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Negative Support At Rotherham


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Do you know Ian (BB) personally Macca?

I very much doubt it, and for that reason wonder why you should make such a rash comment.

Reading into your personal profile, i can personally assure you that BB was on the terracing following our beloved club, long before you were a twinkle in your mothers eye!!!!!

Trust me, he,s done his fair share of singing in his time to!!! (albeit out of tune ;) )

And may i ask where you travel from each Saturday to folllow the boys?

Lets just say BB travels a fair old way further than most.

And finally, you mention "negativity".

Are you 100% what that word means?

He,s far far from that! You don't win poster of the year, write weekly Citys match report for the Forum, and gain much respect from fellow posters for his comments!!!!

so because hes older and lives in chesterfield he is a better fan than a younger lad who lives in bristol?

i never posted any replies to your arguments on the marcus stewart situation, but living in kingswood and having spoken to marcus in bar celona chasers and the essex on separate occasions i know a lot of what you posted was cr@p

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so because hes older and lives in chesterfield he is a better fan than a younger lad who lives in bristol?

i never posted any replies to your arguments on the marcus stewart situation, but living in kingswood and having spoken to marcus in bar celona chasers and the essex on separate occasions i know a lot of what you posted was cr@p

Where have i said it makes him a better fan than a younger man who lives in Bristol?

I havent, just stating the effort over the years he has made following the team.

For years he travelled from London to follow the team as well

Oh and thanks to the Marcus Stewart bit....its dead and buried, like the subforum

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Where have i said it makes him a better fan than a younger man who lives in Bristol?

I havent, just stating the effort over the years he has made following the team.

For years he travelled from London to follow the team as well

Oh and thanks to the Marcus Stewart bit....its dead and buried, like the subforum

think this covers it:

"BB was on the terracing following our beloved club, long before you were a twinkle in your mothers eye!!!!!"

"And may i ask where you travel from each Saturday to folllow the boys?"

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think this covers it:

"BB was on the terracing following our beloved club, long before you were a twinkle in your mothers eye!!!!!"

"And may i ask where you travel from each Saturday to folllow the boys?"

Same place as you, good ald Kingswood!

Whats that got to do with it?

The truth is YKIR is BB has followed City for a long time.

My point was,nt supposed to undermine Macca , infact hes a bloody good young poster, but BB aint a crap fan......honest

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I've only supported city for 20 years, and I don't go to every away game, but like most city fans I have spent a lot of money on football. This gives us the right to say whatever we want about our players etc.

However, I believe that a supporter SUPPORTS, encouarges, invests, constructively critisizes(sic?), has loyalty and belief in who or what they are supporting.

What makes me angry about my "matchday experience" is people who moan constantly, do not encourage the players, esp. when getting on the backs of individual players.

Why don't these people **** **f, or start getting behind the lads, and maybe a little praise would be good, were THIRD for god's sake, and still everyone moans.

I was not at Rotherham this season, last season our support was very good, I hope what I have read on this thread is not true, because if it is I am disappointed, although not surprised.

By the way, quality not quantity. Its not how long you've supported your team, or how many games you go to, its how you support your team that matters.

Get behind our lads no matter what happens. :city::city::city:


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Aside from all the who's a better fan pissing contests, I'd like to ask BB a question.

I don't dispute that you have the right to moan at a player if you want, or to be frustrated at our ongoing underachievement... but what on earth does moaning at a player during a game achieve?

Do you think it makes them play any better or is it just to make you feel better? Do you think negativity of any sort can possibly improve the game a player is having? Don't you think constructive criticism is better given after the final whistle?

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Same place as you, good ald Kingswood!

Whats that got to do with it?

The truth is YKIR is BB has followed City for a long time.

My point was,nt supposed to undermine Macca , infact hes a bloody good young poster, but BB aint a crap fan......honest

think you'll find i was quoting you on that (if you knew that and were being sarcastic then my fault)

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i will be honest and admit that i have slagged off players at games, however, not because they are playing cr@p but only if they seem to be lacking in effort or bottling tackles/headers, players in recent years include aaron brown, christian roberts and clayton fortune to name a few.

players like scott murray who have clearly been out of form but are giving 100% need encouragement

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So, once again, without pretending you've not seen this..

If hes a part timer, what are you, after declaring you wont be purchasing a season ticket due to bad performances?


I don't deliberately ignore your stuff.......honest. :whistle2:

It just tends to be rather pointless and you seem to spend half your life trawling back through my posts trying to pick out comments that I made ages ago, in different times (Nine Consequetive Defeats, for example) or about a completly different subject, that is now irrelevant due to the passage of time.What I said at the time may be right and may be wrong-Point is-who gives a toss what I said ten months ago?? and before some whit of Oscar Wylde proportions says it, who gives a toss what I or you say now?

After following City all over the country (Think I've done over 80 of the 92 grounds, appx) taking my life in my hands in a way that our younger brethren, with all respect to them, wouldn't understand in these more sanitised times (Please don't take my word for it ask someone like Arny or Leader who've been there themselves) and making a 260 mile round trip for a home game, I wouldn't consider myself a part timer for threatening not to buy a ST.In fact, I may not buy one next season because I could, that is could, so please don't bother to bookmark this, be living abroad, although I'll still post on here just to annoy you :devil:

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so because hes older and lives in chesterfield he is a better fan than a younger lad who lives in bristol?

Mate your Geography and sense of irony is as off the mark as your postings.I don't live in Chesterfield, I merely used that as an example of a fan living miles away not being surrounded by City supporters who wanted to travel to every game.Cynic mentioned travelling from North Wales.Christ, come on, you got it, didn't you? And no, :blink: it doesn't make me better, that isn't the point at all.You started this nonsense with "no wonder he travels on his own" Give me strength

i never posted any replies to your arguments on the marcus stewart situation,

To busy replying to mine :whistle2:

but living in kingswood and having spoken to marcus in bar celona chasers and the essex on separate occasions

So it's not true he liked a drink then? I bet he'll bless you for putting that on here

i know a lot of what you posted was cr@p

I wouldn't think so.........in fact I know so.The whole point of a Forum is to post stuff yourself and then provide supporting facts.

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I don't deliberately ignore your stuff.......honest. :whistle2:

.In fact, I may not buy one next season because I could, that is could so please don't bother to bookmark this, be living abroad, although I'll still post on here just to annoy you :devil:

An even longer pilgrimage every fortnight then. :w00t:

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I've only supported city for 20 years, and I don't go to every away game, but like most city fans I have spent a lot of money on football. This gives us the right to say whatever we want about our players etc.

Correct-Good or Bad

However, I believe that a supporter SUPPORTS, encouarges, invests, constructively critisizes(sic?), has loyalty and belief in who or what they are supporting.

Loyalty, yes to a point, but it has to cut both ways and I would dispute that.Belief?......I am from the Geoffrey Boycott school when it comes to belief.I cannot deny the evidence of my own eyes.Support, as you describe it, sounds more like blind faith and that isn't support, which, IMHO is conditional.As GJ himself said "We've got to give them (US) something to sing & shout about"

When I see a pro nearly get another pro's leg broken with a crap pass, I boil over and, whilst I''ll apologise to anyone offended by that at the time, I'm afraid it's instinctive.I'm the same in business and in life and if I see something unacceptable or out of order, I'll do something about it if necessary or say something if that covers it.Sorry old chap if you can cheer players when they're not doing it, then I take my hat of to you.I can't.......and in another 20 years, you might be the same? :dunno:

What makes me angry about my "matchday experience" is people who moan constantly, do not encourage the players, esp. when getting on the backs of individual players.

Praise & Criticism, they all get it evenly as far as I'm concerned and, in some cases I'll stick up for certain players.....Bas for example

Why don't these people **** **f,

You're making good points, don't do that

or start getting behind the lads, and maybe a little praise would be good, were THIRD for god's sake, and still everyone moans.

"Everyone Moans"......I'm not saying you're wrong.Ever wondered why? I think it could be an age thing.Most of the happy clappys seem to be the younger supporters and, although it's a while ago, I can remember being the same.The difference was that 25/30 years back and even more recently we actually had a much better team.If I can remember rightly, a lot more moaners were about then! I reckon I've cracked this, you know.Ban the over 40's!! Trouble is the gates would have, so,back to the drawing board. :D;)


No, thankyou!

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An even longer pilgrimage every fortnight then. :w00t:

The funniest row I've ever had was on the Old Forum.

It was mainly centred around Christian Roberts and I was against, he was for.There were other things, but that was about it.

Anyway, after about three months of arguing and this bloke wanting to have me "expunged" as he put it, from the Forum, guess what??


I've never laughed so much in my life.

Perhaps I can do the Reviews after watching the extended highlights.......yeh, OK, I know, I'm getting it

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Aside from all the who's a better fan pissing contests,

Which I didn't start-just responded to

I'd like to ask BB a question.


I don't dispute that you have the right to moan at a player if you want, or to be frustrated at our ongoing underachievement...

Got it in one

but what on earth does moaning at a player during a game achieve?

Nothing-and that's the point.It does however, stop my head from exploding due to the aforementioned frustration.

Do you think it makes them play any better

Based on experience some players actually thrive on it with an "I'll show you attitude."

Do you think negativity of any sort can possibly improve the game a player is having?

Would address that to the manager if I were you

Don't you think constructive criticism is better given after the final whistle?

That, I would say is the tome of most of my reviews and ratings and, as they are compiled after the event, they are more considered.They are honest and dishonesty of the kind I sometimes see & read, borne out of psychophancy, IMHO is far more dangerous.I can't speak for other people and neither would I tell them how to support the club.It's a purely personal thing.Hope that's cleared it up.Clearly, if I am coaching staff or players I will adapt and modify my approach, seeing what works

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At the first game of the season against Scunny, a row broke out between two youngish blokes behind me and one middle aged bloke in front of me in Dolman block C because the middle aged guy was giving some stick to one of the City players (as if the player could hear him). If nearly came to a scrap but I was in the middle and didn't fancy being caught up in it so calmed it down. That was less than 20 minutes into the season !

People get caught up in the game because they are passionate about it - sad but true.

It is pointless and unhelpful - no argument against that, but it doesn't mean that those spouting the shite aren't supporters. What about people who just don't go because "the footballs crap" or "Lansdowne won't open the East End" ? They aren't getting as much stick as those who shout abuse at players - but at least those people are there.

It's part of the match experience, much the pity.

I would love to be a happy clappy.

I'm not but as you say, I'm there.

The problem is there aren't enough of us, happy clappy or grumpy old men, such as myself and we need to be throwing people in, not out.

I would love to know the actual number of what we'll call "lapsed" City fans in Bristol.

I've heard every excuse under the sun for why people don't go including one bloke who doesn't go as much because he moved..........from Clevedon to.......wait for it.......Yate!

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Crap argument.

Even if that were true, and in my experience it's the vast minority that moan, that doesn't mean that it's not completely pointless and unhelpful.

So if it's pointless and unhelpful, IYHO, it has to stop?

OK, let's examine that although you'll probably find it a "crap argument."

SMOKING-Pointless & Unhelpful-not just at football but everywhere-I don't do it so it has to stop-Great, as far as I'm aware shouting never killed anyone especially if they can't hear it.Can't say the same for passive smoking!!......and it makes your clothes stink and why do the ****ers that do it always have to stand about half an inch from your nose when they talk to you??

DRINKING-I don't drink so that can stop because it's pointless-certainly doesn't do anything for me and oh what fun it is when people trample over me getting to their seat....then they're up again two minutes later, more trampling, for another pint or a pi$$, or both.Got to have a drink half time, then come back late and block my ******g view.

STANDING UP- when City are on the attack......and there's no one in front of them........oh joy of joys.....paying for your ticket and not being able to see......That's not annoying is it and, totally constructive, helpful and with enormous point!!

KIDS-No point in them at all getting ******g chewing gum all over the seats and then all over my designer jeans that cost more than my first car!!

THE AG PA-Yippee-...."T---ys 'eam in 'ol....NO BASSO..........our 'aptain.....ooooois 'arey!!........" Quality that!!

HERBERTS IN THE DOLMAN: Ten minutes to go 0-0.Right, time for me, ignorant *****rd that I am to screw everyones view and possible enjoyment up by standing in front of........well, everyone really....**** 'em and while they're at it, let's lock the gates to prevent egress from the stand and some of the intended exit points during design......that'll work!!........."I'm a safety steward,........ really? ..........why are people falling over that gate you've locked?"


"Dear ST Holder **** **f somewhere else because we've sold your seat! You know the one you've had for thirty years"

ST Holder "Christ, who to?"

"Er, well......er, no one actually..........but it is Leatherette, padded and a tad wider if you want to pay 3 times as much for it...........oh, and £4 for a sandwhich.Alternatively you can look at it from the Dolman"

I could go on and I'm sure some of the players lie awake at night worrying about whether I'll shout at them.............I doubt it somehow, so while you're correcting me and the world start with the above then I would suggest Paedophiles, Rapists and the *****rd that I'll kill when I get my hands on him, who cloned my credit card and tried to withdraw money from a cashpoint in Egypt while the security dept and the clearing house questioned me about buying a tyre about a mile from where I live!!

Find the bloke who did that, give me his address and I promise I'll never shout at AG again, ever!! :angry::ranting::ranting:

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So if it's pointless and unhelpful, IYHO, it has to stop?

OK, let's examine that although you'll probably find it a "crap argument."

I was just pointing out to cynic that "it's alright because other people do it" is a crap argument and you know what? It is.

I hope you enjoyed throwing your toys out of your pram though, I had a good chuckle at your little rant, but I'd really work on reading comprehension because you completely missed the point.

You've admitted that the only reason you moan during a game is as a sop to your own frustration, you haven't argued that it isn't pointless and unhelpful, so I can only conclude that you think that because you're frustrated it's ok to ruin the game for the people around you and damage the confidence of the players. I wouldn't have expected anything less from you BB, it's common behaviour for people whose own little world revolves around them!

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Cracking posting I'm sure John Lennon would be proud of your use of words

Maybe not. Oh, you're being sarcastic, I see now, very clever.

What John Lennon would appreciate is the amount of time I dedicate to taking the piss out of 'grumpy old men' as well as every other target I can fit in to my busy piss taking schedule.

btw, I'm only playing, you do remember play don't you, or has it been banished from your thought's for eternity?

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I was just pointing out to cynic that "it's alright because other people do it" is a crap argument and you know what? It is.

So were yours about Odejayi, Us not signing a Target Man, Us not needing another striker etc, etc, but you are of course entitled to your opinion, even though you seem to resent others having one.Cynic was stating a fact that it happens elsewhere and not just at AG or not just by me.He didn't justify it or agree with it, he just said it was so.......or do you miss that

I hope you enjoyed throwing your toys out of your pram though, I had a good chuckle at your little rant, but I'd really work on reading comprehension because you completely missed the point.

Actually the rant was done in humour although, as usual your heads so far up your North facing Orifice you've missed the point there as well.

You've admitted that the only reason you moan during a game is as a sop to your own frustration,

At City. 40+ years worth

you haven't argued that it isn't pointless and unhelpful,

Actually I said I thought it had no effect on the players and I never said it had a huge point or it was helpful.Neither did I originally raise the discussion.That was your take on the argument and I wouldn't come at it from the same angle

so I can only conclude

You always conclude a lot and you always conclude what you thought before your read anything-that is, your mind is made up BEFORE you read anything and you pass judgement based on a set of beliefs that I don't share.Whilst I will defend your right to hold them, don't pontificate to others about what they do or how they behave.Get your own life, or things that are really important, in order first.

Man of your calibre could start with eradicating poverty in The Third World

that you think that because you're frustrated it's ok to ruin the game for the people around you and damage the confidence of the players.

We could have done with you last season touring the entire ground when Bas was playing........I spent considerable time focusing on his good points when others were slagging him off-AT THE GROUND-VERBAL-LOUD- before a ball had been kicked, so don't start telling me what I think and pretending that I'm the only bloke that ever shouted at a player.You ruin my enjoyment on this Forum, it doesn't stop you coming on here! Which players confidence have I damaged? They must have the hearing of a Wolf if they can hear me over 12,000 people!

I wouldn't have expected anything less from you BB,

How very benevolent of you-Doffs Cap, Touches Forelock.You high and mighty, PC, condacending, sanctimoneous herbert

it's common behaviour for people whose own little world revolves around them!

There you go again! What people? Have you met them or met me or do you just know, like you KNEW that GJ wasn't going to sign a target man?

Yeh, you know alright? Tell you what, I've binned the encyclopedias and the CD's, If I want to know anything, I'll PM you

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If you maon as much as they say

Which you don't know

..why do you support a city..

"a city?" :blink:

if i moaned about my car because it was lacking then id changd it

"ud u really?"

...there's always bristol RFC

Top of the Premier League, fair play, but Rugby?........wouldn't want to go to the Mem though, Gassy whiff :D

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