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Back Off Steve


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I just read the steve and colin section and neo is having a go at our chairman after he replied to a fan asking to return his season ticket and saying maybe he should sell it on ebay, steve replied "yes ebay is the answer"

Well in all fairness why should he give a decent answer with all the poo some people throw at him. He is a good chairman, a supporter with the club at heart and he has ploughed a lot of money, time and effort in the club.

I think the Roberts deal is a good one, in today's market what we are getting for a player, out of contract at the end of the season, icosistant is very good. He can't play against us anyway this season so he won't score against us.

Roberts belongs to Steve and the directors, they paid for him and its up to them what they want do with him,in all fairness there just trying to get some money for him to plough back into the club.

Before you speak why don't you just remember what steve and the chairman do for this club.

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To post mate, totally agree

I noticed this in Neo's post.

Oh well; you got his money for this year; who cares about the true fans eh?  :dunno:

BTW, that is against the Terms and Conditions of sell!

True? Yeah a fan that wants his season ticket back just because one average player has left, what a true fan that is.

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I read the post and reply too.

At first I thought it sounded a bit like SteveL was 'hitting back' at the poster. A bit like Dunford did on the Gas forum when he seemed to have posted first and thought later when it was removed or explained as a 'joke'. I thought it a bit odd as steveL doesn't strike me as a person who would do anything without careful consideration. He aways come across as being very polite and approachable dispite the abuse and stupid questions he often gets. I then read the post again...

After reading again the poster had asked for his money back or he would consider selling on ebay. It seems SteveL was simply saying there is no chance of a refund. But like I said I had to read it twice! :dunno:

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I've got to admit I've got a lot of admiration for the way Steve answers questions on that forum. (including the odd one from me) Despite some of the stuff thrown at him he always answers politely, calmly and honestly. I don't think I could do that !

No matter what you think of his decisions as a chairman you can't help liking the guy.

(and yes, that was a quality answer)

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To post mate, totally agree

I noticed this in Neo's post.

True? Yeah a fan that wants his season ticket back just because one average player has left, what a true fan that is.

I read both posts as well - but I needn't have bothered as they were both pointless little digs.

IMHO anyone who wants a refund of their season ticket just because a player has left or because he is unhappy with the way things are going, is just chucking his dummy out of his pram.

Wait until we go on a decent unbeaten run, then see if he still wants to sell ????

For a start I do not want a refund because a so say average player has left the club, it is the way the club is being run. I admire Steve L but Tinman was the wrong choice, We need to get out of this division and IMHO we would have done it if we kept Wilson. I didnt rate Wilson but we were getting nearer and nearer each season but then we get in a Legend of a PLAYER as manager with NO experience. I am sick and tired of these poo teams coming to AG and getting results, results that we should of won. Do you think we can put on a decent run like last season and change things because i don't!.Every season I have said I will play saturday football but I always get a season ticket. The life of BCFC i suppose but lately it has been a shambles. We got the same defence as last season (best in the league) and they are all over the place. The current players seem like they do not respect Tins as a manager and think he is still a player.

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Guest bristolbred

Steve L said this in his reply;

Should we be scared of letting him go to a local rival in our division - no business is business, we should fear no one in this division, 3 teams go up if Christian helps them get up with us good luck to them.

Does this mean he expects Tinnion to get us promotion this season??, :D

"If Christian helps them get up with us!!", :dunno:

MMMMNN!, be interesting, come the final match of the season, if we are NOT promotion contenders!!, :D


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Guest bristolbred

Then Steve say's this, which to me, means that both he and Tinnion fear Christian Roberts, as he may, go on to form a good striking partnership at Swindon, YET, he's NOT good enough to play for City!!;

Should we let him play against us - no - remember David Seal, also Lee Matthews played out of his skin against us for Port Vale.We don't want to leave ourselves open to a good one off performance which could adversely affect our points tally.

If i were Swindon, i'd stick two fingers up, and play him against us, as if Roberts could win them three points, help THEIR promotion challenge, then good luck to them!!, and knowing the way we play, we'd of rolled over like a frightend dog, and lose to them anyway!!.


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Let's be sensible here.

You can't blame fans for being concerned about the direction the team seems to be taking and the season we're having. So telling them to 'Back Off Steve' is just like showing red rags to a bull.

Fans are ultimately customers of the club who have every right to complain if the quality of the goods being delivered isn't up to expectations, regardless of past achievements.

On the other side of the coin, it does nobody any good to post knee-jerk reactions, full of emotion, to the SteveL forum. For a start, it's a bit rhetorical - exactly how do you expect him to react?

I suspect that, as usual, the best line to follow is one of temperence.

By all means feel free to 'have a go' on this forum, but don't expect to get measured responses from emotional outbursts on a forum which was set up to give the fans the opportunity to ask a question of our club management.

If the SteveL forum continues to be abused by rants and ravings, I wouldn't surprise me if they close it down - and that would be a shame because it is a privilege that few other clubs provide their fans.

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I just read  the steve and colin section and neo is having a go at our chairman after he replied to a fan asking to return his season ticket and saying maybe he should sell it on ebay, steve replied "yes ebay is the answer"

Firstly, i'm not surprised everybody is sticking up for the chairman; terrible Neo; having an opinion on something!

I will give it from my side.

The post by we8gas whether you agree with his sentiments or not was presumably born out of frustration with this club which quite frankly, most of us have been through.

Such things as poor results, players leaving on frees or little money, 4/5 hour queues for tickets, poor catering facilities, hours trying to get tickets online, Mill Stad poor shows etc. etc. grind you down - i'm reasonably sure the post wasn't just because of Roberts going - I would suggest that is more the "straw that broke".

Anyhoo, the post was done rightly or wrongly.

The Steve L forum is a great facility and it is nice that top club officials give the time to respond to questions.

However, their answers MUST be subjective and professional. There is no room for emotion.

Steve's answer IMO, is utterly unprofessional and he is fortunate in this instance that so many people on this forum go through life with rose-tinted specs, hence, will think a response like that is clever as opposed to completely ignorant to the disilluionment of a "bread and butter" fan (the core of the club I believe Colin S classes them as).

Steve IMO should of waited a few days to answer this question or not answered it full stop (as he chooses to do with same of othe other knee-jerk posts on the forum).

The post was easy to answer without the sarcasm :-

Dear Supporter,

The club at times have to make decisions that will not always be popular with supporters. We believe the sell of Christian Roberts at this time is an acceptable option after due consideration.

I hope you will come to appreciate the reasons for this decision over time and hope you will reconsider selling your season ticket as we depend on your support.



Not hard was it? At the end of the day, YOU will accept this sort of response so I will shut my mouth.

But, I look forward to the day when an issue upsets YOU and you get an inappropriate response. I'll laugh my ass off! :dunno::grr:

As for your reply SWINDON HATER :- All i'll say is as ever, you try to pick fault with my post. As ever, you don't have the intelligence to understand it fully! :D

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I would much rather have a Chairman who can and will respond with a frustrated reply than the bland and carefuly considered reply that Neo composed.

I've met Steve Landsdown on many occaisions and have seen him take some fearfull stick form disgruntled supporters most of which imo was not justified.He puts much time and money into BCFC and not all fans appreciate that fact and yet he still responds to these disgruntled fans with openess and civility.

On this occaision it could be said that the chairman was being flippant in his reply.Well, frankly one fan selling his season ticket over a matter that he knows nothing about would be enough to make a nun swear.

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So he tries to give a different reply? So what.

Usually he would just reply with "thank you for your comments, Steve." At least now he is showing a bit of emotion and I'd much rather have that than have a "thank you for your comments. Steve" reply as it shows the post has got to him.

What is he meant to say to somebody demanding his season ticket back?

Although I will admit whoever wrote the post had some unanswered questions that Steve should have taken more notice of, I really don't see what the problem was with his reply. :dunno:

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Guest bristolbred
Let's be sensible here.

Fans are ultimately customers of the club who have every right to complain if the quality of the goods being delivered isn't up to expectations, regardless of past achievements.

When you purchase a season ticket, you do one of two things;

The first, is that you get a ticket that allows you to sit almost where you want, week in, week out for every league home game, and an almost guarenteed ticket (or four!!) for the play off matches, without having to suffer the indignity of going to an away game!!, :P

The second is, the Football club gets to sit on the interest, that your money makes in their investment account!!, :dunno:

But lets not loose sight in the fact that you are classed as a "supporter!" of either the home club, or the visiting away club, but never as a Customer, so that way, Football clubs are exempt from having to give you clean toilets, good food, a nice view, and a high standard of football!!, :grr:

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So he tries to give a different reply? So what.

Usually he would just reply with "thank you for your comments, Steve." At least now he is showing a bit of emotion and I'd much rather have that than have a "thank you for your comments. Steve" reply as it shows the post has got to him.

What is he meant to say to somebody demanding his season ticket back?

Although I will admit whoever wrote the post had some unanswered questions that Steve should have taken more notice of, I really don't see what the problem was with his reply.  :dunno:

I admit some reply is better than no reply. But, his response was unprofessional not to mention against the T&C's of season tciket sells!

A couple of weeks back, everybody was disgusted with a player mixing emotions with his profession. Where is the difference?

Let's put it this way. What if more people felt strongly that this was an unacceptable response (bearing in mind they may but are unwilling to post as such)? What exactly does the response say to current season ticket holders; like it or lump it is the message it conveys to me.

IMO nobody comes out of this particular thread in a good light.

BTW, before I get accused of anything pathetic like stirring the pot etc. I met Steve at the forum game and found him to be a lovely down to earth bloke. I do not (to my knowledge) know we8gas either. I simply felt it was an unacceptable response under any circumstance.

I am very interested to see if Steve or anybody else has the nads to admit as much, because to ignore it or post a similarly emotional response would IMO (again) be arrogance personified and send a clear message to fans of this club.

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Guest bristolbred
The post was easy to answer without the sarcasm :-

Dear Supporter,

The club at times have to make decisions that will not always be popular with supporters.  We believe the sell of Christian Roberts at this time is an acceptable option after due consideration.

I hope you will come to appreciate the reasons for this decision over time and hope you will reconsider selling your season ticket as we depend on your support.



He could of been really honest and replied;

Dear Neo/ W8gas,

The selling of a player, no matter how good or bad to any other club, no matter if they are a comptitive rival, or not, is none of you ......... business.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding, and continued support,

Steve L.


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He could of been really honest and replied;

Dear Neo/ W8gas,

The selling of a player, no matter how good or bad to any other club, no matter if they are a comptitive rival, or not, is none of you ......... business.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding, and continued support,

Steve L.


True. Although I didn't type the post. He can say what he likes, it is an individuals choice how it is accepted.

However, if he can be arsed to reply subjectively, you got to wonder why he has his own forum? :grr:

One final general point nothing to do with this particular response; I didn't ask for this thread to be started. I made a comment to Steve. Somebody else chose to bring it in to the general discussion. Not that I mind as I stick by my opinion that the response was inappropriate! :P

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Roberts belongs to Steve and the directors, they paid for him and its up to them what they want do with him,in all fairness there just trying to get some money for him to plough back into the club.

Before you speak why don't you just remember what steve and the chairman do for this club.

So, Roberts belongs to Steve and the directors does he? Didn't realise that BCFC and its players are just personal playthings of the Board. Thankfully, I don't think they see it that way.

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Guest bristolbred
However, if he can be arsed to reply subjectively, you got to wonder why he has his own forum?  :D

Maybe, just maybe, the man has a little bit of love and affection for City??, :(

I think he has, and i also think, that many of us would try the patience of the Mods!!, let alone Steve, Colin, and the rest of the managerial staff!!, :dunno:

Mind you though, the way you register your kids as match day mascots is something that would make me give up a season ticket, if i had one!!, to phone a woman at home, with screaming kids, and probably writing down your details on a piece of paper, then losing it, so you never know if your kids are in the draw or not, is really unprofessional!!, and something you think a club of City's stature would do in a more professional manner, like talking to someone actually at Ashton gate, or someone you can actually email. :grr:

Maybe, if Steve and co actually read threads like this, then they will know, that away from the field, there are problems to address, from selling tickets to the price of replica shirts, from poor quality of food, to the state of the toilets, and the way in which pm's or Dear Steves' are answered!!.


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Guest bristolbred
you might get ten pounds for it on ebay, but don't keep your hopes up.

As much as that!!, :dunno:

I'd bid £9:99, but of course, it would depend on where the seat was located!!, :grr:

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Yea i didn't mean to write steve and the chairman it was supposed to be steve and the board, I was just so full of emotion that I couldn't spell.

I agree that steve should have answered the post with a litte it of respect but he must be quite ****** off with people asking for refunds.

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For a start I do not want a refund because a so say average player has left the club, it is the way the club is being run. I admire Steve L but Tinman was the wrong choice, We need to get out of this division and IMHO we would have done it if we kept Wilson. I didnt rate Wilson but we were getting nearer and nearer each season but then we get in a Legend of a PLAYER as manager with NO experience. I am sick and tired of these poo teams coming to AG and getting results, results that we should of won. Do you think we can put on a decent run like last season and change things because i don't!.Every season I have said I will play saturday football but I always get a season ticket. The life of BCFC i suppose but lately it has been a shambles. We got the same defence as last season (best in the league) and they are all over the place. The current players seem like they do not respect Tins as a manager and think he is still a player.

Excuse me sir; you are supposed to support the club i.e BRISTOL CITY,not favourite managers or players or even chairmen; they all come and go; now your support, like B.C.F.C will go on forever, not until things arent going as you like or want them to :dunno: One life;ONE BRISTOL CITY :grr::D:D

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Nicely put.

Just like to add that when Roberts leaves I hope some of his fans will too,as they really get up my(and obviously others)nose.

Tantrums,toys out of prams,poor attitude,Roberts is God syndrome seems to cloud all reasonable thought.

If it is that bad for you poor guys then sell your ticket(hopefully to someone who will support THE CLUB)and travel up the M4 to see your man and let us get on with BCFC.



It does seem that some of Roberts behaviour ie throwing toys has been replicated by some people on here.

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Guest StAndrewsRed

Hang on a minute.

How can you ask people who like one player over another to push off to another club?

Where I am not the worlds biggest Roberts fan, asking people to go watch Swindle instead seems a little extreme.

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