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Gerry Gows' Tash

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Well i know Miles(milo) and I'm more than happy for him to represent me !

Who elected him ?

The S.T members elected a board and Miles is the head of that board,every member had the chance to vote either in person,by post or as a proxy

Hope this helps


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Only been a fan since 83 and only been a member of this board since 2004 (although prior to ST takeover of OTIB I don't remember seeing the name) are these the right credentials to be our spokesman - who elected him ?

The Supporters Trust. He's their spokesman and was elected by them. I don't understand the problem :dunno:

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Who is he? Who cares to be frank. Someone prepared to set up (with help admittedly) a supporters trust would be the basic answer.

I find it incredulous that you would judge a fan by the length of time they have followed City, or indeed posted on a poxy forum.

Right so some bloke who just happened to be in bristol for the weekend and fancied watching some footy on a saturday afternoon would be ok with you, length of support isn't important ??

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The Supporters Trust. He's their spokesman and was elected by them. I don't understand the problem :dunno:

Problem is he is condascening, patronising and rude, worse than that he publicy spouts opinions I don't agree with. That would be fine except that he purports to represent us as fans. A definite schism is appearing between the ST and "ordinary fans" and he is the architect of it.

What are you some sort of idiot on a wind up ?

What are you some sort of apprentice ###### ?

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Problem is he is condascening, patronising and rude, worse than that he publicy spouts opinions I don't agree with. That would be fine except that he purports to represent us as fans. A definite schism is appearing between the ST and "ordinary fans" and he is the architect of it.

What are you some sort of apprentice ###### ?

You are as entitled to an opinion as much as anyone, and I respect that, but unfortunately it is one that differs to mine. Suppose thats what makes life interesting.

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Problem is he is condascening, patronising and rude, worse than that he publicy spouts opinions I don't agree with.

In which case, if enough people agree with you he can be voted out and replaced with someone else. In my view he is among a group of supporters who deserve credit for trying to do something positive for the club rather than sitting on their arses whinging about things from behind a keyboard and expecting someone else to sort them out. As such, he is at least as worthy of being quoted as a City fan as anyone else in my opinion.

He purports to represent us as fans. A definite schism is appearing between the ST and "ordinary fans" and he is the architect of it.

No, he purports to represent the Supporters' Trust. Thus, it is not unreasonable that a member of the media seeking to sound out a sensible view of a committed football fan would go to him. As it happens, I didn't agree with what he said about the players, but that's not the point because it was not an issue of policy but clearly a personal opinion he was expressing.

There is a fundamental problem with assuming any one individual represents 'the fan's view', since there is no such thing, and anyone with half a braincell reading one person's opinion on a subject like the jailing of our players would see that, whether that view is mine, yours or Milo's. As far as I'm aware, he didn't claim that his view was that of all fans.

Given the media inevitably - and rightly - want to talk to 'ordinary' fans about what is going on, where better should they look? If they go to the ST they know they will be able to speak, quickly, to a supporter who is well informed, devoted and willing to talk eloquently.

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That would be your opinion.

My opinion is that I'd rather have somebody like him being the chair of the ST than someone who is incapable of reasonable debate without chucking insults and the like - how can that be taken seriously by the BCFC board ?

You mention a "definite schism" between the ST and "ordinary fans", can you explain what you mean by an ordinary fan ? Are you saying there is some sort of elitism in being a ST member ?

Fair enough - diplomacy isn't my strong point which is why I wouldn't put myself forward for that sort of role. I still think the question of what sort of fan we want representing us is a valid one - my concern is that he represents the kind of anti-smoking, anti-singing, new labour sort of support that isn't in my view representative of the long term interests of ALL fans. Despite this he still managed to publicly inply that our players were somehow hard done by in the courts and thus gave tacit support for the kind of behaviour that does the club no favours. And yes there is a very obvious kind of elitism attached to the ST in my opinion, a feeling reinforced by their proposal to charge for access to a premier forum, who does the ST represent, the paying elite or the hoi polloi majority ?

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A definite schism is appearing between the ST and "ordinary fans" and he is the architect of it.

Absolute nonsense. I signed up for the Supporter's Trust, because I felt it was an excellent intitiative and an opportunity for fans to have more of a say in the running of the Club. That's not to say I didn't have reservations, but I took the view that I would be better placed to object to the way the Trust might be run if I was actually a member. I've been happy to hand over some money to help them pursue their aims but have had nothing at all to do with the organisation and running of the ST. I've been largely happy with the job they seem to be doing.

I've never met Milo, but I have been impressed with the amount of time and dedication that he and other prime movers have put in to getting the ST off the ground. They have gone out of their way to make themselves democratically accountable and have all been elected in free fair and open elections. Which is more than can be said for you. You are entitled to your opinion, but how you can claim to speak for ordinary fans is beyond me.

If you don't like what is being said, I suggest you join the ST and make your views heard.

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Hi Gerry Gow's Tash (now there was a player!),

It's simple really - if you don't think that Miles / the ST represent your views, then join, stand for election (I think the next lot will be in May) and thus ensure that your own views are aired appropriately.

As for the comments about regretting the loss of the jailed players, I suspect Miles's quote may have been taken out of context and/or that he may wish he had couched his words a little differently. But it's very easy to say something along the lines of "I agree totally with them being jailed, but the team is going to miss them" and have a journalist quote only "the team is going to miss them" for a balanced and realistic comment to seem like support for 'criminals'.

As for being a 'spokesperson' for the fans, put yourself in any journalist's shoes - if they want to interview someone they can call a 'Bristol City fans' spokesperson' they've really got just two options: the chairman or the supporters' club or the chairman of the supporters trust. Hence Miles sometimes gets interviewed.

Like I said above, if you disagree with his views / those of the ST, join and work to mould different views from within... the ST holds regular meetings open to all (so you can even attend and have your say without initially joining).

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I'm 37 years old and as my Dad was not a big football fan he only took me very rarely to football matches as a youngster. My brother is a couple of years older than me and I started going with him and a group of friends aged 13 when we were in the old fourth division.

I always used to stand in the East End and when the Atyeo became the home stand I went there and have had a season ticket ever since.

Like 147 other professional clubs, Bristol City now has a Supporters Trust. It's a movement that has grown out of the government's recognition that supporters should play a more important and active role in the running of the Clubs they support. Supporters Direct was set up in 2000 and the Supporters Trust movement has mushroomed since then.

The Trust is a democratic organisation where all members own it equally. All members are invited to stand for the board and everyone who puts themselves forward for positions are put forward for elections. All prospective board members had to write the reasons why they thought they'd be suitable and this allowed people to get a feeling for the type of people and their backgrounds before casting their vote. The Trust launched in November 2005 and the elections took place in May 2006. AGMs and elections take place every year.

I'm sorry that you don't agree with the comments you've heard from me, hopefully there'll be comments I make in the future that you will agree with. I realise that many fans have not agreed with my viewpoint on jailings of Brooker and Orr. I've taken time to explain my views on that thread and rather than set up a duplicate thread on the same subject if you wish to debate it further then it might be best to do so on that thread.

I want the comments I make to be balanced and representative of the majority of fans and I try hard to achieve that. I accept that I may make mistakes here.

The comments made in the Evening Post were personal comments rather than an official Trust position. I accept that there is a grey area about personal comments or Trust comments which is why I aim to be balanced. As stated in the other thread, the balance in my argument was not reported in the Evening Post and I take responsibility for that due to the way I communicated with the Post's reporter. The experience has taught me that I must always give clear and concise quotes in the future, rather than assuming the reporter has the time or inclination to precis my comments. Lesson learned.

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Milo explained what happened on another thread. Basically he was contacted in the car on his hands free and had a discussion with the EP journalist about the situation.

As I'm sure Red Top will testify journalists only have a limited amount of space and Milo's comments from what he said were quite wide ranging and basically what was printed was slightly out of context. He did make the point that the views were his own and not those of the ST.

Milo was placed in one of those no win situations which comes with the territory of his appointment, which remember is unpaid, and he has to fit in around his working work.

People on this board are sometimes too quick in being critical of others without first considering the facts I feel.

(I see that Milo had responded whilst I was typing this)

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You have come on the site run by the ST to discredit their leader. Bad tactics and on a loser straight away my friend.

That's my whole point - I used to post on the official fans site of BCFC. Now it doesn't exist, so if I wish to talk about the club with other fans this is the only forum, I would suggest that other clubs have an official forum AND an ST forum.

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That's my whole point - I used to post on the official fans site of BCFC. Now it doesn't exist, so if I wish to talk about the club with other fans this is the only forum, I would suggest that other clubs have an official forum AND an ST forum.

Well there is no longer an official forum as such, but this definately isn't the main ST forum, for that see the link on their site.

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You have come on the site run by the ST to discredit their leader. Bad tactics and on a loser straight away my friend.

Leader is a terrible way of describing milo. He's the main bloke at the trust.

leader sounds over the top, I'm sure milo wouldnt class himself as that.

doing a decent job but not a 'leader', its an equal trust everyones opinion counts not just one.


"bad tactics and on a loser straight away"?

GGT has posted on here for AGES. this isn't 'straight away' he's always had something constructive to say. and has been doing so for a long time.

stop brown nosing the S.T :farmer:

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I would suggest that other clubs have an official forum AND an ST forum.

The club no longer wanted to run the forum so offered it to the ST to run, I think its pretty safe to say the club no longer wish to run it either so if the ST didnt do it then it would be gone.

As you said you have been away for a while maybe you could do some research into things before making accusations and comments which are untrue and innaccurate.

Plus there is a seperate forum for ST discusssions etc

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That's my whole point - I used to post on the official fans site of BCFC. Now it doesn't exist, so if I wish to talk about the club with other fans this is the only forum, I would suggest that other clubs have an official forum AND an ST forum.

not the fault of the supporters trust though is it! the club wanted to close it down, but the ST saved it, otib isn't the only City forum actually, rivals is still going strong and Subbers is also going VERY strong

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