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Bristol Boy

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Its your attitude that sickens me! Tommy is one of the finest players at the club, and you cannot be a competitive player without risking a booking sometimes. This is the player who has come back from a career threatening injury early in his career to become an international, that takes alot of hard work and dedication. I would have thought he is a excellent role model for your son, unlike some people who seem only to whinge and spread negativity, its a shame we can't transfer some of these so called supporters out of the club.

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Guest Mightymilks
And tht is why Tins is in the mire at the mo: players like TD don't give a stuff: should have flogged him last year when he was playing and worth something. His attitude sickens me especially as he is a a hero to my middle son.

How can you say he doesn't give a stuff. he is loyal to bristol City always has been. Tommy is a great player so what if he gives abit mouth I'm not saying its alright but most great players are mouthy e.g Roy Keane, Patrick Viera. Tommy is how he is and you can't change him like it or not.

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Its your attitude that sickens me!  Tommy is one of the finest players at the club, and you cannot be a competitive player without risking a booking sometimes.

What a stupid statement.

He's been booked for gob, not tackling someone :city:

What's being competitive got to do with abusing the Ref?

This is the player who has come back from a career threatening injury early in his career to become an international, that takes alot of hard work and dedication.

I would have thought he is a excellent role model for your son,

Agreed so why throw it all away?/B]

Well, if you want TD as a role model for yourself or your kids, then carry on.

unlike some people who seem only to whinge and spread negativity, its a shame we can't transfer some of these so called supporters out of the club.

I think being unfit after 33 games, suspended twice already this season, for picking up ten yellows, most of which are for gob and one of which was AFTER a game, it shouldn't be paying customers that are transferred.

I think you should join the manager and chairman on the rocky road to undisciplined failure.

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Nice one BB. I can't quite get my head round how some people think TD is the finished article. He has let this club down big time this season. I don't care whether he likes the manager or not: he's not paid a very good wage to like the manager. he is paid to play football and keep his mouth shut. His bookings this year have had a crucial impact on the team at key times. Great that he played well today: he is a good player, but his attitude stinks and we don't need part time wasters who don't appreciate their privileged position, at this club.

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I'll hold my hand up and say I've been less than impressed with Tommy's professionalism lately.

However, it seemed from listening to match commentary that he played better today. As for mouthing at the Ref, (wrong I know and he really should know better especially with him being on 9 bookings) it was reported that the colchester player grabbed him round the throat! Understandably Tommy was annoyed and it took the Ref a long time to act, he looked on apparently and only acted when his linesman drew the incident to his attention. On occasions like this players should be allowed to say something, just a case of picking words carefully I suppose, not easy in a match though!

Obviously I wasn't at the game, maybe I'll be corrected by someone who was. :city:

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How can you say he doesn't give a stuff.

Because, if he gave a stuff, he wouldn't keep getting booked for gob as it causes him to miss games for his "beloved club."

Tommy is a great player

Compared to who?

so what if he gives abit mouth

Er, well, it's like this.He "gives abit mouth" as you so succinctly put it, then he gets cards, the club, in some cases get's fined, we are then robbed of this "great player," whilst he is suspended during which he looses match fitness and the club looses points.

So that's alright then is it!

I'm not saying its alright

You said, "so what" :city:

but most great players are mouthy

So what's Tommy's excuse :D

That's rubbish anyway.

Bobby Charlton, Gary Lineker, Pele,Platini, Geoff Hurst, Martin Peters, most are World Cup Winners, not jumped up League One, Big Time Charlies who can't attract a cash bid.

e.g Roy Keane, Patrick Viera. Tommy is how he is and you can't change him like it or not.

At 23/24, with the injuries he's had,if he doesn't change, he'll be finished in a season or two.

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I'll hold my hand up and say I've been less than impressed with Tommy's professionalism lately.

That's putting in mildly and I'd say the same for Dinning [/b

As for mouthing at the Ref, (wrong I know and he really should know better especially with him being on 9 bookings) it was reported that the colchester player grabbed him round the throat!

Let's make this multiple choice :D

So, you're on nine bookings, you've just got back in the team, lost the captaincy and, wait for it....."you really want to play for City"

You're 2-0 up and the game's won.

Do you:

a:Fall down holding your throat and get the other Herbert sent off?

b:Call the Ref a ******g ******d, ##*****....because that'll work and get him on your side, for sure.

c.Walk away and laugh at him!

I'd prefer C, followed by B as a last resort, although I'll agree you shouldn't do it and I don't like it........NEVER, NEVER (Iain Paisley) B!!


He'll now miss Blackpool and, I think Luton :city:

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All I will say is that he didnt have as a bad a problem when Tinnion wasn't in charge and how can he be told off by someone who is as gobby as he is! Doc is a very good player no doubts about it and the team that played today should be played week in week out. He gets a booking, o well thats life but do you ever stop to think that the reason he gets mouthy is because he stands up for the club and cares about the results! I'd rather have someone playing for the club that is willing to make a bit of noise rather than dissapear on the pitch.

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All I will say is that he didnt have as a bad a problem when Tinnion wasn't in charge

No, he just head butted people instead

and how can he be told off by someone who is as gobby as he is!

As I put it last week, "people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones" and I've lambasted BT & SL for excusing on field behaviour of this nature.

Doc is a very good player no doubts about it and the team that played today should be played week in week out.

Steady on, it's one game and that'll be impossible because your hero is supended for two games, starting next Saturday

He gets a booking, o well thats life

The very excusal philosophy of which you accuse the manager :city:

but do you ever stop to think that the reason he gets mouthy

No and neither does he.Hence 10 yellow cards :D

is because he stands up for the club and cares about the results!

OK let's examine that amazingly stupid & naive statement.He gets booked for swearing at the officials.Gets suspended, looses match fitness and misses games.We loose those games, don't get promoted and that's OK, is it?

All because he "cares"

Don't make me laugh

I'd rather have someone playing for the club that is willing to make a bit of noise rather than dissapear on the pitch.

Trouble is, my old son,is that Tommy disappears for months on end, suspended or injured.

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MOM according to Tins.

Then's get's booked for gob right at the end, knowing he's on a two game ban.

MOM & Moron,all in one :city:

Why don't you f##k off and watch the gas, you tommy bashers are really starting to get on my t#ts.

So you would rather watch that dross served up the other night with no invention,tackeling or passing in the full 90 mins, funny how hes back one game and we win.

The lad is a loose cannon sometimes but thats what makes him a good player,you take that out of his game and you lose the player,why don't you sit back and just enjoy when he is out there.I don't hear you slagging off Rooney when he does it for England and then gets himself booked.

And that other doughnut who said "we should have sold him in the summer", you like our club selling all their best players do you,and us sliding down to the depths were the gas reside because thats what was happening before tinnion saw the light and realised that a tommy and wiltshire midfield is our best.


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Why don't you f##k off and watch the gas, you tommy bashers are really starting to get on my t#ts.

So you would rather watch that dross served up the other night with no invention,tackeling or passing in the full 90 mins, funny how hes back one game and we win.

The lad is a loose cannon sometimes but thats what makes him a good player,you take that out of his game and you lose the player,why don't you sit back and just enjoy when he is out there.I don't hear you slagging off Rooney when he does it for England and then gets himself booked.

And that other doughnut who said "we should have sold him in the summer", you like our club selling all their best players do you,and us sliding down to the depths were the gas reside because thats what was happening before tinnion saw the light and realised that a tommy and wiltshire midfield is our best.


Well said mate!!

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Why don't you f##k off and watch the gas,

:Sleep12: How very original! Did you think of that all on your own or was an encyclopedia involved?

So you would rather watch that dross served up the other night with no invention,tackeling or passing in the full 90 mins.

No, but that's not the point or the choice.

funny how hes back one game and we win.

Yes back for two, out for two.Kinda sums up his season, really, don't you think?

The lad is a loose cannon sometimes but thats what makes him a good player,

No it's not.It's what detracts from his game.

I don't hear you slagging off Rooney when he does it for England and then gets himself booked.

That's because it's a City Forum and we discuss City matters.

And that other doughnut who said "we should have sold him in the summer", you like our club selling all their best players do you,and us sliding down to the depths were the gas reside because thats what was happening before tinnion saw the light and realised that a tommy and wiltshire midfield is our best.


Actually, it was a Tommy & Brown central midfield and it's a right shame it's taken suspensions and injuries to produce it.

Christ, we'll have LW in central midfield soon :city:

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Is that your educated reply, i waste my breath.

That's "I" as a capital and it should be:

"Is that your educated reply?

I waste my breath."

and it's a bit more educated than your, "Oscar Wildesque" quotation, of........let me see, what was it?

Oh yes:

" **** off and watch the Gas"

Sorry, I just can't match that type of badanage. :city:

Now, text your cousin and see what he's got to say!

Bet it'll be realy good :P

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Tommy should never have been booked today. Neil Danns went on a mission to grab as many city players as he possibly could and Tommy got booked for being grabbed and complaining about it.

I agree he has had some ridiculous bookings this season but this one of those 'reputation bookings' he seems to get often. Referees go out with booking Tommy being their first priority. Tommy should never have been booked. Danns should have been sent off.

Tommy was brilliant today, showed he DOES care and he DOES want to stay. If he played like that for the rest of the season we would be all the better for it.

I hope that when he comes back from suspension the Doc-Brown partnership continues...and Tins...............PLEASE don't PUT YOURSELF BACK IN THE TEAM!!! we were so much better without him, no offence!

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Tommy should never have been booked today. Neil Danns went on a mission to grab as many city players as he possibly could and Tommy got booked for being grabbed and complaining about it.

I agree he has had some ridiculous bookings this season but this one of those 'reputation bookings' he seems to get often. Referees go out with booking Tommy being their first priority. Tommy should never have been booked. Danns should have been sent off.

Perhaps we can appeal?

Then you have to ask how someone gets a reputation?

Tommy was brilliant today, showed he DOES care and he DOES want to stay. If he played like that for the rest of the season we would be all the better for it.

Here, Here, but he misses two games now for sins of the past and, to be honest, 33 games in is a bit late to be hitting form

I hope that when he comes back from suspension the Doc-Brown partnership continues...and Tins...............PLEASE don't PUT YOURSELF BACK IN THE TEAM!!! we were so much better without him, no offence!

There' another chance on Tuesday night before his suspension kicks in, then I hope LW moves to the centre and, as Goodfellow's injured and may need an op, a left sided loan player comes in as I don't fancy a Fortune & Bell/Tinnion left side at home.

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I remain pretty confident that both TommyD and Danny Coles will react in the right way to what has gone on recently and of the two of them I've always been more hopeful that TommyD would react well.

Today he played really well and deserves credit for that. But bookings for things like dissent are so so stupid. He really really needs to cut that out.

He has the talent and he has to commitment on the pitch. This is enough to make him a good player in this division.

But little things like fitness and stupid suspensions are what are holding him back from playing in the division above. It's really up to him where his career goes from here.

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That's "I" as a capital and it should be:

"Is that your educated reply?

I waste my breath."

and it's a bit more educated than your, "Oscar Wildesque" quotation, of........let me see, what was it?

Oh yes:

" **** off and watch the Gas"

Sorry, I just can't match that type of badanage. :city:

Now, text your cousin and see what he's got to say!

Bet it'll be realy good :P

I find it ironic that somebody who picks up on a mild mistake such as "i" instead of "I" has such imperfect spelling and grammar themselves.

"Really" not "Realy" in case you wanted to know.

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Why don't you f##k off and watch the gas, you tommy bashers are really starting to get on my t#ts.

So you would rather watch that dross served up the other night with no invention,tackeling or passing in the full 90 mins, funny how hes back one game and we win.

The lad is a loose cannon sometimes but thats what makes him a good player,you take that out of his game and you lose the player,why don't you sit back and just enjoy when he is out there.I don't hear you slagging off Rooney when he does it for England and then gets himself booked.

And that other doughnut who said "we should have sold him in the summer", you like our club selling all their best players do you,and us sliding down to the depths were the gas reside because thats what was happening before tinnion saw the light and realised that a tommy and wiltshire midfield is our best.


Tommy and Luke Wilkshire may well be our best midfield but Tinnion can't play them together when TD is suspended or unfit most the time. You surely can't condone what he did today. MOM, 2-0 up, game virtually over and he gets himself booked for no reason. He now misses the next 2 games so the team is disrupted again. After playing so well all match, he has again let the team down.

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Bristol Boy, I'm not going to say ##** off to the Gas, as others have done, though I can understand their feelings. You're a 100% City fan and care about this club.

But you really seem to have it in for TommyD. Not just on this topic but others I've read. You'll disagree, I know, so let's anticipate that and say then at the very least you're very quick to offer your opinions on him, and what he should be doing and how he should be behaving, in your view.

What you appear to be unable to understand is that with Tommy, what you see is what you get. It's the whole package.

You've said something like, "Tommy MOM yesterday, and gets booked with the game won. Moron".

Can you not see that Tommy does not possess the rationale thought process you require. And nor should he. It's in his make up, and you take that out of him and yes, he won't get so stupidly booked, but also you will not have the same player. Someone like that, they can't just turn the emotional tap on and off. Tommy crosses that white line, and he is in a different world for 90 minutes.

I don't know if you've ever played football to any extent, but if you have you'll have seen players like him, even in amateur football, and you'll know what I mean.

So really you're wasting your breath.

Of course, if Tommy can be taught to channel his agression and energy more productively that would be for his good and Bristol City. To me, on his day he's the Roy Keane of the Third division.

Hopefully Tins, as he develops his man management skills, will gradually encourage Tommy in the right direction. But with someone like Tommy, it won't be achieved by ranting and questioning his loyalty and passion for Bristol City.

Tommy is the most technically gifted player at this club, period. If Tins can help Tommy in the right way, we really will have an asset on our hands. And he is Bristol City through and through, and he'll stay.

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It has occured to me after logging on this morning, that Bristol Boy must be the Saddest Poster--Gold Medalist. He spent his whole Saturday evening trying to justify criticising one of the finest players at the club, when he had no idea of the facts behind Tommys booking at Colchester. May I suggest you spend your Saturday nights more constructively, perhaps you could colour in a book, build a model out of matchsticks or alternatively, get a life!

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It has occured to me after logging on this morning, that Bristol Boy must be the Saddest Poster--Gold Medalist. He spent his whole Saturday evening trying to justify criticising one of the finest players at the club, when he had no idea of the facts behind Tommys booking at Colchester. May I suggest you spend your Saturday nights more constructively, perhaps you could colour in a book, build a model out of matchsticks or alternatively, get a life!

Or I could have put it like that. :city:

You're in a minority of one, Bristol Boy.

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I think we should draw a line under the whole Tommy D debacle. He turned down a loan move to Qpr and Plymouth due to his own reasons. He wants to play for the club. He has to sort out his stupid bookings for dissent but only he can do that. It was ironic that from listening to the game on the radio yesterday he sweetly took the ball off Craig Fagan who has just returned from a two match ban from reaching 10 yellows and 1 red. I wonder if his fans give him stick???

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Bristol Boy for someone that supports city you really don't seem to have a clue about football! Why are you complaining all the time about a player when he plays and helps win the game for us? A disciplinary problem can be fixed but you cant as easily coach a new player as good as him. I am by no means saying he is the finished article but he is definitely one of the clubs better players!

As for marrying cousins isn't that a bit of a pointless thing to say?

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Bristol Boy for someone that supports city you really don't seem to have a clue about football! Why are you complaining all the time about a player when he plays and helps win the game for us? A disciplinary problem can be fixed but you cant as easily coach a new player as good as him. I am by no means saying he is the finished article but he is definitely one of the clubs better players!

As for marrying cousins isn't that a bit of a pointless thing to say?

About as pointless as any idiot (I know it wasn't you) who tells a City fan with an opinion of his/her own to "###### off and watch the gas". How PATHETIC and CHILDISH is that?

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