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Brighton Game - A Plea


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I'd like to make a plea to all fans of Bristol City, for this saturday against Brighton - To NOT shout homophobic comments/chants/song!!

Yes Brighton has a large gay population, and yes we all like to engage in banter with the oppositon. But believe it or not, BCFC do have a minority of gay and lesbian supporters, who in the past particularly in games against Brighton, have felt very intimidated and uncomfortable in their own home ground with such a homophobic atmosphere. I remember a lesbian supporter posting after Cardiff, saying she wouldnt be going to City again because of some of the obscene homophobia towards the Brighton contingent.

So please people, lets not do it!!! Brighton are a pathetic little football club, and theres plenty of chants we can think of to wind them up without having to resort to homophobic comments that will offend a minority of our own supporters.

I'm not trying to be uber-politically correct, but its something that a couple of gay City fans I know are worried about, and in my eyes, homophobia is equally as bad as racism...negative comments against people because of the way they are. So lets make lots of noise on saturday, just leave homophobia out of it!!!!

Thanks for reading, now lets hammer em!!! :city:

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If I was gay, I wouldn't mind people chanting homophobic things. It'd be something I was proud of.

Now then, altogether;

"Brighton boys are homosexuals...."

Just for the record, i'm not going Saturday, so if any songs are started, it wasn't me. :rolleyes:

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Well this isnt quite the reaction I was hoping for. :(

So can people tell me...whats the difference between making racist chants, and intimidating fans from ethnic minorities, and making homophobic chants that upset gay people in the crowd?? They are both equally as bad as each other....would you describe racist comments as "banter"???

I'm pleaing to all City fans to take note and not do it, because its out of order and gay people do watch football you know!!!

Anyway SCR, these "City fans you know"......

Don't be afraid to come out on a public forum mate, we'll understand....

Well if I was, you really think i'd want to admit it if this is the kind of attitude people have?? :doh:

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I'm pleading to all City fans to take note and not do it, because its out of order and gay people do watch football you know!!!

Well if I was, you really think I'd want to admit it if this is the kind of attitude people have??.

Am sure that many a Pink Pound will find it's way into the Ashton Gate coffers on Saturday, regardless of what's sung or not!!.


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Well this isnt quite the reaction I was hoping for. :(

So can people tell me...whats the difference between making racist chants, and intimidating fans from ethnic minorities, and making homophobic chants that upset gay people in the crowd?? They are both equally as bad as each other....would you describe racist comments as "banter"???

I'm pleaing to all City fans to take note and not do it, because its out of order and gay people do watch football you know!!!

Well if I was, you really think i'd want to admit it if this is the kind of attitude people have?? :doh:

I'm with you, mate. I think the anti-gay chants are out of order and embarrassing. I find it depressing that people are still so fascinated by homosexuality Jesus, guys, so some blokes like other blokes instead of women ... get over it ! Its all kind of reminiscent of the nig-nog and coon jokes that were around in the 70s in that I'm pretty sure 90% of people don't meant to be intimidating, they're just stupid people trying to come to terms with people who are different from them.

Being as how I have a foot in the Palace camp (hence the Eagle part of the user name) I do think we should slag off Brighton by all means, but maybe a bit more constructively ... a chorus of the Palace anthem Glad All Over perhaps ?

And much as I hate Brighton, you have to admire their "one-nil to the Nancy boys" chant :)

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Please, no more of these hilarious and imaginitive gay gags, or I fear my sides may split.

Do l sense sarcasm in your voice? come on if someone told a joke about a 5''9 white man i'd be fine about it... Chill out

Anyway l'm off to post on other forums asking them not to chant about tractors, sheep, farmers, combine harvesters etc when they visit the gate...

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What reaction were you hoping for??.

You'll be posting;

"Don't sing intimidating songs at the Gas!", (should we ever play them again!), or

"Don't sing car stealing songs when we play Tranmere!",

"Not all Hartlepool fans hate Monkies!".


Thats hardly the same thing is it??? :yawn:

I'd expect nothing less than to be called a cider drinking inbred wurzel light heartedly, by opposition fans and thats totally fine!

Like I said, I'm not trying to be uber PC or try and stop people having banter, I just think that the line is drawn at racist/homophobic comments or those that make fun of a tragic event such as Liverpools Munich chants etc.

And I see nobodys still answered my question - Whats the difference between racism and homophobia?

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Thats hardly the same thing is it??? :yawn:

I'd expect nothing less than to be called a cider drinking inbred wurzel light heartedly, by opposition fans and thats totally fine!

Like I said, I'm not trying to be uber PC or try and stop people having banter, I just think that the line is drawn at racist/homophobic comments or those that make fun of a tragic event such as Liverpools Munich chants etc.

And I see nobodys still answered my question - Whats the difference between racism and homophobia?

Nothing!!! They both make a big deal about something that other people aren't really bothered about making it a bigger issue for themselves.......

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Do l sense sarcasm in your voice? come on if someone told a joke about a 5''9 white man i'd be fine about it... Chill out

Anyway l'm off to post on other forums asking them not to chant about tractors, sheep, farmers, combine harvesters etc when they visit the gate...

I know what you're saying and I kind of agree with it ... although if you were the only white man, say, in a crowd of black guys chanting something along the lines of "honky out" that may be a fairer comparison!

My point about the gay gags wasn't really that they are offensive though, more that they just aren't very funny or imaginative. There's a lot more humour to be had from the foibles of gay men beyond the usual stuff - if anyone wants an example of a really good double entendre, I'll be more than happy to give you one.

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I know what you're saying and I kind of agree with it ... although if you were the only white man, say, in a crowd of black guys chanting something along the lines of "honky out" that may be a fairer comparison!

My point about the gay gags wasn't really that they are offensive though, more that they just aren't very funny or imaginative. There's a lot more humour to be had from the foibles of gay men beyond the usual stuff - if anyone wants an example of a really good double entendre, I'll be more than happy to give you one.

ok!! what about this

Did you hear about the magic tractor? it went down the road and turn't into a field!!!

I ate a ploughmans sandwich today, he wasn't very happy....


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Thats hardly the same thing is it??? :yawn:

I'd expect nothing less than to be called a cider drinking inbred wurzel light heartedly, by opposition fans and thats totally fine!

Like I said, I'm not trying to be uber PC or try and stop people having banter, I just think that the line is drawn at racist/homophobic comments or those that make fun of a tragic event such as Liverpools Munich chants etc.

And I see nobodys still answered my question - Whats the difference between racism and homophobia?

Jesus man-chill.

If a few idiots want to chant, let them, you cant control everything.

Everyone is so ******* sensitve these days, It's just football banter form the majority.

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