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Manure Take Over


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Can somebody please explain to me what all the fuss is about? I'm not being funny I really don't understand why the fans are up in arms.

When Abramovich got involved with chelsea, the fans thought it was great, so whats the difference? I'm not being sarky I promise.


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There are talks that he plans to change the name to either Manchester United Soccer Club or Manchester Devils Soccer Club, so it is more marketable to Americans.  ranting.gif

How about 'Team Manchester' from those Bud adverts. look out for added time multiball at Old Trafford!

Seriously, another very worrying piece of news for all football fans. we all used to laugh at the NFL 'francises', but now it seems to be happening over here.

When we played MK Dons a few weeks ago, I asked for my Manure fan mate's opinion on francised football at MK. He said he didn't care about them, as it would never affect his team. think he's changed his opinion now, along with a few million other manure fans.

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Can somebody please explain to me what all the fuss is about? I'm not being funny I really don't understand why the fans are up in arms.

When Abramovich got involved with chelsea, the fans thought it was great, so whats the difference? I'm not being sarky I promise.


Because he plans to buy the club using loans etc. and when he owns the club he plans to transfer teh debt to Manure. As such, he wouldn't put money into teh club, whereas Roman does.

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So if he's not putting money into it, why does he wanna buy it? Whats he planning to do when he has it. Demand his kids play for Man U? (mind you he's so ugly, doubt if anyone would wanna have his babies!)

Sorry if I'm being stupid. Is it not illegal or somink to plunge a company in the black suddenly into the red?


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How is Glazer going to make his money.  According to many people, he plans to pull out of the current Sky TV deal, and negotiate a single deal with Sky.  As such the smaller clubs will most likely earn less money, and the whole of English football could suffer, including us.

It will be interesting to see how Man U generate any money that way since they'd have to withdraw from the Premiership for that to happen. Who would they play?

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Had it not been for Sky TV we might be in the Championship now. Remember how the Brentford v BCFC FA Cup replay was played on a Thursday evening to accomodate Sky TV? That following Saturday - less than 48 hours later - a tired BCFC were trounced at home to Sheff Weds and Brentford lost their game too.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Had it not been for Sky TV we might be in the Championship now. Remember how the Brentford v BCFC FA Cup replay was played on a Thursday evening to accomodate Sky TV? That following Saturday - less than 48 hours later - a tired BCFC were trounced at home to Sheff Weds and Brentford lost their game too.

That wasnt skys fault, that was the clubs fault.

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Explain it for me then?

Isnt there something the fans can do?

Like buy it themselves, or refuse to let him do it?

He must be a bit mad if he wants to go ahead and buy it, knowing the amount of opposition to him. Wont he become the most hated man in Britain?


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Guest North Street

Bad for football? More a case of Man Yoo becomiong a globalised brand like McDonalds.This type of thing was inevitable once football prostituted itself to tv and the stock exchange.More worrying is the franchising of Wimbledon and the currrent fate of Wrexham.In the face of both the football league have proved to be compliant even adding to the possible demise of Wrexham by deducting points, this could happen anywhere in the lower leagues.City will contine to plod on regardles of the Man USA!

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The dangers of taking your football club public really. I didn't hear many Man U fans complaining when they raised finance by floating on the stock exchange.

Maybe this episode will awaken some of the premiership fans up to the reality of football as a commercial venture.

Maybe as a football fan I should have sympathy but I don't. So there.

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Explain it for me then?

Isnt there something the fans can do?

Like buy it themselves, or refuse to let him do it?

He must be a bit mad if he wants to go ahead and buy it, knowing the amount of opposition to him. Wont he become the most hated man in Britain?


I'm not too sure the Man U fans can come up with £790 million.

Glazer now owns more than 50%of the club's shares. this means that by law he must now lauch a takeover bid. if he gets 70% of the shares he will take over the club. if he doesn't, he'll still practically control the club, as he has so many shares. that's how PLCs work. if the shareholders accept, there's not much the fans can do to stop him.

I don't think he cares about being hated. If he's after the money, he won't be too concerned about the fans, just the dosh.

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Guest we8thegas

wonder how many manure fans will be around when they are getting stuffed down ashton gate,may happen if it all goes pear shaped like leeds blink.gif

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As a Manc fan this troubles me very deeply

Malcolm Glazier is supposed to be a sucessful business man, well thats a joke because he now has a controling share of MUFC.

He care's little for sport, expecially English football. he's admitted that which says a lot about this typically american narcissist.

He see this as a pure business transaction and has no idea of the clubs history, the fans influence and what Man U means to football.

We will go into heavy debt, 10 times that of what pushed Leeds into liquidation, the staduim, carparks, training grounds will all be sold and rented back to the club along with every other asset, many players too will be sold and little will be invested for new talent, sure the fans will accept this Malc..?

Ticket prices will hit the roof and some, this will mean the average local fan cannot attend, leaving only 'corporate days out' with nothing but tospot suited plebs to provide the roar at the theatre of dreams.

It's sick and it's making me ill typing this crap, thinking about that ghastly old man with his dirty, flithy american hands on the Man Utd legacy that has a history almost as long as his arrogent countrys life.

Malcolm Glazier aka John McCrick has grossly misjudged the impact he is about to cause at ManUtd, this business transaction (as he call's it) today will haunt him for the rest of his life, and it's his sons who will pick up the mess, because in order for this to work for Glazier the needs ManU to sustain itself as one of only a few profit making football clubs in the world, and many many fans will do everything in there power to ensure the demise the 'old ManU' and the rise of the New ManU.

It's all going to kick off, watch this space. fancing.gif

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Its great. I hope tickets are £100 a time and the air waves are filled with fools from the south east and south west moaning.

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As a Manc fan this troubles me very deeply

Malcolm Glazier is supposed to be a sucessful business man, well thats a joke because he now has a controling share of MUFC.

He care's little for sport, expecially English football. he's admitted that which says a lot about this typically american narcissist.

He see this as a pure business transaction and has no idea of the clubs history, the fans influence and what Man U means to football.

We will go into heavy debt, 10 times that of what pushed Leeds into liquidation, the staduim, carparks, training grounds will all be sold and rented back to the club along with every other asset, many players too will be sold and little will be invested for new talent, sure the fans will accept this Malc..?

Ticket prices will hit the roof and some, this will mean the average local fan cannot attend, leaving only 'corporate days out' with nothing but tospot suited plebs to provide the roar at the theatre of dreams.

It's sick and it's making me ill typing this crap, thinking about that ghastly old man with his dirty, flithy american hands on the Man Utd legacy that has a history almost as long as his arrogent countrys life.

Malcolm Glazier aka John McCrick has grossly misjudged the impact he is about to cause at ManUtd, this business transaction (as he call's it) today will haunt him for the rest of his life, and it's his sons who will pick up the mess, because in order for this to work for Glazier the needs ManU to sustain itself as one of only a few profit making football clubs in the world, and many many fans will do everything in there power to ensure the demise the 'old ManU' and the rise of the New ManU.

It's all going to kick off, watch this space.  fancing.gif

fingersx.gif Hopefully it will be a quick and painful fall from grace and he'll then move them from their Theatre of Prawn Sarnies to merge and form Tampa Bay Mancs all while Sir Fungusson is at the helm crying into the tv cameras about how he wishes he could sign Ralph Milne again to help save them and that he wants just one more shot at the Champions League and Premier League because it's not fair that Liverpool have won more.....meanwhile in Singapore ManU's hardcore fans riot in the streets in protest at the move and the fact that they will have to get used to a new time zone....and the football league and millions of fans around the UK will breathe a sigh of relief that they will no longer have to endure their whining and cheating.....


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I think this whole affair is totally funny. ManUre has always played big business, now they have to sleep in the bed they themselves made. It is very suspect and i think ManU may crumble over this whole affair, that being said I certainly wouldn't care if they do, actually I'd kind of enjoy it. I feel bad for little clubs that are driven to the brink but ManU this is great fun

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Guest we8thegas


wonder how many glory hunters turned up from all over the country whistling.gif

like a bunch of kids,can't do a thing about it(except maybe stop buying manure tops biggrin.gif )if he wants it he can get it.

And next year they will be wearing chelsea shirts,then whatever the best team is but not their local side disapointed2se.gif

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