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World Cup 2022 thread (football only)


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30 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

I note the Danish female pundit (who she?) wasn't required for the post game analysis, presumably as she had nothing more to add than pre-match, in itself nothing. And before the pile on of my being accused misogynistic, let me explain. 

I've always considered pundits comments in context of who the pundit is, the 'what might they know about what they're saying' question? Nothing to do with sex or race, I've thought plenty of pundits buffoons for talking out their backsides over matters at which they were far from accomplished. So the disadvantage of all the 'who they' that BBC and ITV (in particular) appear to think de rigueur is there's nil context as to how to evaluate them? Not only have we have little idea who they are, we've no idea of what they've ever done nor why they're supposedly qualified to comment, which invariably they don't. If described as 'token gestures' one might rightly be accused of being offensive, problem being I haven't yet seen or heard one make a contribution that's had me thinking, good point, I hadn't considered that. Moreover, all appear not to have been to the school of TV Journalism where lesson one is always - don't describe that what viewers are readily able to see for themselves (the blindingly obvious.) Come in at a tangent and add something of which viewers might not be aware.  Sticking them between quality, experienced and opinionated ex-pros simply doesn't work. 

She plays for the Danish ladies but is also a Doctor apparently so was well qualified to comment on Christian Eriksson and his well documented medical past.

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2 minutes ago, BigTone said:

She plays for the Danish ladies but is also a Doctor apparently so was well qualified to comment on Christian Eriksson and his well documented medical past.

What's the relevance of today's game with Eriksson's medical history? If he wasn't fit to play he wouldn't have made the squad, we shouldn't be holding that over his head every time he pulls on a shirt. You or I could provide the generic comment that his heart stopped, he was thankfully resuscitated and thanks to modern miracles is restored to combative action, that it's a great news story et al. Now had she commented as to how he and his colleagues might set up, add insight as to how the squad has been training, what goes through players minds prior to WC fixtures as pressured as this, I'd get it. But nothing of the sort. Unlike the more familiar ex pros I gain the impression many of the newer type pundits don't have the inside contacts the old guard possess. Invariably its that type of info where the story is.

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7 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

What's the relevance of today's game with Eriksson's medical history? If he wasn't fit to play he wouldn't have made the squad, we shouldn't be holding that over his head every time he pulls on a shirt. You or I could provide the generic comment that his heart stopped, he was thankfully resuscitated and thanks to modern miracles is restored to combative action, that it's a great news story et al. Now had she commented as to how he and his colleagues might set up, add insight as to how the squad has been training, what goes through players minds prior to WC fixtures as pressured as this, I'd get it. But nothing of the sort. Unlike the more familiar ex pros I gain the impression many of the newer type pundits don't have the inside contacts the old guard possess. Invariably its that type of info where the story is.

Did I not mention she plays for the Danish ladies also ? Of course she gave her opinions on football matters also.

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1 minute ago, BigTone said:

Did I not mention she plays for the Danish ladies also ? Of course she gave her opinions on football matters also.

Danish womens football, of which I know and have as much interest in as Level 9 of the pyramid. I suspect, however, Level 9 to be of a far higher standard of technical competence.

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10 minutes ago, sinenomine said:

But it would be much less flawed than the absolute shithousery of timewasting that goes on now. 

Stopping the clock works pretty well in rugby. 

Absolutely.  I’m hugely in favour of a rugby / basketball style clock.  All I’m saying is that you have to be careful how you define “what stops the watch”!  Rugby doesn’t stop every time a whistle is blown for example.

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7 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

Danish womens football, of which I know and have as much interest in as Level 9 of the pyramid. I suspect, however, Level 9 to be of a far higher standard of technical competence.

You asked "who she ?" and I simply answered. If you have a problem with her pedigree then contact the TV network.

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1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

Ok, I'll not bother recounting how I lived 3 doors from Damien & 'the chancers' before they devised The Freeze, their warehouse shows and fame and glory. Art had sod all to do with it.


Why are you obsessed with Hirst.........he is NOT an artist .......he is a self promoting circus act.?     Art is Vermeer, van Gogh Micheangelo...Delacroix...and hunderds of others.  i hope you and Damian played nicely together? 

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1 minute ago, BigTone said:

You asked "who she ?" and I simply answered. If you have a problem with her pedigree then contact the TV network.

I know I'm a man out of time but my comments about watching only the match and not bothering with the pre/during/post match punditry is becoming an ever common discussion point, such is the lack of insight.

I reckon if you polled those who watched the game and asked her name few would be able to recall it, hence 'who she'? I wasn't being derogatory , I genuinely had never heard nor read of her.

The channels talk of providing insight into the pressures of top level tournament football, so why not employ the old Kodjia who's turned out in the last 30 Wholesalers Cup Finals for Woolpack Wanderers? Football on Scilly doesn't come more pressured than that.....

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30 minutes ago, sinenomine said:

But it would be much less flawed than the absolute shithousery of timewasting that goes on now. 

Stopping the clock works pretty well in rugby. 

The referees have been told to clamp down on time wasting and that’s largely why (injury stoppages excluded) there’s been so much added time in pretty much every game so far.

Whether the players realise that is a moot point.

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10 minutes ago, BTRFTG said:

I know I'm a man out of time but my comments about watching only the match and not bothering with the pre/during/post match punditry is becoming an ever common discussion point, such is the lack of insight.

I reckon if you polled those who watched the game and asked her name few would be able to recall it, hence 'who she'? I wasn't being derogatory , I genuinely had never heard nor read of her.

The channels talk of providing insight into the pressures of top level tournament football, so why not employ the old Kodjia who's turned out in the last 30 Wholesalers Cup Finals for Woolpack Wanderers? Football on Scilly doesn't come more pressured than that.....

I understand where you are coming from. I have no clue of her name also. I think the networks are trying to find pundits from the countries playing in the specific game which doesn't always work for us. Frankly the ITV coverage in general is pretty naff. 

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1 minute ago, maxjak said:

Why are you obsessed with Hirst.........he is NOT an artist .......he is a self promoting circus act.?     Art is Vermeer, van Gogh Micheangelo...Delacroix...and hunderds of others.  i hope you and Damian played nicely together? 

Ah, an interesting choice of artists. Michaelangelo & Delacroix both technically superb, attracted patronage of state and church. They painted pretty much to order & profited well from it. As did Vermeer in his own less-profitable way, albeit very slowly and only to Delft's local patrons. Enough to provide for him and his family and his failed profession as art dealer. Tragically, he never realised he was far superior to the artists he unsuccessfully promoted. They three lived by selling their ideas (output) for money. 

And then there's the odd case of Van Gogh who painted prolifically, mostly third rate and inconsequential crap. The story that he never sold a painting whilst alive is just that, a story expertly concocted by the promotional marketing genius that was his sister-in-law. Jo and Theo financed him throughout his life, in return for his works. In possibly the first exploitation if its type Jo spotted there's no better time to sell than when an artist is dead and through careful placement and very limited release of his works created the Van Gogh everybody thinks they know today, but who is largely myth. He, too, was separated from his ideas by his brother's money.

Never more succinctly put than by Graham Gouldman - 'Art for art sake, money for God's sake'.

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