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All Matches Postponed Until At Least 12/9/22


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15 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

Some of the reactions on here from posters I’ve previously always respected is frankly shocking and really saddens me.

Absolutely typifies the sense of entitlement these days.  We have just lost the country’s figurehead who has gained worldeide respect and given over 70 years of dedicated service to her country and citizens and all they can bleat about is having a game of football delayed.

Heaven help us if we ever had to face a war again, because we’d be ****** with this bunch of whingers!!!

Archetypal boomer response here.


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12 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:Heaven help us if we ever had to face a war again, because we’d be ****** with this bunch of whingers!!!

We want things to go ahead as they were. I think we’ll be fine with a war…

It’s you lot that would struggle stopping life over the death of a monarch.

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I'm sadder at the sudden death of our local postman, someone I knew well, yesterday. 

I can't imagine he'd want ordinary life to halt because of his untimely passing and if I've understood the late Queen's personality at all, neither would she. 

I couldn't attend tomorrow anyway, but that's beside the point.  If matches had gone ahead, it might've been a great opportunity to bring our divided nation together in shows of respect for her.  I think whatever your politics, the vast majority of Brits respected her. 

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Surprise all these deep mourners are spending any time in this 12 day period posting endlessly on a football forum.

Surely more important things for them to think about, and this is no doubt taking away precious grieving time from them - maybe that's why they're glad to had 2 hours back tomorrow afternoon to make up for it?

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3 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

It’s entirely possible to have huge respect for the Queen, and to even feel emotion about her passing, while also believing that cancelling sporting events at all levels - including youth - is a disproportionate and unnecessary reaction.

This will cost individuals and businesses thousands at a time when people can least afford it. That doesn’t suddenly cease to matter because the head of state has died. And I also don’t think it’s something she’d have wanted.

I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment.  The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then.

The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later.  It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers.

Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.

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2 hours ago, Alex_BCFC said:

Nothing should be cancelled - it’s crackers they are even considering it. If you don’t want to go tomorrow then don’t go but the vast majority will and are happy to crack on whilst paying their respects before the game etc. Wont achieve anything by cancelling except hacking a load of people off who many have made plans and spent money etc. 

Personally I think the royal family is an outdated concept etc but happy for it to continue as long as they bring in more in tourism etc than they cost (ie the taxpayer benefits and doesn’t really affect my life). 

My birthday surprise just been revealed as family trip down to Bristol and 4 good seats in the Dolman. Dinner and hotel in Clifton. At least I’ll have the dinner…

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4 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

I'm sadder at the sudden death of our local postman, someone I knew well, yesterday. 

I can't imagine he'd want ordinary life to halt because of his untimely passing and if I've understood the late Queen's personality at all, neither would she. 

I couldn't attend tomorrow anyway, but that's beside the point.  If matches had gone ahead, it might've been a great opportunity to bring our divided nation together in shows of respect for her.  I think whatever your politics, the vast majority of Brits respected her. 

Well said.  If people don’t want to go to football as a mark of respect, whatever that means, it’s up them.  No one would be forcing them to.  However, those of us who would like to participate in sport are not allowed to.  Ridiculous.  

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Just now, petehinton said:

Rugby u-turned, now off too

Domino effect (no idea if dominos off)

As stated, bizarrely, Last Night of the Proms cancelled. Even more bizarrely, the Bank of England have postponed the rate change meeting scheduled for next week.

When Philip died, the highest rated TV programme was Gogglebox because people had, frankly, had enough of being asked to view the same tribute video on loop over and over. This will be the same - whether you’re a monarchist or not, there is only so much that can be said, and the “enforcement” of grief will have a counter productive effect 


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3 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment.  The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then.

The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later.  It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers.

Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.

So stop everything then, not just sport.

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This very much seems to be the football authorities trying to be seen to do the right thing but not really knowing what that is. So kids junior football is cancelled but cinemas and theme parks stay open, doesn’t seem to make sense to me. Appreciate people have different takes on this but seems a lot of people would have appreciated being able to attend matches to show respect as a community

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3 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment.  The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then.

The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later.  It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers.

Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.

Entitlement? Yep, you’re right. I absolutely do think my 11 year old should be entitled to play sport this weekend.

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I think it comes down more to people being able to make a choice rather than not being able to cope with a game of football being postponed. The two should not be conflated.

Another example would be the Bristol Half Marathon next weekend. Say that we’re taking place this weekend is it right to cancel something at the last minute that people have invested significant amounts of time and sometimes money in when they may have no particular strong feelings about the death of the queen? Of course it could still be cancelled. Perhaps some feel that it should I would say it could have an incredibly negative impact on thousands and that isn’t necessarily fair.

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5 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment.  The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then.

The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later.  It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers.

Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.

Sure but it's not that simple is it. Food and drink will have been bought, preparations already started.

Loads of staff no doubt on crap or zero hours contracts with work cancelled when they probably need the money pretty badly right now.

Fans who have made travel arrangements, booked hotels or insanely expensive train tickets. Swapped dates at work.

It's not just a switch you can flick on or off.

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FFS what an absolutely ridiculous decision.   

Wouldn't a show or respect before games all over the country, been a far better way or marking her life this weekend?        

Personally, I'm sorry to hear that anyone has died, but she's had a pretty good life, lived a long time, done some decent stuff, fair play to her, but all this nonsense is madness.  People die every day who have done amazing things in their lives and made huge contributions to society, including at a young age who could have done so much more. 

This is like some throwback to the 1800s.  We all have to doff our caps, do what we're told, kneel before out betters, and enter a period of forced mourning.  If people want to weep and wail about it, ir enough, knock yourselves out.  Likewise if you want to have a period of quiet contemplation, that's up to you.  Me, I want to watch and play football this weekend and I see absolutely no reason why that should all be cancelled.        

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If the PL/EFL announcement had been something like;



Would anyone have been offended or upset? I suggest not.

Whereas with the decision that has been made, all they have done is create bad feeling.

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5 minutes ago, BrizzleRed said:

I’ll still refer you back to my entitlement comment.  The games haven’t been cancelled, they’ve been postponed, so they’ll make their money then.

The ones I genuinely sympathise with are events which have been cancelled completely, as they won’t get a chance to make their money later.  It’s a real shame, but the decisions are left to the organisers.

Whether you agree with the Royals or not, this is a massive event in the country’s history and not just a triviality.

I don’t disagree that this is a massive event in the country’s history. My milk in the fridge has seen two PMs and two monarchs!

I agree that rearranged games will result in revenue again for clubs, but the losses will be bigger. People won’t get refunds on trains, hotels etc, there will be food ordered needing to be binned and less will attend on midweek. I get that happens with a waterlogged pitch say, but that doesn’t hit hundreds of fixtures at once. I genuinely do not see the harm caused by games going ahead (particularly grassroots). Nobody was forcing people to attend and minutes silence, anthem and black armbands would have been appropriate. 

You either have to shut the country fullstop or carry on. That’s where the problem is, as opposed to entitlement 

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17 minutes ago, Silvio Dante said:

The plural of anecdote is not data. But, anecdotally, I played football last night and although people acknowledged it nobody thought life should stop.

If the vast majority of the country are affected badly by this (well they are now) then why must the person collecting my bins work? Doesn’t he deserve time to be contemplating things? No. He’s got to work but he’s not allowed leisure time. And the people who wanted to work at football now can’t. Businesses and people will lose huge cash from this in a COL crisis.

This is about personal choice. In effect, the country is being told “work but don’t enjoy yourselves”. That’s nonsense in any form.

If you want to be contemplative, go nuts. Nobodys stopping you. Nobody was forcing you to go if the game was on. 

The difference here is that people are being stopped. And I’ll guarantee you that stopping two teams of ten year olds playing football achieves the square root of nothing other than pissing people off.

Again, avoidance of doubt I back a full stop on the day of the funeral. But this is madness.

Agree with it or not, the game is simply being postponed as a mark of respect at the death of our Queen.

I have a lifelong infatuation with Bristol City F.C. probably as strong as anyone who posts on here but I personally am content the game is off.

Personally I really wouldn't be in the mood, but understand others might be.

'Madness' to you is simply a reasonable and correct course of action to others.

No one is 'right' and no one unhinged for their views.

The decision has been taken, I'm sure we'll both be at the rearranged game.

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13 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

Surprise all these deep mourners are spending any time in this 12 day period posting endlessly on a football forum.

Perhaps rather than taking a sly dig at people maybe you should educate yourself what "mourning" actually is

11 minutes ago, petehinton said:

Rugby u-turned, now off too

Apart from a post on OTIB I never saw any hint of the game going ahead tonight. As I understand it the only discussion was whether the game could have been moved later this weekend 

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