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Disagree with the attitude shown here entirely,

what chance does a club have if fans get on their back, slating them and fielding negative attitudes. Some of them may even come on here.

Steve Phillips "was" one of the best keepers we have had here at City and has done very well in his ten years, however he has peaked it seems and maybe isn't the criteria Gary Johnson desires. It would be nice to see him stay local and do well he deserves it after all he owes City nothing and City owes him alot.

Basso is a good shot stoppa and also gets the job done, he may not be the worlds best kicker or his rushing out may need working on, but until he came to us he had no experience of this league. He should be given a chance next season but we do need to draft in if Phillips leaves.

I don't think I am in a posistion to Judge Phillips or Basso as i know damn sure they are 500 times better than I would be.

I hope we sign an experienced keeper to work with Basso who has experienced football at a higher level.


Good Luck Steve, hope you get the job you want.

Just one minor point to clear up. Bristol City FC owe Steve Phillips ABSOLUTELY NOTHING simply because they have paid his wages for 10 years - simple as that. In the same way that Steve Phillips owes Bristol City absolutely nothing by turning up to work for the last ten years.

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Guest Ron

Thats not accurate,Ron.

Phillips ability has come into question many times. We all know he's a good shot stopper but that he's weak in other area's like catching crosses.He has never dominated the box and is very weak on making decisions with crosses.Its no co-incidence that he has the nick-name of 'flapper'.

Add to his obvious flaws a crap attitude as well and you have a player who will be leaving AG over the summer.

For League 1 he is a good keeper, no?

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Phillips ability has come into question many times. We all know he's a good shot stopper but that he's weak in other area's like catching crosses.He has never dominated the box and is very weak on making decisions with crosses.Its no co-incidence that he has the nick-name of 'flapper'.

Add to his obvious flaws a crap attitude as well and you have a player who will be leaving AG over the summer.

He was clearly rated by his fellow pros. As for the nick-name of 'Flapper', I have only heard that from a few individuals (Supposed City "Supporters" who only highlighted his errors and never gave praise when due. Just watch highlights of Div 3, and you will notice that nearly all of the keepers make howlers, and I think you will find Phillips made less than most.

All I am saying is that he played 306 times for City, was a decent Keeper by 3rd Division standards, often played through injury as we had no cover, and now is the time to thank him for his efforts rather than making pathetic comments about either him or his replacement.

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All i wanna say is Phillips is better than Basso but thats my own oppion.People will disagree with me and people would agree with me but one thing i know is a goalkeeper is only as good as his defence and at the start of the season our defence was utter ######*t.Then they turned a corner and thats when Basso came in.

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one thing i know is a goalkeeper is only as good as his defence

You could also argue that a defence is only as good as its goalkeeper too. The defence did improve when Basso came in. Perhaps it was just coincidence, who can say for sure?

I don't know about ability, but on form Basso has shown the better form this season. Unfortunately for Phillips, you have to wait around when you're a goalkeeper. If he doesn't want to do it, that's fine. In my opinion though Basso doesn't deserve to be dropped, especially on the basis of some sort of sentimental loyalty to Phillips.

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Guest Ron

Then they turned a corner and thats when Basso came in.

So it's totally unfeesable that Basso may have played any part in this :whistle:

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Did you think that when Phillips was voted Divisional keeper in consecutive seasons ??

yeah cus you know mardonna was worlds greatest player so should we sign him up?? noo don't think so mate,that was then this is now....look at Bridges,playing league 1 football and was a prolific goal scorer in the prem.

I'm concerned about Basso's fitness. The keeper going off is usually extremely rare, but this isn't the first time he's been injured. Is he injury prone, or is it just bad luck? Either way, at least one new keeper needed in the summer I feel.

what does that tell you?? does he make more extreame saves ? show boats a little and gives us something to watch :dunno:

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You could also argue that a defence is only as good as its goalkeeper too. The defence did improve when Basso came in. Perhaps it was just coincidence, who can say for sure?

I don't know about ability, but on form Basso has shown the better form this season. Unfortunately for Phillips, you have to wait around when you're a goalkeeper. If he doesn't want to do it, that's fine. In my opinion though Basso doesn't deserve to be dropped, especially on the basis of some sort of sentimental loyalty to Phillips.

I think the defence improved when we stopped changing it every game and started playing with two central midfielders who can defend.

Basso is prone to moments of madness and kicks very poorly. He comes for more aerial balls but it must be noted that he cocks some of these up (and has been lucky to be punished for it on only one or two occasions). Phillips doesn't catch high balls, and moans at his defence. They're both good shotstoppers but Phillips is slightly better at this. Basso's attitude is hands down better.

All in all there's not a lot to choose between them IMO. GJ will go for attitude and get rid of Phillips I think. I just hope that he tries to sign someone to genuinely challenge Basso - that Greek guy from Hartlepool please!

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yur in a dream world.

Steve phillips was a good keeper,but basso has been part of the improvement,get a grip do not feel for the player feel for the club and the future.

steve phillips as was Tinnion a good player/players,but there time has come and gone.

See the whole picture you tube.

All i wanna say is Phillips is better than Basso but thats my own oppion.People will disagree with me and people would agree with me but one thing i know is a goalkeeper is only as good as his defence and at the start of the season our defence was utter ######*t.Then they turned a corner and thats when Basso came in.

balls hit mate ,ive played footy for 12 years and a defnce is as only as good as its keeper..if the keeper isnt a commander then his defence will lack awarness.

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Sorry Steve you have had time to come around to the managers ways. AND YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND OUT.

Time to move on, life is hard.

Get over it :@

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Sorry Steve you have had time to come around to the managers ways. AND YOU HAVE BEEN FOUND OUT.

Time to move on, life is hard.

Get over it :@


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Funny init the day Phillips gets dropped from the bench Basso gets injured.I think he has had his last game for us already.

In truth I don't think there is much to choose between them !

If my life depended on it I still could not pick one over the other.

Hope for a summer signing better than both of them - but fair play Phillips has been a good servant over the years, as recognised by his fellow profesionals so I wish him well and thanks for the best defensive record in our division once or twice !

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All i wanna say is Phillips is better than Basso but thats my own oppion.People will disagree with me and people would agree with me but one thing i know is a goalkeeper is only as good as his defence and at the start of the season our defence was utter ######*t.Then they turned a corner and thats when Basso came in.

Tottally agree with you mate. I'm glad that there is another city supporter who knows what he is talking about other than myself.

Basso has also come off injured about 3 times this season. how many times was phiilips injured?????? NONE

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Basso has also come off injured about 3 times this season.

That's about how many times Phillips came off his line to challenge for a ball in a season. And that's the reason why we were a team who had a reputation for being vulnerable from set pieces. And we don't have that reputation anymore. And we don't have Phillips in goal anymore. See where this is going?

Forget sentiment. I've given far more than ten years loyal service to this club, as have many others (albeit in a different way), but you would'nt put me in goal for this reason, would you?

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I forgot to add - Thanks for the Penalty save at the Memorial Tip, it effectively sealed Rovers relegation. One of the best moments ever watching City.

I was there and quite frankly it was the worst taken penalty you'll ever see.My Grannie could have saved it.

The question is - how many penalties has Phillips faced and how many has he saved? I can remember two pen saves in 10 years.

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Suicidal Red much as you appear to have some irrational love of Mr Phillips I met him and frankly lost some respect for him as a person after that.

That followed by numerous errors costing us goals meant I don't want him in goal for the club again. His attitude since being dropped has been absolutely nothing short of shocking and immature.

All added together means someone else should be in goal in my opinion. Whether that is Basso, Abbey or someone we sign.

I will leave you now to go and drool over your Steve Phillips Testomonial Brochure.

You say you don't like him since you played cricket against him? Is that because he got you out and knocked your bowling out of the ground in every direction?

Yes - if you'd played cricket against him, you'd hate him just for that!!

I used to play with him for Purnells, and he was always the perfect gent and had all the time in the world for the kids that came to watch and used to chat with all the people watching.

You must have been one of the t*@ts that gave him grief, as he didn't suffer fools gladly!!

Anyway, are you one of the weird breed that thinks that Basso and Savage are legends just because they "try hard" ? A distinct lack of ability seems to get you liked at AG, it goes without saying that's why Stevo is being hounded out.

His dummy came out because he felt it to be a slant on his ability that he was replaced by Basso, and rightly so. He knows that he's in a lose/lose situation, as if he'd not reacted he would have been slated for showing no emotion at being dropped as well as showing that he's gutted.

Anyway, he's just got himself a nice new BMW M3 CSL to zip around in, whilst still earning out of the contract he still has at AG.

When he's being treated like this, good money and smart cars go a long way towards cheering yourself up!!

Good luck to you Stevo and remember, the next time some a$$#0/e rips into you, remember you fill your car up with money from his season ticket!!!

S70 PPA Legend and no one can say otherwise. It's not for debate. Enjoy next season guys

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You say you don't like him since you played cricket against him? Is that because he got you out and knocked your bowling out of the ground in every direction?

Yes - if you'd played cricket against him, you'd hate him just for that!!

I used to play with him for Purnells, and he was always the perfect gent and had all the time in the world for the kids that came to watch and used to chat with all the people watching.

You must have been one of the t*@ts that gave him grief, as he didn't suffer fools gladly!!

Anyway, are you one of the weird breed that thinks that Basso and Savage are legends just because they "try hard" ? A distinct lack of ability seems to get you liked at AG, it goes without saying that's why Stevo is being hounded out.

His dummy came out because he felt it to be a slant on his ability that he was replaced by Basso, and rightly so. He knows that he's in a lose/lose situation, as if he'd not reacted he would have been slated for showing no emotion at being dropped as well as showing that he's gutted.

Anyway, he's just got himself a nice new BMW M3 CSL to zip around in, whilst still earning out of the contract he still has at AG.

When he's being treated like this, good money and smart cars go a long way towards cheering yourself up!!

Good luck to you Stevo and remember, the next time some a$$#0/e rips into you, remember you fill your car up with money from his season ticket!!!

S70 PPA Legend and no one can say otherwise. It's not for debate. Enjoy next season guys

Interesting post as you seem to know Phillips personally. I find the bit you say about being replaced by Basso as a "slant on his ability" which then entitled him to throw his toys out very strange for the following reasons:-

1) Phillips is entitled to be confident and believe he is a better keeper than Basso - no problem there. But, unless you are mis-representing him, he also seems to believe that he has NO RIGHT TO BE REPLACED by him. I wouldn't call that confidence, that seems more like downright complacent arrogance to me.

2) Phillips has had a poor half season by his own high standards and let in poor goals against Bournemouth, Southend, Notts County and Gillingham (off the top of my head). He was also the last line of a defence that was conceding goals from crossed balls from corners and free kicks for fun. I'm sure part of that was due to poor marking and some blame must also go to Phillips for his tendency to stay on his line. Basso, on the other hand, will come for more balls and therefore make the odd mistake doing so but you have to balance that with the benefit to the defence as a whole. Basso has also let in two or three dodgy goals but has played more games than Phillips.

3) Basso's critics point to his poor kicking which is valid except that over the last few weeks it seems to have improved, perhaps suggesting he is working hard at that particular facet of his game. Phillips has been a less than perfect kicker for the best part of ten seasons with no tangible sign of improvement.

4) Phillips seems to take making mistakes more personally than Basso. When Phillips has made a mistake this season it appears to me that he either drops his head or trys to divert the blame to others. What really impressed me about Basso is that when he let in a schoolboy goal against S****horpe when we were still around the bottom of the league, instead of sulking he actually tried to gee up everybody around him as if to say "yes, I've made a horlicks of that but we've still got points to be won here" - that was when I started warming to him to be honest.

5) When a new manager arrives at a struggling team he listens to the advice given by the existing coaching staff, has a look in training and in matches and HAS EVERY RIGHT to look at alternative options to the players who have assisted in getting the previous manager sacked. Remember Phillips owned the shirt first and was the one who lost it. For the sake of squad unity Johnson operates a totally correct policy of the shirt is yours to lose and once in possession of the shirt, Basso has played well enough to keep it in my opinion.

I am not knocking Phillips abilities as a goalkeeper but on the evidence of this season it seems to me that he became a victim of his own success and maybe believed his own hype just a little bit too much. He has put in a good ten year stint but, as always, the club will move on without him.

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Interesting post as you seem to know Phillips personally. I find the bit you say about being replaced by Basso as a "slant on his ability" which then entitled him to throw his toys out very strange for the following reasons:-

1) Phillips is entitled to be confident and believe he is a better keeper than Basso - no problem there. But, unless you are mis-representing him, he also seems to believe that he has NO RIGHT TO BE REPLACED by him. I wouldn't call that confidence, that seems more like downright complacent arrogance to me.

2) Phillips has had a poor half season by his own high standards and let in poor goals against Bournemouth, Southend, Notts County and Gillingham (off the top of my head). He was also the last line of a defence that was conceding goals from crossed balls from corners and free kicks for fun. I'm sure part of that was due to poor marking and some blame must also go to Phillips for his tendency to stay on his line. Basso, on the other hand, will come for more balls and therefore make the odd mistake doing so but you have to balance that with the benefit to the defence as a whole. Basso has also let in two or three dodgy goals but has played more games than Phillips.

3) Basso's critics point to his poor kicking which is valid except that over the last few weeks it seems to have improved, perhaps suggesting he is working hard at that particular facet of his game. Phillips has been a less than perfect kicker for the best part of ten seasons with no tangible sign of improvement.

4) Phillips seems to take making mistakes more personally than Basso. When Phillips has made a mistake this season it appears to me that he either drops his head or trys to divert the blame to others. What really impressed me about Basso is that when he let in a schoolboy goal against S****horpe when we were still around the bottom of the league, instead of sulking he actually tried to gee up everybody around him as if to say "yes, I've made a horlicks of that but we've still got points to be won here" - that was when I started warming to him to be honest.

5) When a new manager arrives at a struggling team he listens to the advice given by the existing coaching staff, has a look in training and in matches and HAS EVERY RIGHT to look at alternative options to the players who have assisted in getting the previous manager sacked. Remember Phillips owned the shirt first and was the one who lost it. For the sake of squad unity Johnson operates a totally correct policy of the shirt is yours to lose and once in possession of the shirt, Basso has played well enough to keep it in my opinion.

I am not knocking Phillips abilities as a goalkeeper but on the evidence of this season it seems to me that he became a victim of his own success and maybe believed his own hype just a little bit too much. He has put in a good ten year stint but, as always, the club will move on without him.

Excellent post. Point 4 is bang on. I remember thinking that too.

I think in time every City fan will come to dislike Phillips I've got a feeling he will start shouting his mouth off when he leaves the club and joins the Sags.

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You say you don't like him since you played cricket against him? Is that because he got you out and knocked your bowling out of the ground in every direction?

Yes - if you'd played cricket against him, you'd hate him just for that!!

I used to play with him for Purnells, and he was always the perfect gent and had all the time in the world for the kids that came to watch and used to chat with all the people watching.

You must have been one of the t*@ts that gave him grief, as he didn't suffer fools gladly!!

Anyway, are you one of the weird breed that thinks that Basso and Savage are legends just because they "try hard" ? A distinct lack of ability seems to get you liked at AG, it goes without saying that's why Stevo is being hounded out.

His dummy came out because he felt it to be a slant on his ability that he was replaced by Basso, and rightly so. He knows that he's in a lose/lose situation, as if he'd not reacted he would have been slated for showing no emotion at being dropped as well as showing that he's gutted.

Anyway, he's just got himself a nice new BMW M3 CSL to zip around in, whilst still earning out of the contract he still has at AG.

When he's being treated like this, good money and smart cars go a long way towards cheering yourself up!!

Good luck to you Stevo and remember, the next time some a$$#0/e rips into you, remember you fill your car up with money from his season ticket!!!

S70 PPA Legend and no one can say otherwise. It's not for debate. Enjoy next season guys

Nicely put

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to be fair to basso though he was injured at yeovil because he stuck his head in for the team, he also saves us games he has only made one mistake that has cost us , s****horpe

i do want to thank steve for his service for 10 years i do think he deserves some respect but i think his attitude is a little off the mark and everybody knows he stayed after january so he could get his testimonial !

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You say you don't like him since you played cricket against him? Is that because he got you out and knocked your bowling out of the ground in every direction?

Yes - if you'd played cricket against him, you'd hate him just for that!!

I used to play with him for Purnells, and he was always the perfect gent and had all the time in the world for the kids that came to watch and used to chat with all the people watching.

You must have been one of the t*@ts that gave him grief, as he didn't suffer fools gladly!!

Anyway, are you one of the weird breed that thinks that Basso and Savage are legends just because they "try hard" ? A distinct lack of ability seems to get you liked at AG, it goes without saying that's why Stevo is being hounded out.

His dummy came out because he felt it to be a slant on his ability that he was replaced by Basso, and rightly so. He knows that he's in a lose/lose situation, as if he'd not reacted he would have been slated for showing no emotion at being dropped as well as showing that he's gutted.

Anyway, he's just got himself a nice new BMW M3 CSL to zip around in, whilst still earning out of the

contract he still has at AG.

When he's being treated like this, good money and smart cars go a long way towards cheering yourself up!!

Good luck to you Stevo and remember, the next time some a$$#0/e rips into you, remember you fill your car up with money from his season ticket!!!

S70 PPA Legend and no one can say otherwise. It's not for debate. Enjoy next season guys

If the best thing that someone, who appears to be writing in his defence, can say about him is that he has bought a new car that he can put petrol in, it pretty much sums him up as a person.

I would suggest that it is his immaturity in handling his current situation that has created his downfall. Anyway, if he ends up at the Gas the repo man will soon be paying a visit, I hear that the contracts are slighly less lucrative. I know someone who's got a Lada for sale!

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