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Glad to see some things never change...EFL Governance questions?

Mr Popodopolous

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Glad to see some things never change.

In these times of global pandemic and no football, it is reassuring to see some similarities remain.

This is linked to the TV deal and the breakaway threats etc in 2018/19- under the stewardship of Shaun Harvey. Once again, things appear to have been overseen, run in a less than satisfactory manner. This story doesn't directly involve the ex CEO but he was at the helm and oversaw matters.




It's in the Daily Mail (sorry @mozo !) but Matt Hughes of the DM, and before that the Times really seems quite a decent journo- seems to have a good insight into EFL issues too.


Little potted summary from the article itself- timeline, the three articles flesh out the detail and tell the full story. 

You might be quite interested @Davefevs and I have always had in the back of my mind some kind of conspiracy theory of a bit of an extended grace or initially I thought extension on FFP issues, which would have benefited Derby and Aston Villa in particular...two of those agitating for the breakaway.

Especially Derby and Mel Morris in the first instance as he was most vocal!!

Reading as well were mentioned as a signatory in a Times article from last year (by Matt Hughes) about this subject. Sheffield Wednesday were not started either way, who knows their view on a breakaway threat.

Worth pointing out too that Leeds were ones who were vocal about a) A TV deal and b) A breakaway- Morris and Radrizzani relations have soured of course post Spygate, Stadium sale and other issues too probably. 

Seems it was not terribly well investigated though, he had already quit a week or so after the Investigation was got under way, EFL board declared it close and stated clubs wouldn't be informed... :o

They really need to somehow investigate Harvey at an EFL inquiry level minimum and maybe more- IMO of course. Or at least his final year or two in charge anyway.

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Agreed. PL has shown no real inclination, as you say pooling the income with a PL2 just isn't realistic. 

Can never say never with future business models and ideas that could arise, but for the foreseeable, agreed.

I think it unlikely but still have these small conspiracy theories. Maybe members of the board lost their nerve?

Of less doubt is how the EFL was run, the fact they declared the matter closed and didn't inform clubs, this jeopardised the entire TV deal, meetings with Mel Morris.

As for the TV deal itself, it isn't perfect but it's not bad. Especially in these times. A worry I had at the time was of the EFL repeating mistakes leading up to the ITV Digital debacle. 

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