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The Worlds Gone Mad


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In other coutries he'd have been hosed down from the roof, or shot. In the south east he'd have to be shot due to the water shortage.

the worse part is all the publicity he's received; he's now had his 15 minutes of fame for doing nothing, unlike hard working media celebs like Dolly.

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His mums going to hit the ROOF about this as well !!!!

I was thinking this, no shocking roof pun I'm sorry, but there's going to be no tea for this naughty little wippersnapper when he gets home, late as well! :disapointed2se: I wonder if his ol' man returning late from his hard days shoplifting will ask ''so, what you been up too today son?''.

Now, they should sentence him and give him no more media attention, like what revkev was saying. I reckon it's fair to say the bloke needs a bit of the ol' pschyatric attention though, although I s'pose that makes me an appologest.

:rolleyes: - and too think, the money they waste trying to prevent people commiting the ultimate montrosity - standing at the Football.

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See I'm not the only one who thought it was CRAZY!!!!


After reading that Dolly I feel sick, what has this bloody country come to, I've heard it all now. He was 27 years old, not some chavy 14 year old. :ranting:

The next time I feel like a KFC & pepsi meal I won't go and get it I'll just climb onto my roof and chuck a few slates!!!

On second thoughts it has to be on someone elses roof as if you smash up your own property, even if you are throwing stuff at the police, they can't do anything about it!!! This happened a few years ago when my nutty neighbour got drunk (again) and smashed his house up, his son called the police and they stood at his garden gate whilst he hurled huge flower pots, (with flowers!) at them which they did their best to dodge!

We've had so much trouble with that family, police involved etc, and yup the laws an a$$.


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Thats right he wasnt a kid, he was older than me, and even I know its not big and its not clever to steal a car, then climb onto someone elses house and attempt to destroy it, but if the reward they get is fags and a KFC, I can see why the muppets of this world think it acceptable.

And his idiotic mates who were cheering him on should be charged as well. What sort of an example is it to be setting to children? Oh its ok if you steal a car and throw things at people, because you'll get lots of TV coverage, and don't worry the police will bring you food if you get hungry, just in case it infringes their human rights. What about the people who live in that streets right to be able to walk down the street without a brick landing on their head or having their car window smashed!!!


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After reading that Dolly I feel sick, what has this bloody country come to, I've heard it all now. He was 27 years old, not some chavy 14 year old. :ranting:

The next time I feel like a KFC & pepsi meal I won't go and get it I'll just climb onto my roof and chuck a few slates!!!

On second thoughts it has to be on someone elses roof as if you smash up your own property, even if you are throwing stuff at the police, they can't do anything about it!!! This happened a few years ago when my nutty neighbour got drunk (again) and smashed his house up, his son called the police and they stood at his garden gate whilst he hurled huge flower pots, (with flowers!) at them which they did their best to dodge!

We've had so much trouble with that family, police involved etc, and yup the laws an a$$.


Wheres a Police sniper when you need one.

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Well theyve just showed him on the news, and hes pleaded guilty to 13 charges relating to him trashing the roof tops and cars etc, and has been remanded in custody. The case has been delayed til now due to him refusing to come out of his cell to attend court. (prat - bloody drag his arse into court)

See crime really doesnt pay.

Still think the worlds gone mad though and the police should have been charged with wasting tax payers money due to buying him the bloody KFC. :ranting:

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Well theyve just showed him on the news, and hes pleaded guilty to 13 charges relating to him trashing the roof tops and cars etc, and has been remanded in custody. The case has been delayed til now due to him refusing to come out of his cell to attend court. (prat - bloody drag his arse into court)

See crime really doesnt pay.

Still think the worlds gone mad though and the police should have been charged with wasting tax payers money due to buying him the bloody KFC. :ranting:

On the bright side...er...um...shit. :dunno:

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Ok so this is another example of why I think the worlds gone crazy.

Theres this bloke on Points West at the moment, whos escaped from police after a car chase, and climbed up onto a roof in Gloucester. Hes started throwing roof tiles down at them, endangering people and smashing cars around where he is. What are the police doing to stop him.

Giving him food and drink and cigarettes!!!!!

Good job it was not the roof of Ashton Gate that he went up on...... you'd have half the forum moaning about him lighting up, it's banned is it not now?

Why the flip is he going to be persuaded to come down if theyre feeding him, despite the fact hes putting innocent members of the public at risk.

Makes me FURIOUS!!!!!!

Good job it was not the roof of 'Ashton Gate' that he went up on...... you'd have half the forum moaning about him lighting up, it's banned is it not now?

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