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You are joking arent you? :doh:

They`ll only find something else to whine about such is their negitivity! :dunno:

About time that some of them took a leaf out of Garys book of positivity and realised that things havent been this good in years! :city:

And there are the people on here who just have not a clue, things were good only a 2-3years ago when we only just missed out! I'm fed up talking about MS when he should be playing in the first team at CITY! He is proving that if can score goals at yeovile, he will score goals here. GJ will find it very difficult in the Championship with this team (a few players excepted) he cannot handle the experienced pro's in which will be needed in a higher league. Now you can carry on talking negative!

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And there are the people on here who just have not a clue, things were good only a 2-3years ago when we only just missed out! I'm fed up talking about MS when he should be playing in the first team at CITY! He is proving that if can score goals at yeovile, he will score goals here. GJ will find it very difficult in the Championship with this team (a few players excepted) he cannot handle the experienced pro's in which will be needed in a higher league. Now you can carry on talking negative!

No he shouldn't!! Look at the way he carried on when he played for us last time. The team we have got is fine team spirit is excellent we don't need him back ruining everything.

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And there are the people on here who just have not a clue, things were good only a 2-3years ago when we only just missed out! I'm fed up talking about MS when he should be playing in the first team at CITY! He is proving that if can score goals at yeovile, he will score goals here. GJ will find it very difficult in the Championship with this team (a few players excepted) he cannot handle the experienced pro's in which will be needed in a higher league. Now you can carry on talking negative!

Could not of worded it better Brian, total COMMON SENSE STATEMENT and i don't give a toss if anyone replys to it.

You are 100% correct mate

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As ancient story has it after Judas had accepted his 40 pieces of silver and betrayed his master he was thrown into exile. :me?:

Heres hoping for a similar fate for you know who so that we can get on with enjoying this season without these unnecessary disractions. :pray:

Strong candidate for "feeble attempt at being clever" post of the year.

In what way has Stewart betrayed anybody?

We may be second in the league, but there are many like me who are underwhelmed by the style of the performances this season.

We have scored 5 in the past 6 games, and I don't think any have been by a striker.

It is madness for Bristol City to be paying Yeovil £4k for Stewart to be banging them in for them.

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"In what way has Stewart betrayed anybody?"

Simple my friend he has slagged off our gaffa while aiding the progress of our closest competition! :doh:

"We may be second in the league, but there are many like me who are underwhelmed by the style of the performances this season."

Whoopie-de-doo, judging by your photo your obviously one of our biggest knockers! :blush:

"We have scored 5 in the past 6 games, and I don't think any have been by a striker."

Did this bother 1-0 to the Arsenal during the Grahame years? :unsure:

"It is madness for Bristol City to be paying Yeovil £4k for Stewart to be banging them in for them."

I'm sorry but you know that we are well rid and we have already had more than our pound of flesh from down the road-think Jevo (our top scorer to be this season) and Sir Gary (leagues 1 top banana) :banana:

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Ha ha well as long as he is as far away from our Club as possible thats enough for me.

You will find he has supported this club a LOT LOT longer than you have. He has been seen at away grounds up north supporting City when he hasnt had a game the same day.

So for you to say something like that is really quite pathetic.

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You will find he has supported this club a LOT LOT longer than you have. He has been seen at away grounds up north supporting City when he hasnt had a game the same day.

So for you to say something like that is really quite pathetic.

Oh is that right? I bet he hasan't matey. I have been everywhere with that club i bleed red and white i can guarantee you Marcus Stewart doesn't.

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Oh is that right? I bet he hasan't matey. I have been everywhere with that club i bleed red and white i can guarantee you Marcus Stewart doesn't.

Sorry, I was determined not to answer your pathetic attempts at joining in a debate on here, but this last statement from you just takes the biscuit !!!!!

All you have done, is make totally false accusations again and again against Marcus Stewart, (and don't forget he is still a Bristol City employee), I have read most of your posts on here, and very rarely do you say anything at all that is constructive on a forum, all you do is inform us all, on what an unfit, leader of the drinking culture at AG, and tell everyone what a waste of space and disruptive influence he was (and stiill is) on the rest of the squad, and now you tell us you are more than a city supporter than he is, there are quite a few people on here who do not rate Marcus Stewart, but most of them give a creditable argument, YOU, just sit there making everything and anything up about the man, it really is pathetic.

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Sorry, I was determined not to answer your pathetic attempts at joining in a debate on here, but this last statement from you just takes the biscuit !!!!!

All you have done, is make totally false accusations again and again against Marcus Stewart, (and don't forget he is still a Bristol City employee), I have read most of your posts on here, and very rarely do you say anything at all that is constructive on a forum, all you do is inform us all, on what an unfit, leader of the drinking culture at AG, and tell everyone what a waste of space and disruptive influence he was (and stiill is) on the rest of the squad, and now you tell us you are more than a city supporter than he is, there are quite a few people on here who do not rate Marcus Stewart, but most of them give a creditable argument, YOU, just sit there making everything and anything up about the man, it really is pathetic.

Because you don't want to believe the truth.

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In that case tell me what the the truth is then?, and when I say the truth, what I mean by that is, facts, not made up accusations by yourself.

He is gone, he is gone, he is gone! I am not going to sit here wasting my time typing what an attitude he is just to satisfy you. I'm just glad he is gone and what a better team we are for that! As you can see from the league position :D

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Sorry, I was determined not to answer your pathetic attempts at joining in a debate on here, but this last statement from you just takes the biscuit !!!!!

All you have done, is make totally false accusations again and again against Marcus Stewart, (and don't forget he is still a Bristol City employee), I have read most of your posts on here, and very rarely do you say anything at all that is constructive on a forum, all you do is inform us all, on what an unfit, leader of the drinking culture at AG, and tell everyone what a waste of space and disruptive influence he was (and stiill is) on the rest of the squad, and now you tell us you are more than a city supporter than he is, there are quite a few people on here who do not rate Marcus Stewart, but most of them give a creditable argument, YOU, just sit there making everything and anything up about the man, it really is pathetic.

And so say all of us! :clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping::clapping:

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Sorry, I was determined not to answer your pathetic attempts at joining in a debate on here, but this last statement from you just takes the biscuit !!!!!

All you have done, is make totally false accusations again and again against Marcus Stewart, (and don't forget he is still a Bristol City employee), I have read most of your posts on here, and very rarely do you say anything at all that is constructive on a forum, all you do is inform us all, on what an unfit, leader of the drinking culture at AG, and tell everyone what a waste of space and disruptive influence he was (and stiill is) on the rest of the squad, and now you tell us you are more than a city supporter than he is, there are quite a few people on here who do not rate Marcus Stewart, but most of them give a creditable argument, YOU, just sit there making everything and anything up about the man, it really is pathetic.

Well Redtilldead, That young lady was due that!!!!!

To be honest, i thought when she joined that her comments were okish, but did rant on to much about her lover S Brooker, but even I'm getting totally jarred off about her comments ref M Stewart.

And to be fair to you, you normally are the one or two sentence poster so i can tell this one is from the heart.

Its frustrating because most on here know what my thoughts on MS being away from our club, and i try my best not to continue or now even ignore certain posters that basically continue to slag the bloke off.

The bottom line is the debate wont ever go away untill Marcus is gone for good from BCFC, hence my post a couple of months back..."LIKE IT OR NOT".

9000 reads and many posts for and against.

Getting back to the young lady, wont be rude to her, but she must realise how Stewart fans feel and just imagine a post starting, "BROOKER, THE UNFIT PRISONER".

Awful, and i aint happy to post it, will probably get slated for it, but fans are allowed to speak as they feel, just sometimes it gets awfuly out of hand.

PS, Brooker is quality and much needed back up front, just a statement...Legend.

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Well Redtilldead, That young lady was due that!!!!!

To be honest, i thought when she joined that her comments were okish, but did rant on to much about her lover S Brooker, but even I'm getting totally jarred off about her comments ref M Stewart.

And to be fair to you, you normally are the one or two sentence poster so i can tell this one is from the heart.

Its frustrating because most on here know what my thoughts on MS being away from our club, and i try my best not to continue or now even ignore certain posters that basically continue to slag the bloke off.

The bottom line is the debate wont ever go away untill Marcus is gone for good from BCFC, hence my post a couple of months back..."LIKE IT OR NOT".

9000 reads and many posts for and against.

Getting back to the young lady, wont be rude to her, but she must realise how Stewart fans feel and just imagine a post starting, "BROOKER, THE UNFIT PRISONER".

Awful, and i aint happy to post it, will probably get slated for it, but fans are allowed to speak as they feel, just sometimes it gets awfuly out of hand.

PS, Brooker is quality and much needed back up front, just a statement...Legend.

Excuse me but people have posted unecessary things about Steve Brooker whether it has been to wind me up or because they actually think it. But I'm not allowed to say anything re Stewart. How is that fair then???

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Excuse me but people have posted unecessary things about Steve Brooker whether it has been to wind me up or because they actually think it. But I'm not allowed to say anything re Stewart. How is that fair then???

Sarah, don't talk rubbish, Brooker has done a lot worse in the last few months than what Stewart ever has.

Like it not, it really is the truth.

Best thing is to ignore all posts concerning Stewart or the lads and lasses on here that are on his side really will give you a hard time about it.

Brooker to me is quality, the quicker he gets back and knocks those goals in for the City the better.

don't give you any rights to carry on slaging off a player that we all like, and STILL part of the BCFC setup.

Please please, try and understand.

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Sarah, don't talk rubbish, Brooker has done a lot worse in the last few months than what Stewart ever has.

Like it not, it really is the truth.

Best thing is to ignore all posts concerning Stewart or the lads and lasses on here that are on his side really will give you a hard time about it.

Brooker to me is quality, the quicker he gets back and knocks those goals in for the City the better.

don't give you any rights to carry on slaging off a player that we all like, and STILL part of the BCFC setup.

Please please, try and understand.

Right when the slating of Brooks stops so will my slating of Marcus. Doesn't mean i want him back though. I didn't realise you were a big Stewart fan by the way. You are the last person on here i would wish to offend.

But Brooks may have got himself in bother but nobody can say he doesn't give his all when he plays. And what do you mean a lot worse??? He made one mistake which he payed a very harsh penalty for.

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Some mention on here about the "drinking culture" and how MS likes a pint and how he is a bad influence etc etc etc.

Well, let's get that into perspective.

MS didn't go on a bender on a nice sunny afternoon and end up scrapping in a club and in the street, then followed it up a year later by being jailed did he ?

If people persist in accusing MS of being a boozer, then at least include Brooker, Orr, Brown and Partridge in the accusations - at least they've proven themselves to be pissheads who can't handle their drink. Now that's a bad influence on the rest of the players, especially the younger ones.

OK, thats in the past now and we've moved on - so why not move on from the MS boozer accusations and his bad influence ?

As someone said, he's still our player - same as Brooker, Orr, Brown and Partridge.

Quality reply Cynic, i said he is "STILL OUR PLAYER", and your right the same as Brooks, Orr, Brown and Partridge............nice one :clapping:

Right when the slating of Brooks stops so will my slating of Marcus. Doesn't mean i want him back though. I didn't realise you were a big Stewart fan by the way. You are the last person on here i would wish to offend.

Thanks Sarah, i would never ever slag anyone who trys their rollocks off for our lot, and especially Brooker who on his day is by far far the best player in the club.

My defence for Stewart is how many slate him for his off pitch antics, and not for his love for our club.

Let me assure you now 100%, he would swap that green and white shirt anytime for the red of Bristol City.

He really is a diehard fan, will always be, and when he retires will be passionate about following our club.

How do i know? Well u got trust me on that one!

Yerselve, well your a breath of fresh air on here, never seen replys so quick, and can tell how much you love the club.( oh sorry S Brooker :laugh: )

Nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong with you!

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Quality reply Cynic, i said he is "STILL OUR PLAYER", and your right the same as Brooks, Orr, Brown and Partridge............nice one :clapping:

Thanks Sarah, i would never ever slag anyone who trys their rollocks off for our lot, and especially Brooker who on his day is by far far the best player in the club.

My defence for Stewart is how many slate him for his off pitch antics, and not for his love for our club.

Let me assure you now 100%, he would swap that green and white shirt anytime for the red of Bristol City.

He really is a diehard fan, will always be, and when he retires will be passionate about following our club.

How do i know? Well u got trust me on that one!

Yerselve, well your a breath of fresh air on here, never seen replys so quick, and can tell how much you love the club.( oh sorry S Brooker :laugh: )

Nothing wrong with that, and nothing wrong with you!

I love Bristol City Football club with all my heart always have and always will long before Steve Brooker arrived. Yes i do feel a lot for Steve its pointless denying that. But i love the club too. and want promotion more than you can imagine. Even if Steve left tomorrow i would still be supporting this club with all my heart and soul.

I think its passion which sometimes makes not just me but all of us type things in the heat of the moment. Its not always meant as it comes out.

Redlegend you make me laugh and i think you are great . You are the last person on here i would want to argue with. xx

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I love Bristol City Football club with all my heart always have and always will long before Steve Brooker arrived. Yes i do feel a lot for Steve its pointless denying that. But i love the club too. and want promotion more than you can imagine. Even if Steve left tomorrow i would still be supporting this club with all my heart and soul.

I think its passion which sometimes makes not just me but all of us type things in the heat of the moment. Its not always meant as it comes out.

Redlegend you make me laugh and i think you are great . You are the last person on here i would want to argue with. xx

Spot on, and with that..You Reds, Come on you Reds............. :farmer:

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Right when the slating of Brooks stops so will my slating of Marcus. Doesn't mean i want him back though. I didn't realise you were a big Stewart fan by the way. You are the last person on here i would wish to offend.

But Brooks may have got himself in bother but nobody can say he doesn't give his all when he plays. And what do you mean a lot worse??? He made one mistake which he payed a very harsh penalty for.

Can you please tell us what your problem is with Marcus Stewart? I've never ever known so much bollocks to be posted that hadn't had some truth in it before, he's not fat, hes not unfit, hes not a piss head and hes not worse than Corr, Jevons, Brooker or anyone else we've had here in the past 18 months. Did he wrong you in some way in the past? Can you please tell us all why you have so much hatred for a player that just wanted to play football for the team he grew up supporting?

Please let us have a sneak into your bitter mind so that we can make some sense of it all.

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Can you please tell us what your problem is with Marcus Stewart? I've never ever known so much bollocks to be posted that hadn't had some truth in it before, he's not fat, hes not unfit, hes not a piss head and hes not worse than Corr, Jevons, Brooker or anyone else we've had here in the past 18 months. Did he wrong you in some way in the past? Can you please tell us all why you have so much hatred for a player that just wanted to play football for the team he grew up supporting?

Please let us have a sneak into your bitter mind so that we can make some sense of it all.

Oh dear Ade, just sent the young lady a PM sort of poliety saying the same thing.

She might bite back mucker...firework night :blink:

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Can you please tell us what your problem is with Marcus Stewart? I've never ever known so much bollocks to be posted that hadn't had some truth in it before, he's not fat, hes not unfit, hes not a piss head and hes not worse than Corr, Jevons, Brooker or anyone else we've had here in the past 18 months. Did he wrong you in some way in the past? Can you please tell us all why you have so much hatred for a player that just wanted to play football for the team he grew up supporting?

Please let us have a sneak into your bitter mind so that we can make some sense of it all.

Read previous post i made.

Oh dear Ade, just sent the young lady a PM sort of poliety saying the same thing.

She might bite back mucker...firework night :blink:

Was he one of the ones who said whose that b***** SarahB? :)

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Oh dear Ade, just sent the young lady a PM sort of poliety saying the same thing.

She might bite back mucker...firework night :blink:

I'm tired of hearing falses Red, shes a big girl now, if she knows something that we don't about MS then let her share it with us, what harm can it do, will she tell us that Bas has scored more in the Prem than MS or Brooker has played in the prem or has been touted to play for England. We know why Stewart isn't playing for Bristol City and it has nothing to do with his football ability.

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Spot on, and with that..You Reds, Come on you Reds............. :farmer:


I'm tired of hearing falses Red, shes a big girl now, if she knows something that we don't about MS then let her share it with us, what harm can it do, will she tell us that Bas has scored more in the Prem than MS or Brooker has played in the prem or has been touted to play for England. We know why Stewart isn't playing for Bristol City and it has nothing to do with his football ability.

Ok ok ok. Geez. Read my previous post x

I love Bristol City Football club with all my heart always have and always will long before Steve Brooker arrived. Yes i do feel a lot for Steve its pointless denying that. But i love the club too. and want promotion more than you can imagine. Even if Steve left tomorrow i would still be supporting this club with all my heart and soul.

I think its passion which sometimes makes not just me but all of us type things in the heat of the moment. Its not always meant as it comes out.

Redlegend you make me laugh and i think you are great . You are the last person on here i would want to argue with. xx

This one above:

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I really haven't got a clue what you are talking about, are you saying it's your love to Steve Brooker which makes you loathe Marcus Stewart? Do you even know yourself why you dislike Marcus Stewart so much?

Is it one of those girlie crushes you have which makes you like Robbie out of Take that but not Gary Barlow situations, please explain or just copy and paste it, you must have written it in white text cause I can't see it.

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