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Brighton Game - A Plea


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My point about the gay gags wasn't really that they are offensive though, more that they just aren't very funny or imaginative. There's a lot more humour to be had from the foibles of gay men beyond the usual stuff - if anyone wants an example of a really good double entendre, I'll be more than happy to give you one.

I've got quite a few Gay Friends, and have often been to Gay Bars/Clubs with them, and the best person to tell jokes about gays, is another gay!!

Their humour can be very deep and cutting, and even so called straight people listening to them find them funny!!.

As regards to any Gay Brighton or City fan going to the game on Saturday, finding the chant-ting offensive??.

Doubt it.

Probably place a hand over their mouth, yawn, and think to themselves, "boring!!".


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I am not Homophobic in fact I have many gay friends. However if I were going Saturday the occasional song would leave my lips. Because it is BANTER. Brighton is the gay capital of the UK, I know a few Brighton fans' and they find the chants funny. On a few occasions where we have played Brighton I remember there fans' hitting back at us by singing 'We're gay and we're proud of it' It's all in good spirits and there is no malice intended.

Maybe you should step down off of your high horse and realise this.

We will get called sheep shaggers and farmers on Saturday without a doubt but I don't mind because it's all BANTER and is part of football. Take things like this away and it will be a sad day for football.

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I find the ability to laugh at yourself to be quite an endearing feature. I have gay friends who take the piss out of themselves - not everyone takes jokes so seriously.

Couldn't agree more - just commenting on how boring the average gay joke is - see the Duke of Gloucester's comment above.

The rationale behind jokes is a fascinating subject btw - and yeah, it is possible to laugh at jokes while at the same time be aware of interested in the meaning behind them ...

Oh yeah, badger, i did like the tractor and sandwich gags. Tommy Cooper RIP !

Anyway, the gay stuff doesn't really apply to most Brighton fans anyway - if you REALLY want to upset them sing "Sh1t fans, no ground"

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''Does your boyfriend know you're here?''

How would that offend a gay person in any way?!

''I'm gay. Bristol City fans think Brighton Fans are gay....I'm not a Brighton Fan you fascists!!'' - Maybe?!

I think this topic is plain stupid to be perfectly honest, next you'll be telling us not to call the ref an effing see you next tuesday because there are trainee referees in the crowd..

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So just to recap

We can't:


Make gay jokes

Make fat jokes



Am I still allowed to wear ladies underwear under my jeans on matchdays, or does anyone on here find this offensive?

I think we need to see pictorial evidence before making our minds up.

And neither myself not SCR are telling you you aren't allowed to make gay jokes, just maybe gently suggesting that its a bit ... you know ... crap ? There's a difference you know.

Anyway, about those pictures ...

How is singing songs about Brighton fans being gay any more offensive to gay people than singing "who ate all the pies" is to fat people?

PC gone mad, again.

Ah, I see they're biting today ... its so easy sometimes, isn't it ... three minutes !

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I think we need to see pictorial evidence before making our minds up.

And neither myself not SCR are telling you you aren't allowed to make gay jokes, just maybe gently suggesting that its a bit ... you know ... crap ? There's a difference you know.

Coming from the man that made that hilarious joke about fatties in the Atyeo :D

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I am not Homophobic in fact I have many gay friends. However if I were going Saturday the occasional song would leave my lips. Because it is BANTER. Brighton is the gay capital of the UK, I know a few Brighton fans' and they find the chants funny. On a few occasions where we have played Brighton I remember there fans' hitting back at us by singing 'We're gay and we're proud of it' It's all in good spirits and there is no malice intended.

Maybe you should step down off of your high horse and realise this.

We will get called sheep shaggers and farmers on Saturday without a doubt but I don't mind because it's all BANTER and is part of football. Take things like this away and it will be a sad day for football.

Thats a fair enough comment I guess. When done light heartedly, its not so much of a problem, but I fear they will be repeated throughout the game in quite a vicious manner like the last time we played them at Ashton Gate.

Its my opinion that racist and homophobic comments are equally as bad as each other, and are quite frankly pathetic chants sung by pathetic people. Other people quite clearly don't share this opinion.

Ive asked people if they would consider refraining from making such chants on saturday....assuring them that they WILL be affecting maybe a couple of hundered or so City fans at Ashton Gate tomorrow.....and most people have refused. For me that says it all.... Not a lot more I can do really....At least I tried.

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Its my opinion that racist and homophobic comments are equally as bad as each other, and are quite frankly pathetic chants sung by pathetic people. Other people quite clearly don't share this opinion.

Your gay, and we know you are

Your gay, and you know you are


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Sorry, couldn't resist.

Anyhows, gay jokes at footy, who give a toss in all honesty. Football should be somewhere where we can all forget the PC bullshit we have to put up with in our everyday lives.

Why has there ALWAYS got to be a victim?

Good point. Whilst we're at it, why don't we shout racist abuse at any black opposition players that visit Ashton Gate. :yawn:

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Good point. Whilst we're at it, why don't we shout racist abuse at any black opposition players that visit Ashton Gate. :yawn:

Because thats racist, whereas making fun of potential queers is hilarious.

Please try to understand that.

Are you going to the match on Sat then Sailor?


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Guest DrFaustus

It's only a laugh, we don't really think that all Brighton fans are

gay! Just 95% of them.

The other 5% are ladyboys I believe.

As long as they don't call us sheep shaggers!

That would be mortifying. Our dear red cousins have the same fondness for goats that us Pikeys have, do you not?

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My reckoning if you had not have brought this topic up hardly anything would have been said but now....... uh oh I can see at least thirty minutes of homophobic chants being directed towards the brighton fans. oh and the minority of city fans who will apparently by prancing round in womens underwear and tutu's!

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Good point. Whilst we're at it, why don't we shout racist abuse at any black opposition players that visit Ashton Gate. :yawn:

Singing gay chants at Brighton fans, who the majority of which are not gay, is not the same as directing racial abuse at any player/fan.

I repeat...it's BANTER & intended to be a laugh.

Were you upset by the Northampton fans chanting "You're Welsh and you know you are"?

Are you offended when we chant "You wish you were English" at Welsh teams?

You ever been to see a gay comedian? Guess what most of their jokes are about

Lighten up.

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Guest DrFaustus

oh and the minority of city fans who will apparently by prancing round in womens underwear and tutu's!

You lot do that too? Blimey, there are a lot of similarities between Rovers and City fans that I was hitherto unaware existed.

I do hope you shave your legs first chaps?

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Because thats racist, whereas making fun of potential queers is hilarious.

Please try to understand that.

Are you going to the match on Sat then Sailor?


You sound like a complete and utter pr**ck. I bet youre either a spotty 16 year old raised by a single mother prostitute, or a fat disgusting 50 year old bigot who beats his wife.

Note that this is "friendly banter" and if you are offended by it, you are an uptight uber PC Daily Mail reading freak (oops that was banter too!!)

Maybe if some of you people knew a girl at school who commited suicide because of constant abuse over her sexuality, you'd think differently about the matter.

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Thats hardly the same thing is it??? :yawn:

I'd expect nothing less than to be called a cider drinking inbred wurzel light heartedly, by opposition fans and thats totally fine!

Like I said, I'm not trying to be uber PC or try and stop people having banter, I just think that the line is drawn at racist/homophobic comments or those that make fun of a tragic event such as Liverpools Munich chants etc.

And I see nobodys still answered my question - Whats the difference between racism and homophobia?

Theres no difference city boys calling them gay and them calling us welsh sheep shaggers apart from the latter is not true.

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My reckoning if you had not have brought this topic up hardly anything would have been said but now....... uh oh I can see at least thirty minutes of homophobic chants being directed towards the brighton fans. oh and the minority of city fans who will apparently by prancing round in womens underwear and tutu's!

Hmmm - you could be right there. Just off to post a new topic ...

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Maybe if some of you people knew a girl at school who commited suicide because of constant abuse over her sexuality, you'd think differently about the matter.

So it all comes down to this?


Hopefully I can speak on behalf of everybody on the forum that you should not have been subjected to that.

But "Jesus Christ" if all these rules regulations and utterly stupid requests

" don't chant anything gay"

"let's stop smokers because I cough all night and my jumper smells"

"don't swear"

"don't scratch your balls on entry to AG"

"don't point"

"don't sit cross legged in the williams"

"don't sing, shout, stand, sit, fart, belch,"

Carry on I can see why crowd numbers aren't magnificent anymore, because of people like you!

People like you have kept others away, meaning in turn admission prices go up to balance the books,

Best advice Shut up, Sit down and let the football tell the stories at the end of the day. :ranting:


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