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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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On 9 June 2016 at 07:57, nebristolred said:

Anyone else think ****heads is quite possibly the worst, least insulting nickname possible? It's completely devoid of any creativity whatsoever. It's like us just referring to them as the c***s. It has no relevance apart from just being a standard insult.

Always thought that. It's like calling our ground "Trashton" Gate. Let's forget that they tried to steel it once and the fact that to a man they would cream themselves if they owned/stole it. 

Add thier basic misunderstanding of what went on in 82 they really don't help themselves. But when you think about it, you can understand why they come out with such desperate rubbish. What else have they ever had over us? Pipping us to the title in 1990 and ....... err............... Didn't thier pies win an award once? 

Theyd be better off forgetting about us and concentrating on themselves. I reckon that's what's holding them back, well one of the things holding them back. Most of the gas heads on here are a case in point. They achieved mild success last term ( I refuse to acknowledge winning a penalty shoot out to get back in the league as success)  and yet all they can do is crow that we should be worried that they might get promoted to our division..... One day. 

No wonder they are a laughing stock, and not just in Bristol now.

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4 hours ago, Super said:

Going big apparently?! Strange lot on that forum


"The question is about finance.
New builds exclude VAT. Refurbishment or extensions (eg Ashton Gate) are liable for VAT. It might be our interest to go for the larger capacity now. As I say this will be down to the financing.

Also one other point - the orginal design allows upto 35000. This was before safe standing.

I believe that we will see anouncement of about 28k including safe standing with an option to go to 35k."

Why don't go the whole way and make it bigger than Camp Nou...

After all, their owner is a trillionaire and they do have this huge fanbase who are constantly locked out of the Mem :blink:

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5 hours ago, Charliesboots said:

Wael is looking down the back of his sofa now for about £30 million quid...

All he's found so far is a £15k watch. 


If there were such a watch down the back of mine(sofa)it would have to belong to the previous owner(of the sofa)....(and the watch).???????

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6 hours ago, Weezord said:

Tick tock not long till a big announcement later.

I'll keep this thread updated. Lots of interested posters I'm sure judging by the size of the thread.

Is the big announcement your "star" striker is going to sign for Celtic.  Goin be difficult surviving next season with 28 goals taken out the team and a squad with with minimal league 1 experience.

In other news also heard that the sags are going to re-announce, for the umpteenth time, an aggrement with UWE.  Still no sign of where the money's coming from though.  Same old same old.

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9 minutes ago, Super said:

They release a story like this every couple of months. "negotiations ongoing"  "progress being made".  Why are they still in negotiations - if Sainsburys had paid up years ago they would have started immediately.  Why not now?  Sounds a lot like bluster and bluff to me.

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8 hours ago, Weezord said:

Tick tock not long till a big announcement later.

I'll keep this thread updated. Lots of interested posters I'm sure judging by the size of the thread.


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