. 

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8 minutes ago, Dogbert said:

That is last weeks plan though isn't it. As I understand we are now moving to the Italian model described in the thread, judging by the paper from Imperial College.

I thought we were still following that plan, it just ramps up as things progress.

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4 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

There is an assumption that because footballers earned more over their short careers they are in a position of disposable cash they can spare.

If you have an (say on average) ten year career, you'd not find a lender who is going to give you a 25 year mortgage on your 3 million quid house. You'll be shelling out a fortune on repayments and critical illness cover so that if you career comes to a premature end you aren't homeless, likewise trying to get a suitable pension pot in place for the end of a short career is going to be a stretch.

Yes, there will be some players who can probably afford it, but a lot of players already give strongly to charities.

I don't think it's for players to do anything.


My heart bleeds at the thought of them having to relocate to a house costing less than £3m if they are not doing their job for a protracted period of time.

Those of us with more modestly priced homes also face difficulties if the side-effects of this virus stop us from working as normal. Why should footballers be insulated?

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9 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:


My heart bleeds at the thought of them having to relocate to a house costing less than £3m if they are not doing their job for a protracted period of time.

Those of us with more modestly priced homes also face difficulties if the side-effects of this virus stop us from working as normal. Why should footballers be insulated?

Absolutely they shouldn't.

Never understood the idea that a professional football player only has a short career so it makes them more worthy of their excessive earnings, does the ability to do work stop once a player reaches retirement as a profession football player, funny how players from the past managed to find other work after their playing career ended.

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From BBC Sport - We may hear more on the proposals tomorrow

Championship clubs are unanimously behind trying to complete the season despite the coronavirus outbreak.

All 24 second-tier clubs held a video conference on Tuesday.

It followed a similar meeting on Monday when the current top six-placed clubs agreed in their desire to play remaining fixtures, a view supported by at least three other clubs.

Leeds United are currently top of the Championship table, a point ahead of West Brom with nine games to play.

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32 minutes ago, phantom said:

From BBC Sport - We may hear more on the proposals tomorrow

Championship clubs are unanimously behind trying to complete the season despite the coronavirus outbreak.

All 24 second-tier clubs held a video conference on Tuesday.

It followed a similar meeting on Monday when the current top six-placed clubs agreed in their desire to play remaining fixtures, a view supported by at least three other clubs.

Leeds United are currently top of the Championship table, a point ahead of West Brom with nine games to play.

 Nothing personal against you at all @phantom and I know this is a football forum, but I just don’t care what happens to the football season any more.

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1 hour ago, Red-Robbo said:


My heart bleeds at the thought of them having to relocate to a house costing less than £3m if they are not doing their job for a protracted period of time.

Those of us with more modestly priced homes also face difficulties if the side-effects of this virus stop us from working as normal. Why should footballers be insulated?

I being facetious, but maybe they could move in to your home, you could move in to a bed sit and the person in the bed sit can sleep on the street.

We all have financial commitments. And you tend to take on commitments that meet your earning expectations.

Maybe they do have wage deferment clauses in their contracts, I don't know, I have never seen them.

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8 hours ago, RumRed said:

Well can someone tell my employers please?  

You know, those people that pay me.  

That’s the difference between ‘advice’ and ‘an order’

no that's the difference between good employers and arseholes.

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2 hours ago, RedorDead BCFC said:

The way I see it (lucky enough to have a wife who is a director of an insurance company to tell me, very little businesses have BI insurance and if they do COVID-19 certainly is not named on notify-able deceases) is the government are  asking us the general public to take control and stay away,  rather than imposing a ban. But we all know that will be coming within days rather than weeks. 

My wife sent me this link regarding insurance cover against this pandemic.



Indeed, and the ABI statement only serves to reinforce what I was trying to explain to, inter alia, @LondonBristolian yesterday.

I have worked in the insurance profession for more than 40 years, with the past 20 years or so being involved heavily in the entertainment industry (bars, restaurants, discotheques and the like) and, with certain exceptions, their overbearing requirement relating to insurance cover has been 'price', especially in so far as it concerns tenants.

There are charlatans in most fields of business, and insurance is no exception. Hence, the smooth-talking insurance broker (professional advisor ?) who offers the same cover for a premium considerably less than his competitor gains the contract (and its commission).

Don't worry mate, if your business suffers a loss due to fire, flood, storm 'whatever', everything is covered and, in addition, so is your loss of turnover. 

Perhaps, except it all comes home to roost at the time of a claim, when the insured party actually reads his policy for the first time and realises that the premium he saved was due to him skimping on his cover and, in reality, as with many things in life, he had made a false economy.

I have no reason to doubt that @LondonBristolian's acquaintances were stating their genuine belief as to their insurance cover, but, unfortunately, as I advised yesterday and as has now been confirmed by the ABI, they appear to have been mislead and their belief was misguided.     


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Australia has run out of kits but 100,000 more expected tonight.

No gatherings indoors of 100+ people - so pubs etc have a 4m exclusion zone plan!!

Borders closed to most travellers

My son who is doing his masters cannot get to Uni, go on his placement and has now lost his job as he was Cinema duty manager to supplement his income whilst studying.

My wife teaches international students and expects to be laid off indefinately next week.

I'm expecting 14 day straight 12 hr shifts on ventilated patients any day.

The hospital don't have enough kits to test any of us, unless we show symptoms, which by then will be too late.

A lot of the staff feel we are probably killing some of the people we are supposed to be trying to help, as we haven't been tested, and access has been denied, unless we manage to buy one from abroad.

Bloody ridiculous.


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7 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

That's somewhat reassuring and may lead to a shortening of the crisis. However, being a virus it still has the ability to mutate and so a second wave could be caused by a new strain. 

There is a commonly held belief that you can't catch chickenpox twice, right? Wrong, it's extremely rare but some people do catch it twice or even multiple times. 

Unfortunately true - I had it twice... apparently the first time was very mild sonot enough to give me immunity, I made up for that in spades second time around.

I was told on Friday that I was to be working at home for the foreseeable future, guess I'm one of the lucky ones that can. It also means when the kids' schools are shut (one is from tomorrow, only partial but affecting his year) it won't affect my wife and her 111 shifts

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2 minutes ago, semblar said:

Unfortunately true - I had it twice... apparently the first time was very mild sonot enough to give me immunity, I made up for that in spades second time around.

I was told on Friday that I was to be working at home for the foreseeable future, guess I'm one of the lucky ones that can. It also means when the kids' schools are shut (one is from tomorrow, only partial but affecting his year) it won't affect my wife and her 111 shifts

You definitely had it twice?? 

Wow. This is fairly unchartered waters, or is even more so than it has been to date.

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Chickenpox twice - yes, 100% First time around my brother was plastered, I had a few spots but not many. Second time around, I was plastered even more than my brother had been

This one? No, not once and I'll try to avoid it having diabetes....

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On 17/03/2020 at 06:50, ChippenhamRed said:

Remember when we used to argue about whether Eliasson should start, the merits of four or three at the back, and the lack of shots on target?

I miss that.

I do too.

I also find political point scoring, especially earlier in this thread, a bit silly to put it mildly. 

This kind of confusion is inevitable in a crisis this big and fast-moving. But it does also make the government's job much harder as it is easy for those who - for whatever reason - are mostly interested in scoring points to accuse ministers of U-turning and not being in full control. The truth is that it is impossible to be in control of a virus that scientists are still trying to fully understand, but the task for the government is to appear as responsive and sensible as possible - and to get that heard over the clamour.

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5 hours ago, havanatopia said:

I do too.

I also find political point scoring, especially earlier in this thread, a bit silly to put it mildly. 

This kind of confusion is inevitable in a crisis this big and fast-moving. But it does also make the government's job much harder as it is easy for those who - for whatever reason - are mostly interested in scoring points to accuse ministers of U-turning and not being in full control. The truth is that it is impossible to be in control of a virus that scientists are still trying to fully understand, but the task for the government is to appear as responsive and sensible as possible - and to get that heard over the clamour.

Problem is this government usually U-turns when public outrage blows up. Similar to when they wanted the elderly to pay for their social care by selling their houses.

Think about that for a second.

If people didn’t kick off they would have went ahead with doing nothing and letting the majority of the population catch it resulting in excessive deaths. So it isn’t as simple to say people are playing politics. 

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8 minutes ago, Odysseus said:

Problem is this government usually U-turns when public outrage blows up. Similar to when they wanted the elderly to pay for their social care by selling their houses.

Think about that for a second.

If people didn’t kick off they would have went ahead with doing nothing and letting the majority of the population catch it resulting in excessive deaths. So it isn’t as simple to say people are playing politics. 

Truth is always somewhere in the middle.

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6 hours ago, havanatopia said:

I do too.

I also find political point scoring, especially earlier in this thread, a bit silly to put it mildly. 

This kind of confusion is inevitable in a crisis this big and fast-moving. But it does also make the government's job much harder as it is easy for those who - for whatever reason - are mostly interested in scoring points to accuse ministers of U-turning and not being in full control. The truth is that it is impossible to be in control of a virus that scientists are still trying to fully understand, but the task for the government is to appear as responsive and sensible as possible - and to get that heard over the clamour.

Well it's 100% not point scoring for British people to question why this government has taken a different approach to the vast majority of leading nations. You'd be irrational if you weren't concerned by that.

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8 hours ago, semblar said:

Unfortunately true - I had it twice... apparently the first time was very mild sonot enough to give me immunity, I made up for that in spades second time around.

I was told on Friday that I was to be working at home for the foreseeable future, guess I'm one of the lucky ones that can. It also means when the kids' schools are shut (one is from tomorrow, only partial but affecting his year) it won't affect my wife and her 111 shifts

Reminds me of going to Joe’s nursery when he was little for parents evening.  We got to look through his folder of paintings and stuff and there was a page of quotes.

one of them was:

catwalks aren’t for cats they’re just for models!

found out later it was a bob the builder quote

but the best:

I had chicken pox twice, but I didn’t get it too bad, as I didn’t turn into a real chicken



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Sent home with my laptop now. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow with our first born, not going to take any risks now. Worrying times and looks like we may have to isolate ourselves with the baby, gutting with so many people excited to meet him! First time grandparents etc.

Hope everyone is keeping safe

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1 minute ago, ollywhyte said:

Sent home with my laptop now. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow with our first born, not going to take any risks now. Worrying times and looks like we may have to isolate ourselves with the baby, gutting with so many people excited to meet him! First time grandparents etc.

Hope everyone is keeping safe

Stay well and all the best on the birth of a new City fan ??

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3 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

Surely the season will finish behind close doors. I will fully be in support of this. Can’t see any other option 

The problem may well be that certain players in various squads have the virus and the players would not like to come into contact.  They are like anyone else and will have extended families who are trying to stay safe. 

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2 minutes ago, Bat Fastard said:

The problem may well be that certain players in various squads have the virus and the players would not like to come into contact.  They are like anyone else and will have extended families who are trying to stay safe. 

Totally understand that. I was thinking more of players being tested and players who are healthy and clear play the games. Time to use the squad.

Disclaimer : I am not a doctor I know nothing this is just my opinion.  :yes:

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18 minutes ago, ollywhyte said:

Sent home with my laptop now. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow with our first born, not going to take any risks now. Worrying times and looks like we may have to isolate ourselves with the baby, gutting with so many people excited to meet him! First time grandparents etc.

Hope everyone is keeping safe

My wife’s in labour as we speak and very worried about who comes to see the baby, family included, unfortunately we are going to have to play safe which is sad as nobody gets to meet the new baby for a while but zero point risking it!  Good luck by the way!  We arrived at Southmead at 2pm Monday and no baby yet!

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6 hours ago, havanatopia said:

I do too.

I also find political point scoring, especially earlier in this thread, a bit silly to put it mildly. 

This kind of confusion is inevitable in a crisis this big and fast-moving. But it does also make the government's job much harder as it is easy for those who - for whatever reason - are mostly interested in scoring points to accuse ministers of U-turning and not being in full control. The truth is that it is impossible to be in control of a virus that scientists are still trying to fully understand, but the task for the government is to appear as responsive and sensible as possible - and to get that heard over the clamour.

I understand the point you're making and political point scoring a no go, but it feels like our Government have been a bit reactive, behind the curve at certain points. I'd be saying that regardless of party BTW.

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Genuine question. How does a government create a plan, and control a pandemic when it's stopped testing the general public?

If you don't know how many cases there are, how do you know when it truly slows?

Following yesterday's post about my mother, she was told not to contact 111 or Doctors, as per the general guidance, so she wont know if she has it, and nor will the people collecting the data.

Also, she could now quarantine for 14 days as per advice, then turn out she only had an agressive cold (she has lower immune system due to cancer in the past) and then still be likely to actually catch it?

Likewise, myself (back in work today ?‍♂️) could quarantine for 2 weeks thinking I've been around someone with symptoms when I haven't and then we're still at risk.

I think i'd rather have it ASAP, quarantine and get it done with than the unknown with vulnerable people around me.

I also realise the NHS/GPs probably dont have capacity to test the amount of people required. I just couldn't understand how you manage it without knowing the figures?

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1 hour ago, ollywhyte said:

Sent home with my laptop now. My wife is 38 weeks pregnant tomorrow with our first born, not going to take any risks now. Worrying times and looks like we may have to isolate ourselves with the baby, gutting with so many people excited to meet him! First time grandparents etc.

Hope everyone is keeping safe


1 hour ago, Tinmans Love Child said:

My wife’s in labour as we speak and very worried about who comes to see the baby, family included, unfortunately we are going to have to play safe which is sad as nobody gets to meet the new baby for a while but zero point risking it!  Good luck by the way!  We arrived at Southmead at 2pm Monday and no baby yet!

The most tiring and exciting thing you’ll ever do. Good luck boys!

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