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Robbored would you be at least willing to bring the matter to the attention of other commitee members as one of them may be willing to act on fellow supporters of Bristol City behalf instead of yourself ?

This is getting tiresome.

Once again - I nor the committee have been asked to take up the issue of the EE nor have we been asked to put up the petition by any of our members.

Read my earlier posts on this thread and maybe you'll get a clearer picture.

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Blimey ! Thats a bit strong.... Who do you think you are saying things like that !!

(Unless you know the guy I think that is a very short sighted response)

:clapping: He may be big in the SC but :dunno:

he knows nathing :disapointed2se:

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:dunno: he knows nathing :disapointed2se:

Pot, Kettle and Black come to mind.

Robbered has repeatedly given reasons for the supporters club not becoming involved in the East End debate, which, if you would LISTEN to them, you would realise are completely valid.

This also applies to the clubs stance on the East End. Just because you don't like the reasons given by the club, does not make them any less valid.

Perhaps if you LISTENED more, then you would understand why the club has taken that stance on the EE.


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Pot, Kettle and Black come to mind.

Robbered has repeatedly given reasons for the supporters club not becoming involved in the East End debate, which, if you would LISTEN to them, you would realise are completely valid.

This also applies to the clubs stance on the East End. Just because you don't like the reasons given by the club, does not make them any less valid.

Perhaps if you LISTENED more, then you would understand why the club has taken that stance on the EE.


Where there is a will there is a way on the E.E subject; unfortunately there is no will at the moment.

"CHEERING FOR THE OPPOSITION" comment is a sad from someone who should know better though. :disapointed2se:

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No members have asked for the petition to put up anywhere within the SC bars.


As a member of the Supporters Club, could I ask if the petition could be put up within the SC bars.



It seems to me that the club is stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one and in the end they have opted for the safe option of keeping it shut. That's all, no conspiracy or plan to strangle the club, they're just playing it safe. And I have to admit, when it comes to a crowd control decision that you are going to be held accountable for, I don't blame them.

That's a fair point.

But thats one of the problems of this country in general today - too many people "playing it safe" and hiding behind idiotic health & safety dictacts issued by very sad people.

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As Chairman of the Supporters Club I don't feel its my or the committee's role to actively seek to persue any particular issue unless we are specifically asked to do so.Our role is and always has been to raise money for the Football Club.

That's a fair point - however, in my opinion Supporters Club money would be far better utilised buying into the shares of the club, rather than giving it as income, because in the long run the supporters would have more of a say in how the club is run.

Let me have the petition anf I'll put in on the agenda for next weeks committee meeting.


I believe North Street has already sent it to you.

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That's a fair point - however, in my opinion Supporters Club money would be far better utilised buying into the shares of the club, rather than giving it as income, because in the long run the supporters would have more of a say in how the club is run.

Spot on, the ST are gradually getting shares in the club and over the long term will get some sort of influence onto goings on at the club, even if their share holding is minimal, so at least the money is going to a good cause........kinda.

The SC money just goes into the clubs' big black hole of cash, and although all donations are welcome no doubt, they don't seem to get any say into where it goes or get any ST benefit of shares within the club,

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in my opinion Supporters Club money would be far better utilised buying into the shares of the club, rather than giving it as income, because in the long run the supporters would have more of a say in how the club is run.

An excellent shout from NickJ.

Remember folks, the greater the shareholding = the greater the say in the running of any public or private company.

Buy the shares !!!!!! :farmer:

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Spot on, the ST are gradually getting shares in the club and over the long term will get some sort of influence onto goings on at the club, even if their share holding is minimal, so at least the money is going to a good cause........kinda.

The SC money just goes into the clubs' big black hole of cash, and although all donations are welcome no doubt, they don't seem to get any say into where it goes or get any ST benefit of shares within the club,

Message for Robbored - would it be possible for a motion to be put forward at the next meeting that future SC surplus funds are used to buy shares in the club?

Apologies if this forum not an appropriate place for this, but don't know where else to direct the request.


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An excellent shout from NickJ.

Remember folks, the greater the shareholding = the greater the say in the running of any public or private company.

Buy the shares !!!!!! :farmer:

Of course you could look at it another way.

If, for example, eveyone who attended the last City game at AG signed up to join the Supporters Trust just think how many shares we could buy and just think how loud our voice would be in the board room.

Going to get your application in the post RG?

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Of course you could look at it another way.

If, for example, eveyone who attended the last City game at AG signed up to join the Supporters Trust just think how many shares we could buy and just think how loud our voice would be in the board room.

Going to get your application in the post RG?

Some how the Share Trust suddenly looks like a more attractive proposition. :clapping:

What value of shares would it need for the Share Trust to take control of BCFC and the Ashton Gate Stadium Company?

Some how the Share Trust suddenly looks like a more attractive proposition. :clapping:

What value of shares would it need for the Share Trust to take control of BCFC and the Ashton Gate Stadium Company?

Before I get a rebuke from tompo I mean 'Supporters Trust' not 'Share Trust'. :D

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Some how the Share Trust suddenly looks like a more attractive proposition. :clapping:

What value of shares would it need for the Share Trust to take control of BCFC and the Ashton Gate Stadium Company?

Before I get a rebuke from tompo I mean 'Supporters Trust' not 'Share Trust'. :D

Hope the trust don't mind me diving in on this one, but I am a member.

The answer RG is, think of a number and add lots of noughts to it.

It is not a stated aim of the trust to actually take control of the club. Though, as a member, it is mine, however unrealistic that might be.

Just join up and see where it takes us!

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(2) Wrong again - Lansdowns' attitude to the EE is very sound.He has and Sexstone have explained the reasons on many occaisions but people like you simply don't want to hear it.You would rather feel hard done by and bitter towards the club.

And your rod needs bigger bait, and better breaking strain line, Mr Robbored, and perhaps it is you who is wrong, and our "illustrious" chairman, and his errr se....fellow board member.

Just an observation like.

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That's a fair point - however, in my opinion Supporters Club money would be far better utilised buying into the shares of the club, rather than giving it as income, because in the long run the supporters would have more of a say in how the club is run.


The Supporters Club already have a significant number of shares. As I intimated before the SC is not designed to be politically motivated organisation.

That said, if an issue arose that a significant number of members wanted us to address then we would do so.

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Guest Jan Mollars Gloves

Is that all IT REALLY took for it to be taken to the SC ??

No wonder that group is SO out of touch with the average fan !

Lets get real here. The Supporters Club will never want to rock any boat.

It looks as if they are very much a commitee who don't deal in a proactive way.

They will only represent those few on the commitee. As I have not known them seek ideas from members.

The Supporters Club have now got a large membership & wouldn't it be a positive stance to give out a voting form when the members enter the clubs on match days.

Ask the members what they really think about issues - especially the East End.

Then when the committee meet & review the response, the Chairman can take the Supporters views to the Board meetings he attends.

Then the Supporters Club will really be the voice of the fans.

Not rocket stuff is it?

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The Supporters Club have now got a large membership & wouldn't it be a positive stance to give out a voting form when the members enter the clubs on match days.

Ask the members what they really think about issues - especially the East End.

Then when the committee meet & review the response, the Chairman can take the Supporters views to the Board meetings he attends.

Then the Supporters Club will really be the voice of the fans.

Not rocket stuff is it?

I would not want to use the access that the SC has to its members to seek support for any particular issue.I would see that as an abuse of power. Its unacceptable to have the tail wagging the dog.

Its far more democratic for the members to approach me or the committee if they have an issue that they felt strongly about and in sufficient numbers to qualify the issue as a reflection of the memberships views.

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Just out of interest how do you become a member of the SC ?

You pay a fiver to enable you to get in the Dolman and then you are a bronze Supporters Club member, although there are different levels of membership that someone better informed than me could tell you about.

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You pay a fiver to enable you to get in the Dolman and then you are a bronze Supporters Club member, although there are different levels of membership that someone better informed than me could tell you about.

OK thanks Dolly, I thought it was all about being recommended etc...

So anyone who paid their £5 for the Red and White bar is a SC member ?!?

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Guest Jan Mollars Gloves

I would not want to use the access that the SC has to its members to seek support for any particular issue.I would see that as an abuse of power. Its unacceptable to have the tail wagging the dog.

Surely a Supporters Club, represents it's members & should it not interact with them.

If it needs to escape from what has been called a drinking club, then surely it would benefit from active rappour with it's members.

How can it been seen of an abuse of power, if the club is asking it's paid up members for their views & ideas.

Isn't this what Lansdown wants, closer links with as many fans as possible - not just those fortunate to be at the helm of the Trust or Supporters Club.

Its far more democratic for the members to approach me or the committee if they have an issue that they felt strongly about and in sufficient numbers to qualify the issue as a reflection of the memberships views.

Again can't agree here. Surely a Supporters Club is there to work for & with it's members. Looking at initiatives & seeking ideas to represent the fans. As the Trust are trying to do. They way you put it over smacks of a them & us culture. If anyone has idea, then they have to come to you? Shouldn't you be putting yourselves the the customers shoes?

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The Supporters Club already have a significant number of shares. As I intimated before the SC is not designed to be politically motivated organisation.

That said, if an issue arose that a significant number of members wanted us to address then we would do so.

The second sentence is a fair enough comment, however, no-one is looking for the SC to be political, just do what is right for Bristol City. I accept that the SC has historically been a drinking club with aims to put more money into Bristol City, but like it or not, with a now vastly inflated membership of 3,000, perhaps it ought to set its sights a little higher. Dare I say it, but perhaps the ST would quite like a merger. As a member of both, I think that should be the long term objective. The ST could do an awful lot with access to that level of membership, things that the SC could not and will not do because that has never been its aim.

Whether the owners of football clubs like it or not, there is a steadily increasing feeling among football fans that ownership should return to its supporters rather than being controlled by one or two egotistical, dictatorial individuals. And that isnt a criticism of our own SteveL, I dare say that there are many of us who might act the same way if in a position to do so. It is a criticism of what football has allowed itself to become.

I for one would like to register my desire that the SC investigates ways of utilising its strong membership for the supporters to buy shares in the club.

How many more would you need Robbored to take that to the committee?


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No wonder that group is SO out of touch with the average fan !


Considering some of the postings and reponses from robbored, out of touch with the average fan is an almighty understate,

just the responses to the posts on this thread on others show that generally they have no idea what the man on the street thinks, nor do the care really?

I am a member of the supporters club, apparently he makes himself avaiable to be spoken to, however....does anyone actually know who he is? No? so how can he actually be approached? and as it seems he doesn't seem to make himself pro-actively available for supporters to talk to.

How is he elected chairman? surely with this new grown membership base, someone to actually make the supporters club a worthwhile organisation which actually represents the fans, lets be honest if they were doing what they should be, would the Supporters Trust have ever got started?

Compare Bristol City Supporters Club and Bristol Rovers Supporters Club...........1-0 to the Gas

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Guest Jan Mollars Gloves


Considering some of the postings and reponses from robbored, out of touch with the average fan is an almighty understate,

just the responses to the posts on this thread on others show that generally they have no idea what the man on the street thinks, nor do the care really?

I am a member of the supporters club, apparently he makes himself avaiable to be spoken to, however....does anyone actually know who he is? No? so how can he actually be approached? and as it seems he doesn't seem to make himself pro-actively available for supporters to talk to.

How is he elected chairman? surely with this new grown membership base, someone to actually make the supporters club a worthwhile organisation which actually represents the fans, lets be honest if they were doing what they should be, would the Supporters Trust have ever got started?

Compare Bristol City Supporters Club and Bristol Rovers Supporters Club...........1-0 to the Gas

This exactly right.

robbored is expressing a view that is concerning me.

He says that fans should come to him? Surely with such a captive membership & opportunity to tap into it, I would have thought the Supporters Club could begin to listen to its members & actively respond to what is being said.

I don't like the seperation in the Dolman Hall - as we are all supporters club members. The Trust make themselves known. So should members of the Supporters Club Commitee.

The voice of the fans is SO important. The Supporters Club should use this to their advantage.

robbored make the most of a major opportunity to influence things.

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This exactly right.

robbored is expressing a view that is concerning me.

He says that fans should come to him? Surely with such a captive membership & opportunity to tap into it, I would have thought the Supporters Club could begin to listen to its members & actively respond to what is being said.

I don't like the seperation in the Dolman Hall - as we are all supporters club members. The Trust make themselves known. So should members of the Supporters Club Commitee.

The voice of the fans is SO important. The Supporters Club should use this to their advantage.

robbored make the most of a major opportunity to influence things.

The SC does listen to its members, and indeed has when they have expressed their views on particular issues.

As I have already said several times - not one SC member has approached me regarding the EE issue.Therefore the SC hs not got involved in the debate.

Its not rocket science to work out who I am.I'm a regular poster on this forum and can be found on matchdays in the SC lounge bar along with several committee members.I even read out the team sheet!

All any member has to do is ask to speak to me or a committee member.

I don't see the role of the SC as a political or militant organisation and we do not therefore actively seek the views of our members.However we would respond and take up the baton on any issue that was brought to our attention assuming it was the overall consensus of our members.One or two blokes complaining about something is hardly likely to carry any weight which is why it has to be a 'general consensus' of membership.

If enough SC members - say 750, which is approx 25% of the membership came and wanted us to support the opening of the EE then we would canvas the remaining 75% before taking the issue any furher. Assuming we had a positive response of over 50% then we would persue the matter with the board.

On a personal note - I as chairman of the SC do not 'influence' anything.Nor do any of my committee.We are not in that kind of buisness.We get no priveledges of any kind from the FC - nor do we seek them.All the time we put into the SC is entirely voluntary.

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What do the East End campaigners think are the real reasons for the club not opening it up? If you don't believe the ones stated by the club you must think that there are some kind of ulterior motives in place here, what are they?

Basically it's not of benefit to families or prawn sarnie, sorry, coperate types so is in kinda entire opposition to the current board's whole ethos.

The SC does listen to its members, and indeed has when they have expressed their views on particular issues.

As I have already said several times - not one SC member has approached me regarding the EE issue.Therefore the SC hs not got involved in the debate.

Does the following not count as an approach or have I missed something?......


As a member of the Supporters Club, could I ask if the petition could be put up within the SC bars.



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