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Mr Gow

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Now they are in the same league, do we love em or hate em?

Over the years i know many a City fan have a soft spot for them, and some like myself have made them a 2nd supported team, the Sags hate their guts, will we go the same way or will we treat them with the respect that they deserve?

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Used to follow their results when non league but since they have become the media darlings of the lower divisions (more sky games than most, more local & national press coverage than most) I really do hate them with a passion now.


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Guest Mad Mal (YTFC)

Hate is a very strong word to use. Try walking around Beirut (sp), that will show you what hate really is. It is so sad if you really feel that way.

Anyway, the majority of Yeovil fans wish City very well. Indeed, a few come to watch City when we are not playing.

As for Sky games, we had two live Sky games last year. That was v's Bolton in the League cup & Boston (away) in the league. I can remember at least three City games live on Sky last year. So, I cannot see your argument about TV games.

Best of luck next year guys & gals. I am sure you will do it this season. I have you down as my champions.

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Guest we8thegas
Hate is a very strong word to use.  Try walking around Beirut (sp), that will show you what hate really is. It is so sad if you really feel that way.

Anyway, the majority of Yeovil fans wish City very well. Indeed, a few come to watch City when we are not playing.

As for Sky games, we had two live Sky games last year. That was v's Bolton in the League cup & Boston (away) in the league. I can remember at least three City games live on Sky last year. So, I cannot see your argument about TV games.

Best of luck next year guys & gals. I am sure you will do it this season. I have you down as my champions.

user posted image

Any of that jevons falling in the box nonsense and we will probably not be your best buddies now will we mad.gif

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Guest Mad Mal (YTFC)
Perhaps hate is a strong word but I am not far off that (much more than dislike), as for TV games you are right about last season but what about the season before.


The season before, we had two live games. They were Wrexham & Liverpool, both cup games.

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The bad feeling between Rovers and Yeovil last season was started due to a few idiots on both sides winding each other up and biting back (unfortunately I myself took the bait a few times). Anyway, I am all for friendly banter and local rivalry, and I certainly don't HATE anyone - well except perhaps arab fundamentalists and the IRA blowing up innocent westerners.

What made matters worse last season was the fact that most Rovers fans couldn't swallow the fact that we had a better team, a better manager and played good football (thats not intended to sound arrogant BTW). I think the sour grapes were thouroughly understandable though, as Rovers obviously see themselves as the sleeping giant of lower league football, and were probably jealous of the 'upstarts' coming along from that village in Somersetshire.

Once the forum banter descended into rubbish about 'inbreds', sleeping with your Sister etc (not sure it applies to me as I spent the first 23 years of my life in Bristol) I think it all got a tad pathetic.

Anyway, I hope any banter between us and you guys - particularly if it is on a forum - is good natured. I am sure you will be doing a bit better than us, so hopefully there won't be any need for it. I am looking forward to coming to Ashton Gate.

BTW - when I was about 11 or 12 I am sure I saw a game at Ashton Gate that ended 3-3 and all if not most of the goals were penalties (might have been Wolves but not sure) - it would have been in the mid 70s - do any of you older fans remember it or did I dream it?

Anyway - good luck for next season (except when we play you) and don't (I tried to say a naughty word) it up 4-seasons in a row!! englandsmile4wf.gif

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don't worry we couldn't possibly mess it up again blink.gif I hope.

You will be welcomed on here by most people and your comments on here are always greatly received. We have many non city fans on here who contribute greatly to forum topics. Welcome city.gif

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Yeah, I don't have a problem with you till Matchday, have to say, your lot have done really well for yourselves in recent years, and keeping hold of Johnson was great too.

I still wont have a problem with you after Matchday, cos we will have beaten ya! dance.gif


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The bad feeling between Rovers and Yeovil last season was started due to a few idiots on both sides winding each other up and biting back (unfortunately I myself took the bait a few times).  Anyway, I am all for friendly banter and local rivalry, and I certainly don't HATE anyone - well except perhaps arab fundamentalists and the IRA blowing up innocent westerners.

What made matters worse last season was the fact that most Rovers fans couldn't swallow the fact that we had a better team, a better manager and played good football (thats not intended to sound arrogant BTW).  I think the sour grapes were thouroughly understandable though, as Rovers obviously see themselves as the sleeping giant of lower league football, and were probably jealous of the 'upstarts' coming along from that village in Somersetshire.

Once the forum banter descended into rubbish about 'inbreds', sleeping with your Sister etc (not sure it applies to me as I spent the first 23 years of my life in Bristol) I think it all got  a tad pathetic.

Anyway, I hope any banter between us and you guys - particularly if it is on a forum - is good natured.  I am sure you will be doing a bit better than us, so hopefully there won't be any need for it.  I am looking forward to coming to Ashton Gate.

BTW - when I was about 11 or 12 I am sure I saw a game at Ashton Gate that ended 3-3 and all if not most of the goals were penalties (might have been Wolves but not sure) - it would have been in the mid 70s - do any of you older fans remember it or did I dream it?

Anyway - good luck for next season (except when we play you) and don't (I tried to say a naughty word) it up 4-seasons in a row!! englandsmile4wf.gif

welcome, an interesting post and there is no need to worry about claiming to have a better team than the gas.. despite the factr that we all hold their side in such high esteem, it is clear that the better football was played in Yeovil (well, and everywhere else in the country actually) and the final league placing give an accurate picture of your respective performances.

Unfortunately, I think you will have to put up with the "inbred banter"... don't take it personally, Sister and Mothers being objects of sexual desire was a taunt levelled at sides from Barnsley, through Swindon, to Doncaster and back again last year!

We know yuo probably don't sleep with any family members and that neither does the guy next to you. Just as everyone else knows we aren't "just a small town in Wales" or "going down with the Rovers" or "running from the Swindon" or "easy" (usually)... banter is just a part of interclub rivalry and if you take it for what it is, it can be fun!

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Guest sprout1883

The bad feeling between Rovers and Yeovil last season was started due to a few idiots on both sides winding each other up and biting back (unfortunately I myself took the bait a few times).  Anyway, I am all for friendly banter and local rivalry, and I certainly don't HATE anyone - well except perhaps arab fundamentalists and the IRA blowing up innocent westerners.

What made matters worse last season was the fact that most Rovers fans couldn't swallow the fact that we had a better team, a better manager and played good football (thats not intended to sound arrogant BTW).  I think the sour grapes were thouroughly understandable though, as Rovers obviously see themselves as the sleeping giant of lower league football, and were probably jealous of the 'upstarts' coming along from that village in Somersetshire.

Once the forum banter descended into rubbish about 'inbreds', sleeping with your Sister etc (not sure it applies to me as I spent the first 23 years of my life in Bristol) I think it all got  a tad pathetic.

Anyway, I hope any banter between us and you guys - particularly if it is on a forum - is good natured.  I am sure you will be doing a bit better than us, so hopefully there won't be any need for it.  I am looking forward to coming to Ashton Gate.

BTW - when I was about 11 or 12 I am sure I saw a game at Ashton Gate that ended 3-3 and all if not most of the goals were penalties (might have been Wolves but not sure) - it would have been in the mid 70s - do any of you older fans remember it or did I dream it?

Anyway - good luck for next season (except when we play you) and don't (I tried to say a naughty word) it up 4-seasons in a row!! englandsmile4wf.gif

Of course the Cheating didn't help did it

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Guest sprout1883
There's those sour grapes again.  rolleyes.gif

They were the best team in the division, and deserved to go up.

For any yeovil fan to say it's all out of jealousy, is misguided. Some of there antics were disgraceful.

We hold are hands up and say are two players were ightly sent off and even that Christian edwards should have gone, but not many yeovil fans hold there hands up to the antics of that t***** Gavin Williams and Colis

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I have no feelings about Yeovil whatsoever.

I certainly can't say I hate them. On the other hand, I don't understand the "love-in" comments towards them.

Provided we do better than them, outclass and outsing them home and away when we meet, that's good enough.

I won't be wishing them good luck, they've had too much of that already in the last couple of years!

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