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Things People Never Say...


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Sorry, got to do it:

'Your use of grammar is exceptional.'

Sorry, got to do it:

Grammar \Gram"mar\, n. [OE. gramere, OF. gramaire, F. grammaire

  Prob. fr. L. gramatica Gr ?, fem. of ? skilled in grammar,

  fr. ? letter. See Gramme, Graphic, and cf. Grammatical,


  1. The science which treats of the principles of language;

      the study of forms of speech, and their relations to one

      another; the art concerned with the right use aud

      application of the rules of a language, in speaking or


Spell \Spell\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Spelledor Spelt; p. pr. &

  vb. n. Spelling.] [OE. spellen, spellien, tell, relate, AS.

  spellian, fr. spell a saying, tale; akin to MHG. spellen to

  relate, Goth. spill?n.e Spell a tale. In sense 4 and those

  following, OE. spellen, perhaps originally a different word,

  and from or influenced by spell a splinter, from the use of a

  piece of wood to point to the letters in schools: cf. D.

  spellen to spell. Cf. Spell splinter.]

  4. To tell or name in their proper order letters of, as a

      word; to write or print in order the letters of, esp. the

      proper letters; to form, as words, by correct orthography.

Personally I thought that his grammar was exceptional. The spelling, however, wasn't.


The Man In Black


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Having your signature in German isn't remotely pretentious.

It's from the song, "Sonne" by the fantastic German group Rammstein. Regular viewers of Kerrang, or perhaps MTV2 will recognise this classic, with it's amazing video horror take-off of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs and behemoth bassline underpinning a desolate landscape of Industrial Metal melancholy.

Plus, Rammstein only release records in German, hence the lyric in my sig.

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It's from the song, "Sonne" by the fantastic German group Rammstein. Regular viewers of Kerrang, or perhaps MTV2 will recognise this classic, with it's amazing video horror take-off of Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs and behemoth bassline underpinning a desolate landscape of Industrial Metal melancholy.

Plus, Rammstein only release records in German, hence the lyric in my sig.

And what a song... Du Haust is also amazing. everyone go out and buy it!

Things not said:

Robbored: Excellent, there were 40k people at the Millenium Stadium, I am so pleased that people turn out to support us on such happy occasions :P

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And what a song... Du Haust is also amazing.  everyone go out and buy it!

Things not said:

Robbored: Excellent, there were 40k people at the Millenium Stadium, I am so pleased that people turn out to support us on such happy occasions :P

"I applaud partimer fans,they are the lifeblood of the club,without them there would be more empty seats at AG"

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Guest MaloneFM

'I'm terribly sorry my source has turned out to be a complete lying barsteward and hasn't got a clue. As I have now found out to my cost'

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