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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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13 minutes ago, richyy66 said:

Seriously some of the objections are laughable. Although we did have similar when trying for New Ashton Vale Stadium.

This objection made me chuckle from local resident of Horfield




Looks to me like Finbarr Saunders wrote that one, they’ve managed to get tits & bush in the same sentence..

Absolute quality & I salute those citizens of Bristol & their democratic right to totally **** up the fewers embarrassing ground “improvements”

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1 minute ago, GrahamC said:

Looks to me like Finbarr Saunders wrote that one, they’ve managed to get tits & bush in the same sentence..

Absolute quality & I salute those citizens of Bristol & their democratic right to totally **** up the fewers embarrassing ground “improvements”

The guys off his Tits...:laugh:

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1 hour ago, richyy66 said:

Looks like a Kids design using "Minecraft".




WTF is that orange and purple thing on the rhs? A phone box? ?

BTW, the fact that they're running roughshod over legal planning rules could mean at least 50 pages on here, especially if they build it and compare it to BS3 or have to unbolt it. That would be justice.

For our saggie visitors, that is NOT anything that compares to AG, not even close, our training centre is better.

Edited by Ska Junkie
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2 hours ago, richyy66 said:

Seriously some of the objections are laughable. Although we did have similar when trying for New Ashton Vale Stadium.

This objection made me chuckle from local resident of Horfield




:laugh: - one of the objections actually mentions dog walkers!

Edited by fgrsimon
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2 hours ago, richyy66 said:

Seriously some of the objections are laughable. Although we did have similar when trying for New Ashton Vale Stadium.

This objection made me chuckle from local resident of Horfield




Not all bad news. They'll have around 6000 tits to look at every other Saturday come August time,

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Rovers could already be on serious trouble with this,

Its illegal to fell or cut down trees during nesting season, without the express permission from heritage England, just ask the former tory leader of Plymouth Council,

If rovers have done this without any permission, then expect planning permission to be halted or turned down

https://www.tabtrees.co.uk/faq/will-the-presence-of-birds-or-bats-make-any-difference-to-my-tree-work/#:~:text=Can you cut down a,the nesting season is over.

Edited by Monkeh
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42 minutes ago, Monkeh said:

Rovers could already be on serious trouble with this,

Its illegal to fell or cut down trees during nesting season, without the express permission from heritage England, just ask the former tory leader of Plymouth Council,

If rovers have done this without any permission, then expect planning permission to be halted or turned down

https://www.tabtrees.co.uk/faq/will-the-presence-of-birds-or-bats-make-any-difference-to-my-tree-work/#:~:text=Can you cut down a,the nesting season is over.

Although I agree with @richyy66that some of those objections are too general and frivolous, the killing of the trees without consent is really genuinely upsetting. 

It's common knowledge of course that destroying trees has a detrimental effect on the levels of carbon emissions in the atmosphere, but it's only recently through having solar panels have I realised that just how much that is. 

This shows that 1 average size tree saves 1.8tonnes of carbon in it's lifetime, that doesn't take into account the other wildlife that use it and the fact that a tree is like a mini eco system of other plant life growing on it. 


I am not being facetious, I would be equally appalled (maybe more so) if the City did something like this to healthy trees.

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9 minutes ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

What`s Horfield like these days? Is it getting all gentrified like BS3 is?

I can never tell where one bit starts or finishes over that side of town, but the Gloucester Road has become quite "bohemian" maybe? Like Bedminster with the bars and restaurants, but a bit more diverse in the cuisine etc.

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8 hours ago, richyy66 said:

Seriously some of the objections are laughable. Although we did have similar when trying for New Ashton Vale Stadium.

This objection made me chuckle from local resident of Horfield




They've obviously been showing babestation on their large TV they purchased from the rosey cheeked lady garden.....

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23 minutes ago, ExiledAjax said:

Some of the supporting comments are so obviously biased and loaded. Imagine thinking that people would complain about having their view of the Gas obscured.



Ah yes, that well known planning law that says if you're there first, you can do whatever the hell you like... :doh:

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2 hours ago, Monkeh said:

Rovers could already be on serious trouble with this,

Its illegal to fell or cut down trees during nesting season, without the express permission from heritage England, just ask the former tory leader of Plymouth Council,

If rovers have done this without any permission, then expect planning permission to be halted or turned down

https://www.tabtrees.co.uk/faq/will-the-presence-of-birds-or-bats-make-any-difference-to-my-tree-work/#:~:text=Can you cut down a,the nesting season is over.

Erm…. not quite right, as much as I would love it to be in this case.

The onus is on the owner/tree surgeon to satisfy themselves that there are no nesting birds or the presence of a bat roost before commencement of tree (or hedge) operations. As you can imagine, this legal ‘obligation’ is easy to flout by disreputable owners/tree surgeons who will claim they did check and found no evidence.

Of course, if there is evidence presented by others that birds were nesting at the time of the works or a bat roost existed, the key test would be the quality/robustness of that evidence in a court of law. The bar would be set high, not just ‘say so’.

With major developments, or in instances where there are likely to be nesting birds it is regarded as good practice not to undertake works between Feb-Sept/Oct. If, for whatever reason, that is unavoidable many reputable owners/tree surgeons will employ specialist ecologists to undertake surveys to provide evidence prior to works.

Monty Don


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1 hour ago, Lanterne Rouge said:

What`s Horfield like these days? Is it getting all gentrified like BS3 is?

Honestly, it's a mixed bag of the things (he says as a resident), still the odd proper boozer around, but equally more places to buy coffee than anyone realistically needs.

Some nice places to eat and on a non match day you wouldn't know that the Fewers play nearby, you just don't see people wearing their shirts walking about.

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27 minutes ago, Bristol Rob said:

Honestly, it's a mixed bag of the things (he says as a resident), still the odd proper boozer around, but equally more places to buy coffee than anyone realistically needs.

Some nice places to eat and on a non match day you wouldn't know that the Fewers play nearby, you just don't see people wearing their shirts walking shambling about like zombies looking in bins for food and rambling incoherently about `da shit`.

Corrected for accuracy.

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20 minutes ago, Open End Numb Legs said:

A couple of thoughts - why are the seats half depth at the left hand end in the drawing?

If it is a 'proper stand' why does it have pillars?

1. They ran out of Lego bricks and those are damned expensive so they've asked the Council to pay for them.

2. It's a 1950s tribute stand so as to be in keeping with everything else about the club.

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Naughty, but nice…

Subject: Objection to Memorial Stadium Planning Application (Reference Number: [Application Reference Number])

Dear [Planning Authority],

I am writing to formally object to the planning application for the proposed changes to the Memorial Stadium, as detailed in the application reference number [Application Reference Number]. I am deeply concerned about the potential impact of these developments on the surrounding area and community. I urge you to consider the following objections:

1. Loss of green space and character: The Memorial Stadium currently serves as an important green space within our community. The proposed changes would result in the loss of this valuable area, which contributes to the character and visual appeal of our neighborhood. Preserving green spaces is crucial for maintaining the quality of life and environmental well-being of our community.

2. Increased noise pollution: The proposed development could significantly increase noise levels, particularly during events or matches held at the stadium. This would have a detrimental effect on the quality of life for nearby residents, disrupting their peace and tranquility. Noise mitigation measures must be put in place to protect the surrounding community from excessive noise disturbances.

3. Traffic congestion and parking issues: The Memorial Stadium is already located in an area with limited infrastructure for handling increased traffic. The proposed changes would likely exacerbate traffic congestion during events, leading to a strain on local roads and causing inconvenience to residents and businesses. Inadequate provisions for parking and traffic management have been presented in the application, raising concerns about the impact on the surrounding area's accessibility and road safety.

4. Strain on local amenities and services: The proposed developments may put a strain on local amenities such as schools, healthcare facilities, and public transportation. The increased population density and demand for services resulting from the changes to the Memorial Stadium could overwhelm the existing infrastructure, leading to inadequate access to essential facilities for both residents and visitors.

5. Insufficient consideration of environmental impact: The planning application does not adequately address the potential environmental impact of the proposed developments. The loss of green space, potential disruption to local wildlife habitats, and increased pollution from additional traffic should be thoroughly assessed and mitigated before proceeding with any changes to the Memorial Stadium.

In light of the above concerns, I strongly urge the planning authority to carefully reconsider the proposed developments and take into account the potential negative consequences on our community. I believe that alternative plans that better address the concerns raised by residents should be explored.

I kindly request that my objections, along with any supporting documents or evidence provided, be taken into serious consideration during the review and decision-making process. I also encourage an open and transparent dialogue with the community to ensure that the long-term interests of all stakeholders are considered.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I trust that you will carefully consider the objections raised and make a well-informed decision that preserves the best interests of the community.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

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1 hour ago, RedRock said:

Erm…. not quite right, as much as I would love it to be in this case.

The onus is on the owner/tree surgeon to satisfy themselves that there are no nesting birds or the presence of a bat roost before commencement of tree (or hedge) operations. As you can imagine, this legal ‘obligation’ is easy to flout by disreputable owners/tree surgeons who will claim they did check and found no evidence.

Of course, if there is evidence presented by others that birds were nesting at the time of the works or a bat roost existed, the key test would be the quality/robustness of that evidence in a court of law. The bar would be set high, not just ‘say so’.

With major developments, or in instances where there are likely to be nesting birds it is regarded as good practice not to undertake works between Feb-Sept/Oct. If, for whatever reason, that is unavoidable many reputable owners/tree surgeons will employ specialist ecologists to undertake surveys to provide evidence prior to works.

Monty Don


I’ve been roosting my Bats (?) in those trees for years.

Where were the they again? 

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2 hours ago, ExiledAjax said:

Some of the supporting comments are so obviously biased and loaded. Imagine thinking that people would complain about having their view of the Gas obscured.



The stadium was there before the houses

…but the houses were there long before Rovers came back to steal the ground.

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