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Over Aroused Box Winners


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Disagree on the keeper point, well stated in the past how the keepers are in possession of the shirt until they lose it, Bentley's performance at Blackburn was poor enough that it warranted dropping.

Oh and Jack Hunt's passing stats were in line with his seasonal average, couple below by a few % and a few higher 

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I enjoyed the slightly more chaotic/relaxed sound today. 

Have to disagree on the keeper question. I'm thoroughly on team Maenpaa right now. He seemed to be the only player who a) knew his position b) knew his role and c) felt confident in pulling it off.

Also, I honestly didn't notice Hunt as being particularly dreadful - but maybe that's because I was so concentrated on trying to work out what on earth was going on in our midfield.


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2 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

I enjoyed the slightly more chaotic/relaxed sound today. 

Have to disagree on the keeper question. I'm thoroughly on team Maenpaa right now. He seemed to be the only player who a) knew his position b) knew his role and c) felt confident in pulling it off.

Also, I honestly didn't notice Hunt as being particularly dreadful - but maybe that's because I was so concentrated on trying to work out what on earth was going on in our midfield.


Agree with you that Hunt played 'okay'. He put one delicious delivery into the box. 

Agree with Pete that Dasilva was abject, also so many unforced errors from Smith which seems to have gone unnoticed. In particular, the 3 on 2 breakaway in which he was coming forward in space and totally shanked his pass. He did atone with the cross for the goal though.


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6 minutes ago, hodge said:

@Shtanley I expect an in depth full conspiracy theory investigation into OTIB being offline for a while today and the 'update' of the theme etc was a cover up 


When I realised Otib was off line, for 10 excitable seconds I thought lj had been given the Spanish archer and the site had crashed, its the hope that kills you .

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