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G8 Protest In Bristol


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According to the news there was a protest in Bristol, but what shocked me was the amount of coppers, including ones with dogs and horses.  it must have cost an absolute fortune, and probably more than even a very high risk Bristol City game, which we would have to pay loads for.  BBC Site

Typical police over-reaction.

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Acclimating people to the police state! Just be grateful it wasn't the army out cos if we were in the states it would be...

After this london thing though it wouldn't surprise me for next time..

I've been on the receiving end of a police charge and all those stories about coppers being bullied at school must be true I think... They were right up for it with their shields, helmets and batons... Especially against a bunch of crusty protesters..

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Shame they didn't announce this protest a few days before.

"Taking issue" with war protesters was a great afternoon, and I'm sure anti-capitalists can run just as fast laugh.gif

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Shame they didn't announce this protest a few days before.

"Taking issue" with war protesters was a great afternoon, and I'm sure anti-capitalists can run just as fast  laugh.gif

Showing your true colours Willsbridge? Good luck in your conservative police state mate.. I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

Do you like chasing immigrants as well?

The protesters might be funny (crusties!!) but there primarily out there for the good of people like you.. stupid buggers!

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Showing your true colours Willsbridge?  Good luck in your conservative police state mate..  I'm sure you'll enjoy it...

Do you like chasing immigrants as well?

The protesters might be funny (crusties!!) but there primarily out there for the good of people like you.. stupid buggers!

Keep your nose out, you don't even live here - and which police would you prefer to face ours or theirs - bl##dy cheek

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According to the news there was a protest in Bristol, but what shocked me was the amount of coppers, including ones with dogs and horses.  it must have cost an absolute fortune, and probably more than even a very high risk Bristol City game, which we would have to pay loads for.  BBC Site

With the 360th anniversary of the liberation of Bristol celebrations coming up this September, perhaps those same Royalist Police would like to re-enact the battle to liberate Bristol from Royalist tyranny in 1645. Firstly the Avon and Somerset Police Royalists would swear allegiance to the traitor King Charles I (a direct ancestor of their current 'God' Queen). Secondly they would be slain by the English Republican Army and then thrown into a common burial pit at the top of Nine Tree Hill - just as happened in September 1645. dance.gifenglandsmile4wf.gif

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Keep your nose out, you don't even live here - and which police would you prefer to face ours or theirs - bl##dy cheek

I love my country mate which gives me the right and the duty to hope that it is a place of justice and freedom.

And what does 'their' police have to do with it? Who are they?

I would prefer not to face any police for simply voicing my opinion? No doubt if this was a debate about football violence though and the police were heavy handed you'd be posting about 'get the pigs!'

Ever been on the receiving end of a police charge simply for chanting slogans with a bunch of hippy women?! I have so keep your nose where it belongs please... up the BNP's arse...

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

You chat total nonsense pal - England is now BNP?

I suggest you take you ill informed, badly researched views and (I tried to be abusive)

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You chat total nonsense pal - England is now BNP?

I suggest you take you ill informed, badly researched views and (I tried to be abusive)

Quote from England;

"maybe we would be better off asking why the likely guilty are allowed to build mosques over here when we would not be allowed to build a Christian church over there - time to get rid?"

I would say that's not far off wouldn't you?

Oh actually you like to abuse pacifists and think that ALL muslims and arabs stone each other to death so maybe not!

And if my views are so ill informed why not try responding with an opinion or an opposing view instead "you chat total nonsense pal" (tou-*******-che by the way! You must have really thought about that one!).

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

There's no point posting responses to your largely uneducated and scratchy view points.

When I have time tommorow I shall go through each of your posts in turn and expose your mistakes and inaccuracies.

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There's no point posting responses to your largely uneducated and scratchy view points.

When I have time tommorow I shall go through each of your posts in turn and expose your mistakes and inaccuracies.

Knock yourself out mate... If you don't like what I say then respond with a viewpoint and not just abuse... I think they call that being an adult...

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I love my country mate which gives me the right and the duty to hope that it is a place of justice and freedom.

I would prefer not to face any police for simply voicing my opinion

Even Tony Benn on Question Time a couple of weeks ago made the suggestion that Britain is becoming a police state. Even those of us not enamoured with Mr Benn can see his point here: free speech and the right to protest is the backbone of social democracy. Democracy isn't about voting for governments, as Bush and Blair believe, it goes wider than that. it's about social and personal freedom, it's about everyone having certain human rights and access to services (e.g. health). As the quote above says, people who genuinely love their country will want it to be a place of "justice and freedom".

This is why the G8 protests were so important. And I don't think it's right to stereotype protesters when you consider the huge numbers involved. People from all walks of life, all cultures, all ages, came to declare they wanted the world leaders to take some action of poverty. From Socialists to Conservatives, from all main religions and none, from students to professionals... Many of them had different individualk concerns but the point is they chose to make a stand for what they felt was important and to use their democratic right to try to make a difference for people living in poverty.

That is something to be commended - not scoffed at.

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Even Tony Benn on Question Time a couple of weeks ago made the suggestion that Britain is becoming a police state.  Even those of us not enamoured with Mr Benn can see his point here: free speech and the right to protest is the backbone of social democracy.  Democracy isn't about voting for governments, as Bush and Blair believe, it goes wider than that.  it's about social and personal freedom, it's about everyone having certain human rights and access to services (e.g. health).  As the quote above says, people who genuinely love their country will want it to be a place of "justice and freedom".

This is why the G8 protests were so important.  And I don't think it's right to stereotype protesters when you consider the huge numbers involved.  People from all walks of life, all cultures, all ages, came to declare they wanted the world leaders to take some action of poverty.  From Socialists to Conservatives, from all main religions and none, from students to professionals...  Many of them had different individualk concerns but the point is they chose to make a stand for what they felt was important and to use their democratic right to try to make a difference for people living in poverty.

That is something to be commended - not scoffed at.

I'm like a stuck record on this point so apologies but just another example of media manipulation unfortunately surrounding this.

I'm not sure what was shown on the TV at home but Sky News, BBC World & CNN (which is all I get over here) only showed a few protestors on the rampage smashing up cars etc. NO large crowd scenes at all so I'd be interested to understand exactly how many people were up there protesting peacefully.

They also follow the word 'protestor' with the word 'anarchist' in almost every sentance or statement!

Part of the reason it makes me so angry, they don't even try very hard to manipulate me anymore! banghead.gif

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All I ask people to consider when the poor Afgans or Iraquis are accused of being "insurgents" instead of freedom fighters trying to oust the invaders from their countries is what would you have called the English if Germany had invaded England in 1940.

We and the brutal Americans invaded those counries for no reason and so many have died for no purpose. The only good thing to come from it is that the European Court is considering a claim that Tony B Liar should be brought before it for war crimes - now that would be good TV

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All I ask people to consider when the poor Afgans or Iraquis are accused of being "insurgents" instead of freedom fighters trying to oust the invaders from their countries is what would you have called the English if Germany had invaded England in 1940.

We and the brutal Americans invaded those counries for no reason and so many have died for no purpose. The only good thing to come from it is that the European Court is considering a claim that Tony B Liar should be brought before it for war crimes - now that would be good TV

Wow, England! You've made a 180 degree turnaround in your views! I'm impressed!

And providing it's not an imposter logging on with your account I'll take back my BNP comment.... gladly!

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