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Whether we were a big premiership club or  non league side for the club to change the badge to something as appalling as they  have done has annoyed me, the supporters have been consulted over kit designs before why not something as important as this. It's not just a logo to me it means alot to wear the club badge I feel a sense of pride when seein it whether it's on t.v, shirts etc. The new design is just a huge embarrasement and I believe a vast majority of the city faithfull would vote against.

The success or failure of the board would'nt alter my opinion of the badge whatsoever

i agree..

on all shirts in sport the badge is on the left side of the chest

THE HEART.... if it ain't in your heart don't buy or wear it,

a thing i did when the robin was taken from our shirts but it

has not stopped me watching city but the badge does mean a lot

to most fans if not all.

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Extract from: Changing Your Brand? Think Carefully, by Kim Brooks

Full article available at www.workz.com

The best brands never noticeably change but never stagnate. They somehow evolve with the times without losing their core identity. How can you develop such a timeless brand? Listen to your customers instead of listening to trends. Base your brand on universal principles of style, service, or quality, rather than flash-in-the-pan hipness.

Evolution should be a slow, natural process that helps you reach more customers. Anything else would be rash.

Oh dear.

All this about the new badge being "leaked" by brouchures, cups etc. it makes you begin to wonder wether they were actually planning on officially launching this badge at all, or if they were going to just start using it more and more often hoping no one would notice. Would anyone put it past them right now?

You may have a point there..........

Or were they originally going to make it a big deal, but now they know the supporters as a whole are against it, they are going to just phase it in gradually?

Only time will tell, if they had any sense at all they will see how many fans are against it as apposed to for it and somehow, maybe through a vote at a home game ask the WHOLE fan base what they want.

We know Steve, Colin and Richard all come on here, maybe we should point them to the poll which clearly shows a vast majority of people aginst the idea, if they don't take steps to consulting a much larger scale of the fan base they are very poor at their jobs and shouldn't be working in sucha high profile position.

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My view is perfectly tolerant of other opinions.Personnaly,I don't feel that the badge issue is that big a deal but understand those who think that is.Life is full of different views and opinions.

My point to Neo is that using the badge issue as an excuse to abandon the club seems like an over reaction - hence my using the word minutiae.

Actually Neo said his decision is NOT only based on the badge issue.

But still Small and Trivial apparently.

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If you ask all the football fans in the world if they would be angry if their club changed their badge to a naff cheap design without consulting them, I'm sure 90% of them would be angry.

True. Probably because 90% of football fans in the world are always angry about something. Because everybody gets angry.

Despite the fact they have never finished lower than 2nd in all his time at the club, you will still fans who are angry at Arsene Wenger and want him sacked.

Although they are in the process of building a state of the art stadium for the 21st century that will almost double their current capacity and give them one of the best grounds in the world, you will still find Liverpool fans who are angry that they are not staying at Anfield.

Tony Pulis has just won manager of the month at Stoke. There are plenty of angry fans who want him out because the team are playing boring football (fair enough that one).

I know a Blackburn fan who is angry that Graeme Sounness is no longer their manager. Many Newcastle fans are angry that he is theirs.

I could go on. You will find fans at every club who are angry about something. Often people who spend their week working hard, juggling family life, trying to make ends meet who look forward to a couple of hours release on a Saturday afternoon. And usually, if there team are winning, it makes their weekend, even the rest of the week slightly more tolerable. That's the case with me anyway. It's a vital part of my life.

But if their team aren't winning, or aren't playing the sort of football they expect to see, or if a badge is foisted on them that they don't like, or if the pies are too hot or cold, the beer too expensive, then they get angry. And if they get so angry with it all that they stop going to the football, then that doesn't mean they stop getting angry. Instead they'll maybe get angry with their wife, their kids, the dog, their boss, traffic wardens, the government, stupid quiz shows on TV, the price of a pint, selfish drivers who hog the middle lane on the motorway.

Anger is a human condition. But the thing that we get angry about isn't always the thing that is making us angry.

I think I'm trying to make some wider philosphical point here, though to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what it is. Ah well, time to take the dog for a walk.

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I think you will find that Richard G, is fully aware of the potential for merchandising, and it was discussed at a recent FCC meeting.

The club has had great results with TFG, but realise that as a brand it is not reaching the potential market.

I believe this will be addressed once the final season with TFG is through.

This has been a concern of many for a while, but I understand that wheels are in motion to bring quality branded gear to the Gate in the near future.

You only have to look at the Incider gear - for starters.

The club is listening to us - watch this space.  :dunno:

Yeah they're all ears.

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You've lost faith with the board because we're not winning week in week out and they've brought in a new badge, because of this you have decided to continue to support City but in a manner that will spread your football money across rival clubs whilst reducing our clubs own income? Something not quite right there.

You may not agree with every decision the current board makes but, like it or not, none of them are there because they want to harm our club, they are there doing everything they possibly can to make this club work whilst putting a lot more at stake than any of us ever do.

If you don't like what they're doing then you have every right to register your disapproval (that's partly what these forums are for surely?) but after that, unless you're prepared to stand outside the Williams making a public 'board out' protest then every damn one of us should be concentrating on getting behind the Club, board and team alike, in every way we can.

"a lot more at stake than any of us" thats probably because they have a lot more than any of us :dunno:

All things are relative,I think its the complete ingnorance of us the fans that is upsetting most of us.

There has been so much like it or lump it decisions being made the latest badge thing has been the final straw for many.Including me, who was watching football at the Gate before Tinnion was even born by the way.

As and when I feel like it from now on :ph34r: Partime supporter :city::yawn:

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What are people's views on players who make a big show of kissing the club badge (any club badge) after scoring and then moving to another club a couple of days later.

What's all that about? How many players care about the badge?

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The "voice of reason" is exactly that and my views are not clouded by one-dimsional opinions,nor am I a club puppet as you seem to be suggesting.

You should try looking at things from other perspectives rather than your own.That way you'll become more tolerant and less angry... :dunno:


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Find the middle ground would be my answer - drop the robin, the sailing ship and the Bristol castle (that was actually demolished on Oliver Cromwell's orders) and have a single golden unicorn. Rather like the Ipswich badge with the front hoof of a white horse controlling a football we could have the same design but with a golden unicorn controlling the ball. :dunno:

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Yes you are right Dave, the who Anfield situation it is an obvious way to make more money and modernise the club. The fans will be dissappointed that the history will be left behind but they will soon forget it once the club is rolling in loads more money and can eventually afford to buy better players.

A badge is different, its something simple enough to consult the fans with. A stadium is years and years worth of planning with many many experts involved. A badge however has very little financial implications, and doesn't take a loads of experts to sort out which one is best for the club.

Therefore it is 2 complete different situations. Its like when someone copies a mate and goes home to their parents and the parents say "Well if they jumped off the suspension bridge would you?"

We have to stick to the individual subject which is the badge, a stadium, a new stand, a new manager. These all are different situations and have to be looked into from a different angle.

A new badge can be exciting and encourage people to buy more new products, but the people who will be buying them is what matters. So surely it would benefit everyone if they were to ask what everyone preferred?

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  • Admin

I think you will find that Richard G, is fully aware of the potential for merchandising, and it was discussed at a recent FCC meeting.

The club has had great results with TFG, but realise that as a brand it is not reaching the potential market.

I believe this will be addressed once the final season with TFG is through.

As always, the club appear to have taken all views into consideration, before dismissing them out of hand and ploughing on regardless.

Back with TFG :dunno:

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Having seen all the supporters on here who appear to be against this new badge (at least 90% I would have thought) I can only add one thing:-

"Your comments/views have been noted!!".

Now what were they again? :P
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What are people's views on players who make a big show of kissing the club badge (any club badge) after scoring and then moving to another club a couple of days later.

What's all that about?  How many players care about the badge?

I don't think too many players would be seen dead kissing our new badge!!

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This whole issue sucks...

It may not print out great on A4 booklets, it may not look fantastic on tickets, or on mugs, and it may just be a badge through the eyes of a commercial manager.

However, to us, the fans we don't give a flying monkeys what it looks like on a booklet or a mug.

I grew up with the robin, it is on my scarf which is hung on my bedroom wall and to me this is and always will be our badge. I don't think it looks dated, i think it looks fantastic.

I buy the new shirts, however the one shirt i wear the most is the one i virtually made myself. I bought the robin badge off ebay for £1.75 and a XL red rugby top for £9.99, sew the robin badge on and voila....

It may be a fair point that, ok, maybe we do need to change the badge. However, where was the consultation?!

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one thang, other clubs do notice the badge, and think its pants too...on other forums its been raised!

CH, d'you have the link still matey?

Neo, good one about the Library connection......the place feels like one now-shhhhhhhhhhhhhh quiet please, or youre out :city:

Bad move, real bad move...........how many season tickets and replica sales are they going to lose on this- after all "Its only a (foxtrotting) badge" no one will notice-will they? :@

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Guest we8thegas
We will be next season. I have not seen another club adopt such a badly designed, poorly composed, irrelevant badge ever. We'll be original alright.

Next season cue hundreds of away fans pointing at our players badges, whilst singing 'What the ######* hell is that?' Assuming they can sing through their laughter.

We won't be original at all,how about swindon townies then. :city::city::(:(:city::city:

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Whilst I understand the need to review 'the brand', the badge is not a brand, it is a logo. The brand is much bigger - in this case BCFC.

There may be very clear commercial reasons to the benefit of the club as to why this change is good - potential trademarking for one.

However, if a business was looking to change its logo, it would normally look to research to the best of its ability the existing customer base (fans) and maybe potential customers.

In fairness, this logo has not been entirely made up - it is a derivative of the city crest. There is also I would suspect a 12 century law saying you simply cannot stick something else in the middle of the unicorns without going to the tower of london for an extended vacation.

Personally, I have to say I do not like it. It seems to me there are three things people would instantly recognise and associate with BCFC.

They come from the City of Bristol (lets use an iconic Bristol landmark therefore...why not the suspension bridge?), they are called the robins (hey...its coming to me...is there not a bird called a robin?), and they play football (um, more difficult, but lets get out of the box here - why not a football!)

That's why the old robin logo works so well. I would much rather have seen, if trademark is the issue, some reworks of these - say three or four, put to a fans vote. May have been some real ownership.

Otherwise, we could of course change our nickname. Bristol castle. Ok. Hang in there. A boat - the 'sailors' (hey, don't think so), no, wait, think medieval, football, passion, competitive, risky. I know, I've got it - lets go the full rebranding and call ourselves.

The pirates!

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I take your point. But I don't see why you can't be concerned about this at the same time as being more concerned about something else.

You say that our finances will take a dive if we don't go up. Surely you can see from the posts on here that there is also a real danger that finances will take a dive if the new club badge is something people don't buy into.

This has been heavily researched and the badge/brand directly affects merchandise sales. If you are concerned about finances next season then you should be concerned about this.

Sports clubs spend vast sums of money on getting this sort of thing right. And they do it because it is important.

Fair point, you can be concerned about more than one thing - I just question what is more important, and to me promotion, play offs, improving our form on the pitch and style of play would come first.

As for finances, then yes you have a point too, but I would guess (and yes it is only a guess) that on pitch performance and staying in this division (or not even making the play offs) might just have more of an impact than a change in design of the BCFC badge!

Am I concerned about the badge, no! I may not like it, but not top of my list of priorities personally. I have no problem with others expressing concern but have some sympathy with those that also suggest there are more important things to worry about!

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I don't have a problem with the club redesigning the badge. It's happened before and it'll happen again. Neither do I have a problem with people who are employed by the club to make these decisions making them if they make sound commercial sense. I guess the test of that will come when we see next year's sales figures. If the club benefits financially from an increase in sales thanks to a rebranding exercise, then that has to be a good thing and like it or not, the decision to rebrand will be vindicated.

My only problem is with the design of the new badge. I don't like it. Mind you, I don't much like the current badge either, it's too fussy. Nor the one with the robin on - it's too cartoony.

But my two main concerns are: when are we going to get an adequate replacement for Aaron Brown and will we make the Play Offs?

Blimey Dave, you've mellowed in the last few days.

Then you thought the design was "HIDEOUS" and "VILE". Now you "don't much like it...."

You pleaded with the Club " not to inflict that piece of dated, ugly tat on us for the next decade or more."

Yes of course there are other concerns. But they don't make the inflicting of this monstrous new badge, with no consultation, any the less shocking, and they are surely not reasons why we should just sit back and accept it.

It's amazing you've gone from being so outraged to so conciliatory in such a short time.

Surely if you resented the new badge so vehemently, the next logical step would be to band together with other like-minded fans to try and change things.

After all, its one "concern" we might actually be able to do something about.

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Post on ask S.L BY S.L incase you have missed it; "We will NOT be answering any more questions on the subject of the badge" :city:

Head in the sand comes to mind. :sad56: :sad56: :sad56:

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Blimey Dave, you've mellowed in the last few days.

Then you thought the design was "HIDEOUS" and "VILE". Now you "don't much like it...."

You pleaded with the Club " not to inflict that piece of dated, ugly tat on us for the next decade or more."

Yes of course there are other concerns. But they don't make the inflicting of this monstrous new badge, with no consultation, any the less shocking, and they are surely not reasons why we should just sit back and accept it.

It's amazing you've gone from being so outraged to so conciliatory in such a short time.

Surely if you resented the new badge so vehemently, the next logical step would be to band together with other like-minded fans to try and change things.

After all, its one "concern" we might actually be able to do something about.

You misquote me slightly. It's the current badge I 'don't much like'. But at the risk of repeating myself I'm happy to confirm that I think the proposed new one is a hideous, vile piece of tat. I don't think its unveiling has been dealt with well, and I'm disappointed with the Club's response to the strongly felt criticism of it.

If this badge is still not finalised, then I would ask the club to think again. I think it would be a mistake to launch a new brand that has recived such adverse publicity even before its official launch.

However, if they feel that they have made the right commercial decision and are so far down the line that it's too late to go back, then so be it. They have made a decision which they think is right, and if sales go up next year as a result then who am I to say they weren't, just because I don't happen to like the badge?

Of course, commercial decisions work both ways, and as the potential consumer in this deal, it's extremely unlikely I'll be buying any goods with the new badge on. Other people have said the same. But there might be loads of people out there who will like the new range of goods with this badge on (which lets face it, none of us have even seen yet) and if that brings more money into the club then that can only be a good thing. It still won't change my view that it's vile and hideous, but I guess it's up to the market to decide.

I think that states my view fairly clearly. In terms of banding together 'with other like minded fans in order to change things', I'm sorry, but in the context of my personal, social and working life I've got far more important things to do.

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Hang on a minute, it nearly was a new stadium in a new location (Severnside), and a new logo.

Franchise City here we come.  :@

I thought exactly the same thing screech.

Something else equally worrying is SL's reply to this


Now hopefully NickJ post is tongue in cheek and he's rather cleverly testing the water (please say your'e joking).

In reply SL can't even categorically dismiss that we might one day be playing in Green/Yellow/Orange.

He also seems totally unaware of the new Mugs in the Club Shop. However he can't/won't say 'they're not there' because he knows even if they are not yet (I know what I saw yesterday), this badge HAS ALREADY BEEN DECIDED ON, and it's just a matter of time before stock deliveries arrive.


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Post on ask S.L BY S.L incase you have missed it; "We will NOT be answering any more questions on the subject of the badge" :city:

Head in the sand comes to mind. :sad56:  :sad56:  :sad56:

I wasn't aware he and RG had actually started 'answering' questions on the subject. :city:

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