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Don't know about you but (apart from giving City all the backing I can) I am determined to give the money grabbing arsewipe as much abuse as I possibly can!

Big welcome for Micky Bell but the di"£he*d deserves a chorus of abuse every time he goes near the ball (which is more than he did for us once he signed that contract). Totally took the mick out of us and our club.

I hope he falls off his ego and is sent straight back to the house of losers!

I apologise for ranting in advance,I just detest the pillock!

Up the reds!


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I think Dinning got a bum deal and was made a scapegoat after the farce at Luton.

He didn't deserve that.

The fact that Vale are over the moon with him speaks volumes for our setup and the way he was treated.

I wish him, Micky Bell and all of the players who left over the summer, the very best.

There's no room for hatred in life, let alone football.

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Guest Tactical Genius

SimplyRed is right of course. Dinning only performed poorly a couple of times. He also ran the whole match on a couple of occasions last season which is more than any of our current under-12s in midfield have ever managed to do.

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SimplyRed is right of course. Dinning only performed poorly a couple of times. He also ran the whole match on a couple of occasions last season which is more than any of our current under-12s in midfield have ever managed to do.

I remember Dinning playing well when on loan and maybe the games you refer to were then.

After he got a contract he went into the comfort zone and just didn't produce the same level of football.It wasn't a dip in form either - it was lack of effort and interest.He was taking the p1ss imo.

He deserves all the stick he'll get.

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I remember Dinning playing well when on loan and maybe the games you refer to were then.

After he got a contract he went into the comfort zone and just didn't produce the same level of football.It wasn't a dip in form either - it was lack of effort and interest.He was taking the p1ss imo.

He deserves all the stick he'll get.

I disagree. I remember at least 2 games at the Gate where he ran midfield and he was my MoM - and that was after we signed him because I remember saying to my mate that he looked a good signing.

I think the truth of the matter is he fell foul of Tinnion - and we all know what happens to a player who doesn't see eye to eye with Tinnion, don't we? shifty.gif

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Don't know about you but (apart from giving City all the backing I can) I am determined to give the money grabbing arsewipe as much abuse as I possibly can!

Big welcome for Micky Bell but the di"£he*d deserves a chorus of abuse every time he goes near the ball (which is more than he did for us once he signed that contract). Totally took the mick out of us and our club.

I hope he falls off his ego and is sent straight back to the house of losers!

I apologise for ranting in advance,I just detest the pillock!

Up the reds!

banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif

Dinning was brought in to take over the BT role.

On many occasions he looked a quality capture.

He fell out with BT after he was made a scapegoat at half time against Luton.

I think he challenged why when the team were playing crap, he was singled out.

Another senior professional who fail on the BT sword.

Dinning won't be booed by me, as I think there is two sides to his departure.

My only hope is that he & Bell are given hell on the pitch.

Beating PV will be more satisfying than taking it out on a single player.


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I remember Dinning playing well when on loan and maybe the games you refer to were then.

After he got a contract he went into the comfort zone and just didn't produce the same level of football.It wasn't a dip in form either - it was lack of effort and interest.He was taking the p1ss imo.

He deserves all the stick he'll get.

Blinkered doh.gif

Could well be the company line, but Dinning looked a quality signing & I tend to agree with SR & TG. Dinning fell foul of the BT management style.

A senior pro, who questioned some of BT's tactics & was on his way out.

The Luton game, seems to have been the catalysis to his departure.

Everyone has their opinion & I am afraid in this case we will disagree.

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Guest Tactical Genius
I remember Dinning playing well when on loan and maybe the games you refer to were then.

After he got a contract he went into the comfort zone and just didn't produce the same level of football.It wasn't a dip in form either - it was lack of effort and interest.He was taking the p1ss imo.

He deserves all the stick he'll get.

His contribution against Oldham was the individual performance of the season.

He was not on loan at the time.

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Guest C.T.I.D
Dinning was brought in to take over the BT role.

On many occasions he looked a quality capture.

He fell out with BT after he was made a scapegoat at half time against Luton.

I think he challenged why when the team were playing crap, he was singled out.

Another senior professional who fail on the BT sword.

Dinning won't be booed by me, as I think there is two sides to his departure.

My only hope is that he & Bell are given hell on the pitch.

Beating PV will be more satisfying than taking it out on a single player.


um.....28 mins isn't exactly half time and he did sod all in those few minutes disapointed2se.gif

boo him everytime he gets the ball,he is probably expecting it so why disappoint biggrin.gif

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I'd rather boo Tinnion. Dinning wasn't treated very well, it was plain to see that our midfield was weak at the start of the season. But Tinnion had a hissy fit and blamed a poor result on Dinning, nothing to do with poor tactics and management. It was clear to see before the season started that our midfield was weak, and Dinning could have improved it greatly.

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The official line on Dinning's substitution at Luton was that Dinning had repeatedly failed to carry out team instructions in the game and not tracked his man back which had lead to to Luton's first goal.

None of know what had gone on between Tinnion and Dinning before that game but we did know that Tinnion had been disapointed in Dinning's application after he had secured a contract.

My guess is that Tinnion felt let down by Dinning who was after all one of his first signings and over whom Tinnion subsequently took some stick.Many critics came on here and used Dinning's signing as an example of Tinnion's inexperince in the transfer market.

Now some of those same people are saying that Dinning was a good signing but badly treated by Tinnion.....good grief... disapointed2se.gif

Any excuse to slag off the management....

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The official line on Dinning's substitution at Luton was that Dinning had repeatedly failed to carry out team instructions in the game and not tracked his man back which had lead to to Luton's first goal.

None of know what had gone on between Tinnion and Dinning before that game but we did know that Tinnion had been disapointed in Dinning's application after he had secured a contract.

My guess is that Tinnion felt let down by Dinning who was after all one of his first signings and over whom Tinnion subsequently took some stick.Many critics came on here and used Dinning's signing as an example of Tinnion's inexperince in the transfer market.

Now some of those same people are saying that Dinning was a good signing but badly treated by Tinnion.....good grief... disapointed2se.gif

Any excuse to slag off the management....

I totally agree with you! People ran dinning down when he was here an slagged tinman off for bringing him in when he went thaat was wrong!!! Can tinman do no good? LONG LIVE TINMAN city.gif

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Guest Eagle Eye

Don't care what people say about Tony Dinning, he didn't play a single bad game at HOME. He organised the players around him, was a talker and motivator, was a great passer (almost as good as Tinnion himself), had done it at this and a higher level (achieved promotion from this league with 2 different clubs) and just because he had the worst 20 minutes of his career in one game against Luton, he was made a scapegoat for everything wrong at City and publicly humiliated by the manager!

He was prominent in our best performances last season too. Tranmere 4-0 at home and 1-0 away, MK Dons 4-1 at home and Oldham 5-1 at home and made 5 assists in 15 starts for us.

It seems that half the people on this forum believe he was the spawn of the Devil! If any season ticket holders can show me where he had an awful game at HOME (being one myself I can say that he wasn't outstandingly brilliant in all games, but neither was he bad either.), then I will eat my hat.

And for the record, we only lost two AWAY games he played in - Hartlepool away and that Luton game (although he only played 20 mins!)

I suspect the people that are going to boo Dinning are the same people that start moaning at the team if we aren't 3-0 up after 20 minutes every home game. It gets to the players you know and they start doing rash things.

Once this impatience crept in against Doncaster, we were done for and players started giving the ball away as they were too intent on making something happen to appease a restless crowd.

Whilst everyone who pays their money to watch the game has every right to boo, jeer or moan (and I am talking about our own players now - not Dinning), it does absolutely no good to a team of youngsters desperately trying to shoulder a huge burden of expectation.

I believe our manager is crap, but I do think we have a talented bunch of players. Lets get behind them as let's face it - they get no help from a very tacticaly naive management set-up.

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The official line on Dinning's substitution at Luton was that Dinning had repeatedly failed to carry out team instructions in the game and not tracked his man back which had lead to to Luton's first goal.

None of know what had gone on between Tinnion and Dinning before that game but we did know that Tinnion had been disapointed in Dinning's application after he had secured a contract.

That only re-emphasises that Dinning was doomed as soon as he upset Tinnion.

As you say, none of us know the real truth, but I stand by my comments that Dinning was a quality midfielder and it seems that events off the pitch rather than those on it sealed his fate.

My guess is that Tinnion felt let down by Dinning who was after all one of his first signings and over whom Tinnion subsequently took some stick.Many critics came on here and used Dinning's signing as an example of Tinnion's inexperince in the transfer market.

I don't recall Tinnion taking stick over Dinning, except after he used him as a scapegoat in the Luton game. I may be wrong... wink.gif

Now some of those same people are saying that Dinning was a good signing but badly treated by Tinnion.....good grief... disapointed2se.gif

Any excuse to slag off the management....

I can't speak for others, but certainly from my point of view he was a good signing who got a bum deal. I've never said anything different.

And it's not an excuse to slag off management but merely another pointer illustrating the way that Tinnion treats his players. Some may call it man management, I call it throwing your toys out of the pram.


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During the second half he was simply sublime. Strolling around bossing the centre of the park like an Alpha male Silverback, safe in the knowledge that he could, if he wished, enjoy the pleasures of each and everyone of his opponents wives and they would be powerless to repel his dominance over them.

Classic paragraph, and I thought deserving of a repeat showing. laugh.gif

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Guest Tactical Genius

I laughed like a drain when I originally wrote that. I even think a bit of wee escaped.

But we must relent, we are letting facts get in the way of robbored's untrue opinion.

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Guest Tactical Genius
How can an opinion be untrue? unless you think I'm lying about my real opinion,which I'm not.

You were of the opinion that the people stating dinning's qualities were slagging him, six months ago. Go back and read the posts and you find your opinion is untrue.

If my grammar is not spot on I apologise. But trust you will appreciate that I do better with my second language than most people do on here with their first.

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Don't care what people say about Tony Dinning, he didn't play a single bad game at HOME.

And that excuses some lousy performances away. Dinnings form dropped the moment he signed. He deserves all the abuse he gets on Saturday and lets face it for a so called quality midfielder he's been around a bit for the last few seasons.

Also lets hope that our fans are so busy booing the waster that they forget to boo our own lads for once.

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Classic paragraph, and I thought deserving of a repeat showing. laugh.gif

During the second half he was simply sublime. Strolling around bossing the centre of the park like an Alpha male Silverback, safe in the knowledge that he could, if he wished, enjoy the pleasures of each and everyone of his opponents wives and they would be powerless to repel his dominance over them.

Reminds of the Alan Clarke Diaries...... whistling.gif

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As all the regulars well know i don't post on here very often but am an avid reader, I just had to reply to this one...I cannot believe that some of you actually remember dinning as a quality player, after he won his contract it was as if he had been abducted by aliens or something and replaced with a reserve from the gas what a usless money grabbing t##t he really was, don't you all remember the wigan fans warning us what would happen...well they were spot on imo, now I'm not tinnions biggest fan and perhaps he did use him to stamp his authority or something along those lines but i think he was totally right in this case, i did see him on monday night for p-vale and i don't think he was more than average....anyway ive had my say but think we could go on for a long time on this one...


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um.....28 mins isn't exactly half time and he did sod all in those few minutes disapointed2se.gif

True, Dinning didn't do much away at Luton last year, but neither did the other nine outfield players wearing City Shirts (Phillips was excellent, despite having to pick the ball out of the back of the net three times by then......).

He clearly reacted badly to being pulled off, and that was it........

No booing from me - he probably would have been great given better man management.


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a bit mixed really his form droppedbut why?

i thought he was tinman the 2nd. well i didnt go to luton how many of you did?

when on loan he did look good i admit but when he did sign

it just didnt happen. i will give him a boo at the start but thats it.

bell gets a clap and stanley will to he was unlucky.


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Guest Eagle Eye
And that excuses some lousy performances away. Dinnings form dropped the moment he signed. He deserves all the abuse he gets on Saturday and lets face it for a so called quality midfielder he's been around a bit for the last few seasons.

Also lets hope that our fans are so busy booing the waster that they forget to boo our own lads for once.

Hold on a minute, name me a City player of the years that never put in a few lousy performances away from home?

Were you aware that Dinning was having problems convincing his heavily pregnant wife to relocate to Bristol at the time and was having to commute to bristol from the north west?

Now I don't care who you are, but if you are having problems in your home life, it is going to effect you in your work life.

Considering Dinning's situation, the last thing he needed was a public humiliation from his manager even if he did have a bad couple of away games.

As I said before, our best performances of the season came with Dinning in the team and he was instrumental in many of them - a fact many people seem to have forgotten because of a lousy 20 minute performance.

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I remember The Chairman and The Manager announcing his signing at last years A.G.M. and the positive reaction that announcement had on The Shareholders present. A few short months later it had degenerated into a sorry tell for ALL parties!!!!!!!!!

Who takes the blame ?, well for me it's The Manager. He has to manage all his players to get the best out of them and The Dinning Fiasco showed up all his managerial inadequacies climaxing in the public flogging of a fellow professional to cover his own shortcomings.

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