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Evil Post - Gobsmacked


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I hope the evening post have twisted tinnion's words or have we just read the longest suicide note in the clubs history. Does he think its going to take us four years to get us out of this division? Anyway..City fans have always given ovations to past players/managers ie. Mickey Bell last week. confused-smiley-013.gifconfused-smiley-013.gif

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I hope the evening post have twisted tinnion's words or have we just read the longest suicide note in the clubs history. Does he think its going to take us four years to get us out of this division? Anyway..City fans have always given ovations to past players/managers ie. Mickey Bell last week.  confused-smiley-013.gif  confused-smiley-013.gif

Is there a link to this story,, cos you've lost me mate.... blink.gif

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Guest sprout1883

IMHO Tinnion has made himself look stuipd (or even more so)

I don't know what it's like at City, but at Rovers we generally applaud ex-players or managers, except in certain circumstances.

I thought Danny Wilson did a good job for you, but just failed to top it off. If Tinnion can't see that then he is blind.

The article basically shows Tinnion up for a jealous know all who thinks he could've done better.

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Text from EP Website is as follows:

Evening Post

11:00 - 29 August 2005

Brian Tinnion today spoke of his "disbelief" at the Ashton Gate ovation given to his predecessor Danny Wilson on Saturday. And the current Bristol City boss declared he would happily "walk" if he failed to deliver promotion in the same four-year time-span which Wilson enjoyed.

Wilson received rapturous applause from Robins fans in the 10,000 crowd as he returned to the stadium for the first time since his exit as manager last summer.

Tinnion, whose side fought back from 2-0 down at half-time to draw 2-2 with Wilson's MK Dons, was given a lukewarm reception by comparison - and was even subjected to a few jeers.

The current manager was "gobsmacked" by the response from the fans and said: "It's a sad situation for me. I've given 13 years of my best as a player for this club, through thick and thin for the fans, yet someone who was paid probably treble what I am earning was given a standing ovation when he couldn't get us out of the division after four years of trying.

"He (Wilson) has never had to sell anyone for £1 million as I have had to (Leroy Lita to Reading). I have generated £2m in transfer fees for the club since I took over 15 months ago and effectively brought in only two players on transfer fees (Steve Brooker £225,000, Dave Partridge £150,000) if you consider we brought in Paul Heffernan (£125,000) and sold him a year later for the same money.

"I gave Leroy his big opportunity, which Danny didn't, and what happens? He scores 30 goals in the season and gets sold for £1m.

"I haven't had £600,000 to spend on bringing Lee Peacock to the club like Danny had when he first took over.

"Give me four years to get it right like Danny had and if I haven't got this club promoted by then, I'm prepared to walk."

Tinnion said of Saturday's 'support': "People should start getting behind the players. How will young lads like Cole Skuse and Scott Golbourne have felt listening to our former manager, and the opposition manager, getting cheered like that?

"The ovation for him felt like a shot at myself and the team. I sweated my backside off for this club and achieved far more in 13 years as a player than he did in his four years as a manager.

"I'm disappointed that, judging by Saturday's response from the crowd, someone who has shown 13 years of total loyalty to the club means less to people than someone who didn't get us out of this division.

"I wonder how many of our 40,000 fans at the Millennium Stadium who wanted Danny sacked after the play-off final stood and gave him a big cheer on Saturday? Why not back the players and manager who are here?

"If after 46 games of the season we're still in this division, then by all means moan from the rooftops. And if they don't want me as manager, fine, but at least get behind the players and, for goodness sake, give us the opportunity."

No comment needed!

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To be honest i'd be peed off if that was me. Imagine getting a raptorous round of applause for your predecessor then you get booed. Good for the confidence isn't it? Tinnion has had stick like this over the years but that really took the biscuit Saturday and I did feel for him. Why boo the manager before you've even kicked off? DId anyone on here boo him before we kicked off?

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The full story is below. I think Tins makes alot of valid points and I found the response to Wilson on Saturday embarrasing. I also hope he realises that unless it looks like we're making a push up the table in the not too distant future then he'll be out on his ear.

edit - already posted by bobby.

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The full story is below.  I think Tins makes alot of valid points and I found the response to Wilson on Saturday embarrasing.  I also hope he realises that unless it looks like we're making a push up the table in the not too distant future then he'll be out on his ear.

edit - already posted by bobby.

I agree. A lot of what he says is true, but how adviseable it was to say it some of it publicly is open to question. Can't accuse him of boring soundbites though!

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Just go Tinnion.

I think, on the positive, he's guarenteed himself another booing when he comes out onto the pitch at midday next Saturday.

I fail to see why Brains or anyone else on this forum is suprised by what happened on Saturday. We're not talking about minorities here. Wilson was given a massive standing ovation and when the PA announced Tinnion's name there were admittedly only a few boos but the response was VERY cold.

I will always hold Wilson in high regard as a manager but as for the snake Tinnion, I want him out of this club asap and judging by what we heard on Saturday I lot more people agree with me then are letting on.

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  • Admin

I'd add to that those who "cheered" Wilson off at half time.

He DOESN'T manage City anymore.

His team were BEATING City 2-0.

Are those who "cheered" at that stage, City fans or Wilson fans first and foremost?

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Just go Tinnion.

I think, on the positive, he's guarenteed himself another booing when he comes out onto the pitch at midday next Saturday.

I fail to see why Brains or anyone else on this forum is suprised by what happened on Saturday. We're not talking about minorities here. Wilson was given a massive standing ovation and when the PA announced Tinnion's name there were admittedly only a few boos but the response was VERY cold.

I will always hold Wilson in high regard as a manager but as for the snake Tinnion, I want him out of this club asap and judging by what we heard on Saturday I lot more people agree with me then are letting on.

I understand your sentiments but that was out of order. I would never boo the manager like that before a match. Doesn't do any good. Yes there are problems at the moment but that was just a disgrace and something I wont forget in a long time. mad.gif

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Guest hilltop red

Tinnion is also failing to accept that we are playing sh**. He didnt even wonder if this is why he got booed. Walking out behind wilson was probably not the smartest move either. This again showing tinnions lack of tactical knowledge!

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I understand your sentiments but that was out of order. I would never boo the manager like that before a match. Doesn't do any good. Yes there are problems at the moment but that was just a disgrace and something I wont forget in a long time.  mad.gif

Well what you and Brains have to do is ask yourselves - why is it that a man who has given 13 years of service to this club is so intensely disliked by fans and players alike?

I'd go further and say that a lot of the applause for Wilson was almost sarcastic and that some were doing just to get at Tinnion, and look it worked!

This is the worst possible way in which Tinnion could have reacted - it's victory to the boo boys and defeat to Tinnions bravado attitude.

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I don't even understand why we are comparing the credentials of Wilson and Tinnion. They are two different managers with different ideas etc. Wilson failed in taking us out of this division and Tinnion is struggling too. So why cheer Wilson and boo Tinnion? Wilson has gone history get over it boo boys mad.gif

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Well what you and Brains have to do is ask yourselves - why is it that a man who has given 13 years of service to this club is so intensely disliked by fans and players alike?

I'd go further and say that a lot of the applause for Wilson was almost sarcastic and that some were doing just to get at Tinnion, and look it worked!

This is the worst possible way in which Tinnion could have reacted - it's victory to the boo boys and defeat to Tinnions bravado attitude.

Well he wsn't going to ignore it it obvoiusly affected the players before kick off because everyone heard it. What would you have suggested then keep quiet and say nothing? I'm sure he was very angry and disappointed.

Going back to the boo boys I suspect it was the same mindless lot that gave him stick in the 90s when we were relegated from what then was division 1. mad.gif

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There must be a good reason why Wilson won't shake BT's hand, maybe the fact he was appointed within 24 hours, Something we have not been told. the fact of the matter is people are waiting to hang Tinnion from the rafters and this article will do him no good. he should keep his mouth shut and concentrate improving what happens on the pitch, maybe then he will get his own ovation.. chant6ez.gif

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Tinnion is also failing to accept that we are playing sh**. He didnt even wonder if this is why he got booed. Walking out behind wilson was probably not the smartest move either. This again showing tinnions lack of tactical knowledge!

Perhaps he should have done a Cloughie and grabbed Danny's hand as he walked out. Wonder what people would have made of them walking out hand in hand! biggrin.gif

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I'd go further and say that a lot of the applause for Wilson was almost sarcastic and that some were doing just to get at Tinnion, and look it worked!

Thats exactly correct, most of the applause for Wilson was to get at Tinnion. The fans realise that as a football manager Tinnion is clueless, many are desperate to get at him out, if giving Wilson a reception of that type speeds up the process then great.

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Its easy to see where Tinnion is coming from.After all Wilson failed after 4 years to get City promoted and blew his final chance by picking a misbalanced side for the play-off final and he gets a warm reception form the City fans.

Fans are fickle - it wasn't so long ago that Wilson was the subject to the same severe critism on this forum for his tactics,devotion to Peacock,odd substitutions,bland post match interviews and even where he lived.Fans forget too quickly.

Wilson had more time,more money that Tinnion has had which is exactly what Tinnion is pointing out.

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After reading that article by the EP, all I can say is - wow.

I know the EP have a knack of over-exaggerating stories, and misquoting people just to make a story, but there are a hell of a lot of quotes from the man himself in there.

I think as somebody said above, a lot of people were probably cheering Wilson as much as they were to get at Tinnion, and it worked.

He's digging his own grave.

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Guest redphilc

Was Tinnion saying before the game he doesn't have a problem with Danny wilson and there would be a drink waiting for him after the game?

I think Tinnion was bullsh**ng don't you!!?!!

I have always said Tinnion doesn't derserve to be booed before or during the game and you won't catch me doing it. However I can't help thinking that he builds himself up to be shot down and articles like this one will not have done him any favours for this saturday. SL have a word as Tinnion has lost the plot. Where his dignity gone?

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After reading that article by the EP, all I can say is - wow.

I know the EP have a knack of over-exaggerating stories, and misquoting people just to make a story, but there are a hell of a lot of quotes from the man himself in there.

I think as somebody said above, a lot of people were probably cheering Wilson as much as they were to get at Tinnion, and it worked.

He's digging his own grave.

well we now know that bad media handling is another of his bad qualites

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Its easy to see where Tinnion is coming from.After all Wilson failed after 4 years to get City promoted and blew his final chance by picking a misbalanced side for the play-off final and he gets a warm reception form the City fans.

Fans are fickle - it wasn't so long ago that Wilson was the subject to the same severe critism on this forum for his tactics,devotion to Peacock,odd substitutions,bland post match interviews and even where he lived.Fans forget too quickly.

Wilson had more time,more money that Tinnion has had which is exactly what Tinnion is pointing out.

You're probably right about memories being short in football. Never the less I thought Wilson's round of applause at the start of the game was fine. 10,000 people clapping will sound loud and I doubt there were that many who point blank refused to even applaud the return of someone who was here for 4 years and did a reasonable job evn if they did want him out after we lost to Brighton. It wasn't a standing ovation, people were standing anyway as the players had just run on, and they applauded Wilson when he came on (didn't the guy on the tannoy ask us to show our appreciation?).

All of that was fine. What I thought was unnecessary was booing our own club before a ball had been kicked that day and applauding Wilson off at halftime when his team was beating ours.

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I found the whole article embarrassing, and read it with disbelief, quite honestly. But just as surprising was the words of Simon Parkinson in the match report in the middle pages. He is supposed to be writing an unbiased, proffessional report on the match, and yet he comes out with a line like, " The Geordie relished recieving the many plaudits that came his way during his proud stint as a classy playmaker. Now that has gone, a whole new ball game confronts him. And there are times when it stinks. "


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Me Me Me Mee Meeee thats all tinions says poor me... sad.gif wake up smell the coffee the honey moons over now get your act together or ship out... banghead.gif

as for wilsons four years of failure well wasnt he part of the four years of failure too.. what goes around comes around.

you earn respect not demand it.. you had it but lost it with your p1ss poor management skills .

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Oh dear, oh dear.

I didn't hear the cheers for Wilson and the jeers for BT, as I got into the ground just as the teams ran out. But it don't come as much of a surprise, some people seem to forget how very ordinary Wilson was whilst here, 4 years + jack$hit acheived = £1,000,000 wages.

I just wish BT let the bloody football results do the talking, it aint happening and Brian knows this. Tinnion has not helped his already precarious sitation one bit with this childish tit for tat outburst. As somebody who wholeheartly supported BT last season, not necessarily his appointment, but just the fact he was the manager. Recent weeks and now this rubbish have seen me totally rethink my opinion and his ability to do the job.

However in BT's defence, with all Wilsons experience and his 'fantastic' brand of football, superb tactics and wonderful man management he still hasn't beaten BT in two attempts.

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sad.gif I was sat behind the duout saturday and booed Wilson and cheered Tinnion, Wilson was a poor manager who was given plenty of money and time to do the job and that is a fact that cannot be denied and he will always be judged on his most important game which was in Cardiff, he failed us and did not give a damn as he do not care. Tinnion on the other hand should not have been given the job in the first place but he was and is trying hard to do it with like he says not a lot of money. If he was given the money and support we would have got that defender from Plymuff and the board would maybe have let him kept Leroy, I witnessed his body language saturday and it was of a man who cared and was trying his best. Booing is done by wimps.
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Thats possibly the most ill advised and unproffesional rant I've ever read.

Whatever his feelings towards Mr Willson, he'd have been best keeping his thoughts to himself given the current climate and perforamnces of his current team.

If he was top of the league with 18 points in the bag then maybe...

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No matter if you are a Tinnion lover or hater, you have to admit that this article was the worst possible thing he could have done. Having a go at the fans for applauding a manager who brought us success and a consistant challenge for promotion does not seem logical to me.

I want Tinnion to do well and I find it shocking that some fans want us to lose just so that he will get the sack. But I must admit that after reading this article I have lost some respect for him. This is not the way to get the fans on your side.

p.s If Wilson read that article he would be absolutely wetting himself.

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Its just a huge own goal. By speaking out like that he's guaranteed we wont be talking about the football. We're all talking about him now.

I know that reporters can be a bit devious in getting their quotes, but he should know better than to come up with stuff like that.

Compare his outburst with Wilsons response to similar questions.

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Tins raises some valid points and the booing on Saturday (from what I've heard) was disgracefull... People are entitled to be heard but at least wait for the final whistle!

Re this interview then it's just another case of Tinnions bad management skills I'm afraid... Half of why I don't think he's the man for the job is his handling of the media and the things he says as much as it is the recent cr@ppy performances on the pitch.

This interview is just another example that he's a fish out of water unfortunately...

And Brian - you sweated 13 years for the club but you got paid pretty well for doing so where as we (the fans!) have sweated, cried and in the old days bled for this club our entire lives... and we had to pay for the privilage!!

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No matter if you are a Tinnion lover or hater, you have to admit that this article was the worst possible thing he could have done. Having a go at the fans for applauding a manager who brought us success and a consistant challenge for promotion does not seem logical to me.

I think it was a great thing to do.

Two fingers up to the muppets who think applauding an ex-Manager and booing the current one is a good idea.

Why should Tinnion care how more resentful fans get? We've hardly got any fans at the Gate anyway. The response at the start probably had a big influence on the two goal half-time deficit.

How can you expect young men such as Cole Skuse and Scott Brown not to feel totally intimidated when they hear this before a ball has been kicked and don't give me this "they are highly paid pro's cr@p, they are human at the end of the day and go through nerves, fears, happiness, sadness, motivated, demotivated the same as everybody else.

I applaud Tins comments and just pray that fans will at least give it 60/70 minutes against Colchester before they "boo" if they must, preferably 90, preferably, they won't do it at all and give some consideration for the players trying to change things around.

A stupid idea, but, why not a few chorus' of Red Army or Cider Army in the first 5 minutes from all around the ground and see if the young players suddenly re-discover that swagger we all know they have.

Nah, let's just moan and slate some more; that's what we pay good money for! sleeping.gif

C'mon Tins; keep fighting back against the moronic! city.gifenglandsmile4wf.gif

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After reading that article i join Tinnion is his 'gobsmacked' state.

Highly unprofessional and merely goes further to suggest he has little ability in dealing with the press. The extent to which it is unprofessional screams more of a man out of his depth than it testifies to the comments of an emotive manager.

Is it any wonder that DW wouldnt shake his hand after the MK game last season, and then again after the game on saturday. There is clearly a rift between the men and this article serves to bring the gloom in around BT's ears whilst portraying DW in a much better comparitive light. DW could have easily had a 'parting shot' at Tinnion and the board but, from my recollection, he did not. And as I imagine he had more grounds to 'throw his toys out of the pram' than an ailing manager with an underperforming team BT's public comments should be considered an embarrasment.

I applauded DW as i felt he was a good manager, with faults admitidly, who had delivered a relative amount of success and stability to this club - the ultimate goal of promotion was the one that evaded him but we came very close on more than one occasion. I did not and do not think I have ever booed a manager or indeed my team off at half/full time.

As he clearly lacks the ability to deal with the media in a professional manner, and his motivational techniques ('I blame myself for picking them') clearly need reviewing, you would suppose him to be one hell of a tactician to have got/still be in this job but, to quote Alan Partridge, "that would be *********."

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

I am gobsmacked at the responses here?

Lets look at the FACTS.

Wilson 4 years, spent a lot of transfer money going out, little transfer money coming back in. Before become manager did nothing for City at all as manger won us the LDV.

Tinnion just over 1 year, generated a lot of tranfer revenue, little going back out. Before becoming manager he gave us 13 years of superb service and is the greatest servent of City in the past decade.

Yet everyone takes it on themselves to give Wilson a rousing reception and boo Tinnion. If I put in a superb 13 years service and got booed after seeing someone who put in 4 years of failed service have a rousing reception I would be slightly annoyed too.

Tinnion has done better in his first season than Wilson did in his. Lets give him a chance. I cannot remember every crying for Wilson's blood so why Tinnions?

It is times llike this we need to SUPPORT the club, get them going, give them confidence. When we are 4-0 thats when they least need it. they are already on a high full of confidence. When we are struggling and two down they need support not criticsm and as fans we all need to get behind them.

Our club has increasing become known for booing our players. We are SUPPORTERS lets do some supporting.

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Guest North Street
Its easy to see where Tinnion is coming from.After all Wilson failed after 4 years to get City promoted and blew his final chance by picking a misbalanced side for the play-off final and he gets a warm reception form the City fans.

Fans are fickle - it wasn't so long ago that Wilson was the subject to the same severe critism on this forum for his tactics,devotion to Peacock,odd substitutions,bland post match interviews and even where he lived.Fans forget too quickly.

Wilson had more time,more money that Tinnion has had which is exactly what Tinnion is pointing out.

blushing.gif my God Robbored i find myself agreeing with one of your posts.

Anybody remember Fortune in midfield or Citys collapse post Christmas to finish seventh ? Anybody remember Citys defeast at Notts County in 2003 that one was even worse than Tinnion's Luton away/Wilson failed with bigger resources than Tinnion has had.Polite applause is all Wilson was entitled to saturday followed by City suppporters concentating on our team.Does he really deserve the treatment he gets consideing the service he has given BCFC? Pullis he is not!

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i agree with tinnion on this.

wilson had his time and blew it now weather tinnion should have replaced

wilson is another debate altogether, but i will never forgive wilson for the

play off final shambels, his team selection said it all that day, ok city are

not doing great at the moment but cheer wilson? and boo tins? that is

a cheap shot at a man wh gave 13 years of service to this club,

ok he might be struggling but the more we get on their backs the more

the confidence will go dunno.gif

football not been to clever but we got 5 points and we are 5 points off the top

of the table.

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Oh dear oh dear!

There was me thinking Brian has handled Danny Wilson's bitterness as well as he could, making Wilson look like the stupid one for not getting over it but now this. He's fallen at the last hurdle. doh.gif

Much of it is fine, the difference in the transfer outlay is a valid one, as is pointing out to the booing idiots that it gets to the players, but the two lines that really get to me are the following:

"The ovation for him felt like a shot at myself and the team. I sweated my backside off for this club and achieved far more in 13 years as a player than he did in his four years as a manager.

"I'm disappointed that, judging by Saturday's response from the crowd, someone who has shown 13 years of total loyalty to the club means less to people than someone who didn't get us out of this division.

What this says to me is that he does not believe that he can argue the case for himself as a manager, as his playing career stands for nothing right now. If this had been replaced by a positive statement e.g. "I believe that I can lead this squad of players to the promotion Danny failed to deliver" then I would not be so annoyed.

I applauded Danny on Saturday as he was an important part of turning the club around, his first three seasons were successful and he gave us some great memories. After that he failed to move us forward, and after the Cardiff defeat and "defeat is not a failure" I didn't think he could take us any further forward.

I also applauded Brian as he is our manager and we had a match to win.

However the toys are flying out of the pram a bit too much at the moment, and with the way he and our coaching staff blanked Wilkshire as he came off I am very concerned that the club is going to tear itself apart in the next few weeks.

The time is probably right for Brian to go - if the Evening post headline tomorrow is "Tinnion Quits!" I think my honest reaction would be one of relief, I'd be sad it didn't work out for him, but hopeful that the club could unite behind a manager and move forward.

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Had to comment on this one. Tins the Victom !!!

This poor me, nonsense from a new manager, shows a gross immaturity and will in no way endear fans to his cause.

Tins cannot compare his 13 years as a player to Wilsons 4 years as manager, as his own words were , he would hit the ground running as he knew the club inside out.

13 Years, learning from all our managers since 1991, their ups and downs, their tecniques, their tactics, motivational methods and media handling.

4 years playing for Wilson with his team mates, knowing the whole inside story, and obviously thinking he could do things better. Forget the sour grapes about the money, Brian Tinnion had more inside hands on information on BCFC than any available candidate.

Now in his second season as manager with his own squad he is having to handle disgruntled fans. He sends his deputy out to do the MKD post match press conference, gives Wilson the cold shoulder, then spits the dummy in the EP.

The guy may well be 110% BCFC, but he is no manager.

I wish him well in any career that keeps him away from BCFC......PLEASE.

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Guest Bow_Legged_Chicken

But did Tinnion not say that if he didn't get us up in 4 years like Danny had he would walk?

Ok we shouldn't expect it to take 4 years but he is not saying it will. He is merely stating he beleives he can get this club out of this division. If it does take him 4 years then YES he should be given it like Wilson was. But he is not necesarily saying it will take him that long!

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I was all for the sacking of Wilson, for the first 2 years we played some of the best football seen at AG for years but the following 2 years were average at best (we had many games when we should have collected that 1 elusive point but didn't due to tactical naivity) so I agreed with the change (BT couldn't do any worse could he?), but oh how wrong was I, tactical naivity beyond par, poor PR and worst of all BLIND, BLIND, BLIND OPTIMISM, I don't think I have ever known a worse case.


P.s. One positive on saturday was when we started playing through midfield instead of the whoosh football we actually did better, the management should have seen this after the first game not 6 games in.

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Surely he cant be that gobsmacked?


"I'm sure our fans will give him a good reception and that's great"

(Tins: I'll welcome Danny)


"How will young lads like Cole Skuse and Scott Golbourne have felt listening to our former manager, and the opposition manager, getting cheered like that? The ovation for him felt like a shot at myself and the team. I sweated my backside off for this club and achieved far more in 13 years as a player than he did in his four years as a manager."


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Is glos boy aware that there's a charlatan posting in his name?  whistling.gif

Instead of seeing his drivel in the Evening Post, all I want from Tinnion is to see some decent football with a few decent results to match. Is that too much to ask?

Tinnion may not have millions to spend but I'm sure there are managers in our league who would love to have a fraction of the money he has spent together with the WAGES the club seem able to pay which attracts players like Bridges, Stewart and Partridge.

Keep your big gob shut, Tinnion, do some hard work on the training ground, dump the route 1 football and lets see something for all supporters to be positive about.

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Guest jonny k

BRIAN - Yes, I feel embarrassed for you about the jeering you were subjected too which I feel was bang out of order but you are making yourself sound childish and unprofessional with these comments. DW got applause yes - he did deserve it for stabilising the club and had four years in which he did build a squad that should of got promoted and yes the performance at Cardiff was very poor - the players surely have to take some blame for that as well - as they do for the first half on Saturday, although booing them off is still wrong and won't do them any good confidence wise I agree. Yes, you have given 13 years of commitment to the club, no one says you haven't and if you ever returned to the Gate as an opposition Manager you would get the same reception as DW I am sure. But you did take the job on knowing that the fans wanted promotion quickly and the pre-season hype about how great the season was going to be this season and last did come from your mouth so can you blame the frustration felt by many. It's no good having a go at the fans for respecting someone who was very important to he club at the time and stop comparing yourself to him - you both have different styles and personalities - the squads are different, the sides in the league you're playing are different - just go out and do your damn best to get YOU and us the fans the promotion we ALL deserve.. unfortunately, I think you have shot yourself a wee bit in the foot for asking for four years to get there with the hype you helped generate. Personally, if I saw positive improving performances and tangible results and bringing the spark back to home games at the Gate I would give you the time - it's up to you to to convince us all - comments like you have made in the press won't help your cause.

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Guest C.T.I.D

how do you know he is clueless banghead.gif just a wild assumption again banghead.gif

have you been in the changing room when he does his talks....NO disapointed2se.gif

he makes do with what he has at his disposal and if they ain't 100% then the management get the stick 'cos the moaners are too damn fickle,and it is easier to blame the manager than themselves for getting their hopes astronomically high doh.gif

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No matter if you are a Tinnion lover or hater, you have to admit that this article was the worst possible thing he could have done. Having a go at the fans for applauding a manager who brought us success and a consistant challenge for promotion does not seem logical to me.

I want Tinnion to do well and I find it shocking that some fans want us to lose just so that he will get the sack. But I must admit that after reading this article I have lost some respect for him. This is not the way to get the fans on your side.

p.s If Wilson read that article he would be absolutely wetting himself.

What sucess did he bring us though ?? One Mickey mouse cup in 4 years and the embarrasement of losing to brighton at the mil stad live in sky because he left our best striker in the stands ? Wilson was an average manager at this level and was never going to get us promoted - if you can't get there in 4 attempts you are never going to.

What annoys me about all of this is the hypocrasy - I'm willing to bet the same meatheads who cheered wilson and booed their own manager are the same arseholes who booed wilson and started fighting amonst themselves in cardiff - sometimes I feel embarassed to call myself a city fan - I really don't wanna be associated with that sort of pond life mentality - you want instanst sucess stay at home eating pizza "supporting" Chelsea from the comfort of your armchair - otherwise come to the Gate and support the manager and the players in front of you week in week out or don't bother coming

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I think it was a great thing to do.

Two fingers up to the muppets who think applauding an ex-Manager and booing the current one is a good idea.

Why should Tinnion care how more resentful fans get?  We've hardly got any fans at the Gate anyway.  The response at the start probably had a big influence on the two goal half-time deficit.

How can you expect young men such as Cole Skuse and Scott Brown not to feel totally intimidated when they hear this before a ball has been kicked and don't give me this "they are highly paid pro's cr@p, they are human at the end of the day and go through nerves, fears, happiness, sadness, motivated, demotivated the same as everybody else.

I applaud Tins comments and just pray that fans will at least give it 60/70 minutes against Colchester before they "boo" if they must, preferably 90, preferably, they won't do it at all and give some consideration for the players trying to change things around.

A stupid idea, but, why not a few chorus' of Red Army or Cider Army in the first 5 minutes from all around the ground and see if the young players suddenly re-discover that swagger we all know they have. 

Nah, let's just moan and slate some more; that's what we pay good money for!  sleeping.gif

C'mon Tins; keep fighting back against the moronic!  city.gif  englandsmile4wf.gif

Maybe you and Brian should get together, you sound equally delusional.

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I found the whole article embarrassing, and read it with disbelief, quite honestly. But just as surprising was the words of Simon Parkinson in the match report in the middle pages. He is supposed to be writing an unbiased, proffessional report on the match, and yet he comes out with a line like, " The Geordie relished recieving the many plaudits that came his way during his proud stint as a classy playmaker. Now that has gone, a whole new ball game confronts him. And there are times when it stinks. "


Can't see that is shows any bias or makes it an unprofessional report.

A reporters job is to report and comment as he sees it.

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Just read the article.

Must say that Tinnion's handling of the media is not the best I've ever seen.

This smacks of Keegan's outburst when Ferguson wound him up.

Tinnion should've have kept tight-lipped and maintained a dignified silence.

As it is, he has revealed himself to be a little petulent and rather immature in what can only described (using recent terminology) as a 'dummy-chucking' exercise.


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Guest Josef Stalin

Tinnions timing in walking out AFTER Wilson, AND during the reading of the teamsheet certainly contributed to the situation.

I don't want Tinnion in the job, but I winced when that applause for DW rang around the ground.

However, what Brian has done in the paper is a very silly thing indeed.

Neo talks of '2 fingers' - just remember Ian baird mate, thats what Tinnion has done here.

He's adopting a 'bunker' mentality and continues to think that EVERYONE else but him is to blame.

lets win some games Brian, lets play good football and I'm sure the crowd will back you.

but please BCFC stop him talking to the press!!!

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I agree it doesn't look too good in black and white, but I would like to see the whole interview and the context that these comments were made in really. I'm am pretty 50/50 with Tinnion as I do think he has been set up for failure by the board here. They went with the cheap option and have forced him to sell Lita to balance the books left by Wilson's spending.

If I were him, I would feel a bit miffed with the current situation, but the fact he did not do the press conference on Saturday, has had two days to cool down and still comes out with these comments does make me think he is finding the pressure very tough indeed. He won't be around for long if this continues but I agree with him that he needs and deserves to be fully supported until that is the case. Certain people on the chat room on Saturday were voicing dismay when we scored and then equalised as it meant Tinnion would be staying. That is hardly productive.

I agree with the other posters on here though that the best way for Tinnion to do his talking is to get the results we all want to see on the pitch. The sentiments expressed in this article are understandable but do come across as the ramblings of a man on his way to the gallows.

Good luck turning things around Tinnion.

PS - Is it not normal etiquette to have the away team and manager come out onto the pitch first?

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how do you know he is clueless banghead.gif just a wild assumption again banghead.gif

have you been in the changing room when he does his talks....NO disapointed2se.gif

he makes do with what he has at his disposal and if they ain't 100% then the management get the stick 'cos the moaners are too damn fickle,and it is easier to blame the manager than themselves for getting their hopes astronomically high doh.gif

to be fair mate, thats an awful shout.

i assume from your post that you are a tinnion fan, and thats fair enough. i'm not.

i can't say i've ever been in the changing room when he does his talks, but judging from what we see on the pitch, its obvious that the players don't respond accordingly.

what he has at his disposal is a tremendous squad, perhaps the best in the division (entertain me and try to pick out a better one), and so its OUR fault when signing the likes of Brooker and Stewart and Bridges gets us excited? We shouldn't feel optimistic because of the squad we have in place? I'm sorry but that is dreadful logic.

And don't forget what was already in place... what he had two years ago was coles, doherty, hill, carey and miller (amongst others). granted, carey came back. but miller went away on loan and was a success. coles, doherty and hill are all doing well in the championship. they were OUR players. the fact that tinnion so ruthlessly dismantled a side 'this' close to promotion (on two occasions) is worrying. if wilson, taylor, holloway, davies and the hearts boss could get the best of out these players, why couldn't Tinnion?

with the exception of a goalkeeper, tinnion has two decent options for every position. he could feasibly pick two strong sides.

eg- phillips, smith/carey, golbourne/woodman, fortune/keogh, partridge/heywood, murray/cotterill, wilkshire/russell, skuse/brown, smith/orr, brooker/bridges, stewart/brooker.

thats not what i call making do with what you have at your disposal. that is a tremendous squad which tinnion should quite rightly be lauded for assembling. but was there any need to dismantle wilsons squad, which had finished THIRD two seasons running?

its easy to blame managers because it is their responsibility. if the players don't perform, its up to the manager to work out why. is it the player? is it the system? is it both?

basically, BT and KM are out of their depth. they may have all the desire in the world to do well, but what they are saying is not reasonating with the squad, in which lies the problem.

bristol city have good players. but as a TEAM, we are awful. and its not because of the 'moaners'.

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Guest Sting Ray
I hope the evening post have twisted tinnion's words or have we just read the longest suicide note in the clubs history. Does he think its going to take us four years to get us out of this division? Anyway..City fans have always given ovations to past players/managers ie. Mickey Bell last week.  confused-smiley-013.gif  confused-smiley-013.gif

I don't think the announcer of the game helped the situation by encouraging a big cheer for danny wilson...something along the lines of "come on everybody, a big round of applause for Danny Wilson!" (not word perfect, i know). This could have made some of the crowd who did clap and cheer DW feel obliged to aftyer what he had said? Perhaps if the scenario had such an affect on tinnion he should question the announcer's motives for encouraging a warm recpetion for Danny? dunno.gif

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Guest laura8264
Me Me Me Mee Meeee thats all tinions says  poor me...  sad.gif  wake up smell the coffee the honey moons over now get your act together or ship out... banghead.gif

as for wilsons four years of failure well wasnt he part of the four years of failure too.. what goes around comes around.

you earn respect not demand it.. you had it but lost it with your p1ss poor management skills .

well done that man.

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Thats possibly the most ill advised and unproffesional rant I've ever read.

Whatever his feelings towards Mr Willson, he'd have been best keeping his thoughts to himself given the current climate and perforamnces of his current team.

If he was top of the league with 18 points in the bag then maybe...

Have to agree Tom.

What a total disaster.

If BT was feeling pressure before,then it will be heaped upon him now.

Childish & uncalled for. He needs to improve fan support - not remove it.

And as for Cardiff - wasn't he part of the disaster 'ON THE PITCH'

This club is losing its indentity with it's fans - we need the feel good factor back.


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I could see why Sheffield MP'S wanted Wilson out. I was glad to see the back of him and if was there saturday ( was @ work) he sure as hell would have got a mouth full of abuse from me thats for sure.

Wilson is a 2 faced trash manager and always will be. Good ridance to him i say.

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I could see why Sheffield MP'S wanted Wilson out. I was glad to see the back of him and if was there saturday ( was @ work) he sure as hell would have got a mouth full of abuse from me thats for sure.

Wilson is a 2 faced trash manager and always will be. Good ridance to him i say.

I was actually believing that after Cardiff changes should be made.

DW actually got us further each season & I can't agree that he is trash & two faced !! Can't see why you say this.

What I didn't expect was the rushed (planned) decision to bring BT in.

The work DW had done, has been distroyed & we have gone backwards.

You may not have liked DW. But you surely say that BT is an improvement.

Especially with his childish outbursts.

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Tinnion has done better in his first season than Wilson did in his. Lets give him a chance. I cannot remember every crying for Wilson's blood so why Tinnions?

It is times llike this we need to SUPPORT the club, get them going, give them confidence. When we are 4-0 thats when they least need it. they are already on a high full of confidence. When we are struggling and two down they need support not criticsm and as fans we all need to get behind them.

Tom, I Chat to you alot about City and Football in general and we sometimes have clashes of views, this is another. FACT, Yes Tinnion did Better than Wilson in his 1st season, but FACT, Wilson didnt inherit a team that had only lost out on Promotion the season before, Wilson took a set of 48 Players, trimmed it down to 25 and got rid of alot of the misfits and poor, overplayed, injured players. Tinnion Butchered That Team.

Basically, when we have something to Support then i'll agree with you. Until then, i wont. I'm sick of all this 'get behind them' stuff. Thats fair enough but, really, i don't feel like cheering and chanting a team on that is (Am I naughty or what!) poor, a waste of money and most of all not going or doing anything this season.

If Tinnion wants 4 years, then hes a fool. He told us last summer, we would of gone up last season. He told us this season he would take us up this year. I Will belive it when i see it. As much as i want I'm to do it, he is just not a football manager, the club is being run all wrong and you can tell on the pitch.

I Heard about this story in work on the radio today and actually burst out laughing thinking they mis-quoted him as it was a summary, so i bought the post and read it and quite frankly there are too many quotes for it all to be false.

Tinnion needs to stop blaming others and think about how he can improve us, if not, he got a very short time left at this club, i even think that there is a slight (i stress A SLIGHT) chance of Lansdown acting if we loose heavily on Saturday Live on Sky.

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I was actually believing that after Cardiff changes should be made.

DW actually got us further each season & I can't agree that he is trash & two faced !! Can't see why you say this.

What I didn't expect was the rushed (planned) decision to bring BT in.

The work DW had done, has been distroyed & we have gone backwards.

You may not have liked DW. But you surely say that BT is an improvement.

Especially with his childish outbursts.

So Wilson refusing to shake hands after the game is not childish, but Tinnion stating the truth in the EP is childish.

Can't see your logic there.

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Tinmans EP rant clearly shows the difference between himself and Wilson as far as the media goes.

Tins hand wringing, and comparison critique, is something Wilson would not have done. Wilson for whatever he may have done at BCFC, conducted himself as a gentleman, and portrayed a professional personna to the media.

Tins may yet get results, the depth and quality in the squad may drag him up in spite of his ordinary skills in management.

Gobsmacked, well Tinman may want to check the forum posters this season compared to last season. He still has supporters, but many regular contributors, intelligent debators, posters with well founded analysis are turning against him. The feelings expressed by match day fans are even less encouraging.

SL's wife "Badger", is a regular in the forum, good evening Badger, and i am sure the broad concensus of opinion is not lost on our leading BCFC couple. In 2 days SL's own Q&A forum reopens, there will be some blood letting.

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Guest BeNeRz

O My just come back from work to this...

I hope he doesnt take 4 years to try..

The fact that Danny wilson did something Every year with city, like finishin 3rd n always in play-offs ect.. he actully gave us hope

But what are you giving us at the moment Tinman?

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