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Do We Want A Russian Billionaire ?

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Following on from the Portsmouth situation, would a foreign billionaire investor be good for City ?

Ignoring your initial reaction which is probably 'of course', would you get as much pleasure from supporting City if a billionaire took over?

I personally don't know if I would enjoy sitting amongst the few remaining long-term fans who could still afford to go, watching foreign superstars playing to corporate clients.

I feel proud that I can relate to the players, am able to speak to the Chairman and feel that my voice each Saturday fuels the players, instead of the £100k they would be picking up.

Yes, I would like to see City in the Premiership, but in a Bolton sort of way, not a Chelsea sort of way.

Any thoughts ?

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No thank-you very much! :angry:

When i think about Chelsea and there disgustingly rich owner i want to puke up.

Its like playing football manager and useing the editor to cheat, thats what chelsea are CHEATS WHO BOUGHT THE PREMIERSHIP ARRRRGH! I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!! :@ :@

Their owner has blood on his dirty Russian hands, you don't get that rich by not taking a few people out. 7billion is too much for anyone one man, and how did he get it?? he STOLE IT FROM OUR WORLD, WHAT RIGHT DOES HE HAVE TO SELL THE WORLDS OIL TO FUND HIS SICKNESS??

Its not his oil ITS OURS!!!! The people of the world, (and Ukraine)


Russian people are very strange and nasty, all of them. expecially Pukin.

If Roman was not as rich as he is he would certainly be handed over to the Russian authorites, but he paid of our Home office off, SICK LITTLE UGLY RUSSIAN THUG!!

I want him OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!! :pray:

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No thank-you very much! :angry:

When i think about Chelsea and there disgustingly rich owner i want to puke up.

Its like playing football manager and useing the editor to cheat, thats what chelsea are CHEATS WHO BOUGHT THE PREMIERSHIP ARRRRGH! I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!! :@ :@

Their owner has blood on his dirty Russian hands, you don't get that rich by not taking a few people out. 7billion is too much for anyone one man, and how did he get it?? he STOLE IT FROM OUR WORLD, WHAT RIGHT DOES HE HAVE TO SELL THE WORLDS OIL TO FUND HIS SICKNESS??

Its not his oil ITS OURS!!!! The people of the world, (and Ukraine)


Russian people are very strange and nasty, all of them. expecially Pukin.

If Roman was not as rich as he is he would certainly be handed over to the Russian authorites, but he paid of our Home office off, SICK LITTLE UGLY RUSSIAN THUG!!

I want him OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!! :pray:

That's a tentative no then ?

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Following on from the Portsmouth situation, would a foreign billionaire investor be good for City ?


Ignoring your initial reaction which is probably 'of course', would you get as much pleasure from supporting City if a billionaire took over?

If that investment brought us a spanking new ground and a top class team, enabling City to realise this potential that I've heard so much about and actually saw for a while when we were in the Old First Division, then yes.

I personally don't know if I would enjoy sitting amongst the few remaining long-term fans who could still afford to go, watching foreign superstars playing to corporate clients.

Lots of the Old Chelsea fans still go.You'll find a lot of the ones that stopped going were the ones that stopped going before because "of the violence"..."prices"......"poor facilities"......."they're crap"......."cost of petrol" or all the other excuses they come out with

I feel proud that I can relate to the players, am able to speak to the Chairman and feel that my voice each Saturday fuels the players, instead of the £100k they would be picking up.

There is nowhere near the empathy with the players that there was in the old first division or more recently when players like Bob Taylor & Rob Newman, played.

Yes, I would like to see City in the Premiership, but in a Bolton sort of way, not a Chelsea sort of way.

Any thoughts ?

I understand what you're saying, but I'd settle for The Premiership in two seasons with Colonel Gadaffi & Saddam, on the Board :w00t:

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Following on from the Portsmouth situation, would a foreign billionaire investor be good for City ?

Ignoring your initial reaction which is probably 'of course', would you get as much pleasure from supporting City if a billionaire took over?

I personally don't know if I would enjoy sitting amongst the few remaining long-term fans who could still afford to go, watching foreign superstars playing to corporate clients.

I feel proud that I can relate to the players, am able to speak to the Chairman and feel that my voice each Saturday fuels the players, instead of the £100k they would be picking up.

Yes, I would like to see City in the Premiership, but in a Bolton sort of way, not a Chelsea sort of way.

Any thoughts ?

My natural response is a unanimous NO!

However, I am feeling so alienated, exploited and dissilusioned with the state of the modern game that I don't think it would make too much difference.

A lot of genuine fans have already been priced out of the game.

Our side is made up of mega rich pro footballers, (lazy and spoilt many of them), are these people really fuelled by our voices on a Saturday? Scott Murray kissed the badge after one of his goals yesterday, if he loves the club that much why was he so quick to jump ship to Reading?

A Chairman that listens! A bit like a politician that listens. Listens, then takes absolutely no notice whatsoever

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A lot of genuine fans have already been priced out of the game.

Your right, me and my maes find it hard enough as it is to afford the £22 a game prices this so called 'fans' board has set us. Hence our poor, stinking, unloyal attidtude of not bothering to go to many games anymore. I feel sorry for you all who had to stump up all that extra cash in season tickets this season.

A handful of errors from our board and the fans have to pay for the mistakes they have made - unbelievable!!

Anyway, back to the question . . . hmmm . . . tricky to say really. Imagine watching Ronaldo and Ronaldinho upfront compared to our Bas and Brooker? Bas and Brooker anyday!!

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No thank-you very much! :angry:

When i think about Chelsea and there disgustingly rich owner i want to puke up.

Its like playing football manager and useing the editor to cheat, thats what chelsea are CHEATS WHO BOUGHT THE PREMIERSHIP ARRRRGH! I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!! :@ :@

Their owner has blood on his dirty Russian hands, you don't get that rich by not taking a few people out. 7billion is too much for anyone one man, and how did he get it?? he STOLE IT FROM OUR WORLD, WHAT RIGHT DOES HE HAVE TO SELL THE WORLDS OIL TO FUND HIS SICKNESS??

Its not his oil ITS OURS!!!! The people of the world, (and Ukraine)


Russian people are very strange and nasty, all of them. expecially Pukin.

If Roman was not as rich as he is he would certainly be handed over to the Russian authorites, but he paid of our Home office off, SICK LITTLE UGLY RUSSIAN THUG!!

I want him OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!! :pray:

Thanks for that racist diatribe plus the slander - a quick copy to Abramovich should see a knock on your door from his lawyers / enforcers and a nice little reward for me - nice one.

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A big no no for me!It would take away a lot of the "hope" that goes with supporting city.Ive been

dreaming for top flight football for years but part of the intersest is are manager whealing and dealing

Getting hammered 7-1 then the week after thinking its gunne be different.If it were given to

you on a plate it would make it a bit boring.

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I would feel that we were cheating if some rich dude came in. I certainly feel like that about chelsea.

It's not a good idea either, he could take his money out and screw us finacially too. I believ that any team should be where they are in the football leaugue on merit and hard work.

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It would be a difficult time for a lot of fans if it did happen. Plenty would feel alienated and be scared that prices would rise and that the club will become even more distant from them and more of a business than ever.

However, I feel that it's the supporters that make each club special and unique, and no matter how many different boards come and go, the true essence of the club remains the same. For example, I know a Chelsea fan who was in the queue to buy tickets at Stamford Bridge a few years back when a guy behind him asked him what colour Chelsea play in. Because of their geographical position, they wil always have attracted a fair share of corporate clients, where as City will always attract a similar kind of supporter to those who visit the Gate now.

Anyway, my point is that I believe the supporters make the club, not the owners, and provided the supporters stuck with City after the takeover, it would still be the same club in my eyes and I would still love it, although I'd be in fear of a withdrawal from the billionaire which could leave us ruined.

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Following on from the Portsmouth situation, would a foreign billionaire investor be good for City ?

Ignoring your initial reaction which is probably 'of course', would you get as much pleasure from supporting City if a billionaire took over?

I personally don't know if I would enjoy sitting amongst the few remaining long-term fans who could still afford to go, watching foreign superstars playing to corporate clients.

I feel proud that I can relate to the players, am able to speak to the Chairman and feel that my voice each Saturday fuels the players, instead of the £100k they would be picking up.

Yes, I would like to see City in the Premiership, but in a Bolton sort of way, not a Chelsea sort of way.

Any thoughts ?


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I'd prefer to be Bolton than Chelsea also, it would be nice in principal to earn the money to spend on players by being successful rather than have it effectively given to us on a platter.

I do think people underestimate Abramovich though. You don't become a billionaire in the former USSR without an excellent head for business and a strong streak of ruthlessness. Despite his massive spending initially he is going to make Chelsea into a massive earner. Transfer spending each season now will be nowhere near what it has been previously and their revenue continues to grow each year. Not what I want for us though at all.


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Following on from the Portsmouth situation, would a foreign billionaire investor be good for City ?

Ignoring your initial reaction which is probably 'of course', would you get as much pleasure from supporting City if a billionaire took over?

I personally don't know if I would enjoy sitting amongst the few remaining long-term fans who could still afford to go, watching foreign superstars playing to corporate clients.

I feel proud that I can relate to the players, am able to speak to the Chairman and feel that my voice each Saturday fuels the players, instead of the £100k they would be picking up.

Yes, I would like to see City in the Premiership, but in a Bolton sort of way, not a Chelsea sort of way.

Any thoughts ?

there is no answer as to whether the prices would drastically go up; for sure they would somewhat if we are promoted but when you consider you can watch charlton for 20 quid - in some areas of the gate this is cheaper - then cost of entry is not a negative.

i think a major investor will come in at some point if the league keeps being bank rolled. 500,000 people and a solid fan base cannot be ignored forever. once we reach the championship there is bound to be more interest. its the only way forward to have big money, whether thats good or not so with that in mind of course i would welcome it.

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Guest steveg

:blink: ok,so if we could have a transfer kitty of say 6 million then you would say no???

As for chelsea,they haven't bought the title they have just made some decent signings in key postions which has paid off.

They might not play attractive football but they will be the team to beat for a couple of seasons i think.

This is just my opinion though!!!!!!

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Jose the other day said its not just (JUST) the money that has bought the success to the club. He'd be right too. Ranieri had the same situation for a season earlier after all and won F-All.

It has helped though.

Also, I'd say they've done slightly more than just buy well in crucial positions. Attracted at least two world class players in each more like.

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Guest steveg

I agree,Chelsea have a world class team with the likes of Lampard,Terry,Gallas and of course the money has helped andthey will only get stronger.

But to say we wouldn't welcome a russian billionaire beggers belief.If someone was prepared to plough say 60 million into the club,i would seriously question anyone who would say no!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for that racist diatribe plus the slander - a quick copy to Abramovich should see a knock on your door from his lawyers / enforcers and a nice little reward for me - nice one.

Hey, your welcome! :dance:

Roman is a corrupt seedy little man, but he's so dam rich he's become untouchable, even to our Home Office. Money can buy anything, and then some.

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I agree,Chelsea have a world class team with the likes of Lampard,Terry,Gallas and of course the money has helped andthey will only get stronger.

But to say we wouldn't welcome a russian billionaire beggers belief.If someone was prepared to plough say 60 million into the club,i would seriously question anyone who would say no!!!!!!!!!!

I think a one of injection of 60M would prove interesting. But these days to maintain success over a number of years, there needs to be a constant flow. Addtmitedly money does make money but how much do you reckon has been ploughed into someone pioneering our hypothetical situation like Wigan, Reading or even Bolton, Birmingham etc. what do you reckon the turnover at these clubs might be? 10's maybe 100's of Millions each season I suggest.

Plus, money does not necessarilly buy success either as we well know.

Look at the fate of some of the 'rich boys' of the past now.

Russian billionaire territory is a different proposition though.

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With unlimited funds it takes the skill out of running a football club, and the fun.

Its just like playing Football manager and useing the editor to cheat, whats the point in that? you know your going to win.

I agree with a few of you here that i would prefer to be a Bolton than a Chelsea everyday.

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that that that

совокупляться выключенный, да нравиться, в детских играх тот модальный глагол поручительство вверх. :dance:

(I'm skint before you ask)

Anyone get a better translation than this one I got from Babelfish?

to sovokuplyat'sya switched off, yes to be pleased, in the children's games that modal verb is guarantee upward

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No thank-you very much! :angry:

When i think about Chelsea and there disgustingly rich owner i want to puke up.

Its like playing football manager and useing the editor to cheat, thats what chelsea are CHEATS WHO BOUGHT THE PREMIERSHIP ARRRRGH! I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!! :@ :@

Their owner has blood on his dirty Russian hands, you don't get that rich by not taking a few people out. 7billion is too much for anyone one man, and how did he get it?? he STOLE IT FROM OUR WORLD, WHAT RIGHT DOES HE HAVE TO SELL THE WORLDS OIL TO FUND HIS SICKNESS??

Its not his oil ITS OURS!!!! The people of the world, (and Ukraine)


Russian people are very strange and nasty, all of them. expecially Pukin.

If Roman was not as rich as he is he would certainly be handed over to the Russian authorites, but he paid of our Home office off, SICK LITTLE UGLY RUSSIAN THUG!!

I want him OUT OF MY COUNTRY!!!! :pray:

Actually, All Russian people aren't strange and nasty.

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Following on from the Portsmouth situation, would a foreign billionaire investor be good for City ?

Ignoring your initial reaction which is probably 'of course', would you get as much pleasure from supporting City if a billionaire took over?

I personally don't know if I would enjoy sitting amongst the few remaining long-term fans who could still afford to go, watching foreign superstars playing to corporate clients.

I feel proud that I can relate to the players, am able to speak to the Chairman and feel that my voice each Saturday fuels the players, instead of the £100k they would be picking up.

Yes, I would like to see City in the Premiership, but in a Bolton sort of way, not a Chelsea sort of way.

Any thoughts ?

To answer your question, if I had to choose, I would choose AFC Wimbledon over Chelsea!

If it was a silent backer who put £6M in, or an active nember of the board who knew what the Club is about then I would be happy. It should get us to the Championship and it would get the East End open. But if it was someone who was going to change everything about BCFC in the hunt for success then it's not worth it.

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