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Just What Do The Players Do All Day?


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Following on from one of the threads on here about Danny Wilson travelling back and forwards to his Chesterfield (?) home, it got me thinking. How much training do the players do? Is it daily? Obviously if there is an away match some distance away they travel the day before and if they are injured they may have to spend more time on Lee Matthew's treatment table. But it seems to me that taking this all into account they still have a lot of free time. How many of the players also travel great distances?

Maybe I have got it all wrong and they are hard done by after all, every year we are reminded that they cannot enjoy Xmas day but have to train! So does Danny drive for 3 hours, watch training for 2 hours then drive back home again??? Nice work if you can get it!

It would be nice if a player, say Tins as he maybe posting on here, write a weeks diary for us to read. Ive seen the 'match day' diaries done in the past, eg got up at 11 and ate pre-match dinner of pasta etc.

Is it just me being nosey or does anyone else think we may be surprized what training etc they do or don't do? Would you like to compare your daily routine to theirs?!

By the way I am expecting lots of replies saying it's none of our business as long as they deliver on the pitch!

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Most clubs train mornings from about 9am 'till about 1.30pm depending on when the last game is and when the next game is.They don't just train for 4 hours+ but look at tatics,formations and the opposition in team meetings.

Most players are finshed by 2pm at the latest.Then its off to the golf course, the bookies or home if you are a family man....

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Most clubs train mornings from about 9am 'till about 1.30pm depending on when the last game is and when the next game is.They don't just train for 4 hours+ but look at tatics,formations and the opposition in team meetings.

Most players are finshed by 2pm at the latest.Then its off to the golf course, the bookies or home if you are a family man....

.Players in my experiance train from 10 am til 1pm,that time includes changing and tactical talks.If you added coffee houses,shopping,cinema and snooker clubs to the rest of your answer you'd be spot on.I can assure you Robbored you will not see any footballer at 9 am!!!!

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.Players in my experiance train from 10 am til 1pm,that time includes changing and tactical talks.If you added coffee houses,shopping,cinema and snooker clubs to the rest of your answer you'd be spot on.I can assure you Robbored you will not see any footballer at 9 am!!!!

9am or 10am - whats an hour? when you are payed very handsomely for doing something you love,with all the best medical cover,PFA pension scheme,part time hours and a testimonial at the end of it if you stay with one club.You don't even need any academic qualifications to do it.

Its a real tough job - but some ones gotta do it...

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9am or 10am - whats an hour? when you are payed very handsomely for doing something you love,with all the best medical cover,PFA pension scheme,part time hours and a testimonial at the end of it if you stay with one club.You don't even need any academic qualifications to do it.

Its a real tough job - but some ones gotta do it...

Why didn't you, then?

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I can assure you Robbored you will not see any footballer at 9 am!!!!

Didn't City have the players in at 7am or something stupid like that during the summer?

And I'm also fairly sure that they also train on most afternoons as well (depending on matches).

It's all a bit of give and take, as already mentioned, they don't get to celebrate Christmas, can't take holidays during let's say.....November.

Yes they get paid alot (for those that are good enough) and you also have to take into consideration that a footballers career can be a fairly short one, over by 35 on average.

But what about the unfortunate ones that have their career's finished by injuries, and that never bothered in planning for the future, without football?

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I understand they train 4 times a week. Wednesday's are free. Training sessions- as already mentioned are a few hours each morning.

They do very little actual 'work' as such. They are very lucky and most admit it.

But remember that from the ages of 14-35 many of them hardly drink, go out, smoke, eat pizza's etc. I know some players drink, smoke and are overweight- but not badly.

They do also do a fair amount of community work. I think recently they went to Southmead hospital and to a carol service. I know it's not much but I'm sure as individuals they also do a lot of local football club award evenings etc.

And they work 'all day' at away games if you think about it.

Good lifestyle that they're lucky to have and should never abuse. But does take commitment.

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Kevin Amankwah comes into my Cinema where I work, and eh's got a different bird with him every week, and ive heard he's engaged!!

I hope big Kev does'nt read this, I'm guessing he's not going to be too over-joyed to have this sort of thing spread about!!

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<br /> I hope big Kev does'nt read this, I'm guessing he's not going to be too over-joyed to have this sort of thing spread about!!

If he is going to a public place then surely he is expecting to be seen! I don't believe Kevin Amankwaah will ever have the paparazzi (sp) interested in him enough so that he will have to sneak in through the side entrance with his minders!

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Guest Bootylicious

What the hell is a few hours each day?! Most of us work 9-5 and earn less money! They have life made for them.

In for a chat and kick about for a few hours, then 'free-time' until the next day. Talk about easy....

As for KA being with a different bird each week, it seems to be the 'trend' among professional footballers these days. They think (know) they can get any woman going and seem to be proud of that fact! Even married footballers are at it :( Talk bout taking us for a ride......

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