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Is Sam Parkin Off?


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well he swindons top striker and i remember him putting one past us last season. Do you remember?

I try to erase such memories - Swindle are nothing - we only take an interest in them cos the Gas are not around - same as Yeovil next season (although I never took much interest in Yeovil, and did not mind them doing well until...now strangely - the fact they dominate the Somerset WDP Sports Pages is beginning to iritate and I will quite happily watch them being relegated)

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Guest Ben Wah Balls

Yes Parkin is highly likely to leave, we've known this for months, we've had him for three seasons now and he remains the best player in the division so at just 24 he's far too good to stay in this league any longer. We'll still have the basis of a good team though and King is the man to build on this. We will have made a nice profit on him too. Can see him going to Ipswich which I think would be the best move for him but Watford is an option.

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Guest Dorset Red
Yes Parkin is highly likely to leave, we've known this for months, we've had him for three seasons now and he remains the best player in the division so at just 24 he's far too good to stay in this league any longer. We'll still have the basis of a good team though and King is the man to build on this. We will have made a nice profit on him too. Can see him going to Ipswich which I think would be the best move for him but Watford is an option.

He's been a great servant to Swindon over the last three seasons. He deserves the chance to play at a higher level and I wish him luck. At least there's been no ********* in the press about him loving the club and wanting to stay, like we got from Grunt (call me Judas) Sniff!

If his transfer has the added benefit of bringing some much needed dosh into our club along with one or two new players too, so much the better.

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Does he actually score any good goals though?

All the one's i see on HTV seem to be deflections, headers when he's unmarked, or non-descript tap-ins.

Never impressed me that much, reckon he'll struggle in the Championship.

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Guest woody7

due to our cash windfall and the compensation money for dan harding we (brighton) were linked with him, but it seems we've been unsurprisingly outbought by norwich and ipswich. however, he says he wants to talk to all intertested parties which is encouraging as it isnt over yet.

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Does he actually score any good goals though?

All the one's i see on HTV seem to be deflections, headers when he's unmarked, or non-descript tap-ins.

Never impressed me that much, reckon he'll struggle in the Championship.

Scored some absolutes beauties as well as the typical striker goals.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how you score, 80 goals in 3 seasons can't be argued with.

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Scored some absolutes beauties as well as the typical striker goals.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how you score, 80 goals in 3 seasons can't be argued with.

i have to agree with this post.

S.P. has done the stuff year after year.

he deserves his chance to shine at a higher/

more lucrative level.

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Guest alex1089

I rate Parkin highly and he is in the right place at the right time and is a good finisher. will get 15-20goals or more if he joins a decent championship team.

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Scored some absolutes beauties as well as the typical striker goals.

Anyway, it doesn't matter how you score, 80 goals in 3 seasons can't be argued with.

Agree, 80 goals in 3 seasons (is that all comps?) can't be argued with.

I was just wondering if he's up to scoring the quality goals he'll need to get against better defences to come somewhere near to maintaining that strike rate.

I haven't seen evidence of that yet, but if Joe Royle thinks he can then i may well be proved wrong.

Frankly, i'm more concerned what an in-form Roberts could do against City than what Parkin might have done.

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I actually hope that he joins a team like Ipswich or Norwich.

Oh well. £5 says Akinfenwa will join Swindon!

I must say that I was suprised that Ipswich and Norwich have come in for Parkin. Are you expecting more money from these clubs than Watford offered you?

Would Andy King go for an Akinfenwa type player?

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I was glad Ipswich have gone in for him because I consider that a good step forward... I don't consider Watford, Crewe or Brighton title contenders... I'd like to see Parkin up there not struggling. Good luck to the guy.

I can see King going for Akinfenwa merely because City have! Kingy has been in high admiration of Bristol City of late... But there's money involved so I don't know. I can see Akinfenwa join us that's not to say he will... I predicted Christian Roberts long before it was announced.

King has funnily enough already talked to Tony Thorpe, doubt anything will come of it.

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I was glad Ipswich have gone in for him because I consider that a good step forward... I don't consider Watford, Crewe or Brighton title contenders... I'd like to see Parkin up there not struggling. Good luck to the guy.

I can see King going for Akinfenwa merely because City have! Kingy has been in high admiration of Bristol City of late... But there's money involved so I don't know. I can see Akinfenwa join us that's not to say he will... I predicted Christian Roberts long before it was announced.

King has funnily enough already talked to Tony Thorpe, doubt anything will come of it.

I would have thought with Thorpe may want to stay in the London area. Saying that he maywell choose Swindon that not being far up the m4. Think wages would be a problem for him though.

Is Henderson still available?

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