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Sexstone's Words Very Revealing


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CS quoted in E.Post

"I know that people do get very emotional about their football club, and we have tried to do the best we can for as many people as we can, but we are never going to be able to please everybody."

His words " I know that people do get very emotional about their football club "

Exactly Colin

WE do

YOU don't

and - while we are at it ............you are not pleasing anybody at the moment

Also said

"He said: "Lots of clubs have their own Premier Club, including Arsenal, and we want to bring in the extra revenue to be able to move forward."

How about some original thinking instead of copying others, we are NOT Arsenal and never will be, different fanbase - different needs.............We are a LOCAL club depending on LOCAL fans......not a capitol city club driven by Sky money, corporate needs, and Championship League money.

Come on Sexstone get real

Listen to YOUR fans, YOUR customers, OUR future.

Supporters Trust can't come soon enough - this clown needs sorting

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Valid points and a good post. The way in which we apopear to be aiming for championship/premiership facilities but playing at league one level is scary.

At least with Lansdown, its a club he supports and his heart is in it.

Chief Sextone with his "I know that people do get very emotional about their football club" scares me...

Sadly its all about the mahoney with him - he seems to forget about the loyal customer and is too quick to try and attract mr corporate...............

Maybe he knows we are hooked and will keep coming and coming and coming...

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Sadly its all about the mahoney with him - he seems to forget about the loyal customer and is too quick to try and attract mr corporate...............

Maybe he knows we are hooked and will keep coming and coming and coming...

One day he's going to get a BIG shock when he opens his eyes and see's there are no fans left.

The loyal fans are being replaced by franchisement basically.

We need to get the soul back into this club before it fades away completely.

One way to help this would be to listen to the fans. After all, the fans are the soul of the club. If you surpress the fans of the club, you surpress the soul of the club and your left with a plastic stadium for a plastic atmosphere.

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CS quoted in E.Post

"I know that people do get very emotional about their football club, and we have tried to do the best we can for as many people as we can, but we are never going to be able to please everybody."

His words " I know that people do get very emotional about their football club "

Exactly Colin

WE do

YOU don't

and - while we are at it ............you are not pleasing anybody at the moment

Also said

"He said: "Lots of clubs have their own Premier Club, including Arsenal, and we want to bring in the extra revenue to be able to move forward."

How about some original thinking instead of copying others, we are NOT Arsenal and never will be, different fanbase - different needs.............We are a LOCAL club depending on LOCAL fans......not a capitol city club driven by Sky money, corporate needs, and Championship League money.

Come on Sexstone get real

Listen to YOUR fans, YOUR customers, OUR future.

Supporters Trust can't come soon enough - this clown needs sorting

You fool, CS is the Cheif Exec its his JOB to bring as much revinue the the club as he can.

Its pointless posts like yours that that makes CS point about emotional people more crystal becuase you have added nothing apart from an ill thought out rant at Colin, grow up!!

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Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

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Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

You can philosophise all you want if it makes you feel better.

I'm tired of all this rhetoric. The bottom line is, I may be a fan, but I'm also a CUSTOMER of the football club. If they continue to treat their customers the way they have this season, they won't have many left. CS may well be tasked to extract as much revenue as possible from the stadium but he, and the club in general, have the tact and diplomacy of an elephant when it comes to communication with the fanbase.

A club struggling for support and revenue needs to make it as easy as possible for customers to attend games and buy quality merchandise. Quite simply, City do not do this.

As my signature says, I've followed City for 45 years, but I'm now at a stage in my life where it's just not that important that I attend a game. If they want to mess me around and make it difficult for me to come to a game or sell poor quality merchandise, that's fine - I won't, and don't, bother.

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CS quoted in E.Post

"I know that people do get very emotional about their football club, and we have tried to do the best we can for as many people as we can, but we are never going to be able to please everybody."

His words " I know that people do get very emotional about their football club "

Exactly Colin

WE do

YOU don't

and - while we are at it ............you are not pleasing anybody at the moment

Also said

"He said: "Lots of clubs have their own Premier Club, including Arsenal, and we want to bring in the extra revenue to be able to move forward."

How about some original thinking instead of copying others, we are NOT Arsenal and never will be, different fanbase - different needs.............We are a LOCAL club depending on LOCAL fans......not a capitol city club driven by Sky money, corporate needs, and Championship League money.

Come on Sexstone get real

Listen to YOUR fans, YOUR customers, OUR future.

Supporters Trust can't come soon enough - this clown needs sorting

If he wants to bring in new revenue then why doesn't he get his coat and walk through the exit door?! But then again that would demand a Chairman who's going to be hands-on :doh:

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You fool, CS is the Cheif Exec its his JOB to bring as much revinue the the club as he can.

Its pointless posts like yours that that makes CS point about emotional people more crystal becuase you have added nothing apart from an ill thought out rant at Colin, grow up!!

Some people speak out their backside, and god you win top prize! bring in the revenue but not at the expence of supporters. We have not got a team on the pitch, If CS made more use of the stadium as it is now and made match day fans happier, by getting a better team on the pitch, this is what brings in revenue. Not new looking EMPTY seats.

Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

Think you got your wires crossed! It is what the club can offer supporters, who pay good money to put up with crap on the pitch ,and out of peoples mouths!

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Some people speak out their backside, and god you win top prize! bring in the revenue but not at the expence of supporters. We have not got a team on the pitch, If CS made more use of the stadium as it is now and made match day fans happier, by getting a better team on the pitch, this is what brings in revenue. Not new looking EMPTY seats.

Think you got your wires crossed! It is what the club can offer supporters, who pay good money to put up with crap on the pitch ,and out of peoples mouths!

Yey, what do i win? :dance:

The reason the seats are empty is becuase we are bottom of the table and playing poor (harsh but true) .

Not sure what this has to do directly with Colin as he's the Cheif Exec in case you didnt know.

The only way to make fans happy is by winning games, thats Gary and the players job, taking cheap shots at board members for no other reason other that an inability to understand what is involved in running a football club seems to be your job, stick to it.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

Nice to see the supporters club showing it's true colours yet again.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Explain yourself?

"The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

I think that just about covers it.

Whingeing fans? While I don't agree that anyone has a right to their seat year after year, I wouldn't put it that way.

Maybe rather than your slurs on those that are rather (I said a naughty word) off with the club, you could maybe think of more neutral languange? Or, heaven forbid, do what most supporters clubs do and try and understand other fans views, rather than blindly agree with the club time after time.

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..... If CS made more use of the stadium as it is now and made match day fans happier, by getting a better team on the pitch, this is what brings in revenue.

Why didn't anyone think of this before - I'll ring Gary and tell him to stop signing crap players and try and get a better team together instead ...

Two questions:

- how are we going to pay for these better players if we don't have people trying to generate revenue for the club?

- would you prefer that Colin (a) didn't recognise that fans get emotional (b) didn't realise that he's inconveniencing some fans in his attempt to raise more money and benefit the club as a whole?

As others have said - he's trying to do his job - a very difficult one which is made even harder because of the performance of the team (which is nothing to do with him).

I may be in a minority, but he has my full support. He's not perfect - but then again none of us are either. Most of us are fortunate that we don't have an online community waiting to dissect (usually critically) our every statement and decision.

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"The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

I think that just about covers it.

Whingeing fans? While I don't agree that anyone has a right to their seat year after year, I wouldn't put it that way.

Maybe rather than your slurs on those that are rather (I said a naughty word) off with the club, you could maybe think of more neutral languange? Or, heaven forbid, do what most supporters clubs do and try and understand other fans views, rather than blindly agree with the club time after time.

Hmmmm....my position is this - that the clubs financial status is essential to the future of the club and that any efforts to improve the levels of income should be given priority.As a supporter I am willing to do what I can to ensure the long term future of BCFC. I trust that the executive employed by the club will do their jobs to the best of thier ability and I am willing to hear what the reasons are behind any proposals.

The bottom line is that development of the Williams stand will increase revenue significantly for the football club and the fact that a few fans take umbrage at having to move seats is frankly very sad.The majority of fans that have to move have no problem with it because they can see how it will benefit the club.

As for the Supporters Club - the views I express on this forum are my own personal views and not necessarily the views of the Supporters Club. I would ask you and everyone else to respect that.

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2 points

1) the comments in the evening post about other clubs such as Arsenal having a Premier club is stupid

to compare city with clubs like Arsenal is like equating a pub side with Brazil.

Arsenal are one of the top 3 sides in the country and are not struggling to put bums on seats week in week out. this is further enhanced by the fact they are buliding a new stadium almost double the size of highbury

we will just have lots of empty seats

2)we are getting worse gates bacause of the results as has been mentioned

this then, is not the time to pi~s off the fans who go all the time in pursuit of far off riches

its not a case of whingeing fans, just CUSTOMERS complaing at poor service levels.


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Guest mercury

Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

Lets not forget, CS is paid by the club, which in turn means we are paying his wages. As for your comment "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you", I find that insulting, I pay my for my season ticket, I buy the shirts, I purchase food at the ground, when was the last time CS paid for a ticket? bought a shirt? queued and paid for food at one of our scabby food outlets? I think I do enough financially for BCFC, and I don't ask for anything in return. So if occasionally I get upset at the way BCFC treats their customers, I will have a winge, but I will still be there for the next game, parting with my hard earned dosh to fund the club.

Thank you, rant over.

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Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

I think you are missing my point - of course we all agree with broad statement that CS has to get the most money out of the business.

The point is HOW it is done. I've posted before saying that the focus of the club is wrong - trying to squeeze ever more money out of the same dwindling band of loyal supporters whilst disrespecting them with unpopular decisions is simply wrong. The club should be encouraging the most loyal supporters by REWARDING them not disencouraging them by PENALISING them by giving a pay up or move (honestly could you afford £6500 to secure your seat?)

The proposed moving of the 500 Williams S/T holders has been a PR disaster with many supporters of long standing coming onto forums and saying that they will not renew S/T's etc. that's because of the way they have been treated. Not because of people whingeing on forums.

Sexstone was asked by the EP to comment on the dissafection felt by those supporters and rationale for the Premier Club and he could only come up with " Arsenal do it"

I would have expected him to say something like- the club had done market research amongst local businesses, identified a demand for the type of Premier Club they propose, got provisional interest registered, done costings/business plan, held meetings with the 500 to find out what THEY want etc .

Frankly the fact he didn't say any of that type of thing is worrying, I believe only 50 debentures were sold for the East End stand at a time when everybody was under the impression that the development was going ahead. The Williams Premier club is £1000 more expensive than the previous East End scheme, and the current Platinum seating is rarely full. It would be a disaster if all these people are moved and the club don't get the take up they hope.

Why is he using Arsenal as a comparison. Arsenal are a club sold out every week, they have long waiting lists for season tickets, they have a wealthy element of their fanbase prepared to pay for long debenture holdings knowing they are going to see Champions League football and players like Henry, you can't even buy a one off ticket unless you are a member of one of their priority clubs. OUR club should focus on what OUR fans need/want, not what Arsenal's want, or what is appropriate for the Premier League.

Finally you ask what can you do for your club

Well I have been a regular supporter - rarely missing a home match- for 38 years and was paying to watch the club when Fred Ford was manager. Most of the 500 are long standing fans who have paid thousands to the club in tickets/merchandise/catering/draw tickets etc. what more can we do?

In the 38 years I've watched the club I've never known the club be so offhand and uncaring in it's treatment of it's fans.

If you read my post on the ask SL forum titled "How can the club hope to be successfell......dated Nov.15...."

I've listed 17 instances in the last 12 months that have upset fans to a greater or lessor degree.

As long standing supporter yourself who seems content with the club - I extend to you the challenge given to SL

"Can you tell me as many instances where the club HAS made you feel valued and respected ?"

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Hmmmm....my position is this - that the clubs financial status is essential to the future of the club and that any efforts to improve the levels of income should be given priority.As a supporter I am willing to do what I can to ensure the long term future of BCFC. I trust that the executive employed by the club will do their jobs to the best of thier ability and I am willing to hear what the reasons are behind any proposals.

The bottom line is that development of the Williams stand will increase revenue significantly for the football club and the fact that a few fans take umbrage at having to move seats is frankly very sad.The majority of fans that have to move have no problem with it because they can see how it will benefit the club.

As for the Supporters Club - the views I express on this forum are my own personal views and not necessarily the views of the Supporters Club. I would ask you and everyone else to respect that.

An empty seat is an empty seat weather it be a cronky old wooden one or a plush cushioned one and with the level of 'entertainment' being served up and at least one more season in this poo league or lower thats all we will have.

But then again when does this club ever listen to its fans until its too late?

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well said codered

lots of these swanky seats will be empty, as who in thier right mind is going to pay 7 grand to watch 3rd division football (if we are lucky enough to escape the do-do's we are in)

if mr sexton believes we should have a premier club because arsenal do, are the club about to shell out X million for a world class striker, because thats what clubs like Arsenal do. Thay have these seats because they CAN and WILL sell them ALL

will be interseting to see if there is any reaction / demo at saturdays game


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any of you who have commented actually sit in one of the effected seats? if you do have you recieved a personal letter from CS explaining the rational and offering you alternatives and further offering a meeting to discuss any issues you may have? seems like a perfectly reasonable way to proceed to me.

If yes to both then suggest you take up the offer and discuss. If not suggest you might care to leave it to those impacted to discuss.

Overall a successful commercial side will help us on the pitch becasue it will generate consistently higher levels of revenue which is what CS seeks to achieve. At present there are some on here that would complain no matter what he did which is sad. Short term pain is the price of progress and CS is working hard to do all he can to secure progress.

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Guest North Street

Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

Is everything the club does really in the interests of supporters? I fail to see how charging me extra on my season ticket because of a reduced capacity that does not materialise was really in my interest. I fail to see how selling shoddy merchandise & poor food attracts customers. I fail to see how charging for each transaction i make with my plastic in the club shop leaves me feeling like a valued customer rather than a mug [i have stopped going in there!]. I fail to see how constantly taking business decisions that take more money out of fans pockets helps them to encourage them to attend more regualrly if they can barely afford it or justfy the cost.

Supporters are regularly making suggestions about what our club can do but unless it fits in with Steve and Colins business model [not fans] and will make those bucks quickly they do not want to know!

What can i do for my football club? Well just turning up at the moment is enough but i know fans who have turned away from BCFC because of business decisions made in "our" interests not because of the fare on the grass.

As a whingeing fan i would hope "our" club would not use Arsenal as a bench mark to justify it's actions in the Williams and enter into meaningful discussion with supporters.

There is so much "our " chairman could consider doing to pull BCFC forward which could be done in our interests how about supporter representation at board level, opening the East End, friendlies at Ashton Gate, better merachandise [those shirt######**!], safe standing areas, new catering, non reserved seating and above all listening which is something BCFC have become increasingly poor at.

I am a fan of BCFC for years Robbo who was about in 82 raising money and i think i am as concerned about the club now as then and it is to do with direction not football. There is a huge gulf between us the fans and the club and each week there seems to be another PR disaster which could be avoided and maybe understood with a little thought on the clubs side.

Good appointment of Mr Johnson though :)

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

As for the Supporters Club - the views I express on this forum are my own personal views and not necessarily the views of the Supporters Club. I would ask you and everyone else to respect that.

So what, where and to whom is appropriate for levelling the accusation that the supporters club is not worthy of the name?

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Yey, what do i win? :dance:

The reason the seats are empty is becuase we are bottom of the table and playing poor (harsh but true) .

Not sure what this has to do directly with Colin as he's the Cheif Exec in case you didnt know.

The only way to make fans happy is by winning games, thats Gary and the players job, taking cheap shots at board members for no other reason other that an inability to understand what is involved in running a football club seems to be your job, stick to it.

SO brains when did CS join the board, or you just a backside licker?

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The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

I have a plan! All the people who like to get behind the team by singing could all congregate in one stand and make as much noise as possible. This in turn will give the players a lift and help towards getting results which will get us out of this mess. Steve L will save money and hassle if we stay up.

Oh no I forgot. The people who seem to have more money than sence think all this is a bad idea.


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I cannot see any point in discussing the rights and wrongs of the boards/chief execs decisions, as they don't listen anyway! All they care about is their own agenda, ie removing grass roots fan and replacing them with the prawn sandwich brigade!

I am sick to the back teeth with BCFC, and quite frankly don't enjoy going to home matches any more. They are lifeless, souless and I never thought I would say this, boring! This is not due to what is served up on the pitch, this is due to everything that was once fun about football being erased. At least when you are away at the likes of Chesterfield, Swindon etc you can still gather in groups that want to sing and create an atmosphere. That just cant be achieved at home anymore!

The merchandise is shocking. If TFG were a high street brand, they would be up there amongst the likes of Primark and matalan in their quality. Why? The answer I think is obvious, profit margins! We want Nike or Umbro, Colin S and lansdown want Primark. Is this thinking about the fans, Is it @*+%. We want good food. We get Tesco value. Reason, profit margins. Best interest, I think not!

As far as I'm concerned, the board can stick their ideas where the sun doesn't shine as they never reflect popular demand, just their own agenda.

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Everything that Sexstone does is in the interests of BCFC.Thats his job.He's paid to get the most out AG which in turn helps the clubs finances.

The question the whingeing fans should be asked is "what can you do for your football club - not what can your football club do for you"

Not neccessarily true, losing loyal guaranteed customers is not in the best interests of BCFC, as I have said before on this forum, where are these extra people (notice I didn't call them fans as they will not be) going to come from- OUTER SPACE, SLs'/CSs' business budies because if they come from the 2nd category why don't they fill up they empty spaces in the Platinum seating area which are available each and every home game.


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Guest North Street

Not neccessarily true, losing loyal guaranteed customers is not in the best interests of BCFC, as I have said before on this forum, where are these extra people (notice I didn't call them fans as they will not be) going to come from- OUTER SPACE, SLs'/CSs' business budies because if they come from the 2nd category why don't they fill up they empty spaces in the Platinum seating area which are available each and every home game.


That new velvet seating will have magical powers :blush:

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Not neccessarily true, losing loyal guaranteed customers is not in the best interests of BCFC, as I have said before on this forum, where are these extra people (notice I didn't call them fans as they will not be) going to come from- OUTER SPACE, SLs'/CSs' business budies because if they come from the 2nd category why don't they fill up they empty spaces in the Platinum seating area which are available each and every home game.


I may be wrong but I guess that as the club are looking to improve and market the conference/exhibition facilities at Ashton Gate then the people (and their customers) who book and use these facilities may be the ones who are being seen as a source of potential custom.

At the end of the day does it really matter if they are fans are not? Who knows they may enjoy the AG expeience so much (unlikely at the moment i know) that they will become fans.

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Hmmmm....my position is this - that the clubs financial status is essential to the future of the club and that any efforts to improve the levels of income should be given priority.As a supporter I am willing to do what I can to ensure the long term future of BCFC. I trust that the executive employed by the club will do their jobs to the best of thier ability and I am willing to hear what the reasons are behind any proposals.

The bottom line is that development of the Williams stand will increase revenue significantly for the football club and the fact that a few fans take umbrage at having to move seats is frankly very sad.The majority of fans that have to move have no problem with it because they can see how it will benefit the club.

As for the Supporters Club - the views I express on this forum are my own personal views and not necessarily the views of the Supporters Club. I would ask you and everyone else to respect that.

Well said that man.

Not being in the supporters club, I'd go a step further and say that I think that there are a lot of short-sighted, selfish fans who care more about trivial issues than the solvency and prosperity of Bristol City.

Forget the team, the board, the stand etc. Some of the prunes on this place are really beginning to disillusion me.

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Well said that man.

Not being in the supporters club, I'd go a step further and say that I think that there are a lot of short-sighted, selfish fans who care more about trivial issues than the solvency and prosperity of Bristol City.

Forget the team, the board, the stand etc. Some of the prunes on this place are really beginning to disillusion me.

How is not doing things that are easily in your power to help the current team the solvency and prosperity of Bristol City.

The foundations of the club (the fans) are gradually leaving due to disrespect.

The board should be worried about this but they seem blind to it. They're like a bull in a china shop at the moment. Take a look around Ashton Gate tomorrow.

They say theres no evidence that more people will go to games and that results will improve if the East End is open.

Theres only 1 way to find out!

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How is not doing things that are easily in your power to help the current team the solvency and prosperity of Bristol City.

The foundations of the club (the fans) are gradually leaving due to disrespect.

The board should be worried about this but they seem blind to it. They're like a bull in a china shop at the moment. Take a look around Ashton Gate tomorrow.

They say theres no evidence that more people will go to games and that results will improve if the East End is open.

Theres only 1 way to find out!

Sorry, my point wasn't just focussing on the opening of the east end. I was also thinking about the Williams stand. It's hardly like people are being kicked out of the ground all together and the club could make really good money from hospitality boxes.

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The foundations of the club (the fans) are gradually leaving due to disrespect.

Wrong! the fans (the partime ones that is) are leaving because the the team is performing poorly.Results determine how many show up at AG just as they do at virtually every other club.

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Sorry, my point wasn't just focussing on the opening of the east end. I was also thinking about the Williams stand. It's hardly like people are being kicked out of the ground all together and the club could make really good money from hospitality boxes.

Same priciple though. Disregarding and taking for granted the fans who are the bread and butter of the club. People who go in the hospitallity boxes are less important to the solvency and prosperity of Bristol City in my opinion. They won't get stuck in when the going gets tough and why should they. It's people who are City fans that have the passion to get the club through tough times.

The club could also make really good money from improved results on the field. The East End will help this given the chance. It will also attract old timers back.

But if the current board are intent on replacing the bread and butter fans with prawn sandwich munchers just because the have more money than us then theres not a lot I can do about it.

I just dread to think where this club will be in a few years time if these sort of events (e.g. supporters staying away etc...) keep happening at the current rate.

The football bubble will burst and it'll hit the clubs who don't have core supporters the hardest.

Bring back the East End!

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Guest North Street

Wrong! the fans (the partime ones that is) are leaving because the the team is performing poorly.Results determine how many show up at AG just as they do at virtually every other club.

Simply not true i know of numerous "loyal" fans who have been through thick and the very thin with BCFC who have now turned their back on the club due to decisions made by BCFC not because of the standard of play. Supporters [some not all] no longe feel valued anymore and feel that BCFC are taking them for a ride. BCFC needs to get back to treating all it's supporters with respect as they are slipping away rather than pandering to those virtual fans who will be attracted by those shiny new seats in a stadium devoid of that nasty non pc chanting. BCFC are in serious trouble both on and off but the club have developed this idea we Fans are an endless well of good faith and money. If it was solely down to results i would have given up decades ago.Support for some is about loyalty, pride and belonging and is not attracted by a club behaving in the manner ours is.

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If it was solely down to results i would have given up decades ago.Support for some is about loyalty, pride and belonging and is not attracted by a club behaving in the manner ours is.


Robbored's response reminded me of a Steve L response.

Like I say, the board seem blind to the situation the club are in.

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Disregarding and taking for granted the fans who are the bread and butter of the club.

People who go in the hospitallity boxes are less important to the solvency and prosperity of Bristol City in my opinion. They won't get stuck in when the going gets tough and why should they. It's people who are City fans that have the passion to get the club through tough times.

The club could also make really good money from improved results on the field. The East End will help this given the chance. It will also attract old timers back.

But if the current board are intent on replacing the bread and butter fans with prawn sandwich munchers just because the have more money than us then theres not a lot I can do about it.

I just dread to think where this club will be in a few years time if these sort of events (e.g. supporters staying away etc...) keep happening at the current rate.

The football bubble will burst and it'll hit the clubs who don't have core supporters the hardest.

Bring back the East End!

Bread and butter they might be, but they're not paying the bills. We lost a couple of million quid last year - a shortfall which the directors are covering off. Quickly doing some maths in my head, I reckon that's probably a bigger contribution to BCFC's bottom line than profits from a season's worth of gate receipts.

I'm not saying it's right. In fact, I think that this commercialism is ripping the heart out of football, but it's a harsh reality for a club with a multi-million pound debt.

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Bread and butter they might be, but they're not paying the bills. We lost a couple of million quid last year - a shortfall which the directors are covering off. Quickly doing some maths in my head, I reckon that's probably a bigger contribution to BCFC's bottom line than profits from a season's worth of gate receipts.

I'm not saying it's right. In fact, I think that this commercialism is ripping the heart out of football, but it's a harsh reality for a club with a multi-million pound debt.

I'm greatful to the board for the amount of money they put into the club.

Are our options:

1) Go bust with soul and passion?

2) Keeping afloat with prawn sarnies and no soul or passion?

The main reason I got into going to football was because of the passion and excitement the crowd showed. Without that......... :dunno:

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Guest North Street

Bread and butter they might be, but they're not paying the bills. We lost a couple of million quid last year - a shortfall which the directors are covering off. Quickly doing some maths in my head, I reckon that's probably a bigger contribution to BCFC's bottom line than profits from a season's worth of gate receipts.

I'm not saying it's right. In fact, I think that this commercialism is ripping the heart out of football, but it's a harsh reality for a club with a multi-million pound debt.

So seaon tickets are not the bedrock off the club after all?

Yep that shortfall is covered by the directors but it is not do with altruism there is interest on the return.

The season ticket sales equate to millions which is why the clubs decision's are troubling as as soon as sales start to drop off what then happens to the club? The quest for revenue is essentail at BCFC but it should not affect fans like it is doing or cause such concern.The club has a multi-million pound debt but surely that means they should be working "with" the supporters because of this. I have started to feel like a means of income of late and it was not always so.

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Are our options:

1) Go bust with soul and passion?

2) Keeping afloat with prawn sarnies and no soul or passion?

A rather exaggerated way of putting it, but frankly, yes. I think the situation is that serious.

So seaon tickets are not the bedrock off the club after all?

Yep that shortfall is covered by the directors but it is not do with altruism there is interest on the return.

The season ticket sales equate to millions which is why the clubs decision's are troubling as as soon as sales start to drop off what then happens to the club? The quest for revenue is essentail at BCFC but it should not affect fans like it is doing or cause such concern.The club has a multi-million pound debt but surely that means they should be working "with" the supporters because of this. I have started to feel like a means of income of late and it was not always so.

SL is a shrewd businessman. If he wanted to make a sound investment, the last place he'd do it is a football club!

As I mentioned elsewhere, I think that the commercialism of football is a bad, bad thing. That said, if it means that I have a club to support in five years, I'll accept it.

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A rather exaggerated way of putting it, but frankly, yes. I think the situation is that serious.

SL is a shrewd businessman. If he wanted to make a sound investment, the last place he'd do it is a football club!

As I mentioned elsewhere, I think that the commercialism of football is a bad, bad thing. That said, if it means that I have a club to support in five years, I'll accept it.

The way it's going the club you'll be supporting will be a far cry from the club we have now. A club is about the people. Without the core fans there will be no club.

AFC Wimbledon started from scratch and I believe they get 3000 fans. My mate has more fun going to his club now than he did when they were in the prem.

Steve L said we would be o.k if we went down. If we reduced the wage bill that would save money. I don't believe it's right to sell our soul to get higher up the leagues. It's just all wrong!

Another way of looking at the choices:

1) Not be an amazingly good football team but be a club

2) Be a good football team but not be a club

Look at Chelsea. Alot of their fans stopped going when it turned plastic and now go to Millwall.

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The way it's going the club you'll be supporting will be a far cry from the club we have now. A club is about the people. Without the core fans there will be no club.

AFC Wimbledon started from scratch and I believe they get 3000 fans. My mate has more fun going to his club now than he did when they were in the prem.

Steve L said we would be o.k if we went down. If we reduced the wage bill that would save money. I don't believe it's right to sell our soul to get higher up the leagues. It's just all wrong!

Another way of looking at the choices:

1) Not be an amazingly good football team but be a club

2) Be a good football team but not be a club

Look at Chelsea. Alot of their fans stopped going when it turned plastic and now go to Millwall.

Yeah, fair point. And one which stretches far beyond BCFC.

A lot of people seem to want their cake and eat it though - great squad, success, big name high wage players, Premiership football, pay thrupence to get into the ground, pay thrupence for a restaurant-quality pie etc etc. But they're not willing to let City commercialise to pay for it.

You've got to feel for the board. They're really damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I think that this sentence rejigged would make for a cracking poll:

"Steve L said we would be o.k if we went down. If we reduced the wage bill that would save money. I don't believe it's right to sell our soul to get higher up the leagues."

[edit] So I've just added the poll! [/edit]

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A lot of people seem to want their cake and eat it though - great squad, success, big name high wage players, Premiership football, pay thrupence to get into the ground, pay thrupence for a restaurant-quality pie etc etc. But they're not willing to let City commercialise to pay for it.

Last time i bought a pie, I think it was £2.50 and tasted like the dog had regurgitated it!

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You can philosophise all you want if it makes you feel better.

I'm tired of all this rhetoric. The bottom line is, I may be a fan, but I'm also a CUSTOMER of the football club. If they continue to treat their customers the way they have this season, they won't have many left. CS may well be tasked to extract as much revenue as possible from the stadium but he, and the club in general, have the tact and diplomacy of an elephant when it comes to communication with the fanbase.

A club struggling for support and revenue needs to make it as easy as possible for customers to attend games and buy quality merchandise. Quite simply, City do not do this.

As my signature says, I've followed City for 45 years, but I'm now at a stage in my life where it's just not that important that I attend a game. If they want to mess me around and make it difficult for me to come to a game or sell poor quality merchandise, that's fine - I won't, and don't, bother.

Got to say, I'm with you on this one

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I am one of the affected people and whilst I can accept being asked to move seats for the good of the club (lets hope the scheme goes further than the "new stand") what I am annoyed about is that when I parted with £870 for two season tickets in July why didn't it enter anyones head to tell me of the proposed scheme then (surely they must have known what they were going to do at that time)? If they had told us at that stage we would probably have gone either elsewhere in the Williams or in the Atyeo and saved ourselves a few quid in addition to having the option of keeping our seat for next season (not that there will be many takers anyway on current form).

The other thing that I have read above is that many people are simply ASSUMING that fancy seats and a carpeted lounge will be snapped up at nearly seven grand a time, thus wiping out all debts at a stroke!! How many people who have a few quid in the bank do you honestly think will part with £7K to watch the garbage we watch every week. Apart from the main fan base, Bristolians are hardly the most supportive of people. The most fickle would be a more accurate description. Quite happy to go to the Millennium once every 5 years and describe themselves as one of the 40,000. But how many people are really going to subscribe to watching City v Colchester on a freezing Tuesday night in December just because they have a pink velvet seat with a gold nameplate on the back and a lovely lounge with flock wallpaper, tired photographs of ex City greats and a patterned shagpile on the floor where they can sip their Pimms and lemonade and nibble on prawn sarnies and caviar?

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I am one of the affected people and whilst I can accept being asked to move seats for the good of the club (lets hope the scheme goes further than the "new stand") what I am annoyed about is that when I parted with £870 for two season tickets in July why didn't it enter anyones head to tell me of the proposed scheme then (surely they must have known what they were going to do at that time)? If they had told us at that stage we would probably have gone either elsewhere in the Williams or in the Atyeo and saved ourselves a few quid in addition to having the option of keeping our seat for next season (not that there will be many takers anyway on current form).

The other thing that I have read above is that many people are simply ASSUMING that fancy seats and a carpeted lounge will be snapped up at nearly seven grand a time, thus wiping out all debts at a stroke!! How many people who have a few quid in the bank do you honestly think will part with £7K to watch the garbage we watch every week. Apart from the main fan base, Bristolians are hardly the most supportive of people. The most fickle would be a more accurate description. Quite happy to go to the Millennium once every 5 years and describe themselves as one of the 40,000. But how many people are really going to subscribe to watching City v Colchester on a freezing Tuesday night in December just because they have a pink velvet seat with a gold nameplate on the back and a lovely lounge with flock wallpaper, tired photographs of ex City greats and a patterned shagpile on the floor where they can sip their Pimms and lemonade and nibble on prawn sarnies and caviar?

Don't laugh at the carpet. That's the only real thing worth stealing.

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