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Too Soon?


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... knowing there was no money in the kitty, has he brought in players of a lower calibre than maybe he might have been able to, considering that money from transfers of Miller and probably Heffernan will now be available for even better players?

I'm hoping this isnt another rookie manager mistake.


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Guest Champagne Football

If we waited any longer you would have been complaining why we hadn't got in there first signing all the best players. I am sorry, But SteveL gives the amount of transfer funds available, from what I gather, all funds we receive from players will not mean we can spend money on fees.

Your argument has no logic to it at all.

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The board were expecting to sell Miller and probably had a side bet on Heffernan leaving too. I think that that was taken into account anyway when they decided not to pay fees for players.

If Goodfellow and Doherty both leave for money perhaps we'll see someone (other than a GK) come in who requires a smallish fee. You could argue what is the point in paying a fee when players of sufficient quality are available for free?


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More an open question than an argument really. Yes it is early, but after 3 'freebie' signings this week, we may have 350k to deal with next week and considering other recent squad and staff departures, the scope for 'better' signings is there, surely. As for 'all the best players' there is a reason why these three plyed their trade in the 3rd and 4th tier leagues year on year. They arn't of the 'quality' we should be signing if we are serious of becoming a Championship side in the near future. We already have enough 'good' league 1 division players. We have to aim a little higher.

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You can't make assumptions on a players ability or potential purely based on where they came from. Ian Wright played in the non leagues until he was 23. Wait till you've seen them play a few games at least I say.

I think it's unlikely that the departures of Miller and possibly Heff mean we will have any more cash for transfer fees.


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Guest Champagne Football
More an open question than an argument really. Yes it is early, but after 3 'freebie' signings this week, we may have 350k to deal with next week and considering other recent squad and staff departures, the scope for 'better' signings is there, surely. As for 'all the best players' there is a reason why these three plyed their trade in the 3rd and 4th tier leagues year on year. They arn't of the 'quality' we should be signing if we are serious of becoming a Championship side in the near future. We already have enough 'good' league 1 division players. We have to aim a little higher.

Well if we sign Stewart we will be getting a quality player, although circumstances arise to his signature, not Tinnion's desire to sign him. I can't tell how good the players are that we have signed, I can't remember seeing a single one play against us, so I will hold out as to how good they are.

Tinnion though was told he would have no transfer funds this year, so in his mind he had to be quick and sign the players he wanted who were on Bosmans. If he now does have money, hindsight is a wonderful thing, but he wasn't sure that he would have money. If they turn out to be good signings then everyone will be smiling and we actually have a transfer market surplus this year!

I don't think we can really debate the quality of the players until they are gelled and playing together, then we can make a judgement as to whether they are Championship standard or not.

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Umm. We are in division 3 - just off the basement and not too far away from non-league stuff.

Lower quality ???

How much lower than us do you want ???

Get real - we are getting players on board who know their way around pro football - no prima donna divi 3 bigheads which we have aplenty, but honest pros who can dig in and get us out of this division.

The more Russells and Heywoods Tinnion can get on board, the more chance we have of promotion.

Quality in this division ?  Define it.

Totally agree - what we need are 11 grafters who will play for each other and grind out results week in, week out. Over many seasons we've seen teams bereft of any outstanding talent overtake us out of this divsion. I think some people are overestimating the gap between league one and the champs - quite a few teams have gone up and stayed up without major surgery or cash injections.

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Guest we8thegas
More an open question than an argument really. Yes it is early, but after 3 'freebie' signings this week, we may have 350k to deal with next week and considering other recent squad and staff departures, the scope for 'better' signings is there, surely. As for 'all the best players' there is a reason why these three plyed their trade in the 3rd and 4th tier leagues year on year. They arn't of the 'quality' we should be signing if we are serious of becoming a Championship side in the near future. We already have enough 'good' league 1 division players. We have to aim a little higher.

haven't you realised yet,we're selling the deadwood(Heff,Miller,Doc,Freezer and Woodman),cutting the wage bill by selling and releasing to fund Stewarts £6000k per week to get out of this 'quality' free zone.

We're nicking the odd Quality players for free(Russell=Torquay's finest)from each team to get us up banghead.gif

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Russell was Torquay's best player by a mile.

Swindon would have kept Haywood and Smith ( 2 of their better players whatever their fans say now) if they could have.

All solid players, all good signings.

Hopefully on "reasonable" wages.

There may be better players released but what wages would they want?

Tins seems to have got it 100% right so far, getting 3 players he really wanted in direct competition with other clubs.

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haven't you realised yet,we're selling the deadwood(Heff,Miller,Doc,Freezer and Woodman),cutting the wage bill by selling and releasing to fund Stewarts £6000k per week to get out of this 'quality' free zone.

We're nicking the odd Quality players for free(Russell=Torquay's finest)from each team to get us up banghead.gif

You seem to be looking at this very singularly. Every club in our division will be doing the same thing, letting their dead wood go, and signing on "good" free signings. They will all have aspirations of promotion, so to think that we will be the only ones benefitting is dangerous.

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We've been running at a huge deficit for years as well so I've got no problem if the the 350k from Miller & Heff goes straight back into the pot to reduce that... We've still got probably the biggest squad or near to in the division and a whole bunch of talented kids coming through..

Very healthy situation for the first time in ages!

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Its the same in any market place, all the best bargains go first and thats what happened with Heywood,Russell and Smith.City snapped them up before anyone else.Thats good practice imo.

The "deadwood" are the players who are still looking for a club in August.

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Its the same in any market place, all the best bargains go first and thats what happened with Heywood,Russell and Smith.City snapped them up before anyone else.Thats good practice imo.

The "deadwood" are the players who are still looking for a club in August.

"Deadwood Doherty"?

Surely not. devil.gif

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Well done Tinman.He has got off the pot - targetted who he wants and got in there and got them.As opposed to Wilson lazy and horizontal approach which usually put his holiday first - Tinman is showing hunger and desire and I for one say well done. We have need a big centre half since Shaun Taylor and Tinman has got us one.

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Guest SteveinNC
... knowing there was no money in the kitty, has he brought in players of a lower calibre than maybe he might have been able to, considering that money from transfers of Miller and probably Heffernan will now be available for even better players?

I'm hoping this isnt another rookie manager mistake.


It doesn't always mean that because you pay money for someone you are getting better players. We have made a few mistakes in that department. Thorpe, to name one. Tinns has identified the areas that need strengthening, and has gone for players that are available. Sounds like good business to me. We will only see how good the signings are as the season progresses. Also the players that Tinns brings in will be "his", and will work for him. farmer.gif

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... knowing there was no money in the kitty, has he brought in players of a lower calibre than maybe he might have been able to, considering that money from transfers of Miller and probably Heffernan will now be available for even better players?

I'm hoping this isnt another rookie manager mistake.


It's no co-incidence that our 'major signing announcement' is being made just days after the Miller saga was resolved. This shows that Sl waited to clear Miller out before getting Stewart(Marcus not Rod) in.

Why else did we wait for this announcment?

(OK..OK I'm making an assumption, but who out there DOESN'T expect Marcus to sign on Monday)

I'm pleased Tinniopn has acted as quickly as he has, he obviously identified these lads well before now, but I'll wait and see how they perform before I start singing BT's praises (he did sign Dinning after all - so judgement is questionable)

As for Heffernan, boy he must be happy he came here! a whole season written off

I think he's another good player badly handled by BT.


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I'm pleased Tinniopn has acted as quickly as he has, he obviously identified these lads well before now, but I'll wait and see how they perform before I start singing BT's praises (he did sign Dinning after all - so judgement is questionable)

I can remember him saying halfway through the season that he didn't want to go out and sign any players then but wanted to wait for the right ones to become available and for him to get them so quicklky makes me think that he has got the ones he wanted.

As for Heffernan, boy he must be happy he came here! a whole season written off

I think he's another good player badly handled by BT.


I don't think he was handled badly. I think he was the back up in case leeroy didn't get the goals. If at the start of the season he had scored as prolifically as Leeroy he would have stayed in the team.

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Fair play Tinnion cant do anything right with some people banghead.gif

He's been quick of the mark and brought in good pro's for nothing.

Every player brought in so far has had at least 3 teams after them and from a higher level.

If we'd waited for a few weeks all these players wouldnt be available.

You talk that millers money could of gone on transfers, well they probably will.

When a player signs on a free he knows the club has'nt spent anything so wants his wages boosted due to this, so in the long run you are paying a fee but its spread over the players contract.

And like tinman said he wanted all signings done quick so they can have a summer fitness program, so they'd all be flying by the time pre season starts. city.gif

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Guest Mrs Cityboy
... knowing there was no money in the kitty, has he brought in players of a lower calibre than maybe he might have been able to, considering that money from transfers of Miller and probably Heffernan will now be available for even better players?

I'm hoping this isnt another rookie manager mistake.


I heard if you stood still long enough outside his office you were offered a contact....... rofl2br.gif

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It's no co-incidence that our 'major signing announcement' is being made just days after the Miller saga was resolved. This shows that Sl waited to clear Miller out before getting Stewart(Marcus not Rod) in.

Why else did we wait for this announcment?

I understand the deal was struck some time ago & MS was waiting to see if the deal was possible. Yep, the cash from Miller was important.

(OK..OK I'm making an assumption, but who out there DOESN'T expect Marcus to sign on Monday)

I'm pleased Tinniopn has acted as quickly as he has, he obviously identified these lads well before now, but I'll wait and see how they perform before I start singing BT's praises (he did sign Dinning after all - so judgement is questionable)

Yep, agree - the signings done & dusted - but as for there use & abilities we will hold court til the campaign starts. And jury still out with BT. Hope we can give positive judgement early next season.

As for Heffernan, boy he must be happy he came here! a whole season written off

I think he's another good player badly handled by BT.

Yep,must be frustrating - but with Lita & Brooker firing on all cylinders - not much chance to show what can be achieved.


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QPR and Plymouth are both rumoured to be interested.

Q.P.R. were "rumoured" to be interested last time his contract was up for renewal. They're ALWAYS rumoured to be interested in him, the only mystery is who starts the rumour.

Holloway likes him, he's publicly said so, but not enough apparently to put a bid in. More like to keep himself in the news down here and ruffle City's feathers a bit. Just for the Hell of it probably.

Plymouth's "rumoured interest" stalled as soon as a fee was mentioned.

If he was anywhere near as good as his admirers on here think he is he would have been snapped up within days of being listed.

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Not surprised after Tinnion read out those stats about him on radio and was probably quoted on other footy sites.

The scouts of interested clubs may well have noticed that he wasn't always available to watch when they wanted to.

Tinnion wouldn't have said anything the whole of the football world wasn't aware of.

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It might just galvanise Doherty when he finds himself in the reserves at City and with no serious offers from other clubs for his services.

Something needs to sink in if he's want to continue his footballing career.

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