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Cash In On Leroy....


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As the rumours go there has been some transfer interest in Lita. Hardly suprising given the season he's had, and while this should signal bad news for City in a way I don't think it will.

If Lita does get sold for a price of around £1.2-1.5 million then personally I'd be pretty happy. I'd love to see him continue at City but with that money we could clear off some debt and go in for Michael Nelson.

It would leave us slightly thin on the ground forward wise, however I expect our midfield to make a lot more of a contribution goal-wise next season. I am also a fan of Gillespie, additionally the money could be used to bring in someone else.

You only have to look at our last 2 games of the season when we missed Leroy through suspension. Two games - 5 goals!

We didn't miss him and we shouldn't if he goes!

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I disagree, I think we should hold out for BIG money, in the meantime he can carry on scoring goals.....its a win/win situation. I wont be happy if we got less two million. I'm not saying he's worth that but why not get as much as we can, cos the more he scores for us, the more his value goes up....

Anywayz Marcus Stewart wont be here forever...... and who knows Lita mite stay if we got promoted this season coming........

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As the rumours go there has been some transfer interest in Lita. Hardly suprising given the season he's had, and while this should signal bad news for City in a way I don't think it will.

If Lita does get sold for a price of around £1.2-1.5 million then personally I'd be pretty happy. I'd love to see him continue at City but with that money we could clear off some debt and go in for Michael Nelson.

It would leave us slightly thin on the ground forward wise, however I expect our midfield to make a lot more of a contribution goal-wise next season. I am also a fan of Gillespie, additionally the money could be used to bring in someone else.

You only have to look at our last 2 games of the season when we missed Leroy through suspension. Two games - 5 goals!

We didn't miss him and we shouldn't if he goes!

Money of that order would surely be too good to turn down, and would leave us with a first choice pairing of Brooker and Stewart with Gillespie and Cotterill in reserve and the possibility of bringing in another big forward if that was deemed necessary. Still pretty tasty forward options IMHO.

In the end, I guess it's down to Leroy. If clubs are prepared to offer that sort of money, and if they are clubs who interest him, then I'm sure he will leave. But if he decides that his career will be best served by another season at City, that'll be fine by me.

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You only have to look at our last 2 games of the season when we missed Leroy through suspension. Two games - 5 goals!

but Brooker scored 4 of them so what happens if he has a baron patch? hopefully MS would score but i cant see MS scoring 29 next year but i could certainly see him setting up 29!

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Almost certainly, anything over £1 million would be hard to turn down. Despite confirming his desire to stay, I would expect Leroy to be tempted away to play at a higher level akin to Hill, Rosenior et al. Wouldn't do his England prospects any harm either to be more visible.

The key to deals these days are sell on clauses. If he starts scoring from the off, then expect him to go in January. If he proves himself in the championship, we will profit in the long term as his career progresses. dance.gif

Clubs in the lower leagues find it increasingly difficult to keep hold of their rising stars (Koumas, Jenas, Ashton, Stead etc). The secret is knowing when to sell. A good example of missing the boat has to be Stockport's handling of Luke Beckett. Six figure sums being touted at one point, only for him to shuffle round the lower leagues and end up with Oldham. crying.gif

Wouldn't want Leroy to leave, but money talks shifty.gif

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To me if the option of cashing in is there we should take it.

Lita is this clubs greatest asset, and if we can get £1.5 million for him we should certainly take it - as Dave L states that is money simply too good to turn down for a club in our position.

As much as id love to see him lining up for us next season i wouldnt be particularly disappointed if he left for the suggested money.

If you told me Lita would leave, we'd sign Nelson, and possibly have around a million left in the kitty id bloody snap you're hands off!

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Maybe the January 06 transfer window will prove more difficult to keep him if he does start scoring for fun again.

Especially if we're not in the frame for promotion. I dare to think what clauses will be in his new contract.

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I'd sale Lita now, nothing but trouble and we would get at least a millon for him.

I'd take half that amount provided there was a large selling on clause.

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nothing but trouble.

What exactly is your definition of 'nothing'?!

If you're looking for a troubling influence within the City squad, I think that despite what you may have heard/think you've heard - you're barking up the wrong tree!

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
What exactly is your definition of 'nothing'?!

If you're looking for a troubling influence within the City squad, I think that despite what you may have heard/think you've heard - you're barking up the wrong tree!

Well obviously nothing can go on here, so lets leave it at that!

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Guest RedwardsV1

I think if we sell Leroy Lita, Then we will find how good Steven Gillespie really is, I think selling Leroy would be good for the club and Gillespie will then shine

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
So you embark on a bit of character assasination without having to prove it? Either state facts or don't.

Unsubstantiated insinuations of people's character is doing my nut in.


A question was asked, an answer was given.

That's not character assasination, it's a point of view.

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Wakey Wakey

A question was asked, an answer was given.

That's not character assasination, it's a point of view.

By expressing your opinion you can also take part in character assination.

If it is only your opinion that he is trouble then why not state why in your opinion he is?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed
Wakey Wakey

By expressing your opinion you can also take part in character assination.

If it is only your opinion that he is trouble then why not state why in your opinion he is?

Whatever you mug, posts about players actions outside the club wont be tolerated on this forum, you know this so can understand why they aren't being posted.

I suggest you log onto the subbers forum if you want to continue this convo.

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Whatever you mug, posts about players actions outside the club wont be tolerated on this forum, you know this so can understand why they aren't being posted.

I suggest you log onto the subbers forum if you want to continue this convo.

Well, I've lived up to the mug tag and logged on. It's a bit messy though. Isn't there a nice Mac skin like this one?

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I think if we sell Leroy Lita, Then we will find how good Steven Gillespie really is, I think selling Leroy would be good for the club and Gillespie will then shine

Do any of the Bristol City find such threads alarming. Many appear to be disregarding a young prolific striker because a 32 year-old City fan has joined.

It's almost thanks for nothing (that's what I'd get if I was Lita reading these type of threads). I can understand the football financial climate means sometimes you must sell, but you don't have to sale Lita.

Any thoughts?


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No to cashing in on Leroy disapointed2se.gif

Wait until next season when we have be crowned Champions and Lita is top scorer, then look at interested clubs.

No point selling him for 800k now, why would we do that?

We could not buy another Lita for that, and we don't need the money.....for now praying smiley.gif

Sorry i just think he's ace and don't ever want him to leave us blushing.gif

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Do any of the Bristol City find such threads alarming. Many appear to be disregarding a young prolific striker because a 32 year-old City fan has joined.

It's almost thanks for nothing (that's what I'd get if I was Lita reading these type of threads). I can understand the football financial climate means sometimes you must sell, but you don't have to sale Lita.

Any thoughts?


The point is we have been stung before with young talent leaving on a free. We held out with Aaron Brown and then lost him on a free and the Liam Rosenior saga was one that left a sour taste in all City fans mouth's.

If he will not sign a new contract, which at the momment it must be assumed is the case as why would the board hold back on negotiations, then we should sell him now.

It is far from disregarding a young striker, merely thinking with business and common sense heads on as opposed to burying our heads in the sand and assuming that Lita and his agent will sign a new contract with this club next year when they will surely have better offers.

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As the rumours go there has been some transfer interest in Lita. Hardly suprising given the season he's had, and while this should signal bad news for City in a way I don't think it will.

If Lita does get sold for a price of around £1.2-1.5 million then personally I'd be pretty happy. I'd love to see him continue at City but with that money we could clear off some debt and go in for Michael Nelson.

It would leave us slightly thin on the ground forward wise, however I expect our midfield to make a lot more of a contribution goal-wise next season. I am also a fan of Gillespie, additionally the money could be used to bring in someone else.

You only have to look at our last 2 games of the season when we missed Leroy through suspension. Two games - 5 goals!

We didn't miss him and we shouldn't if he goes!

Go to hand it to you - all those words and not the slightest suggestion of credit to the manager for backing the young striker with the best record Bristol City has ever seen.

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