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Steve Irwin


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Guest MaloneFM

As far as your Uncle Rog was concerned Steve Irwin was far from a maniac. He was very enthusuastic but could read the actions and attitude of the animals he dealt with. Which is why he got bitten and stung only on rare occasions. He was never reckless with his life. He knew exactly what he was doing and his limitations.

As for the accident waiting to happen it was a stingray that was startled and a million to one chance. Everybody knew Steve Irwin but very few actually met him. He was to wildlife what Stuart Hall is to football.

An enthusuast.

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As far as your Uncle Rog was concerned Steve Irwin was far from a maniac. He was very enthusuastic but could read the actions and attitude of the animals he dealt with. Which is why he got bitten and stung only on rare occasions. He was never reckless with his life. He knew exactly what he was doing and his limitations.

As for the accident waiting to happen it was a stingray that was startled and a million to one chance. Everybody knew Steve Irwin but very few actually met him. He was to wildlife what Stuart Hall is to football.

An enthusuast.

No doubting his fanaticism there Rog, just, like a boxer ending up with brain damage or a porn star ending up with aids am I really surprised he's been sent to meet his maker thanks to an obvious hazard of the job? No.

Granted it was a fairly anti-climatical finale. I mean a stingray? not reportedly struck since 1945! - bloody let down really, being devoured whole by a crocodile would have been far more spectacular and befitting of his lifestyle but never mind.

PS/Stuart Hall is also a nutter.

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Saw this today - Germaine Greer is some feminist icon that is using the death of Steve Irwin's to get some publicity. She spoke out about the death of Steve Irwin to London's Guardian newspaper.

She said: "There was not an animal he was not prepared to manhandle. Every creature he brandished at the camera was in distress. Every snake badgered by Irwin was at a huge disadvantage, with only a single possible reaction to its terrifying situation, which was to strike. The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin."

Interesting take from another Australian.

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Saw this today - Germaine Greer is some feminist icon that is using the death of Steve Irwin's to get some publicity. She spoke out about the death of Steve Irwin to London's Guardian newspaper.

She said: "There was not an animal he was not prepared to manhandle. Every creature he brandished at the camera was in distress. Every snake badgered by Irwin was at a huge disadvantage, with only a single possible reaction to its terrifying situation, which was to strike. The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin."

Interesting take from another Australian.

And here is the full article. Interesting and well constructed but hopelessly misguided. Irwin knew animals inside out.

Guardian Article

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Whats with all the sadness??

don't get me wrong I'm gutted he had died and really feel for his family but.....

IF i had a choice right now, to live my life like Steve did and what a life it must have been and die at 44 or do nothing with my life and die at 100 i know what i would choose.

The only thing that would make me feel different is the fact of my daughter growing up without her dad. Apart from that surly it is better to die young but live three lifetimes worth than to live a lifetime and and do nothing with your life.

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heard my friend sum it up well the day it happened - "He's one of those guys that you always THINK is going to get killed doing that crazy stuff, but you never EXPECT him to..." - a loss to the entire world, one of the barmiest, happiest guys on the planet. We need more guys like him.

everyone has been affected in one way

he was a wonderful amazing man and is a great loss to the world around us

RIP Steve , an idol. You will be greatly missed

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The only thing that would make me feel different is the fact of my daughter growing up without her dad. Apart from that surly it is better to die young but live three lifetimes worth than to live a lifetime and and do nothing with your life.

He left two kids both very young, and a wife who I'm sure is completely devastated. Its things like that that make me sad, Terri (his wife) probably kissed him goodbye that morning or whenever she last saw him, thinking she would see him later, and now she never will. Id kind of hate to go like that, youd never get to say the things you would have liked to your family. I appreciate he died doing what he loved but that doesnt make it any easier for those who cared about him to bear, I'm still gutted about it and I didnt even know him, I just think he did a hell of a lot for the world and it shouldnt have been him. But it was. Still sad though.

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He left two kids both very young, and a wife who I'm sure is completely devastated. Its things like that that make me sad, Terri (his wife) probably kissed him goodbye that morning or whenever she last saw him, thinking she would see him later, and now she never will. Id kind of hate to go like that, youd never get to say the things you would have liked to your family.

I'd apply these sentiments to most people killed unexpectadly.

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He left two kids both very young, and a wife who I'm sure is completely devastated. Its things like that that make me sad, Terri (his wife) probably kissed him goodbye that morning or whenever she last saw him, thinking she would see him later, and now she never will. Id kind of hate to go like that, youd never get to say the things you would have liked to your family. I appreciate he died doing what he loved but that doesnt make it any easier for those who cared about him to bear, I'm still gutted about it and I didnt even know him, I just think he did a hell of a lot for the world and it shouldnt have been him. But it was. Still sad though.

Which is why you should always tell the people that matter in your life how you feel so you never leave them having to live with that.

I tell my daughter i love her everytime i go to work and everytime she goes to bed,cos you just never know if that will be the last time you can tell them.

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