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A Season Of Discontent...


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A football club, as a business, enjoys an unusual relationship with its customers.

Normal businesses must be careful to keep the customer happy to ensure they come back and buy from them again.

Football Clubs, on the other hand, enjoy a predominantly 'captive audience' and can usually rely on (at least a hardcore of) customers coming back for more regardless of how shoddy the product is or how poor the customer service is. They also receive a lot of support in this by customers who feel so strongly for their chosen club, that they too feel disdain for those who dare to question the club's leaders.

I sometimes wonder whether some of these loyal customers are aware of what they are doing by encouraging other critical customers to go elsewhere if they are unhappy and taking the club's lifeblood - money - with them.

I would suggest that Football Clubs (not just BCFC) play on this aspect of their business and become complacent, even arrogant, in their treatment of loyal customers whom they know will always accept a substandard product and keep coming back; and also the critical customers, whom they know will receive no support or sympathy from the loyal customer base.

When I was younger, I assume I was one of those punters who kept coming back for more because that's exactly what I did.

Now that I'm older (or maybe just old!), having swallowed the rhetoric for so many years - not only from this board but also their predecessors - I've come to the conclusion that it's not such a big part of my life and I do have other interests to pursue, external to Bristol City and even football, and sport in general.

I may have more disposable income now but I have more things to spend it on so the budget for my footballing interests largely remains the same.

Following this season's disappointment and a year when the club's performance, on and off the field, has been less than satisfactory, I am now at a crossroads and must decide whether to renew my season ticket or whether to let it lapse and once again do what I did before and select the games I attended.

I know, for sure, if I let my season ticket lapse, that I will not buy another while we are in this league - sadly, it's just not that important to me any more.

For me, that is a blow to the club because they lose my money paid up front, not only for next season but subsequent seasons too. For the loyal customers, they may feel justified in saying 'good riddance' to my 'disloyal' custom. For the club, it is another nail in the coffin of mediocrity and, perhaps, liquidation.

People wonder why a city the size of Bristol doesn't have a top football team. Well primarily, I suppose these days its money, but we have also seen clubs enjoy success without spending the money BCFC has spent, so I would offer that it may be because past boards and managements of BCFC (and BRFC) have mismanaged the club's direction and treated its customers with disrespect, contempt and even arrogance to drive potential support away.

The Millennium Stadium outings are testament to the sort of support the club could enjoy if it was successful and treated its customers, not as punters who'll always come back for more mediocrity on empty promises of future success, but respectable people who will turn out in numbers given a modicum of success and fair treatment from the club.

Some may believe that I'm being disrespectful to the current board who have worked hard to support the club financially and kept the club solvent but I take the view that the board is there because they want to be - either as genuine fans or as business men. They had the freedom of choice to be involved and are luckier than most of us that they have the financial clout to be involved.

They would willingly take the credit if we achieved any success and consequently should take the flak if we fail. They are the people who have guided the club to this position and if it is a position that the customers are disappointed with, then they should expect and accept the criticism that comes their way from those of us who are not blinded by the sycophantic gushing and back-slapping of some of the loyal customer base.

I will not be held to ransom by directors and loyal customers who state or imply that we are 'lucky' to have such benefactors who are willing to pump money into the club, as if they have some altruistic right to be there. Nobody forced them to be there and if I feel they are not guiding the club in the right direction, I will say so and stand by my right to say so.

If you look at my posts from previous seasons you would see that I had the reputation of being an optimist and defended Wilson because I thought he was heading in the right direction. I was disappointed, but not surprised, to see him go, but was deeply shocked and concerned when Tinnion was appointed amidst much hype. Throughout the season, Tinnion has done nothing to convince me that he knows what he is doing, or is learning from his experience. This is the fundamental reason for my pessimistic outlook on this season and, perhaps, the forthcoming one.

Yes, the emergence of several young players is promising and Tinnion should be credited with that, but I remain unconvinced that it was planned or that he is the right man to mould that talent into seasoned pros who can bring success to the club. After a full season in charge he was still looking for his first choice team. But I accept he is here to stay for the forseeable future.

Whichever side of the fence you sit, it certainly makes the summer an interesting and critical time for this football club. I hope they get it right, because I have an uneasy feeling that next season will be crucial to the club's future.

I'm signing off the forum now, for my usual summer break, and will be back in August, with or without season ticket, hopeful that the club is heading in the right direction.

Have a good summer.


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SR,pity if you are signing off for the Summer.

I think this post sums up many a true feeling amoungst supporters.

Great read & like you this Summer & it's activities will be crucial.

But nothing as crucial as the first 10/12 games going into next season.

BT wasn't my choice as Manager & nothing throughout the season has convinced me he has (or was) getting it right.

The young talent & the fact that our rivals blew it big time, gave renewed hope towards the latter part of the season.

He will have all his own players in place come August & we will see if this learning curve is to be straightened out.

For the sake of BCFC & potential fan base that is desperate for success - I hope he DOES get it right.

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Some supporters Richie, but not all by a long way.

Long way ?

I would say that the SR article is in the main a true reflection of how many fans feel.

Are you saying that what he has said,can't be reflecting in how YOU feel ?

Looking back tell us how it was?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Some supporters Richie, but not all by a long way.

Only 500 season tickets sold so far - It's an obvious reflection of discontent by the majority.

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A very interesting post.

Whilst I concur with a lot of what SR says, at 42 I am afraid I put it down at least as much to getting old, as anything to do with BCFC.

I would still advise the 'youngsters' to enjoy the years following the City with passion - whatever league they are in! Some of my very best memories!

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Only 500 season tickets sold so far - It's an obvious reflection of discontent by the majority.

You may be right Willsbridge, depends on how many we've usually sold a few days after the season ends. dunno.gif

I'm definitely renewing but, like many i suspect, can't see any reason to rush just yet.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Are you serious?

The playoffs haven't even bloody started yet.

But the clock is ticking on the cheap deal though isnt it child.

You may be right Willsbridge, depends on how many we've usually sold a few days after the season ends. dunno.gif

I'm definitely renewing but, like many i suspect, can't see any reason to rush just yet.

But like I said, isn't the cheaper prices a reason to rush?

I struggle to see why people don't take advantage of this if they are planning to renew.

I take it as a clear indication that season ticket sales will be DOWN, but then we shall see.

I think the signing of Marcus Stewart would change the minds of 50% that don't plan on renewing.

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But the clock is ticking on the cheap deal though isnt it child.

But like I said, isn't the cheaper prices a reason to rush?

I struggle to see why people don't take advantage of this if they are planning to renew.

I take it as a clear indication that season ticket sales will be DOWN, but then we shall see.

I think the signing of Marcus Stewart would change the minds of 50% that don't plan on renewing.

Yes, but there's 2 weeks to go on the Early Bird Deal isn't there!?

Little doubt season ticket sales will not reach last season's peak but that was exceptional with people buying early thinking we had a good chance of being in the Championship.

Stewart signing would certainly provide a big boost, but at the moment fans are showing their discontent by making the Club sweat a bit.

In the end i reckon most of the undecided will renew, but little chance

of changing the minds of many who have decided not to. They're disillusioned for a variety of reasons and they're gone for now, but that happens every year.

As i say, very early days so no need to panic - i reckon we'll still end up with a very healthy number.

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Must admit SimplyRed mirrors much of what I think although I have already made the decision to not renew my ST after 35 consecutive years. I remain unconvinced of both Tinnion and the board and still wonder where the views of considerable investment come from in respect of the board. Money has been made available but I have yet to see if it is in the form of gifts from those who can well afford it or merely loans from which they are making money.

I truly hope that City are successful next season and I can still attend matches but I am not being conned like last year into paying up front on false promises.

It is a very sad decision but my season ticket, car park, shirt and other merchandise money is not going Citys way this summer.

This season in the words of the Chairman has been a failure and someone from the club should carry the can - not the poor bl##dy fans.

I have seen many worse seasons of football and too many relegations but at least I have come away from games thinking the players have tried to earn their money and the manager knows what he is doing - last season was very different. Talk on here is of the great introduction of youngsters and some may well prove to be assets to the club but I think they were introduced due to Tinnions lack of management ability and blind panic, still trying to work out what his best team and best formation is.

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I would say that the SR article is in the main a true reflection of how many fans feel.

Many/some whats the difference? My point is that not all City fans feel the same way as you and SimplyRed.Its not necessarily a fair reflection of the entire fan base

Are you saying that what he has said,can't be reflecting in how YOU feel ?

I agree with some of the points made but I prefer to try and maintain a balanced view.Its not all bad,nor is it all good.

Looking back tell us how it was?

If you mean looking back at the season.It was a mixed bag.Full of inconsistancy especially at at AG but with away form being pretty good (with one or two exceptions!)Tinnion has weeded out the desenters and got rid of some dead wood as well.He's brought in several youngsters who look very promising and most but not all fans think that next season will be far better than this especially if Tinnion can get the experienced players in that he wants.

This thread is titled "a season of discontent".Why didn't Simply Red title it "a season of transistion and rebuilding"? Negative views and balanced views is the reason.

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