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Brighton Game - A Plea


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Guest MaloneFM

We Brighton fans are pretty used to getting this sort of stuff every week. If we score first you'll hear the famous, "One nil, to the nancy boys" It's only banter.

EXCUSE ME! WE TWATERS SAYS BE OFFENDED YOU'D BETTER BE OFFENDED BY CHRIST! Now PLEASE get all uppity or he will be even more annoyed.

You bummers!

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EXCUSE ME! WE TWATERS SAYS BE OFFENDED YOU'D BETTER BE OFFENDED BY CHRIST! Now PLEASE get all uppity or he will be even more annoyed.

You bummers!

Where have i said this? Please show me.

I have said

I find the chants bearable and i have a giggle at a few

and my opinion was

Ive found some of the things in this thread really offensive.

I'm all uppity and even more annoyed. I hope i don't meet you down city.

I wasnt going to comment on this because i was initially not in aggreement with SCR. I find the chants bearable and i have a giggle at a few. However its the type of people that sing them that offends me. Some of the replies on here have been fine and taken with a pinch of salt but some are over the top and you can sense what type of person they are. (Chav scum, uneducated, small minded, think Bristol is the centre of the world, thinks a holiday is a trip to weston in a caravan)

There is often this PC argument, and it depends which group you fall into.

A - Your gay, you take offence at any homophobic joke and resent it wholeheartedly.

B - Your gay, it doesnt define you and its not who you are. You take this kinda thing at the footy match as a little joke.

C - Your straight, you like to support city have have a bit of banter with the away fans, You sing homophobic songs knowing deep down they arent very nice but its only a bit of fun.

D - Your Straight, yu don't mind singing homophobic chants because we get chants about being welsh etc chanted back at us. You don't have a problem with gays but you think the world is ott with regard to pc and you think homophobia is invented by gay people to envoke sympathy.

E - Your straight, you sing homophobic songs because its funny and its only about gay people, its wrong and it deserves whatever it gets.

There are alot social groups i havent bothered with as i think these few make up the majority in this case.

I think the B and C groups are fine together, i think the D group gets spurred on by the E group and use the A group as a amunition, encouragement to do it.

The E group hopefully is in the minority but they can really spur it on and make the D and C ones look bad. The A's jump on the backs of the C and D's making the C and D's more uptight turning into E's.

I'm soooo losing what I'm trying to say but i just wish everyone could open their eyes abit more

I'm sorry you had to go through that.

I'm afraid your wrong, Sexuality is your own personal preference, and you can decide. FFS Grow up! I don't know a single gay person who says they decided to be gay, your assumption shows how little you know or understand. But don't worry, if you like i can take you to the Shilling sometime. Open your eyes a little?

I'm sure these people would have you told off for copying and pasting thier work and passing it off as your own! The section on is sexuality looks awfully similar, i hope you havent submitted that "work" to anyone exam boards.

Infact that does not say they decide to be gay, just like you didnt decide to be brought up with a copper for a dad. It was a environmental variable as you grew up.

A child cannot control his environment as he grows up, therefor he has little "choice" of whether nurture makes him gay or not.

Firstly it is twaters (one t) and that isnt my name. Yes my parents are very wise.

Secondly no where in this thread or anywhere have i said that gay chants at brighton FC would offend gay people.

Q. why do gay chants offend gays?

A. They don't all, just some. I think the guy who started this post was merely saying he is offended by these kinds of chants, and has friends also offended, and he hoped we as a club could possibly stop the chants.

I accept that his request was unlikely to be succesfull, but i don't accept the kind of replies he then recieved which (some where toungue in cheek) some quite disgusting and showing scummy homophobic traits.

Ive found some of the things in this thread really offensive.

Some people need to open thier eyes and take a good look at themselves. They probably wont because their comments on here indicate they have their head up their ass.

The guy who started this thread asked an impossible ask, however it really shows the mentality of people when they jibe and make fun of like this thread has done.

The people making remarks on here are the kind of losers who are small minded and think Bristol is the centre of the universe.

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A plea to ALL Brighton fans attending today's match at Ashton Gate;

mind you thou, this will also apply to fans of the following other clubs in our Division;

(whether the match is played either home or away;)

Nottm Forest

Port Vale












Leyton Orient









Could you please refrain from chanting any songs that contain the words, Jail/Criminal or imply certain acts that might involve bars of soap, or you arn't THAT big after all!,

As these could not only upset certain players on the pitch, thus loosing us the game, but it might also upset a very tiny proportion of our fan base who for whatever reason, have had to serve time at Her Majesty's Pleasure,

Thanking You All for your help with this matter!.


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