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So Now We Know


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Fixed views from fans was what was meant.I'm suprised you didn't realise that.

How do you know 90% of City fans hate the new badge? Have you carried out a poll? No? well your're simply guessing then.

I don't accept that the shops takings will take a "huge loss" simply because you and your thinkalike mates will not buy anything.There will be thousands who will continue to purchase goods regardless of the club badge.Many items don't even have the badge on them.

I don't but much from the club shop because I think its overpriced and a bit of a rip-off but thats a different principle.

I didn't "realise that" the fixed views you speak of were from fans only because the way you wrote it certainly didn't indicate that, and having re-read it it's still not clear. I'm surprised you leave things so wide open to (mis)interpretation.

I know 90% of the fans hate it because that's what the poll says on this site. It's not perfect, but it's a very good indication and i'm sure it's near enough representative of the fan base in total. Why shouldn't it be?

You don't accept the club shop wil take a huge loss? If a large number of fans who normally buy things stop, the club will make alot less money. I'm very surprised you can't understand that. How do you know that thousands will keep on purchasing club goods regardless of the Club badge. Have YOU carried out a poll?

I don't have "thinkalike mates". I attend games with my family, none of whom have expressed an opinion on this forum, but all of whom detest the new badge. I've never met a keener young fan than my son and when we go in the City Shop he wants almost everything. Now he has told me, without any sort of prompting, that he wants nothing in future with the new badge on it.

The fact you now state that you "don't buy much" from the Club shop makes it clear why you are so passionless on this issue. But lack of passion certainly does not make you "the voice of reason" on this matter, simply someone who doesn't care.

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Guest Slinky
Robbered, i like your signature, using those words are you saying we cannot do anything about it so we should just accept it? Or maybe we should show some courage and tell them what we think of it? Or maybe we're not wise enough to know the difference!!!

For the record, the new design is pants! :dunno:

It isn't a true quote.

It's taken from a prayer called The Serenity Prayer and the first word should be "God" not "Oh".

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Last November i bought 181 pounds worth of merchandise. The crest was not something i looked at. The items were red and white, had Ashton Gate or BCFC on them. After the current headlines, i looked at my coffee mug etc and the twin unicorn badge logo is there. Point is, when buying merchandise the logo crest was not relevant to the purchase. Likewise my 2 nephews, sons and grandsons, i cant repeat their exact comments, but they bought their City products with zero thoughts about the crest. The product was Brisol City, thats all.

If you just care that it's Bristol (or even Brisol) City and not bothered about details such as the symbol of the club, you should get it down the market.

£50 the lot at most. Bargain!

That's where i'll be going in future. Hey, we could go together if you want? :dunno:

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If you just care that it's Bristol (or even Brisol) City and not bothered about details such as the symbol of the club, you should get it down the market.

£50 the lot at most.  Bargain!

That's where i'll be going in future.  Hey, we could go together if you want?  :dunno:

Irresistable, pink carnation in my left ear.

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Aren't we original?

We will be next season. I have not seen another club adopt such a badly designed, poorly composed, irrelevant badge ever. We'll be original alright.

Next season cue hundreds of away fans pointing at our players badges, whilst singing 'What the ######* hell is that?' Assuming they can sing through their laughter.

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We will be next season. I have not seen another club adopt such a badly designed, poorly composed, irrelevant badge ever. We'll be original alright.

Next season cue hundreds of away fans pointing at our players badges, whilst singing 'What the ######* hell is that?' Assuming they can sing through their laughter.

Do you honestly believe that anyone else will give a toss?

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Judging by some attitudes of disinterest on here, from our own fans, you're probably correct.

I'm more interested in what is going on inside the shirt than whats on the outside of it.

I'm not really bothered either way about what design we have, but I will say that I have seen worse designs as well as better ones.

At least all of the furore about the badge appears to be stopping the talk about what is (not) happening on the pitch.

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Robbered, i like your signature, using those words are you saying we cannot do anything about it so we should just accept it? Or maybe we should show some courage and tell them what we think of it? Or maybe we're not wise enough to know the difference!!!

For the record, the new design is pants! :dunno:

I'm glad you like the Serenity Prayer but its not aimed specifically at this or any other issue.It a philosophy on life and one that I try to apply to myself although I'm not always successfull.

As Slinky points out the "Oh" that I use at the start is not the original word.It starts "God grant me" but as an atheist I choose not to use the religious overtone.

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Personally, I'm no fan of the new badge, but then I don't like the current one either, and as I remember at the time neither did anybody else.

It's all well and good boycotting the badge and any goods carrying it, but you will be more than likely outnumbered by the people who are going to go out and buy a whole new load of stuff just because it's new.

Rather than get upset about a new badge, you need to ask yourself if you have trust in the current chairman and board to run the club as well as possible, and at the moment I still do meaning I'm not going to expect every single thing that happens to be put to some kind of public vote. If you don't have trust in the board, then you can only do your best to change things and, as has been mentioned elsewhere, that either takes a lot of people or a lot of money. Either one isn't worth it over a change of badge.

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I don't have a problem with the club redesigning the badge. It's happened before and it'll happen again. Neither do I have a problem with people who are employed by the club to make these decisions making them if they make sound commercial sense. I guess the test of that will come when we see next year's sales figures. If the club benefits financially from an increase in sales thanks to a rebranding exercise, then that has to be a good thing and like it or not, the decision to rebrand will be vindicated.

My only problem is with the design of the new badge. I don't like it. Mind you, I don't much like the current badge either, it's too fussy. Nor the one with the robin on - it's too cartoony.

But my two main concerns are: when are we going to get an adequate replacement for Aaron Brown and will we make the Play Offs?

Well I had actually managed to completely stay out of this debate as I was sat at my PC thinking haven't we got more important/significant things to think about than what the design on next year's shirt will look like? And at last I find someone else voicing a similar opinion.

I don't like the current badge, the proposed one is a bit basic and may not be my preference, but I am happy to leave it to people at the club to decide.

Personally I am more concerned about whether or not we will actually get into the play offs this season, otherwise our finances will certainly take a dive and yes, when are we either going to play Goodfellow (you know the one who scored yesterday and the one who scored the goal that got us to the play off final) or find a better replacement for Brown??????

Oh well, back to designing new badges I guess, maybe it is less depressing than thinking about what really matters!

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Personally, I'm no fan of the new badge, but then I don't like the current one either, and as I remember at the time neither did anybody else.

It's all well and good boycotting the badge and any goods carrying it, but you will be more than likely outnumbered by the people who are going to go out and buy a whole new load of stuff just because it's new.

Rather than get upset about a new badge, you need to ask yourself if you have trust in the current chairman and board to run the club as well as possible, and at the moment I still do meaning I'm not going to expect every single thing that happens to be put to some kind of public vote. If you don't have trust in the board, then you can only do your best to change things and, as has been mentioned elsewhere, that either takes a lot of people or a lot of money. Either one isn't worth it over a change of badge.

I no longer have the faith in the people running this club and that is not just over the badge issue.

I have already decided (to my daughter's utter disgust) that i'm not buying a season ticket next season and I won't be buying any official club merchandise either as it is over-priced, generally tacky and will now carry a meaningless corporate driven symbol.

I will go to the library that is Ashton Gate for the rest of this season. After that, I will be more choosy and probably spend the money i'm saving from less home games on going away more instead.

Personal choice (and good riddance to me I know), however, along with the people I go with; that's 3 adult tickets, 2 childrens and £100 odd in merchandise the club will not be getting.

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I no longer have the faith in the people running this club and that is not just over the badge issue.

I have already decided (to my daughter's utter disgust) that i'm not buying a season ticket next season and I won't be buying any official club merchandise either as it is over-priced, generally tacky and will now carry a meaningless corporate driven symbol.

I will go to the library that is Ashton Gate for the rest of this season.  After that, I will be more choosy and probably spend the money i'm saving from less home games on going away more instead. 

Personal choice (and good riddance to me I know), however, along with the people I go with; that's 3 adult tickets, 2 childrens and £100 odd in merchandise the club will not be getting.

Your're not a true fan if you can simply adandon the club over minutiae.

True fans will support BCFC come what may.Some us were at AG watching the old fourth division not that long ago and would still follow the City even they were in the Conferance.

Pah!... :dunno:

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I no longer have the faith in the people running this club and that is not just over the badge issue.

I have already decided (to my daughter's utter disgust) that i'm not buying a season ticket next season and I won't be buying any official club merchandise either as it is over-priced, generally tacky and will now carry a meaningless corporate driven symbol.

I will go to the library that is Ashton Gate for the rest of this season.  After that, I will be more choosy and probably spend the money i'm saving from less home games on going away more instead. 

Personal choice (and good riddance to me I know), however, along with the people I go with; that's 3 adult tickets, 2 childrens and £100 odd in merchandise the club will not be getting.

You've lost faith with the board because we're not winning week in week out and they've brought in a new badge, because of this you have decided to continue to support City but in a manner that will spread your football money across rival clubs whilst reducing our clubs own income? Something not quite right there.

You may not agree with every decision the current board makes but, like it or not, none of them are there because they want to harm our club, they are there doing everything they possibly can to make this club work whilst putting a lot more at stake than any of us ever do.

If you don't like what they're doing then you have every right to register your disapproval (that's partly what these forums are for surely?) but after that, unless you're prepared to stand outside the Williams making a public 'board out' protest then every damn one of us should be concentrating on getting behind the Club, board and team alike, in every way we can.

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Your're not a true fan if you can simply adandon the club over minutiae.

True fans will support BCFC come what may.Some us were at AG watching the old fourth division not that long ago and would still follow the City even they were in the Conferance.

Pah!... :dunno:

but the club are abusing this ''True fans will support BCFC come what may''

by giving them the like it or lump it attitude which is not right.

a true fan has city at heart no matter where they choose to support their

club at a game or sat by the radio.

some True fans will support BCFC come what may and have bcfc tattoos but

the club don't take this in to account.

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Your're not a true fan if you can simply adandon the club over minutiae.

True fans will support BCFC come what may.Some us were at AG watching the old fourth division not that long ago and would still follow the City even they were in the Conferance.

Pah!... :dunno:

:ph34r::city::yawn: Off on your true fan crusade again?

As if I give a to55 what you or anybody else on here thinks of me.

I was there in the old 4th division. I will be again if it comes to it; just not as often as I have been the last few years.

I will continue to support Bristol City; the football team. I will not support the corporate image comes first crap at the expense of the paying publics wants and wishes.

BTW, I would respond to your first sentence, however, minutiae is lost on me.

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You've lost faith with the board because we're not winning week in week out and they've brought in a new badge, because of this you have decided to continue to support City but in a manner that will spread your football money across rival clubs whilst reducing our clubs own income? Something not quite right there.

You may not agree with every decision the current board makes but, like it or not, none of them are there because they want to harm our club, they are there doing everything they possibly can to make this club work whilst putting a lot more at stake than any of us ever do.

If you don't like what they're doing then you have every right to register your disapproval (that's partly what these forums are for surely?) but after that, unless you're prepared to stand outside the Williams making a public 'board out' protest then every damn one of us should be concentrating on getting behind the Club, board and team alike, in every way we can.

Do I know you that well then?

I've lost faith because we're not winning week in and week out. Where did you get that from? I've supported City all my life and been regularly going to A.G. for 28 odd years. If I was that concerned with winning, I would have stayed at home years ago.

As for lining others clubs pockets; do you criticise every fan who makes a life-style choice? Some people only go away, however, some regard them as the BEST fans.

If my action (and maybe others actions) lead to more serious thought being given at board level over gaining a greater spectrum of fan's involvement/views over key issues; then good.

I'm leaving for my reasons; somebody takes my place. It happens every season. If it happened more often, perhaps the arrogant crew sat at the top might just start to involve their major stakeholders that little bit more and in the process gain some understanding of what motivates your average fan.

It is not corporate image!

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Guest Slinky
Well I had actually managed to completely stay out of this debate as I was sat at my PC thinking haven't we got more important/significant things to think about than what the design on next year's shirt will look like?  And at last I find someone else voicing a similar opinion. 

I don't like the current badge, the proposed one is a bit basic and may not be my preference, but I am happy to leave it to people at the club to decide.

Personally I am more concerned about whether or not we will actually get into the play offs this season, otherwise our finances will certainly take a dive and yes, when are we either going to play Goodfellow (you know the one who scored yesterday and the one who scored the goal that got us to the play off final) or find a better replacement for Brown??????

Oh well, back to designing new badges I guess, maybe it is less depressing than thinking about what really matters!

I take your point. But I don't see why you can't be concerned about this at the same time as being more concerned about something else.

You say that our finances will take a dive if we don't go up. Surely you can see from the posts on here that there is also a real danger that finances will take a dive if the new club badge is something people don't buy into.

This has been heavily researched and the badge/brand directly affects merchandise sales. If you are concerned about finances next season then you should be concerned about this.

Sports clubs spend vast sums of money on getting this sort of thing right. And they do it because it is important.

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If you ask me its an utter disgrace.

For me the badge of your club is extremely important. It is the visual product that represents your club. Everywhere you see Bristol City its moer than likely the badge will be alongside it. I for one don't want to be represented by such a poor design.

The main heart and soul of a club is the fans FACT. If we did not turn up week in week out there would be no Bristol City FC. This club needs to relise this more. When you do something as important as changing your badge you need to consult your fans and find out their opinion. Its them who will be buying and using the stuff. How often do you see Bristol City wearing a Bristol City shirt? Not often at all.

Someone mentioned we don't buy merchandise for the badge we buy because its Bristol City. Its this fact exactly that winds me up. The club knows this and takes advantage of it and have done in many ways, many times before.

They did not ask our opinion when changing the badge because they know whatever they do we will buy it. We shouldn't, we should let them know that these things are important and we would muchrather spend £40 on a shirt with a nice looking badge on it, than spend £40 on something that looks like it has been made up in 5 minutes on Microsoft Paint.

Its not about money, I do not beleive for 1 minute that a small club like Bristol City can make any money out of simply changing their badge its all a load of rubbish.

They chose a badge and wanted to keep it. They know at the end of the day its up to them, who cares about the thousands of people who are going to spend their hard earned cash on it and actually use the stuff.

The fact is they should consult the fans when making a descision like this, there is no doubt about that. If you ask all the football fans in the world if they would be angry if their club changed their badge to a naff cheap design without consulting them, I'm sure 90% of them would be angry.

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Minutiae - "small and trivial"


To me and many others, the badge represents the very fabric of this club.

Small and Trivial in your opinion. That's not a paticularly 'tolerant' viewpoint to hold on the opinion's of others. Hypocrite.

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Whether we were a big premiership club or non league side for the club to change the badge to something as appalling as they have done has annoyed me, the supporters have been consulted over kit designs before why not something as important as this. It's not just a logo to me it means alot to wear the club badge I feel a sense of pride when seein it whether it's on t.v, shirts etc. The new design is just a huge embarrasement and I believe a vast majority of the city faithfull would vote against.

The success or failure of the board would'nt alter my opinion of the badge whatsoever

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Small and Trivial in your opinion. That's not a paticularly 'tolerant' viewpoint to hold on the opinion's of others. Hypocrite.

My view is perfectly tolerant of other opinions.Personnaly,I don't feel that the badge issue is that big a deal but understand those who think that is.Life is full of different views and opinions.

My point to Neo is that using the badge issue as an excuse to abandon the club seems like an over reaction - hence my using the word minutiae.

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All this about the new badge being "leaked" by brouchures, cups etc. it makes you begin to wonder wether they were actually planning on officially launching this badge at all, or if they were going to just start using it more and more often hoping no one would notice. Would anyone put it past them right now?

Edit - I mean why would they bother making a big deal out of it anyway? "It's only a badge" afterall.

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