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Post on ask S.L BY S.L incase you have missed it; "We will NOT be answering any more questions on the subject of the badge" :city:

Head in the sand comes to mind. :sad56:  :sad56:  :sad56:

Ah, but now we are all armed with shovels we can dig him out! :city:

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The response to the proposed new badge is clear and simple, very few people like it, some to the extreme extent of not buying any official merchandise etc etc. Unless the wheels are already in motion and its too late to turn back, i cant for one minute think why the board don't hold their hands up and say "ok we wont change it to the new design, we misscalculated how much it meant to people, and didnt realise how bad the new badge actually was". They must realise that its already made alot of people very unhappy, and will continue to, unless they change their minds.

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The worrying things is, is that while City continue to under-perform and under-achieve on the pitch, the Board and others, in their wisdom, decide that the most pressing matters that need attention are:-

a) a new badge and

b) a new stand

Sorry guys, but if you get it right on the pitch, everything else will fall into place.

"A fish rots from the head down"

(Russian proverb)

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The worrying things is, is that while City continue to under-perform and under-achieve on the pitch, the Board and others, in their wisdom, decide that the most pressing matters that need attention are:-

a) a new badge and

b) a new stand

Sorry guys, but if you get it right on the pitch, everything else will fall into place.

"A fish rots from the head down"

(Russian proverb)

Yep,it we were where we should be with the quality (???) squad we have then, I am dam sure other issues would fly into place.

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Guest bristolbred


I'm at a loss why Sky Sports should be showing a close up of our mugs?

(Steady, any easy references to Phillips/Bell/Murray... not allowed  :P  )

Shouldn't you of said Fans, in the mugs sentence??. :city:

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In reply to Wilski`s post on ask S.L the badge is discribed as "quite tivial" sorry but cant agree there it is the symbol of our club :@ :@ :@ the new badge is definately a symbol at the moment a complete and utter mess :@

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You misquote me slightly. It's the current badge I 'don't much like'. But at the risk of repeating myself I'm happy to confirm that I think the proposed new one is a hideous, vile piece of tat. I don't think its unveiling has been dealt with well, and I'm disappointed with the Club's response to the strongly felt criticism of it.

If this badge is still not finalised, then I would ask the club to think again. I think it would be a mistake to launch a new brand that has recived such adverse publicity even before its official launch.

However, if they feel that they have made the right commercial decision and are so far down the line that it's too late to go back, then so be it. They have made a decision which they think is right, and if sales go up next year as a result then who am I to say they weren't, just because I don't happen to like the badge?

Of course, commercial decisions work both ways, and as the potential consumer in this deal, it's extremely unlikely I'll be buying any goods with the new badge on. Other people have said the same. But there might be loads of people out there who will like the new range of goods with this badge on (which lets face it, none of us have even seen yet) and if that brings more money into the club then that can only be a good thing. It still won't change my view that it's vile and hideous, but I guess it's up to the market to decide.

I think that states my view fairly clearly. In terms of banding together 'with other like minded fans in order to change things', I'm sorry, but in the context of my personal, social and working life I've got far more important things to do.

Your view is clearly stated, Dave, and that's fair enough.

Apologies for the slight misquote.

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